Iran refuses to hand over flight recorders of the crashed jet.

Not really. Cockpit comms and so on tell allot. If it was technical then the pilots would relay that to the tower. It's very suspicious though.
Yep. Am I correct, they might not be able to decipher black box data, but might me able to access cockpit voice recorder? This did not come up in class 40 years ago.

Wouldent the tower also be recording as well? That seems like a no brainer. Funny thing though, I was listening to a guy on the radio and he pointed to things like this making the black box and cockpit recorders not ideal so they are making it so the info streams to the manufacturers. How this is t already done I don't understand.

NAYLOR: Cost is clearly one obstacle to more widespread deployment of streaming technology. The system developed by the Canadian firm FLYHT would cost airlines $100,000 per plane to install. Another concern involves the pilots, who see too much information readily available as an invasion of their privacy.

Why Don't Planes Stream Their Flight Data In Real Time?

They can phase it in on new aircraft and the pilots can find another job. It's not their house, not even their property. Pilots shouldn't have a say at all.

Then you will need to convince the unions of that!

Yup. Unions hurt them more then help them these days. It can be mandated by law. There are ways to go around unions and if the powers that be really wanted it done it would be done.
Yep. Am I correct, they might not be able to decipher black box data, but might me able to access cockpit voice recorder? This did not come up in class 40 years ago.

Wouldent the tower also be recording as well? That seems like a no brainer. Funny thing though, I was listening to a guy on the radio and he pointed to things like this making the black box and cockpit recorders not ideal so they are making it so the info streams to the manufacturers. How this is t already done I don't understand.

NAYLOR: Cost is clearly one obstacle to more widespread deployment of streaming technology. The system developed by the Canadian firm FLYHT would cost airlines $100,000 per plane to install. Another concern involves the pilots, who see too much information readily available as an invasion of their privacy.

Why Don't Planes Stream Their Flight Data In Real Time?

They can phase it in on new aircraft and the pilots can find another job. It's not their house, not even their property. Pilots shouldn't have a say at all.

Then you will need to convince the unions of that!

Yup. Unions hurt them more then help them these days. It can be mandated by law. There are ways to go around unions and if the powers that be really wanted it done it would be done.

Good luck getting the far left in Congress to side against the unions!
Wouldent the tower also be recording as well? That seems like a no brainer. Funny thing though, I was listening to a guy on the radio and he pointed to things like this making the black box and cockpit recorders not ideal so they are making it so the info streams to the manufacturers. How this is t already done I don't understand.

NAYLOR: Cost is clearly one obstacle to more widespread deployment of streaming technology. The system developed by the Canadian firm FLYHT would cost airlines $100,000 per plane to install. Another concern involves the pilots, who see too much information readily available as an invasion of their privacy.

Why Don't Planes Stream Their Flight Data In Real Time?

They can phase it in on new aircraft and the pilots can find another job. It's not their house, not even their property. Pilots shouldn't have a say at all.

Then you will need to convince the unions of that!

Yup. Unions hurt them more then help them these days. It can be mandated by law. There are ways to go around unions and if the powers that be really wanted it done it would be done.

Good luck getting the far left in Congress to side against the unions!

It can be done. Look how they worked with Dubya to build the govrenments ability to spy on US citizens and install the TSA. Spread the money around to crooked polititions and it will get done. Look how easy it was for big weed to buy the republicans off. It can be done. And really, all itnwould take is the stats for fails Alchohol and drug test among pilots. The public can be turned against them, stock gos down, planes fly less and cost more and pilots get layed off. That aside, Reagan felt with the air traffic controllers by threatening to fire all of them. Same for pilots. They aren't gods.

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