Iran agreement looks inevitable

France has left the building......they have no intention of signing.
Iran will never honor any deal that stops their progress towards a Nuclear Weapon...............Irregardless of what is finally agreed to................Iran is just buying it needs more time to join the Nuclear Club...............................

The deal in the end will mean NOTHING...........A political victory to say................LOOKY WHAT I DID....................

It will fail..............they will not honor it..............
So?Israel has nukes Iran will get them eventually.... I say congrats to Iran!
Only apartheid Israel hates the agreement. ...... :cool: an American I'm opposed to making a deal with a country that chants Death to America..................

They are a State Sponsor of Terror..................I see no reason to respect any damned thing they say................

As a realist, they will never honor the agreement................

Our cultures are destined to clash...............they are opposite of each the Radical Islamist push for convert to ISLAM OR DIE...................they eventually will face the crowd that says.......................

WE CHOOSE THE OR ELSE OPTION..................Now do something about that...............

aka Kiss my ass Iran.

This is what pisses me off....not Iranians who were screwed over by America's foreign policy by having their elected leader overthrown in the 50's.

9-11 Attacks The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Iran agreement looks inevitable and eyes turn to Congress Mondoweiss

The american people agree this is a good thing. The only people who hate this are Israel Firster traitors and/or War mongers.
How the fuck can ANYONE say this is a "good thing" when no one knows what's in it?

You stupid LAP DOGS are the traitorous morons
Doesn't matter what's in it. :) Iran is just as deserving as ANYONE to a nuke.
most of the citation presented above by ODOROUS ---is entirely fraudulent------especially his take on the Bergen Evening Record

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