Iran violated the nuclear treaty over the weekend?

I am shocked...shocked!

What a GREAT deal that was, huh?
I believe it was a UN resolution about ballistic missiles that was violated, not the nuclear deal, not a treaty at all, just an executive agreement. Still, this is a big test for President Trump. Obama got a lot of criticism for not responding to past Iranian violations of the ballistic missile resolution, justly I thought, so will President Trump respond differently? I hope so.
well, what they do that doesn't threaten the united states is their choice.

I oppose going to war over firing of a missile.
I see, you'd rather wait until an Iranian missile lands in Washington. This was a missile test in their quest to develop longer range missiles. It failed but eventually they will succeed in developing missiles that can hit our European allies and eventually missiles that can hit the US unless they are stopped.
I see, you'd rather wait until an Iranian missile lands in Washington. This was a missile test in their quest to develop longer range missiles. It failed but eventually they will succeed in developing missiles that can hit our European allies and eventually missiles that can hit the US unless they are stopped.

Who has Iran bombed recently?

Who has the US bombed recently?

Who's the bigger threat to the world?
I see, you'd rather wait until an Iranian missile lands in Washington. This was a missile test in their quest to develop longer range missiles. It failed but eventually they will succeed in developing missiles that can hit our European allies and eventually missiles that can hit the US unless they are stopped.

Who has Iran bombed recently?

Who has the US bombed recently?

Who's the bigger threat to the world?
lol The US is not a threat to the world and Iran is. Iran is presently murdering people in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen and aspires to kill Saudis, Israelis and Americans because the country is ruled by lunatics. It would be irresponsible not to punish this murderous country for violating the UN resolution about ballistic missiles. Obama was irresponsible. Hopefully President Trump will not be.
Iran test fired a long range ballistic missile.

This either directly violates agreements they are currently party to, or it doesn't .

It's not tough to determine, one simply needs to read the agreement. If the agreements stipulate that Iran cannot test fire long range missiles, they violated the agreements.

If a violation occurred, there should be consequences.

If a violation did not occur, we all just go on with our lives.

Which is it?
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I see, you'd rather wait until an Iranian missile lands in Washington. This was a missile test in their quest to develop longer range missiles. It failed but eventually they will succeed in developing missiles that can hit our European allies and eventually missiles that can hit the US unless they are stopped.

Who has Iran bombed recently?

Who has the US bombed recently?

Who's the bigger threat to the world?
You would see it that way.
According to the snowflake media, Iran's missile test is a response to Trump's travel ban.

Is this sound logic?

If the USA doesn't accept Iranian immigrants without making sure they are properly vetted, Iran will violate their nuclear agreements?'

Huh? How does one connect those dots rationally?
I am shocked...shocked!

What a GREAT deal that was, huh?
I believe it was a UN resolution about ballistic missiles that was violated, not the nuclear deal, not a treaty at all, just an executive agreement. Still, this is a big test for President Trump. Obama got a lot of criticism for not responding to past Iranian violations of the ballistic missile resolution, justly I thought, so will President Trump respond differently? I hope so.

The UN doesn't do shit for violating resolutions.

Saddam Hussein was admonished by the UN 19 times for violating UN resolutions.

There were little if any consequences for Iraq by the UN for these specific violations.
Huh? How does one connect those dots rationally?

So now you're claiming to be unfamiliar with the concept of "screw you!" diplomacy? You'd think that, being your side specializes in it, you'd understand someone else doing it.

You agree one has nothing to do with the other.

Did Iran violate any agreements by test firing the missile? If they did, should there be consequences? What consequences?

Here is a sample rational responses to those questions:

Yes, Iran violated a UN resolution that specifically forbids Iran from testing missiles that can deliver a nuclear to another continent. They should be sanctioned and the sanction is that they will have some foreign assets frozen.


They did not violate any agreements. There should be no consequences.
I see, you'd rather wait until an Iranian missile lands in Washington. This was a missile test in their quest to develop longer range missiles. It failed but eventually they will succeed in developing missiles that can hit our European allies and eventually missiles that can hit the US unless they are stopped.

Who has Iran bombed recently?

Who has the US bombed recently?

Who's the bigger threat to the world?

It aint Israel.
You would see it that way.

Most of the world sees it that way.

Trump is hated by the world. The UN is not going to do jack for him. That means the US has to do anything completely alone. There are consequences for pissing off the whole globe.
So the rest of the world saw us differently 11 days ago?

We'll see just what the UN will do to keep their funding.
Security Council, Adopting Resolution 2231 (2015), Endorses Joint Comprehensive Agreement on Iran’s Nuclear Programme | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases

Iran violated UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

Security Council, Adopting Resolution 2231 (2015), Endorses Joint Comprehensive Agreement on Iran’s Nuclear Programme | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases

ODS HOME PAGE --- This is the text of the resolution Iran violated 2231.

Specifically, the sanctions should be as laid out by the UN:

If Iran violates the agreement, any of the P5+1 can invoke a "snap back" provision, under which the sanctions "snap back" into place (i.e., are reimplemented).

The internet makes it very easy to go to source documents and read for yourself rather than letting someone else think for you.

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