Iran agreement looks inevitable

Iran agreement looks inevitable and eyes turn to Congress Mondoweiss

The american people agree this is a good thing. The only people who hate this are Israel Firster traitors and/or War mongers.

you are kinda quoting the supporters of Chamberlain. ----
way back before 1970----there were hundreds of propaganda pamphlets still floating around in my ---semi rural/suburban town-------the most interesting was the
islamo Nazi stuff from the 1930s. People who objected to your pal ADOLF were being called
WAR MONGERS. The "agreement" will change nothing------the war in Yemen will march on----in fact it will encourage ACCELERATION of the filth you adore. The war in Yemen will spread to Saudi Arabia that much faster and the USA will be sucked into the filth you support. It might be a good thing-----get it over with that much faster

Everybody and their brother brings up Chamberlain, but the fact of the matter is the SU, Britian and the US were already anti Germany. It was a set up.
The hard right in both countries will oppose any agreement and the international sanctions group will likely fall apart.
Iran agreement looks inevitable and eyes turn to Congress Mondoweiss

The american people agree this is a good thing. The only people who hate this are Israel Firster traitors and/or War mongers.

you are kinda quoting the supporters of Chamberlain. ----
way back before 1970----there were hundreds of propaganda pamphlets still floating around in my ---semi rural/suburban town-------the most interesting was the
islamo Nazi stuff from the 1930s. People who objected to your pal ADOLF were being called
WAR MONGERS. The "agreement" will change nothing------the war in Yemen will march on----in fact it will encourage ACCELERATION of the filth you adore. The war in Yemen will spread to Saudi Arabia that much faster and the USA will be sucked into the filth you support. It might be a good thing-----get it over with that much faster

Everybody and their brother brings up Chamberlain, but the fact of the matter is the SU, Britian and the US were already anti Germany. It was a set up.

oh gee----you are really deep into the islamo Nazi propaganda --------So ----tell me all about it------the issue in your mind is that "BRITIAN" was "anti Germany"???
----and how did that unwarranted prejudice manifest itself thus justifying the blitzkrieg upon London? (I ask because I read your stuff so long ago-----in fact more
than 50 years ago-----I need a review)

btw---how do you pronounce "britian"----
and where is it?
Chamberlain decided to let Germany invade the SUDENTENLAND----because he hated germans?----
does that fact make him responsible for the invasion
of Austria and the murders of dozens of members of
my grandfather's family too?
Iran agreement looks inevitable and eyes turn to Congress Mondoweiss

The american people agree this is a good thing. The only people who hate this are Israel Firster traitors and/or War mongers.

you are kinda quoting the supporters of Chamberlain. ----
way back before 1970----there were hundreds of propaganda pamphlets still floating around in my ---semi rural/suburban town-------the most interesting was the
islamo Nazi stuff from the 1930s. People who objected to your pal ADOLF were being called
WAR MONGERS. The "agreement" will change nothing------the war in Yemen will march on----in fact it will encourage ACCELERATION of the filth you adore. The war in Yemen will spread to Saudi Arabia that much faster and the USA will be sucked into the filth you support. It might be a good thing-----get it over with that much faster

Everybody and their brother brings up Chamberlain, but the fact of the matter is the SU, Britian and the US were already anti Germany. It was a set up.

oh gee----you are really deep into the islamo Nazi propaganda --------So ----tell me all about it------the issue in your mind is that "BRITIAN" was "anti Germany"???
----and how did that unwarranted prejudice manifest itself thus justifying the blitzkrieg upon London? (I ask because I read your stuff so long ago-----in fact more
than 50 years ago-----I need a review)

btw---how do you pronounce "britian"----
and where is it?
Chamberlain decided to let Germany invade the SUDENTENLAND----because he hated germans?----
does that fact make him responsible for the invasion
of Austria and the murders of dozens of members of
my grandfather's family too?

Still there Penelope?-----tell me more about how JUSTIFIED was your hero, uncle adolf . I need that
review. You can apply the same ideas to Iran-------
well-----too late------your people are already doing it
Iran agreement looks inevitable and eyes turn to Congress Mondoweiss

The american people agree this is a good thing. The only people who hate this are Israel Firster traitors and/or War mongers.

you are kinda quoting the supporters of Chamberlain. ----
way back before 1970----there were hundreds of propaganda pamphlets still floating around in my ---semi rural/suburban town-------the most interesting was the
islamo Nazi stuff from the 1930s. People who objected to your pal ADOLF were being called
WAR MONGERS. The "agreement" will change nothing------the war in Yemen will march on----in fact it will encourage ACCELERATION of the filth you adore. The war in Yemen will spread to Saudi Arabia that much faster and the USA will be sucked into the filth you support. It might be a good thing-----get it over with that much faster

Everybody and their brother brings up Chamberlain, but the fact of the matter is the SU, Britian and the US were already anti Germany. It was a set up.

oh gee----you are really deep into the islamo Nazi propaganda --------So ----tell me all about it------the issue in your mind is that "BRITIAN" was "anti Germany"???
----and how did that unwarranted prejudice manifest itself thus justifying the blitzkrieg upon London? (I ask because I read your stuff so long ago-----in fact more
than 50 years ago-----I need a review)

btw---how do you pronounce "britian"----
and where is it?
Chamberlain decided to let Germany invade the SUDENTENLAND----because he hated germans?----
does that fact make him responsible for the invasion
of Austria and the murders of dozens of members of
my grandfather's family too?

Still there Penelope?-----tell me more about how JUSTIFIED was your hero, uncle adolf . I need that
review. You can apply the same ideas to Iran-------
well-----too late------your people are already doing it
The hard right in both countries will oppose any agreement and the international sanctions group will likely fall apart.

You are just so amazingly clearly led around by the ring in your nose.

I'm not old enough to have voted for Johnson....but bet you did, this commercial against nuclearization convinced you....

But today we have a President who is all about making certain that a nut-case empire has nucs.....

...and you're all for the guy.

The hard right in both countries will oppose any agreement and the international sanctions group will likely fall apart.

You are just so amazingly clearly led around by the ring in your nose.

I'm not old enough to have voted for Johnson....but bet you did, this commercial against nuclearization convinced you....

But today we have a President who is all about making certain that a nut-case empire has nucs.....

...and you're all for the guy.


Whenever I see a hastily constructed straw man I think of this.

First I would tell you to read the history of Poland but just checkout
Iran agreement looks inevitable and eyes turn to Congress Mondoweiss

The american people agree this is a good thing. The only people who hate this are Israel Firster traitors and/or War mongers.

you are kinda quoting the supporters of Chamberlain. ----
way back before 1970----there were hundreds of propaganda pamphlets still floating around in my ---semi rural/suburban town-------the most interesting was the
islamo Nazi stuff from the 1930s. People who objected to your pal ADOLF were being called
WAR MONGERS. The "agreement" will change nothing------the war in Yemen will march on----in fact it will encourage ACCELERATION of the filth you adore. The war in Yemen will spread to Saudi Arabia that much faster and the USA will be sucked into the filth you support. It might be a good thing-----get it over with that much faster

Everybody and their brother brings up Chamberlain, but the fact of the matter is the SU, Britian and the US were already anti Germany. It was a set up.

oh gee----you are really deep into the islamo Nazi propaganda --------So ----tell me all about it------the issue in your mind is that "BRITIAN" was "anti Germany"???
----and how did that unwarranted prejudice manifest itself thus justifying the blitzkrieg upon London? (I ask because I read your stuff so long ago-----in fact more
than 50 years ago-----I need a review)

btw---how do you pronounce "britian"----
and where is it?
Chamberlain decided to let Germany invade the SUDENTENLAND----because he hated germans?----
does that fact make him responsible for the invasion
of Austria and the murders of dozens of members of
my grandfather's family too?

Still there Penelope?-----tell me more about how JUSTIFIED was your hero, uncle adolf . I need that
review. You can apply the same ideas to Iran-------
well-----too late------your people are already doing it

First you might want to read Polands History,and there you will also find they were very anti semitic, then We all know who Harpo Marx was,

In 1930, Joseph Stalin appointed Litvinov as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs. A firm believer in collective security, Litvinov worked very hard to form a closer relationship with France and Britain.

In 1933 he successfully persuaded the United States to officially recognize the Soviet government. Franklin D. Roosevelt sent comedian Harpo Marx to the Soviet Union as a good-will ambassador, and Litvinov and Marx became friends and even performed a routine on stage together.[10]

Litvinov also actively facilitated the acceptance of the USSR into the League of Nations where he represented his country in 1934—1938.

Maxim Litvinov - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The hard right in both countries will oppose any agreement and the international sanctions group will likely fall apart.

You are just so amazingly clearly led around by the ring in your nose.

I'm not old enough to have voted for Johnson....but bet you did, this commercial against nuclearization convinced you....

But today we have a President who is all about making certain that a nut-case empire has nucs.....

...and you're all for the guy.


Me too. We have a nut case country with nukes already , its Israel. Also you have no proof they have nukes, except Israel's insistence on it since the early 90's and they were sure wrong about Iraq weren't they? Do you really think they are idiots in the talks.
Much of the deal will NOT be made public.
aka The deal will suck and they don't want anyone to know how much they had to bow down to Iran to get it......................................

In the end...............................Iran will not honor it................It's a Joke.
A lot of people thought the deal Neville Chamberllain got with Hitler was a good thing. Getting a deal and getting a good deal are very different things.

Do you really believe Chamberlain was acting on his own? No one , operates on their own In government . It bought time if anything.
A lot of people thought the deal Neville Chamberllain got with Hitler was a good thing. Getting a deal and getting a good deal are very different things.

Do you really believe Chamberlain was acting on his own? No one , operates on their own In government . It bought time if anything.
Hitler invaded Poland that same year I believe so it bought less than a year.
yes a year later, and less than a month later Stalin did with their ceasefire with the Japanese. Britian wanted Poland to let the Soviets in but they refused.
the bottom line is that there were idiots who gave a green light to Adolf-------absolutely true. During that same period of time persons who resisted kissing the stinking ass of Adolf were vilified as WAR MONGERS. In fact, persons who warned against adolf were called War
Mongers by Penelope clones. Of course chamberlain was not alone-----he had lots of supporters of his filth
The hard right in both countries will oppose any agreement and the international sanctions group will likely fall apart.

You are just so amazingly clearly led around by the ring in your nose.

I'm not old enough to have voted for Johnson....but bet you did, this commercial against nuclearization convinced you....

But today we have a President who is all about making certain that a nut-case empire has nucs.....

...and you're all for the guy.


Me too. We have a nut case country with nukes already , its Israel. Also you have no proof they have nukes, except Israel's insistence on it since the early 90's and they were sure wrong about Iraq weren't they? Do you really think they are idiots in the talks.

Israel has had nukes for more than 50 years and never used them FOR ANY PURPOSE-------nut is as nut does.
Hezbollah has baby brain smashing nail bombs and has
launched tens of thousands of them. In 1915---turkey had knives and clubs and managed to murder more than a million Armenians with them In the early 1970s----Nigerian muslims had nothing and managed to murder more than 1 million biafran Christian babies by starvation. ALL GENOCIDAL DOGS HAIL PENELOPE

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