Iran: Big Tobacco Sees Opportunity For Cigarette Market

Why would one interfere with ones ability to breathe? Are you going to tell me cigs are not bad for a person?
Are you going to tell me eating fast food are not bad for a person?and you never eat fast food?
Smokers are amongst the dumbest people there are. Let it happen.

You are ignorant fool making such ridiculous comment.

like I said, smokers aren't that RUDE like these snobs who believes everyone should bow down to their wants and wishes. I can't stand people like that

The anti-smoking crowd are in the Gutmenschen crowd, the Gutmenschen these are the Do-Gooder's, the Holier Than Thou, the Politically Correct, those who think they are somehow Morally Superior to everyone short, they are the Leftists.

Yes they are. so they don't smoke, so that make everyone else stupid.
Disgusting. I am all for sanctions being lifted but this rush to flood the Iranian market and people with western GARBAGE-food,ciggs,alcohol,sex etc is just disgusting. DO NOT LET THEM DO IT IRAN! Stop these scum! Hell I wish we could kick the consumer culture to the curb here! Its disgusting. On top of shipping jobs overseas. I hope Iranian people or at the least countries in the ME take advantage of this and grab the markets on these things BEFORE disgusting western crap like McDonalds and Starbucks etc do.
No doubt Comrade Clueless ^^^^^^^ wants a new, permanent cabinet-level position to regulate what 'harmful' American influences can be ALLOWED in the theocratic utopia he loves so much.
No you are wrong,sorry. You want to interfere with your ability to breathe and take in oxygen, you don't smoke. Big tobacco isd and should be legally taken to task, SHUNNED. You are wrong to defend it at any level but you will lick the boots of any corporation. Immoral.


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