Iran’s history of state sponsored terrorism is frightening.

Kennedy you do not know what you are writing about. Read some fundamental history of the founding father period of American History. Until then, you come across as a Radical Islamic pretending to be an American with the assumed name of an American President. No American could be as uneducated as you are about Hamilton, who wasn't even born here.

What did I say about Alexander Hamilton that was wrong?

I am not in any way paying homage to or trying to emulate JFK. What religion I come off as, I don't care. Make any assumption in that dept. that you'd like. But everything I've said is fact. Read the Federalist Papers, where I took Hamilton's quote from. I'd also suggest that you brush up on your history. John Marshall, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, basically took Hamilton's interpretations of the Constitution, such as implied powers, and put them into practice. So you're right that Hamilton wasn't on the Supreme Court himself, but it's traditionally been nothing but a court of Hamiltonians regardless.

I'd suggest "Hamilton's Curse" by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, if you'd like to find out more about Hamilton.

Come across as a radical islamic. That's hilarious.

"Unless you know what I THINK I know, you're a terrorist".

Hey Neubarth, why do you keep capitalizing radical islamic? That's quite a show of respect for a group you hate so much, considering it doesn't even include a proper adjective.

Come across as a radical islamic. That's hilarious.

"Unless you know what I THINK I know, you're a terrorist".

In his mind I'm sure that we're intellectual terrorists. Though I'd prefer intellectual freedom fighter.
We're already a little preoccupied militarily at the moment, and more than a little broke. There's also the fact that Congress will need to make a declaration of war, as per the Constitution, and I don't see that happening considering that Iran has not attacked us.

The Korean War was fought without Congress declaring it. Neither North Korea nor Iraq attacked us. Explain why we would need Congress' approval to attack Iran and then explain why it would hinge on Iran attacking us or our interests.
Iran’s history of state sponsored terrorism is frightening.

Iranian terror continues without stop, just as it has for nearly 3 decades. The nuclear program is real and needs to be dealt with soon.

Since the criminal 1979 storming of the United States embassy in Tehran, Iran’s complicity in horrible terrorist attacks around the world has continued. The US embassy bombings in Kuwait and Lebanon in 1983 along with the US Marine Barracks is well known by Americans.

But how many know of Iran’s support for Ayman al-Zawahiri’s planned Egyptian coup in 1990? Any effort towards peace in the middle East is attacked by Iran. This, according to top al-Qaeda operative Ali Mohamed now in US custody.

Iran met with (eventual) al-Qaeda operatives and Hezbollah at the Popular Arab Islamic Conference meetings held in Sudan after the Gulf War of 1990-1991? Osama Bin (let's kill innocent men women and children) Laden met regularly with Iranians in Sudan for the purposes of uniting attacks against the United States and the Free World.

How many know about Iran’s Satanic Hezbollah training al-Qaeda terrorists in the art of suicide truck bomb operations in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley ahead of the 1998 simultaneous US embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya where more innocent men, women and children were murdered? Note that the Iranian funded terrorist organization in Lebanon has taken the original Iranian name of Hezbollah.

The 2003 al-Qaeda attacks on three housing complexes in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia were ordered by al-Qaeda commanders Saif al-Adel and Saad bin Laden, operating from within Iran while supposedly under “house arrest.” Their operating fund came directly from Iranian Oil revenue.

Everybody knows that Labanese Hezbollah and Palestinian Hamas are funded and equipped with Iranian money and weapons like the thousands of missiles used to attack innocents in Israel. Those missile attacks have been going on for twenty years now.

Most of the explosives that are used in Iraq to kill men, women and children and American soldiers is provided by Iran.

The horrific explosions in Spain, England, Germany and France were partially Iranian funded.

The list goes on and on and on.

Only one country besides Israel has identified the source of bombings and terrorism.

That country was Argentina. There has been a lot of Large Scale Iranian terrorism in Argentina.

There are about a quarter of a million Jews who live in Argentina so it will continue to be a target of Insane Radical Islamic attack, just like New York City has been. Most American are totally oblivious to the Iranian sponsored terrorism all around the world. Our brain dead newspapers do not cover the small attacks, but do cover the Big Ones. Here are two of them that you might remember.

1992 Iranian Attack on the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires

The First BIG attack was in Buenos Aires, Argentina and was a bomb attack against Israel's embassy on March 17, 1992. A modified delivery truck, driven by a Radical Islamic suicide bomber and loaded with high explosives, smashed into the front of the Israeli Embassy and detonated, destroying the embassy, a Catholic church, and a nearby elementary school building. There is no doubt in my mind that the Catholic Church and the school were deliberately considered as viable targets because Radical Islam is at war with all infidels no matter what age, sex or faith. Islamic Jihad, allegedly a front for Hezbollah, proudly claimed responsibility for its “Glorious Attack” on the infidels and their children.

The Argentine government subsequently expelled seven disgusting Iranian diplomats from the country, stating that it had "Convincing Proof" of criminal Iranian involvement in the horrific bombing, but could not prosecute the Iranians SOB's because they were shielded by “Diplomatic Immunity.” They need to be hunted down and brought to justice in one manner or another.

The AMIA Bombing

The AMIA Bombing was an attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina building in the capital of Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, that killed 85 people. It was the deadliest bombing in Argentina's history. On October 25, 2006, Argentine prosecutors formally accused the government of Iran of directing the bombing, and the Hezbollah militia of carrying it out.

Subsequent to these attacks, the Iranians have sponsored attacks against innocent civilian people of Jewish ancestry living throughout Latin America. These attacks have been one by one and have on occasion been made to look like bungled kidnappings of children or robberies that have gone awry. It is so singularly directed one is left with no doubt that it is a continuing attack on the Jewish people just because they are Jewish.

So totally evil, but a reality.

IT is time for the United States to take action!

and then there is Americas history of state sponsored terrorism..but that's different..don't ask just is

[ame=]YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 1/12[/ame]
The Korean War was fought without Congress declaring it. Neither North Korea nor Iraq attacked us. Explain why we would need Congress' approval to attack Iran and then explain why it would hinge on Iran attacking us or our interests.

Exactly. The Korean War was fought unconstitutionally, along with the Vietnam War as well, and both conflicts in the Gulf. The reason the founders gave the power to declare war to Congress, the voice of the people, was because they did not want an all-powerful executive that could throw us in the middle of any war or attack anybody that they please. They fought a war to get away from one tyrannical king and they did not want to install another one to govern over the United States. Also, let us not forget that two of the founders cautioned against us intervening militarily around the world.

"The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible." - George Washington

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none." - Thomas Jefferson

Let's also look at the fact that in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution it says that Congress shall have the power to declare war, among other powers. Why, when they debated heatedly over every little thing to put in the Constitution, would the founders put this in there if it was simply an "accomodation for custom?"

Let's also ask ourselves why Alexander Hamilton, who very nearly wanted an all-powerful executive and an all-powerful federal government in general, realized that the executive is the commander-in-chief but does not inherit these powers until Congress makes an official Declaration of War?

"The President is to be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States. In this respect his authority would be nominally the same with that of the king of Great Britain, but in substance much inferior to it. It would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces, as first General an admiral of the Confederacy; while that of the British king extends to the declaring of war and to the raising and regulating of fleets and armies--all of which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature." - Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers

Why do we need Congress' approval? Because they are the voice of the people, and since war affects the people in a negative way it should be their direct representatives that have the power to declare that which should be nothing less than a last resort and used only in the most extreme cases.

Why should declaring war hinge on the nation attacking us? Have you ever heard of the just war theory? It states that the only just war is a war of self defense. Preemptive war is an absurdity that allows for the perpetrator to attack anyone at anytime on the assumption that at some point in the future they may attack us. I think the disaster that was the invasion of Iraq in 2003 is a good enough example of why preemptive war should be avoided at all costs.

This hopefully answers your question.
Exactly. The Korean War was fought unconstitutionally, along with the Vietnam War as well, and both conflicts in the Gulf. The reason the founders gave the power to declare war to Congress, the voice of the people, was because they did not want an all-powerful executive that could throw us in the middle of any war or attack anybody that they please. They fought a war to get away from one tyrannical king and they did not want to install another one to govern over the United States. Also, let us not forget that two of the founders cautioned against us intervening militarily around the world.

"The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible." - George Washington

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none." - Thomas Jefferson

Let's also look at the fact that in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution it says that Congress shall have the power to declare war, among other powers. Why, when they debated heatedly over every little thing to put in the Constitution, would the founders put this in there if it was simply an "accomodation for custom?"

Let's also ask ourselves why Alexander Hamilton, who very nearly wanted an all-powerful executive and an all-powerful federal government in general, realized that the executive is the commander-in-chief but does not inherit these powers until Congress makes an official Declaration of War?

"The President is to be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States. In this respect his authority would be nominally the same with that of the king of Great Britain, but in substance much inferior to it. It would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces, as first General an admiral of the Confederacy; while that of the British king extends to the declaring of war and to the raising and regulating of fleets and armies--all of which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature." - Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers

Why do we need Congress' approval? Because they are the voice of the people, and since war affects the people in a negative way it should be their direct representatives that have the power to declare that which should be nothing less than a last resort and used only in the most extreme cases.

Why should declaring war hinge on the nation attacking us? Have you ever heard of the just war theory? It states that the only just war is a war of self defense. Preemptive war is an absurdity that allows for the perpetrator to attack anyone at anytime on the assumption that at some point in the future they may attack us. I think the disaster that was the invasion of Iraq in 2003 is a good enough example of why preemptive war should be avoided at all costs.

This hopefully answers your question.

the declaration of war SHOULD hinge on the country attacking us. That doesn't mean it WOULD. The President has been able to get away with attacking countries without a declaration of war. all he has to do is call it a "police action." Bombing Iran would not require a declaration of war. The President has the right to conuct military actions. I believe it is 180 days.
the declaration of war SHOULD hinge on the country attacking us. That doesn't mean it WOULD. The President has been able to get away with attacking countries without a declaration of war. all he has to do is call it a "police action." Bombing Iran would not require a declaration of war. The President has the right to conuct military actions. I believe it is 180 days.

I'm not arguing that the Constitution is going to stop the President from attacking anyone that they please, but it is supposed to. In fact, the Constitution doesn't stop our government from doing anything anymore. This is a tragedy.

"A Republic, if you can keep it," was Benjamin Franklin's response when he was asked what form of government the people of the United States were given at the close of the Constitutional Convention.

It would appear that we couldn't keep it, because we allowed the government to take powers they were never intended to have by the founders.
Neubarth? said:
The United States' history of state sponsored terrorism is frightening.

American terror continues without stop, just as it has for more than a century. The nuclear program is real and needs to be dealt with soon.

Since the criminal 1953 coup on the Iranian Parliament by covert US and British action, the US's complicity in horrible terrorist attacks around the world has continued. The US's coups in Guatemala (1954), Chile (1973), along by the terrorist war against Nicaragua (1980s)are well known by everyone.

But how many know of the US's support for the Venezuelan Military’s planned coup in 2002? Any effort towards peace in Latin America is attacked by the US. This, according to top [US government official] now in [Disneyland].

The US collaborated with (actual) brutal regimes such as Suharto's, Apartheid South Africa, Augusto Pinochet, Saddam Hussein (before the gulf war in 1990-1991)? Ronald (let's kill innocent men women and children) Reagan regularly supported the Iraqi regime through its worse atrocities against 'their own people' and Iran.

How many know about the US’s Satanic training Contra terrorists in the art of assassination and sabotage or previous US bombings and chemical warfare in Vietnam where more innocent men, women and children were murdered? Note that the CIA... uh... is in the US.

The 2003 American attacks on the entire territory of Iraq were ordered by US commander George W. Bush, operating from within the US while totally ignoring the largest pre-war protests in history. Their operating fund came directly from their tax payers.

Everybody knows that [insert US-sponsored dictator- there's several in history to pick from] are funded and equipped with American money and weapons like the thousands of missiles used to attack innocents everywhere. Those missile attacks have been going on for ever now.

Most of the explosives that are used in Iraq [...] are American!

The horrific military regimes in Guatemala, El Salvador, Argentina, Chile, Shah-era Iran, Hussein-era Iraq, Suharto-era Indonesia, Apartheid-era South Africa and Somoza-era Nicaragua were partially American funded.

The list goes on and on and on.

Argentina is of particular interest, since for about 8 or so years it was ruled by a pack of gangsters (the Military Junta), during a period in which 30,000 souls were swallowed whole and "disappeared", of course with the Saintly, Nobel Peace Prize-winner Kissinger giving them two big thumbs up. How could he not, when two of them were graduates of one of the biggest terrorist-training academies in the world- the School of the Americas. Of course, the generals could no longer be given the green light once they messed with an even bigger gangster (Thatcher's Britain).

So totally evil, but a reality.

Holy fuck, dude! That sounds really evil!! :eek:
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Bill Clinton attacked Serbia with no congressional approval and without even consulting the UN, no matter getting a UN resolution. He claimed "500,000" Kosovars had been "ethnically cleansed", comparing it to the "Holocaust" on TV. It all turned out to be a complete fabrication. Approximately the same amount of Serbs and Kosovars died - a few thousand of each. The Serbs were trying to eradicate a US recognized terrorist group known as the KLA who were being financed from other European countries.

Where were the liberals complaining about an "illegal war" and "crimes against humanity"? Nowhere, when it was a Democrat president...
I would prefer not to use US Commandos. It is far better to buy operatives the way the Israelis do. The CIA was very good at buying operatives until Carter was in his third year of office. Somehow, then, he had a change of conviction and issued an order that all covert activities that might result in death to a perceived enemy of the United States.

I voted for Carter the first time around. Damn, that man screwed up everything he touched. I mean EVERYTHING! I feel so gullty that I voted for him in 1976. I was so relieved when Reagan took office and then he started screwing things up.

To this day, I tell my children and others, the measure of a good president is how little he screwed things up. Kennedy was a screw up. Carter was a screwup and then some. Dubya is the greatest screw up in world history.

There is no sectarian bias in my opinion. Oddly, I consider Lyndom Baines Johnson to be one of our top five greatest presidents in spite of the fact
that the Viet Nam war expanded under his stewardship. It is what he did on the civil front that made him great. No other man could have managed to get hte legislation through Congress that Lyndon did. It is time historians give him credit where credit is due.

lbj ya great guy ..the uss liberty was one of his finest moments
do you ever stop to think that maybe they are not screw ups but just not working for the agenda they say they are and in reality its running like a well oiled machine
In his mind I'm sure that we're intellectual terrorists. Though I'd prefer intellectual freedom fighter.

Kevin, you are just too damn uneducated to deal with. Your ignorance is appalling as noted. Please read history, especially American history. I have noted all of your mistakes. Go correct them or refrain from posting total bolshoi on this board.
lbj ya great guy ..the uss liberty was one of his finest moments
do you ever stop to think that maybe they are not screw ups but just not working for the agenda they say they are and in reality its running like a well oiled machine
Having served for many years as a US Naval officer, I was well familiar with the Liberty. The commander was a stupid son of a bitch for sailing into a war zone where it was known that the Israeli's have a hair trigger reaction to any movement from Egypt towards them. If ever a man needed to be court martialed for gross stupidity as an officer of the Navy, he did.

The Israelies did exactly what would have been expected of them. At the US War college in Newport RI, there was a whole class taught on the episode. There the truth is told, and we admit our stupidity. Or as it is called there, "Stupidity to the Max!"
Israel knew it was an American ship.

They wanted to quickly sink it and the put the blame on Egypt.

Thus dragging the United States into a conflict with the Muslim nations.

But the ship didn't sink and eventually Israel was forced to halt the attack.

Then Israel lied and acted like the whole thing was a case of misidentification.

Just a typical Zionist false flag operation that had gone wrong.
and then there is Americas history of state sponsored terrorism..but that's different..don't ask just is

YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 1/12
End of Truth Simpleton, I fully support any means of termination of the enemies of the United States. If you think that is wrong, you end up joining the ranks of the wet pussies of America. You just want to be screwed and don't care who does it.

You Pervert, you! Well, at least I hope you enjoy it.
Kevin, you are just too damn uneducated to deal with. Your ignorance is appalling as noted. Please read history, especially American history. I have noted all of your mistakes. Go correct them or refrain from posting total bolshoi on this board.

You've noted nothing, other than Alexander Hamilton was not a natural born citizen of the United States. Which I never denied. You've offered nothing productive to our discussion, having to resort to calling me a terrorist because you have no rational argument.
Kennedy's use of covert operations to effect political change turned into complete disasters.

#1) Bay of Pigs in Cuba

#2) Covert operations in Vietnam

Covert actions in the political sense, Sunni. Not overt military intervention.

That is truly the ONLY thing that our CIA is even halfway competent at doing, if my information about its dismal history of failure is correct.

I personally believe that the Iranian people are sick to death of the Islamic fundamentalist government lording over them.

I think the ONLY THING holding it together is their government's offical SATAN...the United States.

I knew an awful lot of Iranians when I went to BU.

They were no more Islamic fundamentalists than I am.

More than half my Farsi, Persian translators are Iranians national living in Iran, right now.

Those people do NOT hate the USA, and they most assuredly do not want to live in a 12th century rendition of Islam's golden age, either.

They fear what our government might do, though, and frankly, who the hell can blame them for that?

And if the USA overtly attacks their nation, they're as apt to get nationalistic as Americans are when we are attacked.

The government of Iran is using the USA SATAN to hold together its incompetent government no less that George Bush II used the fear of Islamic terrorists to hold together his cabal of criminals.
Having served for many years as a US Naval officer, I was well familiar with the Liberty. The commander was a stupid son of a bitch for sailing into a war zone where it was known that the Israeli's have a hair trigger reaction to any movement from Egypt towards them. If ever a man needed to be court martialed for gross stupidity as an officer of the Navy, he did.

The Israelies did exactly what would have been expected of them. At the US War college in Newport RI, there was a whole class taught on the episode. There the truth is told, and we admit our stupidity. Or as it is called there, "Stupidity to the Max!"

they taught you what they wished you to belive and your so informed yet you don't even know the commanders name it was Commander (later Captain) William McGonagle who was given the congressional medal of honor in secret and told he would face the death the penalty if he ever spoke ..he was ordered to the ship into the area and ignored distress calls.. the ship was clearly marked as a us vessel

New revelations in attack on American spy ship

Veterans, documents suggest U.S., Israel didn't tell full story of deadly '67 incident By John Crewdson

Tribune senior correspondent

October 2, 2007

Bryce Lockwood, Marine staff sergeant, Russian-language expert, recipient of the Silver Star for heroism, ordained Baptist minister, is shouting into the phone.

"I'm angry! I'm seething with anger! Forty years, and I'm seething with anger!"

Lockwood was aboard the USS Liberty, a super-secret spy ship on station in the eastern Mediterranean, when four Israeli fighter jets flew out of the afternoon sun to strafe and bomb the virtually defenseless vessel on June 8, 1967, the fourth day of what would become known as the Six-Day War.

For Lockwood and many other survivors, the anger is mixed with incredulity: that Israel would attack an important ally, then attribute the attack to a case of mistaken identity by Israeli pilots who had confused the U.S. Navy's most distinctive ship with an Egyptian horse-cavalry transport that was half its size and had a dissimilar profile. And they're also incredulous that, for years, their own government would reject their calls for a thorough investigation.

New Revelations on 1967 Incident: USS Liberty attacked by Israeli fighter jets
Israel knew it was an American ship.

They wanted to quickly sink it and the put the blame on Egypt.

Thus dragging the United States into a conflict with the Muslim nations.

But the ship didn't sink and eventually Israel was forced to halt the attack.

Then Israel lied and acted like the whole thing was a case of misidentification.

Just a typical Zionist false flag operation that had gone wrong.

Total Bolshoi, Sunni. Their attack was not directed at sinking the ship. It was intended to incapacitate it so it would not pose a threat. The Israeli's acted properly under the circumstance.
Total Bolshoi, Sunni. Their attack was not directed at sinking the ship. It was intended to incapacitate it so it would not pose a threat. The Israeli's acted properly under the circumstance.

Well they sure were trying VERY hard not to sink it then!!! :lol:

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