Iran says explosives cut power line to nuclear site


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
(Reuters) - Explosives were used to cut the electricity power lines to Iran's Fordow underground enrichment plant last month in an apparent attempt to sabotage Tehran's atomic advances, its nuclear energy chief said on Monday.

It was believed to be the first time Iran has mentioned the incident, which atomic energy organization chief Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani said took place on August 17.

He also told the annual member state gathering of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that "the same act" had been carried out on power lines to Iran's main enrichment plant near the central town of Natanz, without giving a date.

Iran says explosives cut power line to nuclear site | Reuters

Clearly, this shows the Obama administration's frequent claims that military would only delay Iran's nuclear weapons program for a year or two are not true. Destroy everything connected to the programs that is above ground and destroy the supporting infrastructure for facilities that are underground and the entire program is destroyed.

So why does the Obama administration continue to pretend that military action would only slightly delay Iran's nuclear weapons programs when this is clearly not the case?
Well no need to think the U.S was involved. If we had been, Obama would have broadcast it to the world as he's done on so many other covert operations. He needs to look like a leader you know.
Look for the Israelis to strike Iran's nuclear program this year...
UN fails in attempt to restart Iran nuke probe
January 18, 2013 - U.N experts returned from Tehran on Friday without sealing a long-sought deal that would restart a probe of suspicions that Iran worked on atomic arms, adding to doubts that upcoming separate talks between six world powers and the Islamic Republic will succeed in reducing fears about Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Herman Nackaerts, who headed the team of International Atomic Energy Agency experts, said the two sides would meet again in the Iranian capital Feb. 12. But even if those talks make progress, they will come too late for an Iran-six nation meeting tentatively scheduled for the end of this month. Those nations - the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany - had looked to the Tehran meeting as providing a signal for Iranian readiness to compromise when they sit down with Tehran. They hope those talks will result in an agreement by the Islamic Republic to stop enriching uranium to a higher level that could be turned relatively quickly into the fissile core of nuclear arms. Iran says it is enriching only to make nuclear reactor fuel and for scientific and medical purposes.

This week Iran's Foreign Ministry again cited a 2005 fatwa by the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, that banned nuclear weapons - a declaration the West has dismissed as a stalling tactic. By compromising on the IAEA probe, Iran could have argued that the onus was now on the six powers to show some flexibility, temper their demands, and roll back U.S. and European sanctions that have hit Iran's critical oil exports and blacklisted the country from international banking networks. Although Tehran may hope that agreement to meet again next month with the IAEA shows it is interested in a deal, that may be too little for the six powers, who are growingly frustrated that their own talks with Tehran have barely progressed.

Iran denies any interest in nuclear weapons, asserting that all its nuclear activities are peaceful. It stopped answering questions about allegations that it secretly did research and development work on such arms more than four years ago, saying it had provided enough information to disprove the claims. New attempts to restart the investigation have dragged on for more than a year, with Tehran insisting on a detailed outline of what U.N. experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency may or may not do in their investigations. Nackaerts, in brief arrival comments Friday said that "differences remain," and no deal was reached.

(Reuters) - Explosives were used to cut the electricity power lines to Iran's Fordow underground enrichment plant last month in an apparent attempt to sabotage Tehran's atomic advances, its nuclear energy chief said on Monday.

It was believed to be the first time Iran has mentioned the incident, which atomic energy organization chief Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani said took place on August 17.

He also told the annual member state gathering of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that "the same act" had been carried out on power lines to Iran's main enrichment plant near the central town of Natanz, without giving a date.

Iran says explosives cut power line to nuclear site | Reuters

Clearly, this shows the Obama administration's frequent claims that military would only delay Iran's nuclear weapons program for a year or two are not true. Destroy everything connected to the programs that is above ground and destroy the supporting infrastructure for facilities that are underground and the entire program is destroyed.

So why does the Obama administration continue to pretend that military action would only slightly delay Iran's nuclear weapons programs when this is clearly not the case?
Israel has spec opps.:eusa_eh:
(Reuters) - Explosives were used to cut the electricity power lines to Iran's Fordow underground enrichment plant last month in an apparent attempt to sabotage Tehran's atomic advances, its nuclear energy chief said on Monday.

It was believed to be the first time Iran has mentioned the incident, which atomic energy organization chief Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani said took place on August 17.

He also told the annual member state gathering of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that "the same act" had been carried out on power lines to Iran's main enrichment plant near the central town of Natanz, without giving a date.

Iran says explosives cut power line to nuclear site | Reuters

Clearly, this shows the Obama administration's frequent claims that military would only delay Iran's nuclear weapons program for a year or two are not true. Destroy everything connected to the programs that is above ground and destroy the supporting infrastructure for facilities that are underground and the entire program is destroyed.

So why does the Obama administration continue to pretend that military action would only slightly delay Iran's nuclear weapons programs when this is clearly not the case?

Is there any news story, from anywhere about anything, that you clowns can't twist into another anti-Obama whine? I'm afraid for your health. You're gonna hurt your back going through all those OMG! OBAMA gyrations.

You ought to be on your knees thanking this President that he's been such an effective leader, marshaling nearly the entire world against the Iranian program. And for restraining Benjamin Netanyhu from plunging us all into WWIII.
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Is there any news story, from anywhere about anything, that you clowns can't twist into another anti-Obama whine? I'm afraid for your health. You're gonna hurt your back going through all those OMG! OBAMA gyrations.

I keep hearing from them that Obama "hasn't done anything" about Iran. How in the world would they know that? Are they included in top-level discussions about Iran? Do they have intelligence from their deeply-embedded foreign sources that we've done nothing? They have proof that we've just ignored Iran as they've ramped up the nuclear program and its weaponizing?

Or is this just politics?

Hmmm, gosh, I wonder...


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