Iran Responsible for Killing 14 Percent of U.S. Troops in Iraq

Bush 43 is responsible for 100 percent of our casualties in Iraq

George H.W. Bush rips ‘iron-ass’ Dick Cheney and ‘arrogant’ Rumsfeld in new biography: report
In “Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey Of George Herbert Walker Bush,” author Jon Meacham quotes Bush as saying that Cheney and Rumsfeld were too hawkish.
Bush 43 is responsible for 100 percent of our casualties in Iraq

George H.W. Bush rips ‘iron-ass’ Dick Cheney and ‘arrogant’ Rumsfeld in new biography: report
In “Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey Of George Herbert Walker Bush,” author Jon Meacham quotes Bush as saying that Cheney and Rumsfeld were too hawkish.

Daddy Bush trying to help another Bush ...."Stay out the Bushes"
a couple hundred thousand dollars in weapons to keep the mullahs fighting Saddam and freeing american hostages was a good thing. Giving Iran 150 billion dollars to spread their influence in the region, to help them dominate the region, as they scream death to America, and continue to hold Americans hostage is idiocy

A whole lot of problems with this argument.

first, at the time, Saddam was our ally, and we went behind his back to sell them weapons.

second, that 150 billion RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO IRAN. You do get that, right? That these are assets that belong to Iranians (most of them private citizens).

Third, if they are "Dominating" the region, it's because you Zionists got your way and got the Government to take out Saddam for you. Don't complain about the foreseeable results of your own policy.
a couple hundred thousand dollars in weapons to keep the mullahs fighting Saddam and freeing american hostages was a good thing. Giving Iran 150 billion dollars to spread their influence in the region, to help them dominate the region, as they scream death to America, and continue to hold Americans hostage is idiocy

A whole lot of problems with this argument.

first, at the time, Saddam was our ally, and we went behind his back to sell them weapons.

second, that 150 billion RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO IRAN. You do get that, right? That these are assets that belong to Iranians (most of them private citizens).

Third, if they are "Dominating" the region, it's because you Zionists got your way and got the Government to take out Saddam for you. Don't complain about the foreseeable results of your own policy.

Those damn Jews!! kill um all!!:slap: who cares about Saddam, he kept Iran busy for a while:cool:
Will Obama be the single largest funder of terrorism in the world, once he gives Iran their 150 billion?..are we funding Jihad against our own county? Good question

I would like to know if the administration has asked Iran if they’re still at jihad,” Stethem said, adding that separating Iran from terrorism is “like separating light from a flame and heat from a fire.”

“Is it sound policy to give money to a terrorist nation that is at war with us?” Stethem asked, referring to the more than $150 billion in cash assets that will be released to Iran as a result of the recent nuclear accord

.Obama's justice department protecting Iranian terrorist?.:uhh:..

Daniel Miller, a victim of Hamas terrorism, recalled how suicide bombers destroyed the Jerusalem café that he and his friends were dining at.

Miller said that he and other victims of Iran-sponsored terrorism attempted to sue the Islamic Republic. After winning more than $70 million in damages, the U.S. government stepped in to argue on Iran’s behalf.

“I expected a battle from Iran” to get the money legally owed, Miller said. “What I didn’t expect was the battle we faced from my own government.”

Lawyers from the Department of Justice filed a brief during one legal processing to protect Iran from having to pay the victims.

Iran Responsible for Killing 14 Percent of U.S. Troops in Iraq

Obama ...rewarding iran for killing Americans.
Will Obama be the single largest funder of terrorism in the world, once he gives Iran their 150 billion?..are we funding Jihad against our own county? Good question

I would like to know if the administration has asked Iran if they’re still at jihad,” Stethem said, adding that separating Iran from terrorism is “like separating light from a flame and heat from a fire.”

“Is it sound policy to give money to a terrorist nation that is at war with us?” Stethem asked, referring to the more than $150 billion in cash assets that will be released to Iran as a result of the recent nuclear accord

.Obama's justice department protecting Iranian terrorist?.:uhh:..

Daniel Miller, a victim of Hamas terrorism, recalled how suicide bombers destroyed the Jerusalem café that he and his friends were dining at.

Miller said that he and other victims of Iran-sponsored terrorism attempted to sue the Islamic Republic. After winning more than $70 million in damages, the U.S. government stepped in to argue on Iran’s behalf.

“I expected a battle from Iran” to get the money legally owed, Miller said. “What I didn’t expect was the battle we faced from my own government.”

Lawyers from the Department of Justice filed a brief during one legal processing to protect Iran from having to pay the victims.

Iran Responsible for Killing 14 Percent of U.S. Troops in Iraq

Obama ...rewarding iran for killing Americans.
Whats a few hundred dead Americans among friends?:eusa_eh:
Israel sank one of our Navy ship strafed the survivors while they were in the water and we pay billions in tribute to Israel....
Israel sank one of our Navy ship strafed the survivors while they were in the water and we pay billions in tribute to Israel....

So you're really going to equate Israel to iran?
Funny...I dont have any recollection of Israelis chanting death to America and burning obammy in effigy......maybe I missed it.
Israel sank one of our Navy ship strafed the survivors while they were in the water and we pay billions in tribute to Israel....

So you're really going to equate Israel to iran?
Funny...I dont have any recollection of Israelis chanting death to America and burning obammy in effigy......maybe I missed it.
No I am equating killing US service men with killing US service men
Israel sank one of our Navy ship strafed the survivors while they were in the water and we pay billions in tribute to Israel....

So you're really going to equate Israel to iran?
Funny...I dont have any recollection of Israelis chanting death to America and burning obammy in effigy......maybe I missed it.
No I am equating killing US service men with killing US service men

So one isolated incident equals death to America and we will wipe Israel off the face of the earth?
I know you're a commie but even you should be able to tell the difference.
Shut up boy.... Reagan kept the muslim nutjobs fighting each othe

And then they turned around and killed us.

You get this,r ight. that Saddam and Bin Laden were guys Reagan built up.

It's kind of like the guy who raises vicious pit bulls being shocked when they'd just mauled his child to death.

Just remember, kiddies, when Osama was killing Russians, he was a "Freedom fighter".

When Osama was killing Americans, he was a "Terrorist".
If we're going to look backward we don't have to go as far back as Reagan or even Bush.

How about thinking about "Arab Spring", Muslim Brotherhood, Syrian Rebels and ISIS.
Consider how one begat the next and who was their biggest cheerleader
Who set up the Shiites to be in power in Iraq?
So? An enemy of their enemy, meaning us, is a friend...

Tax payer money being used to defend foreign terrorist:wtf:

“I expected a battle from Iran” to get the money legally owed, Miller said. “What I didn’t expect was the battle we faced from my own government.”

Lawyers from the Department of Justice filed a brief during one legal processing to protect Iran from having to pay the victims.
Reagan traded arms for hostages. And you liked him, so what the fuck are you so worried about?

Reagan freed Americans, Obama leaves them in prison, then funnels 150 billion to the terrorist, who kill Americans.

For every hostage Iran help get released, the terrorist in Lebanon took another one.
Those damn Jews!! kill um all!!:slap: who cares about Saddam, he kept Iran busy for a while

Uh, actually, the Zionists cared very much about Saddam, which is why they spent most of the 1980's campaigning against him when Ronnie Raygun thought he was a swell...

Whats a few hundred dead Americans among friends?

you think the Iraqis who didn't like us in their country wouldn't have figured out how to kill Americans all on their own?
If we're going to look backward we don't have to go as far back as Reagan or even Bush.

How about thinking about "Arab Spring", Muslim Brotherhood, Syrian Rebels and ISIS.
Consider how one begat the next and who was their biggest cheerleader

except they really didn't have much to do with anything.

Okay, the ARAB SPRING was in Egypt and Tunsinia.

ISIS is in IRan and Syria.

Check the map you never looked at during Home Skule... they are totally different places.
Those damn Jews!! kill um all!!:slap: who cares about Saddam, he kept Iran busy for a while

Uh, actually, the Zionists cared very much about Saddam, which is why they spent most of the 1980's campaigning against him when Ronnie Raygun thought he was a swell...

Whats a few hundred dead Americans among friends?

you think the Iraqis who didn't like us in their country wouldn't have figured out how to kill Americans all on their own?
So Iran shouldn't be held responsible for the death of Americans? Should the Justice dept be in the business of defending Iran against the claims of American citizens whose relatives were killed? why do you love the mullahs? Is islam your favorite religion?
So Iran shouldn't be held responsible for the death of Americans?

Uh, because we kind of stuck our dicks in their part of the world. Now, if htey were killing Americans here, I'd be all for taking it out on them. But you go to Iraq or Palestine and wonder why the people there (not the Iranians) are killing you, it's kind of your own fucking problem.

We invaded Iraq on a LIE. Maybe someone needs to hold US responsible.

Should the Justice dept be in the business of defending Iran against the claims of American citizens whose relatives were killed?

They don't have any claims. That's the point I am trying to get across to you. Buy pays your money and you take your chances.

why do you love the mullahs?

Why don't you Jews fight your own wars fora change.

Is islam your favorite religion?

No,I think all religions are equally stupid. BUt our problems with Iran have nothing to do with religion.
So Iran shouldn't be held responsible for the death of Americans?

Uh, because we kind of stuck our dicks in their part of the world. Now, if htey were killing Americans here, I'd be all for taking it out on them. But you go to Iraq or Palestine and wonder why the people there (not the Iranians) are killing you, it's kind of your own fucking problem.

We invaded Iraq on a LIE. Maybe someone needs to hold US responsible.

Should the Justice dept be in the business of defending Iran against the claims of American citizens whose relatives were killed?

They don't have any claims. That's the point I am trying to get across to you. Buy pays your money and you take your chances.

why do you love the mullahs?

Why don't you Jews fight your own wars fora change.

Is islam your favorite religion?

No,I think all religions are equally stupid. BUt our problems with Iran have nothing to do with religion.
our problem with the "Islamic Republic of Iran" is all religion for the mullahs. Iran funded terrorist attacks around the world, and should pay for those, not given money for more:slap:
our problem with the "Islamic Republic of Iran" is all religion for the mullahs. Iran funded terrorist attacks around the world, and should pay for those, not given money for more

Guy, the terrorists who have inflicted the most damage to us were ones we funded ourselves.

You know, that Bin Laden guy who we gave weapons to because those Commies might teach girls how to read or something.

Or Saddam who we funded for a decade because he was keeping the Iranians under control.

Or ISIS, which got started because Petreaus gave Sunni Militias a shitload of money to play nice long enough for us to retreat.

No, our problem with Iran is like our problem with Cuba. We hate them for rejecting us.

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