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Iran Parliment backs Obama

probably his second cousin.. but its possible as Oprah declared he is the one...He will be our president in 2012... but what I do know is he is as ruthless and dangerous to liberty as Bush..and will forward the same globalist agenda...and unlike bush..he is slick and smart.. Biden let the cat out of the bag..there will be another..911..a orchestrated world changing crisis ..then you will see Obama's real plan for America
if the same thing happened to mccain with another 911, an orchestrated world changing crisis, do you think we would see the same with him as you predict with obama???
"We are leaning more in favour of Barack Obama because he is more flexible and rational, even though we know American policy will not change that much," Larijani said at a Press conference during a visit to Bahrain.

They know that US foreign policy isn't going to change that much no matter who is elected as president. We are firmly locked into cowboy diplomacy and foreign policy dictated by Wall Street.

While we're focused on Iran, the Shanghai Cooperative Organiztion (China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan) is flourishing .. and soon to get bigger. Pakistan, India, Iran, and Mongolia already have observer status, and they along with Venezuela, will soon be members .. and they are all cooperating with each other. Already their member states have about a quarter of the world's population.

There is speculation that Iraq may request membership .. which would be devastating to the war mongers who planned the invasion of Iraq.

They even have their own website
Welcome to SCO Website....
North Korea

The Chosun Sinbo, the mouthpiece of North Korea’s Japanese front organization Chongryon and often for the North Korean regime itself, has announced its preference for Obama over McCain:

We will see a better relationship between the U.S. and the Korean Peninsula with Obama, who sternly criticizes Bush and who would meet the leader of Chosun without pre-conditions, than with the “Bush clone” and scarecrow of the neocons McCain. Link

Moammar Qaddafi



During an interview on WABC radio Sunday, top Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said the terrorist group supports Obama’s foreign policy vision.

“We don’t mind–actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle, and he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with domination and arrogance,” Yousef said in response to a question about the group’s willingness to meet with either of the Democratic presidential candidates. Link

And now Iran.

The trend is your friend.

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I'm sorry does the link not work? If it doesn't someone let me know and I will try it again. The issue of Iran points to a glaring hole, in US foreign policy. The Unites States has for some time now tried to work with Europe to isolate Iran for it's numerous violations of IAEA sanctions. Let's not forget who the major arms supplier is for groups like Hamas,Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda not to mention Irans Quds force training insurgents to kill Amercians and providing weapons such as EIED's with copper penetrators, rockets, rpgs, missiles, etc. . This advanced technology comes form two sources Russia and China and is funneled into places like Iraq, Afghanistan and the West Bank by Iran and its agents. So when a country like this says they prefer one US Candidate over another it is something not to be taken lightly. One more thing to consider as well, Iran has continued to ignore sanctions imposed on it for its numerous violations so what makes you think that with the sudden appearence of Barack Obama in negotiations, that have been going on for years ,will change a thing?

hahaha! no, the link does work...though i have not read it yet...i was just wearing my blonde wig...and mistakingly saw it as pakistan, thus my idiotic response...:) plus eots side tracked me!!!! lol

"We are leaning more in favour of Barack Obama because he is more flexible and rational, even though we know American policy will not change that much," Larijani said at a Press conference during a visit to Bahrain.

They know that US foreign policy isn't going to change that much no matter who is elected as president. We are firmly locked into cowboy diplomacy and foreign policy dictated by Wall Street.

While we're focused on Iran, the Shanghai Cooperative Organiztion (China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan) is flourishing .. and soon to get bigger. Pakistan, India, Iran, and Mongolia already have observer status, and they along with Venezuela, will soon be members .. and they are all cooperating with each other. Already their member states have about a quarter of the world's population.

There is speculation that Iraq may request membership .. which would be devastating to the war mongers who planned the invasion of Iraq.

They even have their own website
Welcome to SCO Website....

I was aware of this BaC but I was not aware of the Iraq specualtion, do have any idea where those rumors are comming from? One thing I find quite interesting about all this and what I tried to point out buried in the original thread was the sub text of the energy arguement. If the United States, became serious about it's own energy, these countries that are empowered now would lose the largest source of revenue they have. I am frankly surprised that people don't understand that.
What happens when you have an administration like Bush's is that your extremism begets more extremism. When we elect a president with a clear head and a rational mind to deal with countries like Iran, we'll get real results. When you have a fundamental president that refuses to even acknowledge a country like Iran, they start developing nukes and elect leaders like ahmadinejad.

When we sat down with the North Koreans, what happened? They dismantled their nukes and we made progress with the country. I think the same can be done elsewhere.

Now, if we exhaust every single diplomatic option ad infinitum and the country is still threatening us or its neighbors, then we blow it out of the sky. I agree with Obama that we haven't done enough to work with Iran, yet.

hahaha! no, the link does work...though i have not read it yet...i was just wearing my blonde wig...and mistakingly saw it as pakistan, thus my idiotic response...:) plus eots side tracked me!!!! lol


Well I was worried there for a moment Care as I thought I may have missed a few clicks there , in the middle of my coffee.
I'm sorry does the link not work? If it doesn't someone let me know and I will try it again. The issue of Iran points to a glaring hole, in US foreign policy. The Unites States has for some time now tried to work with Europe to isolate Iran for it's numerous violations of IAEA sanctions. Let's not forget who the major arms supplier is for groups like Hamas,Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda not to mention Irans Quds force training insurgents to kill Amercians and providing weapons such as EIED's with copper penetrators, rockets, rpgs, missiles, etc. . This advanced technology comes form two sources Russia and China and is funneled into places like Iraq, Afghanistan and the West Bank by Iran and its agents. So when a country like this says they prefer one US Candidate over another it is something not to be taken lightly. One more thing to consider as well, Iran has continued to ignore sanctions imposed on it for its numerous violations so what makes you think that with the sudden appearence of Barack Obama in negotiations, that have been going on for years ,will change a thing?

The rest of the world recognizes that Iran has very good reasons to be suspicious of American intentions, and after the debacle of Iraq, so is the rest of the world suspicious of our intentions .. also true of our intentions in Afghanistan.

As long as we close the door to any rational agreements with regard to Israel, we can expect our global power and influence to remain reduced. If we're not demanding isarel to come clean with its nuclear arsenal, why should Iran?

Iran is building a buffer against US intentions.
I'm sorry does the link not work? If it doesn't someone let me know and I will try it again. The issue of Iran points to a glaring hole, in US foreign policy. The Unites States has for some time now tried to work with Europe to isolate Iran for it's numerous violations of IAEA sanctions. Let's not forget who the major arms supplier is for groups like Hamas,Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda not to mention Irans Quds force training insurgents to kill Amercians and providing weapons such as EIED's with copper penetrators, rockets, rpgs, missiles, etc. . This advanced technology comes form two sources Russia and China and is funneled into places like Iraq, Afghanistan and the West Bank by Iran and its agents. So when a country like this says they prefer one US Candidate over another it is something not to be taken lightly. One more thing to consider as well, Iran has continued to ignore sanctions imposed on it for its numerous violations so what makes you think that with the sudden appearence of Barack Obama in negotiations, that have been going on for years ,will change a thing?
Do you guys forget that Biden has more foreign relations experience then all of them? That is one of the reasons why Obama picked him and if Powell joins the team which there is talk of, hasn't he dealt with this all before also.
Also this is kind of like the KKK endorcing McCain or Bin Laden wanting him to him, it doesn't really effect who they are and what kind of job they will do.
And as for Obama, I feel a lot more confident in him then I do a hot head like McCain or Bush who hasn't done shit the last eight years.
Also McCain who has sattle up with Big Oil, would probably want to go into Iran because what do they have OIL! One of the largest supplies in the world!
I was aware of this BaC but I was not aware of the Iraq specualtion, do have any idea where those rumors are comming from? One thing I find quite interesting about all this and what I tried to point out buried in the original thread was the sub text of the energy arguement. If the United States, became serious about it's own energy, these countries that are empowered now would lose the largest source of revenue they have. I am frankly surprised that people don't understand that.

The calls for considering the SCO are coming from Al-Sadr in Iraq and supported by the Iranians .. who will have influence in the new Iraq government. It would be a coup for the SCO and would give them as much energy influence as OPEC.

I agree with you about our own energy dependence, but it must include getting off all oil as we don't have that much.

Again .. we should look to our new role model for democracy .. Brazil.

Brazil's Road to Energy Independence
Brazil's Road to Energy Independence

A model alternative-fuel strategy for U.S.
A model alternative-fuel strategy for U.S. | Energy Bulletin
The rest of the world recognizes that Iran has very good reasons to be suspicious of American intentions, and after the debacle of Iraq, so is the rest of the world suspicious of our intentions .. also true of our intentions in Afghanistan.

As long as we close the door to any rational agreements with regard to Israel, we can expect our global power and influence to remain reduced. If we're not demanding isarel to come clean with its nuclear arsenal, why should Iran?

Iran is building a buffer against US intentions.

Then I would say this, why should we make demands upon Israel on behalf of Iran when the president of that country has stated on many occasions as well as most of the Arab world that they do not recognize Israel's right to exist? Personally I do not honesly care what Iran thinks of our intentions in the world much less Afghanistan or Iraq. It is not as of today Israel that has violated IAEA sanctions. If Iran wanted to , they could at any moment open their nuclear program up to inspection and demand the same for Israel, so far this hasn't happened.

As far as US intentions against Iran , those are fairly clear, stop providing advanced weapons to terrorists groups who sit on the northern border and launch rockets into innocent peoples homes and market places. Stop providing advanced weapons and training to terrorist groups that plant road side bombs that kill hundreds of innocent people along with US troops in Iraq. Stop providing, Symtex and C-4 to Hamas and Al Queada to plant in cars and on people to again walk into crowded markets in Israel an Iraq and worldwide killing hundreds. Thats the US intentions towards Iran. so the buffer your talking about is one more violation of on behalf of Iran. When they are ready to act in a responsible manner and join the world community then then US should address the issue with Israel.
you people are ridiculous. Iran isn't the only country which favors Obama over McCain. the freaking whole world thinks Obama would be a better president than McCain. Just talk to any person from abroad. Or if you go abroad you'll the world's people want Obama in office.
The calls for considering the SCO are coming from Al-Sadr in Iraq and supported by the Iranians .. who will have influence in the new Iraq government. It would be a coup for the SCO and would give them as much energy influence as OPEC.

I agree with you about our own energy dependence, but it must include getting off all oil as we don't have that much.

Again .. we should look to our new role model for democracy .. Brazil.

Brazil's Road to Energy Independence
Brazil's Road to Energy Independence

A model alternative-fuel strategy for U.S.
A model alternative-fuel strategy for U.S. | Energy Bulletin

It would be unwise, to assume that oil is just going to up and go away. It won't, The United States your correct has about 3% of the known oil reserves. however, natural gas and coal is a complete different story. IMHO, all these fossil fuels are bridge technologies to an ultimate goal. To me it comes down to a choice of phases, Phase I Increase dramactically domestic, oil, gas and coal production, Phase II begin construction of multiple nuclear generating stations Phase III begin construction of multiple wind and solar farms When all these come to play on the issue it will free up money for research into advanced energy technology. You can and IMO need to at the same time implement regulations that require tougher CAFE standards in transportation, conversion technologies to CNG and Hybrid. These are juse a few, can you imagine the number of domestic jobs this will create if we had a congress that actually had the vision to point this country in this direction, rather than being sold out to special interests on the right and left!
you people are ridiculous. Iran isn't the only country which favors Obama over McCain. the freaking whole world thinks Obama would be a better president than McCain. Just talk to any person from abroad. Or if you go abroad you'll the world's people want Obama in office.

Nia I don't believe I made a value judgement on the worlds opinion on Barack Obama, or for that matter Iran. The fact is that the rest of world does not vote in our elections, we do! and while their opinions are important they are in the end of no importance to the election. Let me give you an example, do you think that if Barack Obama is elected, the next day Bin Laden will come out of his cave in Pakistan and say " I give up", or perhaps, that Iran will say , well you voted for Obama so we will stop our nuclear program? The fact is you will not see one change at all, in the way these countries and groups deal with the United States. Let's take Europe for example, do you think that if Barack Obama prevails that all the sudden the EU will stop providing subsidies to EADS? My original posting though Nia was not a judgement on the world opinion of Barack Obama as I mentioned earlier, it was simply to point out that Iran backs Barack Obama and the interesting connection that has to energy.
Then I would say this, why should we make demands upon Israel on behalf of Iran when the president of that country has stated on many occasions as well as most of the Arab world that they do not recognize Israel's right to exist? Personally I do not honesly care what Iran thinks of our intentions in the world much less Afghanistan or Iraq. It is not as of today Israel that has violated IAEA sanctions. If Iran wanted to , they could at any moment open their nuclear program up to inspection and demand the same for Israel, so far this hasn't happened.

Israel is in violation of more UN Resolutions than any nation on earth in the history of the UN .. and they, along with the US, secretly developed Israel's nukes, in violation of international law and entirely unmonitored by the IAEA.

Why is "recognizing Israel's right to exist" a demand on all nations? Israel does not recognize the right of Palestinians to exist.

You may not care what Iran or Iraq thinks, but America is dependent on the rest of the world .. which believes Israel is the most dangerous and hated nation on the planet.

We can stick with the same failed policies if we choose, just don't be surprised by the consequences.

As far as US intentions against Iran , those are fairly clear, stop providing advanced weapons to terrorists groups who sit on the northern border and launch rockets into innocent peoples homes and market places. Stop providing advanced weapons and training to terrorist groups that plant road side bombs that kill hundreds of innocent people along with US troops in Iraq. Stop providing, Symtex and C-4 to Hamas and Al Queada to plant in cars and on people to again walk into crowded markets in Israel an Iraq and worldwide killing hundreds. Thats the US intentions towards Iran. so the buffer your talking about is one more violation of on behalf of Iran. When they are ready to act in a responsible manner and join the world community then then US should address the issue with Israel.

Think about that for a moment .. we went into Iraq mass-murdering innocent people for oil and profit .. yet we should be dictating civil international behavior?

Don't look now but the "joining the world community" thing has worn thin .. we are the ones who should be thinking about joining the world community which stands solidly against Israeli atrocities

Don't look now but US global power and influence is waning and we are no longer seen as the "leader of the free world" .. eurpoe is plotting its own course .. away from US influence
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Nia I don't believe I made a value judgement on the worlds opinion on Barack Obama, or for that matter Iran. The fact is that the rest of world does not vote in our elections, we do! and while their opinions are important they are in the end of no importance to the election. Let me give you an example, do you think that if Barack Obama is elected, the next day Bin Laden will come out of his cave in Pakistan and say " I give up", or perhaps, that Iran will say , well you voted for Obama so we will stop our nuclear program? The fact is you will not see one change at all, in the way these countries and groups deal with the United States. Let's take Europe for example, do you think that if Barack Obama prevails that all the sudden the EU will stop providing subsidies to EADS? My original posting though Nia was not a judgement on the world opinion of Barack Obama as I mentioned earlier, it was simply to point out that Iran backs Barack Obama and the interesting connection that has to energy.

i don't vote on world opinion either. you missed my point.

my point was that there are a lot of people out there who will use this as proof that A) Obama is a Muslim or B) It proves that he's a passive leader, and that's why Iran is supporting him.

So my point was that people should use this to slam Obama because many other nations think Obama would be a better leader as well.
It would be unwise, to assume that oil is just going to up and go away. It won't, The United States your correct has about 3% of the known oil reserves. however, natural gas and coal is a complete different story. IMHO, all these fossil fuels are bridge technologies to an ultimate goal. To me it comes down to a choice of phases, Phase I Increase dramactically domestic, oil, gas and coal production, Phase II begin construction of multiple nuclear generating stations Phase III begin construction of multiple wind and solar farms When all these come to play on the issue it will free up money for research into advanced energy technology. You can and IMO need to at the same time implement regulations that require tougher CAFE standards in transportation, conversion technologies to CNG and Hybrid. These are juse a few, can you imagine the number of domestic jobs this will create if we had a congress that actually had the vision to point this country in this direction, rather than being sold out to special interests on the right and left!

I don't disagree .. but as long as we require oil, we will be dependent.
Israel is in violation of more UN Resolutions than any nation on earth in the history of the UN .. and they, along with the US, secretly developed Israel's nukes, in violation of international law and entirely unmonitored by the IAEA.

Why is "recognizing Israel's right to exist" a demand on all nations? Israel does not recognize the right of Palestinians to exist.

You may not care what Iran or Iraq thinks, but America is dependent on the rest of the world .. which believes Israel is the most dangerous and hated nation on the planet.

We can stick with the same failed policies if we choose, just don't be surprised by the consequences.

Think about that for a moment .. we went into Iraq mass-murdering innocent people for oil and profit .. yet we should be dictating civil international behavior?

Don't look now but the "joining the world community" thing has worn thin .. we are the ones who should be thinking about joining the world community which stands solidly against Israeli atrocities

Don't look now but US global power and influence is waning and we are no longer seen as the "leader of the free world" .. eurpoe is plotting its own course .. away from US influence

BaC , let me address you this way if you wish to speak to me in a manner that sparks debate then by all means do so. However, if you speak to me and are calling the very men and women I had the high privledge of serving with for over 24 year mass muderers then do not expect me to engage you in any more debates from this point forward. I have seen many things in my travels and seen the results of men that use innocent people impose a dontrine or beliefs upon others at the point of a gun. I have seen what these so called innocent poor peoples have done when they talked innocent boys and girls into walking onto a crowded bus with a vest loaded with C-4 killing even more innocent people. The men that do these things are fat useless cowards who sit in rooms and do not have the courage to pick up a weapon to fight for or defend a cause, but these cowardly dogs sit in rooms in Damascus, and Teharan and other places and send out innocents to kill innocents to all in the name of their warped vision. There are your mass murderers not the men and women of the US Military of the IDF or for that matter any person who would willingly face down these killers.

Isreal has defended itself against attack from all side for years, you never see any condemnation from these so called pundits when Israeli children are killed or Palestinian children are killed as a result of these murderous thugs in Iran. Your correct that Israel has not treated the Palestinian issue with great deference but why should they? Every single time Israel makes peace with the groups that represent them more innocent people die. If Iran was so concerned with the plight of the Palestinian people then why not send some of that massive wealth in there and help build indfrastructre on the west bank, like water, food, schools, jobs. Oh wait, they are too busy sending AK-47's,rockets, and other things to do that so that even more people will die to perpetuate the issue.

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