Iran wants US Mideast forces labeled ‘terrorist’

Allah akbar!

Looks like the $152 billion Obama gave them is money well spent.
Lying fuck. It was Iran's money all along.

It was assetts frozen under certain sanctions concerning Iran's nuclear program.

A program Obama & our allies stopped.

A program that your fat assed orange buddy will allow them to restart.

Every one of those bases are approved by their host countries. I don't recall the Iranians being invited in...
Where is the Iranian military where it was not invited?
So you can criticize Trump for what he says but nobody can criticize Iran’s mullah for what they say.

Trump is supposed to be our President & act like it. Who cares what the Uranian says.

There is no difference to Iran backing rebel forces in Yemen than the US backing a different set of rebels in Yemen. None.
You obviously are too young to recognize the dynamic of the Cold War. Sometimes it’s good to yield to folks with more life experience than you.

I am well versed in the Cold War era. On the other hand you make excuses for a country that says it believes in freedom when we actually are no better than the so called terrorist.
Like I said, If you are OK with our government running around the globe supporting the illegal overthrow of democratically elected governments, then I'm sure you will be OK with Iran performing a coup on Trump; right?
So you think Iran going from bad to worse is improvement? Do you actually believe they have democratic elections? You sound like a terrorist.

I have already stated TWICE: it was not the business of the US to perform a coup in Iran in 1953.
What the fuck is it about that that you do not fucking get?
It was then. The alternative was worse.
You need to stop consulting left wing sources.

So, then you're OK with Iran doing the same to the US, or to any other nation.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Once the democrats succeed in turning the US into a hell hole the way Iran was and also borders a primary player in the Cold War while possessing massive amounts of oil resources then you’d have a point.
Every one of those bases are approved by their host countries.
Iraq and Afganistan approve of our occupation ?
You're as delusional as the leaders who got us into that fucked up mess.
according to your logic, it was wrong to occupy Germany and Japan after WW2
real smart
Iraq STARTED the war !!! duh
terrorists in Afghanistan STARTED the war
How did Iraq start the war?
they invaded Kuwait
Every one of those bases are approved by their host countries.
Iraq and Afganistan approve of our occupation ?
You're as delusional as the leaders who got us into that fucked up mess.
according to your logic, it was wrong to occupy Germany and Japan after WW2
real smart
Iraq STARTED the war !!! duh
terrorists in Afghanistan STARTED the war
How did Iraq start the war?
they invaded Kuwait
George HW bush won that war.
Every one of those bases are approved by their host countries.
Iraq and Afganistan approve of our occupation ?
You're as delusional as the leaders who got us into that fucked up mess.
according to your logic, it was wrong to occupy Germany and Japan after WW2
real smart
Iraq STARTED the war !!! duh
terrorists in Afghanistan STARTED the war
How did Iraq start the war?
they invaded Kuwait
George HW bush won that war.
you think you are dealing with a bootcamper??!!!
it was a cease fire--then when Iraq violated the PG1 cease fire/etc, we continued PG1
one of the terms:
to inspect Iraq’s suspected chemical and biological weapons capabilities.
Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian
He did not do so by the March 2003 deadline, so President George W. Bush decided to invade
George W. Bush Defends Decision to Remove Hussein
it all started with the invasion of Kuwait
Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

This publication, “Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations,” has been retired. The text remains online for reference purposes, but it is no longer being maintained or expanded.

Why retire “Milestones”? In mid-2016 the Office of the Historian completed a review of its online offerings and concluded that extensive resources would be needed to revise and expand this publication to meet the Office’s standards for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

This publication, “Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations,” has been retired. The text remains online for reference purposes, but it is no longer being maintained or expanded.

Why retire “Milestones”? In mid-2016 the Office of the Historian completed a review of its online offerings and concluded that extensive resources would be needed to revise and expand this publication to meet the Office’s standards for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
but NO link...hahahahah = you just posted crap
Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

This publication, “Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations,” has been retired. The text remains online for reference purposes, but it is no longer being maintained or expanded.

Why retire “Milestones”? In mid-2016 the Office of the Historian completed a review of its online offerings and concluded that extensive resources would be needed to revise and expand this publication to meet the Office’s standards for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
but NO link...hahahahah = you just posted crap

It is from YOUR cite, Brainiac:

Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

Click "NOTE TO READERS" :290968001256257790-final:
Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

This publication, “Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations,” has been retired. The text remains online for reference purposes, but it is no longer being maintained or expanded.

Why retire “Milestones”? In mid-2016 the Office of the Historian completed a review of its online offerings and concluded that extensive resources would be needed to revise and expand this publication to meet the Office’s standards for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
but NO link...hahahahah = you just posted crap

It is from YOUR cite, Brainiac:

Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

Click "NOTE TO READERS" :290968001256257790-final:
it's true --sorry-Brainy one
Iraq Weapons Inspections Fast Facts

CNN Library

Updated 9:07 PM ET, Sun March 31, 2019

(CNN)Here's a look at weapons inspections in Iraq from 1991 to 2007.

At the end of the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War, the United Nations passed Security Council Resolution 687 setting the terms for the ceasefire between Iraq and the US-led coalition. Section C of the resolution called for the elimination of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and some ballistic missiles and established the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM).
April 3, 1991 - The United Nations passes Security Council Resolution 687.
April 6, 1991 - Iraq accepts SCR 687.

April 18, 1991 - Under the terms of SCR 687, Iraq gives a detailed account of its weapons inventory and denies it has a biological weapons program.
June 9, 1991 - UNSCOM begins its first inspection looking for chemical weapons.
June 17, 1991 - The UN Security Council passes SCR 699, which reaffirms the authority of UNSCOM and the IAEA to conduct inspections in Iraq.
June 23-28, 1991 - Iraqis fire warning shots at inspectors to prevent them from intercepting vehicles suspected of carrying nuclear equipment.
June 30, 1991 - UNSCOM begins its first missile inspection.
August 2, 1991 - Iraq admits to biological weapons research for "defensive purposes" only.
August 15, 1991 - The UN Security Council passes SCR 707, demanding that Iraq reveal all prohibited weapons and weapons programs.
September 6, 1991 - Iraq blocks the use of helicopters by UNSCOM teams.
Iraq Weapons Inspections Fast Facts - CNN
Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

This publication, “Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations,” has been retired. The text remains online for reference purposes, but it is no longer being maintained or expanded.

Why retire “Milestones”? In mid-2016 the Office of the Historian completed a review of its online offerings and concluded that extensive resources would be needed to revise and expand this publication to meet the Office’s standards for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
but NO link...hahahahah = you just posted crap

It is from YOUR cite, Brainiac:

Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

Click "NOTE TO READERS" :290968001256257790-final:
who do you think you are dealing with here--a bootcamper like yourself?
August 5, 1998 - Iraq decides to suspend cooperation with UNSCOM until its demands for an end to the embargo and a reorganization of UNSCOM are met.
September 9, 1998 - The UN Security Council passes SCR 1194, condemning Iraq's lack of cooperation.
October 31, 1998 - Iraq stops all UNSCOM inspections.
Iraq Weapons Inspections Fast Facts - CNN
Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

This publication, “Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations,” has been retired. The text remains online for reference purposes, but it is no longer being maintained or expanded.

Why retire “Milestones”? In mid-2016 the Office of the Historian completed a review of its online offerings and concluded that extensive resources would be needed to revise and expand this publication to meet the Office’s standards for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
but NO link...hahahahah = you just posted crap

It is from YOUR cite, Brainiac:

Milestones: 1989–1992 - Office of the Historian

Click "NOTE TO READERS" :290968001256257790-final:
I can give many more links also --links that CROSS CHECK

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