IQ scores


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
Woodrow Wilson’s IQ was possibly the highest of any President, and he gave us the income tax, the Fed, US entry into WWI, the League of Nations and many other things we still regret.
And more...

UNION THUGGERY ... Clayton Anti-Trust Act allowed important labor tools like strikes, pickets, and boycotts (1914)

PROHIBITION ... Eighteenth Amendment ratified prohibiting alcoholic beverages (1919)
Woodrow Wilson’s IQ was possibly the highest of any President, and he gave us the income tax, the Fed, US entry into WWI, the League of Nations and many other things we still regret.

He was also the first president to hold a Ph.D, thus losing all common sense....
Only the k00ks think that IQ in a president is everything. They are also people who you NEVER leave in charge of ANYTHING!!!
Woodrow Wilson’s IQ was possibly the highest of any President, and he gave us the income tax, the Fed, US entry into WWI, the League of Nations and many other things we still regret.

He was an evil genius. It is said that Hitler had a high-IQ as well. So does Obama. These guys just used their genius for evil rather than good.
This started off useless, and took almost no time at all to Godwin itself.
If Wilson had a high IQ, and Hitler had a high IQ then Wilson = Hitler.

Same causation reflects as poorly on Obama, Kennedy and Carter.

It won't be long before our president has a respectable IQ of 85 and Jesus returns to fly his chosen to heaven. Gawd bless Amurka.
You better check Wilson's wife's I.Q. She was president for all intents and purposes for Woodie's last two years in office after he suffered a stroke. Typical of democrats they kept Wilson's condition a secret.
IQ quizzes are quite easy, takes barely any effort to get beyond 120 myself, and that is even with getting lots of questions wrong. Personally I find IQ misleading but that's just me. :eusa_eh:
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IQ quizzes are quite easy, takes barely any effort to get beyond 120 myself, and that is even with getting lots of questions wrong. Personally I find IQ misleading but that's just me. :eusa_eh:

IQ is very misleading. I can score between 128 and 170 depending on the test.

But what does it matter? Intelligence is much more complex than those simple tests. And those tests are only designed to measure small skill sets.

Personally I think it does great damage to our culture to even allow standardized testing at this remedial level. There are far too many valuable kinds of intelligence that these tests do not even recognize.

Many of them are the most important splinter skilz within our society, like social skilz and the ability to lie convincingly. Nearly all of our successful politicians have 180 IQs at lying. Sociopaths, or just gifted liars?

GWB had a modest IQ of perhaps 135. Yet he was the national champ at political manipulation and power lust, a skill far more important than solving simple riddles or correctly interpreting metaphor.
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Meh, IQ is only an indicator of one's ability to reason. It is implementing that ability that makes the difference. That is the skill of critical thinking and far too few people practice that skill daily.
What makes a great politician and leader is his IQ as it relates to the ability to understand and deal with other people. Most politicians are geniuses at it.
Those with high measured IQs tend to lack those people skills
If Wilson had a high IQ, and Hitler had a high IQ then Wilson = Hitler.

Same causation reflects as poorly on Obama, Kennedy and Carter.

It won't be long before our president has a respectable IQ of 85 and Jesus returns to fly his chosen to heaven. Gawd bless Amurka.
No "A". It's just murka.
IQ quizzes are quite easy, takes barely any effort to get beyond 120 myself, and that is even with getting lots of questions wrong. Personally I find IQ misleading but that's just me. :eusa_eh:

IQ is very misleading. I can score between 128 and 170 depending on the test.

But what does it matter? Intelligence is much more complex than those simple tests. And those tests are only designed to measure small skill sets.

Personally I think it does great damage to our culture to even allow standardized testing at this remedial level. There are far too many valuable kinds of intelligence that these tests do not even recognize.

Many of them are the most important splinter skilz within our society, like social skilz and the ability to lie convincingly. Nearly all of our successful politicians have 180 IQs at lying. Sociopaths, or just gifted liars?

GWB had a modest IQ of perhaps 135. Yet he was the national champ at political manipulation and power lust, a skill far more important than solving simple riddles or correctly interpreting metaphor.

135 is not considered "modest".

and no one believes gWB had an IQ that high. He was also not the person responsible for the political manipulation that went on. that would be karl rove.

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