Iran violated the nuclear treaty over the weekend?

Not part of the nuclear treaty dumbass

Uuuuh yes it is.
Oh really dumbass? Point it out then. Point out the ballistic missile language in the Iran nuclear deal for us.

Iran was forbidden to practice long range missile tests...yet they did.
Not part of the nuclear treaty dumbass

Uuuuh yes it is.
Oh really dumbass? Point it out then. Point out the ballistic missile language in the Iran nuclear deal for us.

Iran was forbidden to practice long range missile tests...yet they did.
Not by the Iran nuclear deal
Not part of the nuclear treaty dumbass

Uuuuh yes it is.
Oh really dumbass? Point it out then. Point out the ballistic missile language in the Iran nuclear deal for us.

Iran was forbidden to practice long range missile tests...yet they did.
Not by the Iran nuclear deal

Bullshit. The only people who say they didnt are al jazeera and other left wing hate mongers.
How should we handle this if Iran keeps violating the treaty. Bomb them? No fly zone? Drone strikes? Boots on the ground? Full occupation?


Bombing should only be a last resort if we know they are close to an actual working bomb and they are refusing to abide by the agreements they signed.

There should be economic sanctions to start with. Perhaps refreezing the $150 billion in assets we are going to release to Iran. I don't think we have actually given them that specific money yet.
Not part of the nuclear treaty dumbass

Uuuuh yes it is.
Oh really dumbass? Point it out then. Point out the ballistic missile language in the Iran nuclear deal for us.

Iran was forbidden to practice long range missile tests...yet they did.
Not by the Iran nuclear deal

Bullshit. The only people who say they didnt are al jazeera and other left wing hate mongers.
Oh really dumbass? Point it out then. Point out the ballistic missile language in the Iran nuclear deal for us.
Uuuuh yes it is.
Oh really dumbass? Point it out then. Point out the ballistic missile language in the Iran nuclear deal for us.

Iran was forbidden to practice long range missile tests...yet they did.
Not by the Iran nuclear deal

Bullshit. The only people who say they didnt are al jazeera and other left wing hate mongers.
Oh really dumbass? Point it out then. Point out the ballistic missile language in the Iran nuclear deal for us.

It was pointed out during barry's term...of course you dick sucking fascist ignored it.
Oh really dumbass? Point it out then. Point out the ballistic missile language in the Iran nuclear deal for us.

Iran was forbidden to practice long range missile tests...yet they did.
Not by the Iran nuclear deal

Bullshit. The only people who say they didnt are al jazeera and other left wing hate mongers.
Oh really dumbass? Point it out then. Point out the ballistic missile language in the Iran nuclear deal for us.

It was pointed out during barry's term...of course you dick sucking fascist ignored it.
Ballistic missile language was from a different resolution. Not the Iran nuclear deal, which has accomplished its purpose.
They can do ballistic tests, they can not do ballistic tests for the ballistics meant for NUCLEAR USE is what's in the deal...

I do not know enough about ballistics to know the difference.
Ballistic missiles are not part of the nuclear agreement. Nice try. No one has shown Iran to have violated that agreement. Iran has honored it.

Ballistic missiles are a separate issue for which the US and UN have implemented sanctions.

U.N. Security Council 2231, which enshrined the Iran nuclear deal into international law, says that the Islamic Republic "is called upon not to undertake an activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology."

Sunday's missile test seems to have violated 2231.
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I am shocked...shocked!

What a GREAT deal that was, huh?
I believe it was a UN resolution about ballistic missiles that was violated, not the nuclear deal, not a treaty at all, just an executive agreement. Still, this is a big test for President Trump. Obama got a lot of criticism for not responding to past Iranian violations of the ballistic missile resolution, justly I thought, so will President Trump respond differently? I hope so.

The UN doesn't do shit for violating resolutions.

Saddam Hussein was admonished by the UN 19 times for violating UN resolutions.

There were little if any consequences for Iraq by the UN for these specific violations.
Most UN resolutions are just meant to convey the sense of the Security Council, but this resolution is a Chapter VII resolution which gives the UN the authority to take punitive action against Iran. So far this has not happened because of a failure of American leadership under Obama. Hopefully, this will not be the case under President Trump.

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