Iran Nuke Debacle- Now What Happens?

What on earth are you yammering about?

The US spends billions of dollars threatening Iran, a county that is no threat to America.

When did we invade Iran?

Apart from drone invasions of Iranian airspace, US military ships invading Iranian waters and shooting down an Iranian civilian airliner, along with a few CIA missions, never.
However, many complain of Iranian backed "terrorists" attacking invading US troops in other countries, leaving out the fact these groups are attacking an invading force.
When did we invade Iran?

Apart from drone invasions of Iranian airspace, US military ships invading Iranian waters and shooting down an Iranian civilian airliner, along with a few CIA missions, never.
However, many complain of Iranian backed "terrorists" attacking invading US troops in other countries, leaving out the fact these groups are attacking an invading force.

Man, you really have been led astray by the liberal misinformation machine!

The drone was lost over Pakistan flying missions in Afghanistan. (Do you own a map BTW?)

Why would US ships invade Iranian waters when we can reach out and touch them from hundreds and thousands of miles away?

Shooting down an Iranian airliner? Are you really going back that far? That happened when I was a boot in the Navy! If you don't know anything about IFF, don't go there!

Our troops were being killed with IEDs that originated in Iran, made with Iranian artillery shells. Now i wonder how that happened?
The drone was lost over Pakistan flying missions in Afghanistan. (Do you own a map BTW?)

It was in Iranian airspace, and this is not disputed by America, but they say is was a malfunction, not deliberate.

Shooting down an Iranian airliner? Are you really going back that far? That happened when I was a boot in the Navy! If you don't know anything about IFF, don't go there!

Until the captain faces trial, it's still valid.

Our troops were being killed with IEDs that originated in Iran, made with Iranian artillery shells. Now i wonder how that happened?

You invaded Iraq based on a bunch of lies about WMDs and some bullshit about Iran supporting 9/11?

.....Unless Iraq is next to California - do you have a map?
The drone was lost over Pakistan flying missions in Afghanistan. (Do you own a map BTW?)

It was in Iranian airspace, and this is not disputed by America, but they say is was a malfunction, not deliberate.

Shooting down an Iranian airliner? Are you really going back that far? That happened when I was a boot in the Navy! If you don't know anything about IFF, don't go there!

Until the captain faces trial, it's still valid.

Our troops were being killed with IEDs that originated in Iran, made with Iranian artillery shells. Now i wonder how that happened?

You invaded Iraq based on a bunch of lies about WMDs and some bullshit about Iran supporting 9/11?

.....Unless Iraq is next to California - do you have a map?

OK. Let me explain how this works. I made the statement about the drone. You just agreed with me. Why?

The Vincennes entered Iranian waters in response to their helicopter being fired on by Iranian patrol boats in the Straits of Hormuz.

The former captain is 77 years old. How much longer are you going to wait for a trial for no crime that has been investigated by numerous sources.

Your statement regarding WMDs and 9/11 is a liberal talking point that has been shown to be bogus so many times I am surprised your tried that shtick again.

Now, do you have anything that justifies Iran supplying components for IEDs in a war where we were fighting another country's insurgents for the elected government?

Or are you simply an Iranian apologist?
With the deal that gives Iran 150+ billion dollars my question to you is,

What do yo think they'll do with the money?

Do you think that maybe they will have a change in heart as a result of Obama's gift?

Or do you think they'll use the money to continue the finance of terrorism abroad, for which they lead the world?

I mean, it is documented the IED's that killed and maimed our troops in Iraq were of Iranian origin.

So again, what will they do with the money? Maybe they'll open some abortion clinics or gay hostiles?

Inquiring minds want to know


U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress

I think BO had some 'under the table help'. then again that is what two bit hood Chicago politicians do.
Your statement regarding WMDs and 9/11 is a liberal talking point that has been shown to be bogus so many times I am surprised your tried that shtick again.

Then produce evidence of WMDs in Iraq, or how Saddam helped that attack in any way.

You're talking bullshit.

America is clearly the attacking and aggressive force as Iran has never attacked the mainland US, nor has ever attacked any Americans unless they were attacking one of Iran's friends or directly interfering in Iran's local politics, and then only by support of funding of the defending force.
Iran has no bases that could threaten America, but is perfectly entitled to defend itself from American forces that surround their country.
What on earth are you yammering about?

The US spends billions of dollars threatening Iran, a county that is no threat to America.


I guess you never thought that those military forces are/were there to conduct military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

BTW, your map is just a little dated.

The bases in Turkey have been there for decades and are Cold War relics.

We pulled all but about 200 support personnel out of Saudi Arabia about 12 years ago.

We pulled out of Uzbekistan over 10 years ago.

The bases in Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan no longer exist either.

The number of bases in Oman is incorrect.

Now, do you want to post some other BS information that I can destroy?
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Your statement regarding WMDs and 9/11 is a liberal talking point that has been shown to be bogus so many times I am surprised your tried that shtick again.

Then produce evidence of WMDs in Iraq, or how Saddam helped that attack in any way.

You're talking bullshit.

America is clearly the attacking and aggressive force as Iran has never attacked the mainland US, nor has ever attacked any Americans unless they were attacking one of Iran's friends or directly interfering in Iran's local politics, and then only by support of funding of the defending force.
Iran has no bases that could threaten America, but is perfectly entitled to defend itself from American forces that surround their country.

I never said there were WMDs in Iraq, did I? Who claimed Saddam was involved in 9/11? You did!

When has the United States attacked Iran? Do you even know?

The discussion was about Iran providing materials used in IEDs in Iraq. Did you forget that in your desire to prove something I never said?
I guess you never thought that those military forces are/were there to conduct military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yes, military invasions.
You really have to understand this - If you invade a country, the defending forces will try to kill you.
Some of those forces will be trained, funded or armed by friendly countries, Iran in this case.
If you think that shouldn't be allowed, The US should fuck off out of involvement in Syria.

Deaths of invading troops are perfectly reasonable, even when Iran has a hand in in, and that is an argument you must agree with if you support American aid for Israel.
Your statement regarding WMDs and 9/11 is a liberal talking point that has been shown to be bogus so many times I am surprised your tried that shtick again.

from INDOFUCK>>>>>>
Then produce evidence of WMDs in Iraq, or how Saddam helped that attack in any way.

rosie---------Iraq MURDERED MASSIVELY-----in the hands of islamoshit----knives and clubs are weapons of mass destruction since islamo shit is highly motivated
to murder for the glory of the lump of shit in the sky---allah. Turkish muslims murdered several million Armenians with knives and clubs------circa 1970 ---the shit of allah in Nigeria murdered several million Christians by starvation siege----babies
dead in the dust as the muslimah sluts danced on their shriveled starved bodies, However it is also true that SADDAM had big works in poison gases and biologicals-------see------more and more Islamic lies and filth. PRODUCE

You're talking bullshit.

rosie---- YOU are mumbling shit JUMAAT-----one day early

America is clearly the attacking and aggressive force as Iran has never attacked the mainland US, nor has ever attacked any Americans unless they were attacking one of Iran's friends or directly interfering in Iran's local politics, and then only by support of funding of the defending force.
Iran has no bases that could threaten America, but is perfectly entitled to defend itself from American forces that surround their country.

rosie----Iran is the enemy of all DECENT HUMANITY right now-----anyone
interested----talk to Yemenis in the USA who have fled that fine historic
country because of the IRANIAN FUNDED and CONTROLLED FORCES
that put Yemeni dead children in the gutters of SANAA and ADEN and TAIZ.
The US is perfectly entitled to defend allies against Iranian filth and innocent
victims of Iranian filth. We must be involved -----we are not barbaric scum
as are the IRANIAN SHIIITES now in control of Iran
I guess you never thought that those military forces are/were there to conduct military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yes, military invasions.
You really have to understand this - If you invade a country, the defending forces will try to kill you.
Some of those forces will be trained, funded or armed by friendly countries, Iran in this case.
If you think that shouldn't be allowed, The US should fuck off out of involvement in Syria.

Deaths of invading troops are perfectly reasonable, even when Iran has a hand in in, and that is an argument you must agree with if you support American aid for Israel.

SHIT------sometimes die. Even in the USA people who defend the people of
the USA from ISLAMIC SHIT_---sometimes die
I guess you never thought that those military forces are/were there to conduct military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yes, military invasions.
You really have to understand this - If you invade a country, the defending forces will try to kill you.
Some of those forces will be trained, funded or armed by friendly countries, Iran in this case.
If you think that shouldn't be allowed, The US should fuck off out of involvement in Syria.

Deaths of invading troops are perfectly reasonable, even when Iran has a hand in in, and that is an argument you must agree with if you support American aid for Israel.

I guess you just blew past the fact that most of those bases no longer exist. I guess that is your way of admitting defeat.

Good luck finding any sympathy for Iran. "Sympathy" is found in the dictionary between "shit" and "syphilis".

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