Iran Stoning: Woman To Be Executed For Adultery

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Correct. The deck is stacked against women bringing rape charges under shariah law.

Additionally, rape carries a severe stigma against the victim in the muslime culture where the victim is further victimized often by being honor killed by family members, customary in egypt, in particular.

Basically if a woman is raped in a Muslim country she is in a lose/lose situation, even her own family will turn against her because of the shame and embarassment she brought to the family, being a woman in those countries must fucking suck.

Keep in mind, it used to be custom in the arab culture to bury their female babies alive because males were preferable to females. They can't do that today however women remain an inferior gender in the arab and muslime cultures.

Muhammad sez in the hadeeth that women are mentally deficient and all muslimes must emulate muhammad as per the sunnah.

Than why do Muslims claim that women have an important role in their society and are protected? this doesn't sound very protected to me.
Basically if a woman is raped in a Muslim country she is in a lose/lose situation, even her own family will turn against her because of the shame and embarassment she brought to the family, being a woman in those countries must fucking suck.

Keep in mind, it used to be custom in the arab culture to bury their female babies alive because males were preferable to females. They can't do that today however women remain an inferior gender in the arab and muslime cultures.

Muhammad sez in the hadeeth that women are mentally deficient and all muslimes must emulate muhammad as per the sunnah.

Than why do Muslims claim that women have an important role in their society and are protected? this doesn't sound very protected to me.

This well-known hadeeth illustrates muhammad's pov on women. muhammad is called the perfect man in islime and his words and deeds must be emulated

Sahih Bukhari...
While on his way to pray, Mohammed passed a group of women and he said, "Ladies, give to charities and donate money to the unfortunate, because I have witnessed that most of the people in Hell are women.
They asked, "Why is that?"
He answered, "You swear too much, and you show no grati-tude to your husbands. I have never come across anyone more lacking in intelligence, or ignorant of their religion than women. A careful and intelligent man could be misled by many of you."
They responded, "What exactly are we lacking in intelligence or faith?"
Mohammed said, "Is it not true that the testimony of one man is the equal to the testimony of two women?"
After they affirmed that this was true, Mohammed said, "That illustrates that women are lacking in intelligence. Is it not also true that women may not pray nor fast during their men-strual cycle?" They said that this was also true.
Mohammed then said, "That illustrates that women are lack-ing in their religion."
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3 daughters and his other wife

This what some men call honor. He and his "new wife" and son did.

These are the faces of real people who died a horrid death. Look at the little baby girls. I'd be proud to call any of these baby girls my daughter.
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3 daughters and his other wife

this what some men call honour. He and his "new wife" and son did.

These are the faces of real people who died a horrid death. Look at the little baby girls. I'd be proud to call any of these baby girls my daughter.

OMA [oh my allah]
a 27-year-old mother of five was bludgeoned to death with an iron chain by her father last week in gaza in what human rights groups report was an honor killing.

According to police in gaza, the father, jawdat al-najar, heard his daughter fadia, who had divorced in 2005, speaking on the phone with a man. He believed she was having a relationship with him. Police say al-najar became enraged and beat her to death; her body was brought to a hospital where officials said she died of a skull fracture

the woman was beaten to death in the northern gaza neighborhood of jebalya on thursday night. The father called police and confessed to the murder.

According to investigators for the gaza-based al mezan center for human rights, the father and his three sons were taken into police custody. They said the killing "was carried out on grounds related to 'preserving' the honor of the family."

the palestinian center for human rights, another gaza-based organization, said hospital forensic reports show the woman's body showed signs of torture and that she suffered a skull fracture from being hit by an iron chain.
rights groups decry gaza 'honor killing' - cnn
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Oh and btw they knew they were going to be killed. But because of "PC" no person in authority responded appropriately.

The girls knew their father was going to kill them in the name of "honor".

What a champ. Dear Lord Almighty on this one I could kill him myself.
Oh and btw they knew they were going to be killed. But because of "PC" no person in authority responded appropriately.

The girls knew their father was going to kill them in the name of "honor".

What a champ. Dear Lord Almighty on this one I could kill him myself.

muslimes are the children of satan

3 daughters and his other wife

this what some men call honour. He and his "new wife" and son did.

These are the faces of real people who died a horrid death. Look at the little baby girls. I'd be proud to call any of these baby girls my daughter.

OMA [oh my allah]
a 27-year-old mother of five was bludgeoned to death with an iron chain by her father last week in gaza in what human rights groups report was an honor killing.

According to police in gaza, the father, jawdat al-najar, heard his daughter fadia, who had divorced in 2005, speaking on the phone with a man. He believed she was having a relationship with him. Police say al-najar became enraged and beat her to death; her body was brought to a hospital where officials said she died of a skull fracture

the woman was beaten to death in the northern gaza neighborhood of jebalya on thursday night. The father called police and confessed to the murder.

According to investigators for the gaza-based al mezan center for human rights, the father and his three sons were taken into police custody. They said the killing "was carried out on grounds related to 'preserving' the honor of the family."

the palestinian center for human rights, another gaza-based organization, said hospital forensic reports show the woman's body showed signs of torture and that she suffered a skull fracture from being hit by an iron chain.
rights groups decry gaza 'honor killing' - cnn

Sadly I can out do you. Horror stories for forever. Been on it since 1995.

My heart breaks the most when idiots on message boards try to justify any of it. It's not right. And frankly disgusting.
Interesting to note that muslim women seem to be viewed differently than muslim males by some.

I know so many good muslims I am not going to give a blanket statement. Hell's bells I'm from the land of Little Mosque on the Prairie.

And we have kick ass never want to mess with them real deal awesome Muslim women.
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I know so many good muslims I am not going to give a blanket statement. Hell's bells I'm from the land of Little Mosque on the Prarie.

And we have kick ass never want to mess with them real deal awesome Muslim women.

In order for a muslime to be "good," they basically must renounce the very principles and tenets that comprise the foundation of islime, rendering them, in effect, apostates.

Only problem with being an apostate, the penalty under the sharia is death

I know so many good muslims I am not going to give a blanket statement. Hell's bells I'm from the land of Little Mosque on the Prairie.

And we have kick ass never want to mess with them real deal awesome Muslim women.

This is what happens to "real deal awesome" Muslim women in Islamic countries.

Interesting to note that muslim women seem to be viewed differently than muslim males by some.

It's the subjecation.

Can you even imagine a moment where an old woman recruited young women to be suicide bombers because and I'm not kidding you she recruited them by organizing systematic rapes.

It gets better. So you have all these women being raped and the same woman who organized the rape now convinces the young women who have been raped to detonate themselves to prove that they have repented.

It's a real deal. And it really happened.
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Interesting to note that muslim women seem to be viewed differently than muslim males by some.

It's the subjecation.

Can you even imagine a moment where an old woman recruited young women to be suicide bombers because and I'm not kidding you she recruited them by organizing systematic rapes.

It gets better. So you have all these women being raped and the same woman who organized the rape now convinces the young women who have been raped to detonate themselves to prove that they have repented.

It's a real deal. And it really happened.

I believe you, suicide bomber recruiters do sick things to gather recruits.
Interesting to note that muslim women seem to be viewed differently than muslim males by some.

It's the subjecation.

Can you even imagine a moment where an old woman recruited young women to be suicide bombers because and I'm not kidding you she recruited them by organizing systematic rapes.

It gets better. So you have all these women being raped and the same woman who organized the rape now convinces the young women who have been raped to detonate themselves to prove that they have repented.

It's a real deal. And it really happened.

I believe you, suicide bomber recruiters do sick things to gather recruits.

Holy Quran sez dying as a shahid is the only guaranteed fast-track to the 72 whores in paradise.

In fact, it is customary to bury the suicide bomber unwashed so allah sees they died in holy war.

Jihad was the basis for a bunch of desert bedouins establishing the vast islimic empire of the middle ages. muhammad promised them all their wishes of endless sex, food and water if they died for him, so, he had an army totally fearless of death

Today, jihad and suicide bombing has the same sexual motivation to testosterone-charged muslime males
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It's the subjecation.

Can you even imagine a moment where an old woman recruited young women to be suicide bombers because and I'm not kidding you she recruited them by organizing systematic rapes.

It gets better. So you have all these women being raped and the same woman who organized the rape now convinces the young women who have been raped to detonate themselves to prove that they have repented.

It's a real deal. And it really happened.

I believe you, suicide bomber recruiters do sick things to gather recruits.

Holy Quran sez dying as a shahid is the only guaranteed fast-track to the 72 whores in paradise.

In fact, it is customary to bury the suicide bomber unwashed so allah sees they died in holy war.

Jihad was the basis for a bunch of desert bedouins establishing the vast islimic empire of the middle ages. muhammad promised them all their wishes of endless sex, food and water if they died for him, so, he had an army totally fearless of death

Today, jihad and suicide bombing has the same sexual motivation to testosterone-charged muslime males

I am in awe that this barbaric way of thinking has survived so long, and has even now people willing to die for it.
Female infanticide has been practiced in world by most every ethnic group and culture thru out history.

The pre-Islamic arab world was no different in this respect.

Until the 6th century when Prophet Muhammad forbid the practice.
Female infanticide has been practiced in world by most every ethnic group and culture thru out history.

The pre-Islamic arab world was no different in this respect.

Until the 6th century when Prophet Muhammad forbid the practice.
That's because MoMo didn't want to see that young YOUNG pussy go to waste.
After beating up their wives allahu akbar and honor-killing their children allahu akbar, muslimes like nothing more than a hot love-making session with a sexy goat or camel allahu akbar

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