Iran wants US Mideast forces labeled ‘terrorist’

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
After the US recently said this;

U.S. Labels Iran's Revolutionary Guard As A Foreign Terrorist Organization

Iran quickly responds with the " I know you are but what am I " tactic.

The US Army will land in the company of jihadists on Iran’s list of terrorist organizations, should Washington declare the nation’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist group, Iranian lawmakers warned.

Any US attack against the IRGC will be met with strong “reciprocal measures,” 255 of the 290 Iranian lawmakers said in a statement issued on Sunday, local media reported. The MPs warned that the response will make the “the leaders of America, who themselves are the creators and supporters of the terrorist groups in the region, regret their foolish actions.”

Reports that Washington is preparing to officially designate Iran’s elite military unit as a ‘terrorist organization’ appeared earlier this week.

Iran to place US Army on ‘terror list’ if Washington does the same with Revolutionary Guards
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Allah akbar!


That was likely the dumbest shit that IKE was ever involved in & then IKE had the gall to offer US a warning in 1961 about these very types of abuses by OUR government.
I see IKE's final address to US (in part) as an attempt by IKE to absolve himself of guilt; guilt that he himself put upon his own self. By IKE's action of approving the Iranian coup IKE was (ultimately) responsible for the creation of the SAVAK.
What a shameful legacy for a POTUS to have; a leader of the 'free world' that wrote the book on fear & death in Iran.
Shameful ...........
And many AmeriKKKans wonder why Iran has no trust for US. LOFL

That was likely the dumbest shit that IKE was ever involved in & then IKE had the gall to offer US a warning in 1961 about these very types of abuses by OUR government.
I see IKE's final address to US (in part) as an attempt by IKE to absolve himself of guilt; guilt that he himself put upon his own self. By IKE's action of approving the Iranian coup IKE was (ultimately) responsible for the creation of the SAVAK.
What a shameful legacy for a POTUS to have; a leader of the 'free world' that wrote the book on fear & death in Iran.
Shameful ...........
And many AmeriKKKans wonder why Iran has no trust for US. LOFL

Ike was no angel, that's true. Here's a small snip from his wiki-page.

....His administration provided major aid to help the French fight off Vietnamese Communists in the First Indochina War. After the French left he gave strong financial support to the new state of South Vietnam. He supported local military coups against democratically-elected governments in Iran and Guatemala. During the Suez Crisis of 1956, Eisenhower condemned the Israeli, British and French invasion of Egypt, and he forced them to withdraw. He also condemned the Soviet invasion during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 but took no action. During the Syrian Crisis of 1957 he approved a CIA-MI6 plan to stage fake border incidents as an excuse for an invasion by Syria's pro-Western neighbours.[3]After the Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957, Eisenhower authorized the establishment of NASA, which led to the Space Race. He deployed 15,000 soldiers during the 1958 Lebanon crisis. Near the end of his term, his efforts to set up a summit meeting with the Soviets collapsed when a U.S. spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. He approved the Bay of Pigs invasion, which was left to his successor, John F. Kennedy, to carry out.[4]
Moronic left wing dupes love to discount the Cold War when they reference the Iranian puppet regime and they believe Iran going from bad to worse in 1979 is improvement.
Anything Iran calls terrorist means it’s not terrorist.
After the US recently said this;

U.S. Labels Iran's Revolutionary Guard As A Foreign Terrorist Organization

Iran quickly responds with the " I know you are but what am I " tactic.

The US Army will land in the company of jihadists on Iran’s list of terrorist organizations, should Washington declare the nation’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist group, Iranian lawmakers warned.

Any US attack against the IRGC will be met with strong “reciprocal measures,” 255 of the 290 Iranian lawmakers said in a statement issued on Sunday, local media reported. The MPs warned that the response will make the “the leaders of America, who themselves are the creators and supporters of the terrorist groups in the region, regret their foolish actions.”

Reports that Washington is preparing to officially designate Iran’s elite military unit as a ‘terrorist organization’ appeared earlier this week.

Iran to place US Army on ‘terror list’ if Washington does the same with Revolutionary Guards

The Iranian mullahs have already labeled America as the "great satan", and that was AFTER B. Hussein O paid them off big time with the pallets of cash. Actually, most Iranians are decent, Pro-American people. We have to start remembering that the vast majority of Iranians are like the Shahs of Sunset, not the mullahs ruling in Teheran.
The Iranian mullahs have already labeled America as the "great satan", and that was AFTER B. Hussein O paid them off big time with the pallets of cash. Actually, most Iranians are decent, Pro-American people. We have to start remembering that the vast majority of Iranians are like the Shahs of Sunset, not the mullahs ruling in Teheran.
Remembering is a huge difficulty for Americans, like our memory of when we helped Saddam Hussein kill a million Iranians with US-made chemical weapons and satellite locations of Iranian troops, which outnumbered Iraq 10 to 1. Most Americans didn't even know this, but I guarantee every Iranian remembers or learns.
The Iranian mullahs have already labeled America as the "great satan", and that was AFTER B. Hussein O paid them off big time with the pallets of cash. Actually, most Iranians are decent, Pro-American people. We have to start remembering that the vast majority of Iranians are like the Shahs of Sunset, not the mullahs ruling in Teheran.
Remembering is a huge difficulty for Americans, like our memory of when we helped Saddam Hussein kill a million Iranians with US-made chemical weapons and satellite locations of Iranian troops, which outnumbered Iraq 10 to 1. Most Americans didn't even know this, but I guarantee every Iranian remembers or learns.

The Iran vs. Iraq war happened AFTER the Iranian liberals held American hostages for more than a year in 1979-1981. It told Ronald Reagan to get them released
The Iranian mullahs have already labeled America as the "great satan", and that was AFTER B. Hussein O paid them off big time with the pallets of cash. Actually, most Iranians are decent, Pro-American people. We have to start remembering that the vast majority of Iranians are like the Shahs of Sunset, not the mullahs ruling in Teheran.
Remembering is a huge difficulty for Americans, like our memory of when we helped Saddam Hussein kill a million Iranians with US-made chemical weapons and satellite locations of Iranian troops, which outnumbered Iraq 10 to 1. Most Americans didn't even know this, but I guarantee every Iranian remembers or learns.

Actually, you don't remember this. The US never aided Saddam's development of chemical weapons and while the US did help Iraq from being defeated by Iran, later we also aided Iran from being defeated by Iraq by selling Iran, through Israel, anti tank and anti aircraft missiles.
The Iran vs. Iraq war happened AFTER the Iranian liberals held American hostages for more than a year in 1979-1981. It told Ronald Reagan to get them released
And ? The CIA never plays both sides ?
“In the course of hundreds of interviews, in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East, I have been told repeatedly that individuals associated with the Reagan-Bush (former cia directer) campaign of 1980 met secretly with Iranian officials to delay the release of the American hostages until after the Presidential election. For this favor, Iran was rewarded with a substantial supply of arms from Israel.”
The Iran vs. Iraq war happened AFTER the Iranian liberals held American hostages for more than a year in 1979-1981. It told Ronald Reagan to get them released
And ? The CIA never plays both sides ?
“In the course of hundreds of interviews, in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East, I have been told repeatedly that individuals associated with the Reagan-Bush (former cia directer) campaign of 1980 met secretly with Iranian officials to delay the release of the American hostages until after the Presidential election. For this favor, Iran was rewarded with a substantial supply of arms from Israel.”
If he actually believes this, he's a little slow witted. The US goal back then was to maintain the balance of power in that region, so the US aided whichever side was in danger of losing. The claim that the US rewarded Iran for releasing the hostages makes no sense since the US first aided Saddam when he was in danger of losing.

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