
You say you hate Isis ideology. Isis remains in Syria. Meanwhile you support the Assad regime whose actions has caused the death and dislocation of millions of Sunni Syrians. Can you explain that?

Syria was a peaceful nation though under the control of an autocratic 'strong man' much like most of the Middle East.

The death and dislocations did not start until the USA decided to exploit some unrest and armed wack-job jihadist militias to overthrow Assad.
You say you hate Isis ideology. Isis remains in Syria. Meanwhile you support the Assad regime whose actions has caused the death and dislocation of millions of Sunni Syrians. Can you explain that?
1: most iranian people dont support assad actions .
2:we should chooce bad.if other choice is very bad.90% + rebel are terrorist basterd in syria.
assad is better option than terrorist rebels.
3:usa support dictator sissy in egypt.iran support dictator assad in syria too
4:just assad support kurd and christian and secular and shia in syria./other rebel dont
5:assad is very better than suidi arabia vahabis dogs
6:assad is very good for iran security .smart people dont let war come to their land.
if iran is save more than paris and san bernardino.because of supporting assad regime
Last edited:
You say you hate Isis ideology. Isis remains in Syria. Meanwhile you support the Assad regime whose actions has caused the death and dislocation of millions of Sunni Syrians. Can you explain that?

Syria was a peaceful nation though under the control of an autocratic 'strong man' much like most of the Middle East.

The death and dislocations did not start until the USA decided to exploit some unrest and armed wack-job jihadist militias to overthrow Assad.
Can you put some names and dates to that? I seem to recall condemnation decades ago when the old man Assad was in charge.
You say you hate Isis ideology. Isis remains in Syria. Meanwhile you support the Assad regime whose actions has caused the death and dislocation of millions of Sunni Syrians. Can you explain that?

Syria was a peaceful nation though under the control of an autocratic 'strong man' much like most of the Middle East.

The death and dislocations did not start until the USA decided to exploit some unrest and armed wack-job jihadist militias to overthrow Assad.
best man for atheist and christian and kurds
You say you hate Isis ideology. Isis remains in Syria. Meanwhile you support the Assad regime whose actions has caused the death and dislocation of millions of Sunni Syrians. Can you explain that?
1: most iranian people dont support assad actions .
2:we should chooce bad.if other choice is very bad.90% + rebel are terrorist basterd in syria.
assad is better option than terrorist rebels.
3:usa support dictator sissy in egypt.iran support dictator assad in syria too
4:just assad support kurd and christian and secular and shia in syria./other rebel dont
5:assad is very better than suidi arabia vahabis dogs
6:assad is very good for iran security .smart people dont let war come to their land.
if iran is save more than paris and san bernardino.because of supporting assad regime
Do you support al Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
You say you hate Isis ideology. Isis remains in Syria. Meanwhile you support the Assad regime whose actions has caused the death and dislocation of millions of Sunni Syrians. Can you explain that?
1: most iranian people dont support assad actions .
2:we should chooce bad.if other choice is very bad.90% + rebel are terrorist basterd in syria.
assad is better option than terrorist rebels.
3:usa support dictator sissy in egypt.iran support dictator assad in syria too
4:just assad support kurd and christian and secular and shia in syria./other rebel dont
5:assad is very better than suidi arabia vahabis dogs
6:assad is very good for iran security .smart people dont let war come to their land.
if iran is save more than paris and san bernardino.because of supporting assad regime
Do you support al Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
Can you put some names and dates to that? I seem to recall condemnation decades ago when the old man Assad was in charge.
Of course there were condemnations, but sinc when did the vapid pronouncements of Western academians eve amount to much of anything, let alone mass slaughter, civil war and dislocation?
You say you hate Isis ideology. Isis remains in Syria. Meanwhile you support the Assad regime whose actions has caused the death and dislocation of millions of Sunni Syrians. Can you explain that?
1: most iranian people dont support assad actions .
2:we should chooce bad.if other choice is very bad.90% + rebel are terrorist basterd in syria.
assad is better option than terrorist rebels.
3:usa support dictator sissy in egypt.iran support dictator assad in syria too
4:just assad support kurd and christian and secular and shia in syria./other rebel dont
5:assad is very better than suidi arabia vahabis dogs
6:assad is very good for iran security .smart people dont let war come to their land.
if iran is save more than paris and san bernardino.because of supporting assad regime
Do you support al Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
Interesting that we have a guy who claims to be living in Iran...defending Iran...sending pretty pictures of Iran...seeming to question Iran's nuke program....and our brilliant liberal posters have no questions for him....?
Interesting that we have a guy who claims to be living in Iran...defending Iran...sending pretty pictures of Iran...seeming to question Iran's nuke program....and our brilliant liberal posters have no questions for him....?

AHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh me achin such thing exists
You say you hate Isis ideology. Isis remains in Syria. Meanwhile you support the Assad regime whose actions has caused the death and dislocation of millions of Sunni Syrians. Can you explain that?
1: most iranian people dont support assad actions .
2:we should chooce bad.if other choice is very bad.90% + rebel are terrorist basterd in syria.
assad is better option than terrorist rebels.
3:usa support dictator sissy in egypt.iran support dictator assad in syria too
4:just assad support kurd and christian and secular and shia in syria./other rebel dont
5:assad is very better than suidi arabia vahabis dogs
6:assad is very good for iran security .smart people dont let war come to their land.
if iran is save more than paris and san bernardino.because of supporting assad regime
Do you support al Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
What is it
You say you hate Isis ideology. Isis remains in Syria. Meanwhile you support the Assad regime whose actions has caused the death and dislocation of millions of Sunni Syrians. Can you explain that?
1: most iranian people dont support assad actions .
2:we should chooce bad.if other choice is very bad.90% + rebel are terrorist basterd in syria.
assad is better option than terrorist rebels.
3:usa support dictator sissy in egypt.iran support dictator assad in syria too
4:just assad support kurd and christian and secular and shia in syria./other rebel dont
5:assad is very better than suidi arabia vahabis dogs
6:assad is very good for iran security .smart people dont let war come to their land.
if iran is save more than paris and san bernardino.because of supporting assad regime
Do you support al Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
What is it
1: most iranian people dont support assad actions .
2:we should chooce bad.if other choice is very bad.90% + rebel are terrorist basterd in syria.
assad is better option than terrorist rebels.
3:usa support dictator sissy in egypt.iran support dictator assad in syria too
4:just assad support kurd and christian and secular and shia in syria./other rebel dont
5:assad is very better than suidi arabia vahabis dogs
6:assad is very good for iran security .smart people dont let war come to their land.
if iran is save more than paris and san bernardino.because of supporting assad regime
Do you support al Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
fate of everybody is different.

i have question .are you christian? and are you believed this quote from bilbe?
christianity need reform?
What is it
Do you support al Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
fate of everybody is different.

i have question .are you christian? and are you believed this quote from bilbe?
christianity need reform?

Deuteronomy is Old Testament, Mosaic law done away with by the New Covenant.

Your second image is misquoted, it's "happy is the who grabs...." and you need to post the preceding verses to get the entire content.

7 Remember, LORD, what the Edomites did on the day Jerusalem fell. “Tear it down,” they cried, “tear it down to its foundations!” 8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us. 9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.
A Saudi woman details life in Iran

With tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia running feverishly high, this may seem like an odd time for a young Saudi woman to choose to study in Iran. Yet that’s exactly what our Observer is doing. She details her experiences on her blog, “Saudi in Iran”.

Iran and Saudi Arabia have never had very good relations. Iran is a Shiite theocracy, while Saudi Arabia is the home of Wahhabism, an ultra-conservative branch of Sunni Islam. And today, because of proxy wars between the two countries in Syria and Yemen, their relationship is more volatile than ever. Their latest feud is over the stampede that killed more than 1,600 people in Mecca: several hundred Iranians were among the pilgrims who perished, and were blamed by Saudi authorities for allegedly starting the stampede. Tehran, meanwhile, placed the blame for the tragedy squarely on the Saudi authorities.

After the Mecca stampede, Iranians demonstrated in front of the Saudi embassy in Tehran and the Saudi consulate in Mahshad. In Saudi Arabia, some imams declared that killing Shiites was ‘halal’, or allowed.

In this context, Saudi blogger Sara Masry, who has lived and studied in Tehran for the past ten months, chooses to focus in her blog on her day-to-day life there, avoiding all politics. She did, however, make a small exception to address the Mecca tragedy: “This event is now polarizing the two populations even further … while pushing the possibility of mutual understanding and empathy back another few decades”.


"Iranians are very hospitable, and are able to separate between politics and people in a way that I think is really unique to the Middle East"

Sara Masry

Sara Masry grew up in Saudi Arabia before attending university in London. She is now following a course on Iranian studies in Tehran.

I have always been interested in Iran, its culture, and its history, and was able to study it in depth in London. But one day, I decided studying from afar was not enough: I wanted to see the reality of this country myself.
When I told my Saudi friends and family about my plan, some of them were very worried and tried to dissuade me. In part, this was because I had a good job opportunity in London, but it was also because there’s not a lot of positive news about Iran in the media!


Sara and friends visiting a salt lake in Garmeh.
However, living here, I have found vast majority of Iranians are very hospitable, and are able to separate between politics and people in a way that I think is really unique to the Middle East. Not one person I have come across has cared that I’m Saudi, and not one has cared that I’m Sunni. When I meet new people, many think that I’m Indian because of my accent in Persian. When they learn I’m Saudi, the questions begin: Why are you here? Do you like our country? Are you having a good experience in Iran?

I honestly can’t tell you of a single bad experience. I know, of course, that racism and chauvinism exist here, like in many countries, but fortunately in ten months, I have not experienced it.


Visiting a mountain in Izeh where natural gas causes flames to burst from the ground.

"I want to create a bridge between people in both nations"

A few months ago, I lost my wallet. In it, there was a lot of money, since I had just changed some British pounds to Toman. There was also my Saudi identity card. A few days later, a woman called me and said she had my wallet. She was the wife of the taxi driver who had found my wallet, and she had been searching for me for days!

After the Hajj stampede, I was paying for lunch at the cafeteria and one of my friends came up and made a joke to the cashier: ‘Don’t sell her anything, she’s Saudi!’ and ran off. A woman who had heart this came up to me and for five minutes apologized to me for her countryman’s behaviour. Even after I told her it was just a joke, she said there was no place for such jokes here!

Most of the time, I blog about social and cultural experiences, and about my travels throughout the country. My goal is to create a bridge between people in both nations, to dispel myths and stereotypes. Right now, I write in English, but I plan to translate it into Arabic… Next step, Persian!

Mehran Hamrahi
2014 — student winner

Iranian People, Ordinary or Criminals?
Iran is currently one of the youngest countries in the world. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran's population has grown to 76 million people, out of which 70% are the youth under 35. However, in spite of its 7000 year-old history and its rich culture and civilization, the youth are still deprived of basic human rights.

Iran is a theocracy based on Islamic and traditional beliefs, and thus tries to bring up Muslim and traditional youth through publicity and education system. Teaching the sacred and religious instructions begins at the earlier ages in kindergartens and continues till the older ages. However many young Iranian people who are not different from the western youth, do not bear the traditional thoughts.

Except for some percent of the youth who adhere to tradition, the rest are living a trendy and up-to-date life. They would like to have a sweetheart and have free relationship together, be able to go to parties and drink alcoholic beverages without any restriction and fear and enjoy their pastime. The want to live the way they prefer.

Being deprived of basic human rights and social freedom, the youth are mostly desperate. According to the Iranian Psychiatric Association Secretary, between 15 to 20 percent of the Iranian youth suffer from depression. Many of them dream of immigration and living in a free country abroad.

Western people have a negative reputation of Iran in their mind and they believe Iranians are fanatic people with traditional beliefs. The present work aims to depict a portrait of the daily lives of Iranian youth who dream of living "a free life". I am trying to introduce the Iranian youth to the world and narrate their stories and problems through this story.

As a young boy, I feel an emotional connection to this story. Illustrating these issues, is a reproduction of my own problems in Iran and it is a tale of my own hunger for a free life. Iran is a cheap country and thus the grant will be enough for continuing the project. I hope to move the project forward and present the true image of Iranian youth to the world from behind the closed doors and tell the story of their deprivation. I do believe that this dream will come true with the support of great Alexia Foundation.

Read more

Arash, 26, is dancing with his friends. This is his 26th birthday party. He offered the policemen 1000 dollars in order not to confine him and his friends. This is forbidden for girls and boys to dance together and in case the police is informed of this, they will be confined. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), March 1st 2013. Mehran Hamrahi

Mahnaz, 19, is trying to check her Facebook account in her room. Facebook and other social networks are filtered in Iran and the youth have to use VPNs to access these websites. Having an account with Facebook is a crime in Iran, and even it might lead to debarment of somebody from employment in state organizations. Selling VPN and anti filters to people is a crime in Iran and it is considered as action against national security. In case of discovery, the person will be confined and imprisoned. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), July 27th 2013. Mehran Hamrahi

Ghazal, 18, is checking out a manteau in a boutique. After the Islamic Revolution and the mandate for Islamic veil, choosing the right clothing became a challenge for women and girls. Women and girls are obliged to wear manteau or Chador. The manteau should be in a style not contradictory to Islamic rules, otherwise the person would be confined and sentenced to pay a fine. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), May 8th 2013. Mehran Hamrahi

Fatima, 18, and Farzaneh , 20, are wearing makeup and getting ready to go to shopping. Iran is the seven largest consumer of cosmetics in th world and the first consumer in Middle East. However, the police chief has announced that those girls who wear lots of makeup will be confined. He has called these girls void of identity and morally disordered. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), July 10th 2013. Mehran Hamrahi

Mohammad, 27, has a tattoo on his chest and arms. Though having tattoo is considered as abominable in Iran, some youth are very interested in having a tattoo. If a person has tattoo on his body, he/she will be not only confined, but also he/she might be deprived of some social rights. For example, if a person has tattoo, he/she can not be employed by a state organization or apply for a driving license. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), July 1st 2013. Mehran Hamrahi

Azin, 30, is praying in his room. She is grown up in a Muslim family, but found herself inclined toward Christianity during her adolescence. She has not converted her faith officially, and secretly prays to Jesus Christ. The fine for conversion of the faith is the death penalty in islam and those who leave Islam will be sentenced to death penalty. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), July 21st 2013. Mehran Hamrahi

Navid, 22, is drinking alcoholic beverage with his friends in the courtyard. According to Iranian law, if a person drinks alcoholic beverages, he will be lashed 80 times. If he is lashed again for the same crime, he will be sentenced to death. However, 60 to 80 million liters of alcoholic beverages are smuggled into Iran each year and most of its consumers are the youth. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), May 16th 2013. Mehran Hamrahi

Sheida, 18, is smoking a cigarette in a café. She says " I feel safe in the café". Smoking the cigarette is not restricted legally in Iran, however the girls are afraid of smoking in the public places. The radical Muslims and traditional people consider this as a abominable act for girls and they might annoy them. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), July 1st 2013. Mehran Hamrahi

Ali, 26, is talking to his girl friend, Feri who is 25. They prefer to meet each other in their home which is safe. Relationship between single boys and girls is illegal in Iran and meeting out the house might lead them to confinement. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), July 19th 2013. Mehran Hamrahi

(From left to right) Navid, 22; Mehran, 24; and Nima, 30. They are enjoying the loud music while driving the car. They are outside the city to enjoy the loud voice of the music. Due to the lack of recreation, driving through the city and suburban areas without a specific destination has become one of the main entertainments of the youth. Driving the car in the city is not illegal, however the police prohibit the youth from this entertainment. If a car driver listens to a loud music he/she might be confined and the car will be seized for some days. Ahvaz (Southern Iran), March 27th 2013. Mehran Hamrahi
What is it
Do you support al Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
fate of everybody is different.

i have question .are you christian? and are you believed this quote from bilbe?
christianity need reform?
I am Roman Catholic. I don't read the bible. The Ten Commandments is all I ever needed. Worked for me.

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