Iran attacks a U.S. Aircraftcarrier

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I thought they were are buddies now or sumthing.....

An Iranian rocket came within 1,500 yards of American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Strait of Hormuz, a Pentagon official reportedly told CNN.

The incident occurred on Saturday at approximately 11:25 a.m., 23 minutes after the Iranian navy announced that it was about to conduct a live-fire training exercise in the area, Reuters reports.

According to an NBC report, multiple rockets were fired directly but not directly at the US aircraft carrier.
I thought they were are buddies now or sumthing.....

An Iranian rocket came within 1,500 yards of American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Strait of Hormuz, a Pentagon official reportedly told CNN.

The incident occurred on Saturday at approximately 11:25 a.m., 23 minutes after the Iranian navy announced that it was about to conduct a live-fire training exercise in the area, Reuters reports.

According to an NBC report, multiple rockets were fired directly but not directly at the US aircraft carrier.
No where does the article state, infer, imply, hint at etc. That is was in anyway intentional.
So you saying it was an attack is just you talking out your ass.
I thought they were are buddies now or sumthing.....

An Iranian rocket came within 1,500 yards of American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Strait of Hormuz, a Pentagon official reportedly told CNN.

The incident occurred on Saturday at approximately 11:25 a.m., 23 minutes after the Iranian navy announced that it was about to conduct a live-fire training exercise in the area, Reuters reports.

According to an NBC report, multiple rockets were fired directly but not directly at the US aircraft carrier.
No where does the article state, infer, imply, hint at etc. That is was in anyway intentional.
So you saying it was an attack is just you talking out your ass.

Do you really believe the Iranians fired a missile and didnt know a U.S. aircraft carrier was in the vicinity? :lmao:
What the does the words "fire directly but not directly " mean anyways?

Is it hush code or something?

Lets get out of the middle east and spend the money on infrastructure, science, r&d and education. I hate the middle east.
Do you ever bother to look at the U.S. budget before you say this shit?

The federal government is more than $18 trillion in debt, spends $3.7 trillion per year, and has a deficit of more than $440 billion per year.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Do you have a plan that doesn't involve spending money the government doesn't have?

Do you have a plan to pay down the debt?

It doesn't look like you do.

All you want to do is spend money.
The Iranians are testing Obama to see what he will do.

My guess is, he's already failed the test.
I thought they were are buddies now or sumthing.....

An Iranian rocket came within 1,500 yards of American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Strait of Hormuz, a Pentagon official reportedly told CNN.

The incident occurred on Saturday at approximately 11:25 a.m., 23 minutes after the Iranian navy announced that it was about to conduct a live-fire training exercise in the area, Reuters reports.

According to an NBC report, multiple rockets were fired directly but not directly at the US aircraft carrier.
There was not an attack made. No missiles were fired in the direction of any US ship. The carrier was never under threat or danger. The Iranians announced they were about to have an exercise in advance. Not sure were you read the "directly but not directly" quote. Some Iranian boats came out and got about 3/4 of a mile away from the carrier Truman and fired off some missiles in a direction away from the ship. That is not what you are calling an attack, but it is a catchy thread title. Good job.
US accuses Iran of conducting rocket test near warships
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Iranian naval vessels conducted rocket tests last week near U.S. warships and commercial traffic passing through the Strait of Hormuz, the American military said Wednesday, causing new tension between the two nations after a landmark nuclear deal.
The vital strait, a narrow waterway between Iran and Oman that is the route for nearly a third of all oil traded by sea, is crucial for ships taking part in the war against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. In the past, Iran has threatened to block the strait, which lies at the entrance of the Persian Gulf, in retaliation for international sanctions imposed over its nuclear program, but no longer issues such warnings.
While the United States has complained previously about other Iranian war games and maneuvers there, Saturday's incident comes after a series of weapons tests and other moves by the Islamic Republic following the nuclear deal.
Iranian media and officials did not immediately discuss the tests Wednesday.

Not surprising. Anyone remember, shortly after the "deal", their dear leader said "US lost and Iran won" and their leading Republican general said "nothing will stop the annihilation of the Jews"?
I do. As usual, we look like fools.
Guys....stop blaming Iran. Remember....Obama is our Commander in Chief. Odds are he offered up our Navy ship as target practice to Iran as a show of good will.
Meanwhile.....all liberals except Obama are yelling "What the hell Iran!!!?? You pinky promised you'd be nice now!"

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