Iran-Backed Militants Storm US Embassy in Yemen, Seize Hostages

Well that's a load of horse shit. I have friends who served over there and there is a program all go through to teach them how to act around Muslims.

For instance. If you want to ask a woman a question. Never look at the woman and for God's sake don't ask her anything. Address everything to her male companion who could be her husband, brother or cousin. Never address a woman directly over there direct all questions to her male companion.

That's another thing. No woman goes anywhere without one of her male relatives going with her. They wear burka's that only have they eyes showing. Must be great wearing that shit on a day that's 100 degrees. Woman have no rights. They don't go to school. They don't drive and are at the mercy of the men in their family.

Great religion of peace don't you think? Oh and Islam means "submission to the will of God" Sounds good till you get to the sharia law part.

In the US military after an invasion and years of war? You're really stupid, girl. Christians also pray thy will not mine be done. Christians submit to the will of God.
Well, military service in a war zone doesn't help much. There is lots of misinformation about the Muslims.. They dress funny and their culture is more conservative and family oriented than ours. It takes time to get to know them.
But when 10% of them actively supports terrorism...and most of them quietly accept terrorism......I'm not really hot to bring alot of them to live around me.
Never mind the time one of them decided to chew my ass out for not being welcome in his country....even though I was there to protect him.
Most Muslims are kind people...but most Muslims are a bit arrogant about their religion....and they have let me know about it on several occasions.
Most Christians don't kill their kids in honor killing. Nor do they forbid their wives and daughters schooling or the ability to learn to drive. Oh and most Christian women don't need any male relative to accompany them when they have business to attend to. Christian woman, unlike Muslim woman DO have business to attend to.

Big difference between Christians and Sharia law mutant Muslims.
In the US military after an invasion and years of war? You're really stupid, girl. Christians also pray thy will not mine be done. Christians submit to the will of God.
Still waiting to hear what the penalty is for murdering your daughter for being raped in Pakistan. Over a thousand honor murders a year in just Pakistan a year, why is hard to find anyone sentenced to more than a fine?
Still waiting to hear what the penalty is for murdering your daughter for being raped in Pakistan. Over a thousand honor murders a year in just Pakistan a year, why is hard to find anyone sentenced to more than a fine?

Pakistan is very poor with little education and rural communities.. They don't know much about Islam.. I am not surprised they have honor killings, but in most of the Arab world that actually has policemen and courts is treated like murder.
The world's largest embassy is the US Embassy in Iraq. ( at least it was the last time I checked)
It's where their government is located because the Iraqi government is always under fire from Iraqi enemies. Who sent drones into the well-defended Green Zone a few days ago and nearly killed the premier, did kill several soldiers, I think. We seem to be losing the "peace."
Pakistan is very poor with little education and rural communities.. They don't know much about Islam.. I am not surprised they have honor killings, but in most of the Arab world that actually has policemen and courts is treated like murder.
Pakistan is one of only 9 nations in the world with nuclear weapons.
To blame poverty for the government allowing Muslims to murder their children because their child was raped is pathetic. Lot of poor nations, most of the 19 I’ve visited are on the bottom rung of poverty.

Pakistan has carried out over 200 executions in the past few years. Not one for murdering a homo or honor killing.
In the US military after an invasion and years of war? You're really stupid, girl. Christians also pray thy will not mine be done. Christians submit to the will of God.
Not like Muslims and you know it.
Pakistan is very poor with little education and rural communities.. They don't know much about Islam.. I am not surprised they have honor killings, but in most of the Arab world that actually has policemen and courts is treated like murder.
Why is it many terrorists come from rich families?
Most Christians don't kill their kids in honor killing. Nor do they forbid their wives and daughters schooling or the ability to learn to drive. Oh and most Christian women don't need any male relative to accompany them when they have business to attend to. Christian woman, unlike Muslim woman DO have business to attend to.

Big difference between Christians and Sharia law mutant Muslims.

Muslim women own and operate the most businesses and apply for the most business licenses. They own and operate small factories, import-exports, homegoods, clothing stores, shoe stores, restaurants aart glaarries, publishing houses, beauty shops. Now that women can drive most to not need a male escort.. It depends n the family..

Most expats go thru some sort of orientation when they go to live or work in some Arab country especially in a war zone like Iraq or Afghanistan.

Yemen has been unstable and dangerous since the 1950s..
What world do you live in?? Muslim women are slaves to any Muslim man. They are all sharia law mutants. Woman have no say in how anything is done. Hell they aren't allowed to go to school and sure as shit don't own businesses. Good Lord are you an idiot.
What world do you live in?? Muslim women are slaves to any Muslim man. They are all sharia law mutants. Woman have no say in how anything is done. Hell they aren't allowed to go to school and sure as shit don't own businesses. Good Lord are you an idiot.

Women write their marriage contract and according to the Koran they are entitled to an education. In KSA 67% of university students are women. The numbers are similar in Iran.

Do your homework before calling people idiots. You have never set foot in the Middle East.
Welcome back Carter!

Iran says thanks for those pallets of hard cash, Obummer!

Biden is weak. He will do nothing. His balls are like BB's and collect nothing but dust.
Biden is weak. He will do nothing. His balls are like BB's and collect nothing but dust.

Good God, you are so ignorant about Yemen.. The various jihadi groups moved in from Afghanistan and Somalia in 1998.. and Yemen has always been violent and impoverished since the late 1950s.
As Psaki loves to say, we have 'turned the corner' on this foregn policy failure and won't be circling back....
Biden is weak. He will do nothing. His balls are like BB's and collect nothing but dust.
You pseudo-macho weenies dust off this same talking point every time a democrat is president. The you lick the butt of the mentally ill pile that tried to give Putin back his spyhouses for nothing. Ya frauds.
...but remember, they are NOT terrorists... according to Biden & Democrats...

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