Iran Hits Two Oil Tankers, What Will/Should Trump Do?

They aren't our tankers.

Maybe not but they belonged to our Allies. We told the Iranians not to do it, warned them not to, and they did it anyway to thumb their noses at us.

We're just the Leader of The Band, several dozen other Countries have a serious interest in seeing Iranian terrorism stopped.

And if you don't think China is hiding in the closet, you're mistaken

My WSJ article documents that Obama sent Iran Billions. Your FactCheck link doesn't comment on that.
It was THEIR MONEY, and NOT OUR Money, and that is where Redfish's comment was wrong.

The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a 37-year-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran. The remaining $1.3 billion represented estimated interest on the Iranian cash the U.S. had held since the 1970s.

White House officials had said that they believed the U.S. would lose the arbitration case over the initial $400 million payment, made by the last Shah of Iran months before the Islamic Revolution. Such a decision would have made them liable for much more money

US made $1.7 billion transfer to Iran in foreign cash, Treasury says

I don't care whose money it was. Giving ANY money to the terrorist funding network is stupid, reckless, irresponsible, not to mention allows them to develop their nuclear weapons. Just like Bubba Clinton gave NK a few $billion to develop theirs?!

I would NOT have given Iran any money until they had a more responsible, less terrorist supporting government.

but please don't forget:

The Court suit was going to rule THEY HAD TO, and we are not a lawless Nation...

it would have been 10 billion or so, that's what the Iranian's suit at the Hague was requesting with interest etc, for the 40 years of interest, that everyone believed they would win.
It never fails, if a Republican is President, Satan himself could attack American Interests and dimocrap scum would side with him.

I know dims don't follow news that doesn't include their genitalia, but Iran has been spotted loading armed missiles (torpedoes) onto their light-attack boats.

And the US and Britain have been sending troops and equipment to the Region for over a Month.

And General McKenzie told ABC last week that he believed an Iranian attack was imminent.

the Lying Cocksucker had a chance to end Iran from within shortly after he took Office. Instead, he went on an apology tour, telling the word what people Americans are and left the rebelling Iranians to deal with Iran's murdering troops.

Thanks to the Lying Cocksucker, this beautiful woman will never have children, never have a family of her own.


Because dimocraps are cowards. Always have been, always will be.

I hope Trump begins unrestricted warfare against Iran starting tomorrow

Always an appeal to emotion. Always. Cult45 have become today's liberal snowflakes.
Oh some asshole will claim responsibility.

Once they learn the who, then they can respond and I'd bet Trump will respond and it won't be through the useless UN.
We know what obama would do -- Preemptive surrender. But what will Trump do?

We know he is opposed to Foreign Wars. Hates them.

Iran has called his bluff, will he respond in kind??

Of course, the only decent news about almost anything comes from the Foreign Press. The American Press stopped being in the news business decades ago --

Oil tankers hit in fresh 'torpedo attack' in Gulf of Oman amid Iran tensions - live updates


Their is no reason for US to defend western European oil interest
and this is fishy as all hell
Those boys on their knees had quite deliberately gone into territorial waters--who knows what they were up to--and it is lucky for them that they got no worse than being told to get on their knees. What do cops do? On the ground!

There is no such thing as "terrorist waters", dummy. The were well outside Iran's territorial waters when attacked. Their commander has been court-martialed for not resisting....stick to something you know giving rookies pictures of donuts.
On January 12, 2016, two United States Navy riverine command boats were seized by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy after they entered Iranian territorial waters near Iran's Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf. Initially, the U.S. military claimed the sailors inadvertently entered Iranian waters owing to mechanical failure, but it was later reported that they entered Iranian waters because of navigational errors.[3]
2016 U.S.–Iran naval incident - Wikipedia
They were not our ships. We should stay out of it.

Thats a ridiculous statement.
These attacks threaten all ships going through the straight including ours.
Not to mention the damage to world trade.

We will lose a lot more from attacking Iran.

The whole world loses if iran shuts down the strait of Hormuz.

We will lose lots more lives & respect if we do attack Iran.

Neocons are primitive & lack commonsense.
Small Problem... How do you know it is Iran?

Well duhhh, Iran has been starting and causing and threatening death to America since the Shah days. I will take their word for it, OK?
Iran would not be threatening death to America if we hadn't funded a coup against Mohammad Mossadegh in the 1950's to re-install the Shah.
Iran would not be chanting death to America if we hadn't (CIA), along with Mossad helped form and train the Savak to suppress their religious leaders and torture/imprison thousands of citizens.
Iran hates us because they TRIED to be Democratic and do it the western way and we fucked them.
Why did we do that, Tijn Von Ingersleben ?
ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL COMPANY – Encyclopaedia Iranica
Very informative, but I didn't really want to read anything that lengthy and detailed. It's good to have the sources of your statements, though.
So, short answer, to my question "Why?" - Oil for the U.S. Iran was declaring its independence from Britain, and was wanting to do what it pleased with its own resources (oil). Britain AND America said no way. The leader we deposed must have been a nationalist unwilling to play ball. After the new leader was installed, America received 40% of Iran's oil.
Do I have that right, Tijn Von Ingersleben ? I skimmed.
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They were not our ships. We should stay out of it.

Thats a ridiculous statement.
These attacks threaten all ships going through the straight including ours.
Not to mention the damage to world trade.

We will lose a lot more from attacking Iran.

The whole world loses if iran shuts down the strait of Hormuz.

We will lose lots more lives & respect if we do attack Iran.

Neocons are primitive & lack commonsense.

So you think the rest of the world is hunky dory with iran fucking up their economy?
As far as lives lost there would be very few.
It's not like irans infrastructure can run and hide from bombers.

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