Iran/ U.S. Back Channel and Death of General Salami. Did we do Iran’s Dirty Work?


May 23, 2014
Why huge crowds turned out for Soleimani's funeral
Let me throw this out.
A.) Salami is popular...he wanted to make a move for power.
B. ) Iranian leadership ask USA and Trump for a favor in return for a deal.
C.) “You guys kill him...we fire an impotent attack to appease our people...and everyone is good.”
D.) President comes out and says we are all good now.
E.) We didn’t kill our own power hungry guy...USA did...President looks good...we flail away with phony attempt to hit American servicemen...and it stops.
F.) Leadership of both nations gain from death of Salami.
Think about it?
Why huge crowds turned out for Soleimani's funeral
Let me throw this out.
A.) Salami is popular...he wanted to make a move for power.
B. ) Iranian leadership ask USA and Trump for a favor in return for a deal.
C.) “You guys kill him...we fire an impotent attack to appease our people...and everyone is good.”
D.) President comes out and says we are all good now.
E.) We didn’t kill our own power hungry guy...USA did...President looks good...we flail away with phony attempt to hit American servicemen...and it stops.
F.) Leadership of both nations gain from death of Salami.
Think about it?
And thus is born the latest conspiracy..... soon to be parroted from every tin-foil hat conspiracy site.

...maybe put in a wrinkle where Trump knows that he could use the distraction...goes with the Iranian plan...good case of..dare i say it...Quid Pro Quo???
Plausible till F. How do WE gain?
Who wrote the book on early foreign policy? Machiavelli. The Italian has the code of “omertà.” In international relations...foreign leaders act like Mafia leaders. Men of power. This scenario could be 100% true. In fact...might be what happened. We kill a guy you want dead...we want dead...where’s the mutual favor?
Plausible till F. How do WE gain?
Who wrote the book on early foreign policy? Machiavelli. The Italian has the code of “omertà.” In international relations...foreign leaders act like Mafia leaders. Men of power. This scenario could be 100% true. In fact...might be what happened. We kill a guy you want dead...we want dead...where’s the mutual favor?
All that when you can just whack a guy in a "car crash?" "plane crash?"
Nah. Not buying it but would make a great movie.
Plausible till F. How do WE gain?
Iran owes us...they fear our power...obviously by impotence of there retaliation. “Can you hit this guy in Iraq? How important is this to you?” The implication is are multi fold.
They 'owe us?' How you figure?
If we get rid of Salami and prevent an overthrow of the leadership, their power, and their authority. Who knows? Their missiles missed?
Plausible till F. How do WE gain?
Who wrote the book on early foreign policy? Machiavelli. The Italian has the code of “omertà.” In international relations...foreign leaders act like Mafia leaders. Men of power. This scenario could be 100% true. In fact...might be what happened. We kill a guy you want dead...we want dead...where’s the mutual favor?
All that when you can just whack a guy in a "car crash?" "plane crash?"
Nah. Not buying it but would make a great movie.
But we get to have a vulgar display of power and do it public.

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