Iran Violating Nuclear Deal

President Obama worked with UK, France, Germany, Russia and China to negotiate with Iran and get them to destroy existing stockpiles of enriched Uranium and agree to international inspections in return for lifting of sanctions and return of frozen funds.
International inspections revealed Iran was in compliance with the agreement.

Then the US elected Donald J Trump. Trump destroyed the deal and reinstated sanctions.
As expected, Iran’s response was to restart their nuclear program

Iran was never going to stop it's nuclear program.

What do you call destroying your stockpile of enriched Uranium and centrifuges?

A ruse to fool idiots like you.

You actually believe they destroyed everything?

I got a bridge in NY I can sell you cheap

International inspectors witnessed the process of destroying enriched uranium stockpiles and centrifuges

There is your bridge
Inspectors were barred from certain sites, so inspections are useless.

And Iran kept stockpiles and centrifuges, which never stopped spinning, Dummy.

Unproven lies
Inspectors did not have open access to Iran’s military capabilities without notice.

Trump changed that to NO ACCESS

Which is why Iran is back in the Nuke business
You are a liar. Several places were always off limits.

They were never out of the nuke business, Dummy.

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