
The real Iran
Many people have posted pictures of Iran to "dispel the myth" that Iran is a backwards country with people who need to be "liberated". They then proceed to perpetuate that myth with pictures of goats and barns and other B.S.

I won't do that here. The fact of the matter is that a majority of Iranians live at least as well as Americans. Iran is a first world country which aside from mandating women wear a head scarf (and men not walk around half naked), actually allows people to live their lives as they wish with far less interference than in America. That's the real truth about Iran, and the following pictures PROVE IT.

This is Tehran

This is the city that Iran built the nuclear reactor for

Notice, more so than Americans, the people are INDIVIDUALS - it's OBVIOUS!

This is another major Iranian city

Another Iranian city

Here are some BADLY BEATEN Iranian women (according to CNN)

Here is Tehran at night

Another shot of Tehran

Here are some Iranian goat herders

Here are the "tents" they live in.

I bet you did not know Iran has the world's best snow (this is absolutely true, Iran is rated number 1, and they make use of it:

What is it
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
fate of everybody is different.

i have question .are you christian? and are you believed this quote from bilbe?
christianity need reform?
I am Roman Catholic. I don't read the bible. The Ten Commandments is all I ever needed. Worked for me.
and most moslem are like you.
they dont believed everything wroted in koran
The real Iran
Many people have posted pictures of Iran to "dispel the myth" that Iran is a backwards country with people who need to be "liberated". They then proceed to perpetuate that myth with pictures of goats and barns and other B.S.

I won't do that here. The fact of the matter is that a majority of Iranians live at least as well as Americans. Iran is a first world country which aside from mandating women wear a head scarf (and men not walk around half naked), actually allows people to live their lives as they wish with far less interference than in America. That's the real truth about Iran, and the following pictures PROVE IT.

This is Tehran

This is the city that Iran built the nuclear reactor for

Notice, more so than Americans, the people are INDIVIDUALS - it's OBVIOUS!

This is another major Iranian city

Another Iranian city

Here are some BADLY BEATEN Iranian women (according to CNN)

Here is Tehran at night

Another shot of Tehran

Here are some Iranian goat herders

Here are the "tents" they live in.

I bet you did not know Iran has the world's best snow (this is absolutely true, Iran is rated number 1, and they make use of it:

My wife is Greek...and she agrees with your pictures that depict Iran as a happy place with happy people. Which begs the question...why do you tolerate a government that says death to Israel and death to America?
What is it
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
fate of everybody is different.

i have question .are you christian? and are you believed this quote from bilbe?
christianity need reform?
I am Roman Catholic. I don't read the bible. The Ten Commandments is all I ever needed. Worked for me.
and most moslem are like you.
they dont believed everything wroted in koran
So then...the difference between Sunni and Shiia is that they "don't believe" in different things the Koran preaches? That gets complicated.
The real Iran
Many people have posted pictures of Iran to "dispel the myth" that Iran is a backwards country with people who need to be "liberated". They then proceed to perpetuate that myth with pictures of goats and barns and other B.S.

I won't do that here. The fact of the matter is that a majority of Iranians live at least as well as Americans. Iran is a first world country which aside from mandating women wear a head scarf (and men not walk around half naked), actually allows people to live their lives as they wish with far less interference than in America. That's the real truth about Iran, and the following pictures PROVE IT.

This is Tehran

This is the city that Iran built the nuclear reactor for

Notice, more so than Americans, the people are INDIVIDUALS - it's OBVIOUS!

This is another major Iranian city

Another Iranian city

Here are some BADLY BEATEN Iranian women (according to CNN)

Here is Tehran at night

Another shot of Tehran

Here are some Iranian goat herders

Here are the "tents" they live in.

I bet you did not know Iran has the world's best snow (this is absolutely true, Iran is rated number 1, and they make use of it:

My wife is Greek...and she agrees with your pictures that depict Iran as a happy place with happy people. Which begs the question...why do you tolerate a government that says death to Israel and death to America?
because extremist and revolution gaurd is very powerful.even superme leader havnt full-controll ....
remember iran green revoulation


we must chooce bad.because other choice is very bad.
safety and money is important than more than freedom or have bar or gay marriage.
and we have freedom in iran too.because extremist cant controll all people and they just want that we dont do it in front of them.
for example pet dog is forbidden in islam or alcohol drink is ban in iran
but i drinked viskey in public beach 1000+ time . many iranian have pet.
he is my old female dog and my viskey


i have safety.i am not hungary .i can do everything that i want ..
i dont care some extremist call death to america or israel
why i supported goverment?
because we are patriot and we rather bad iranian more than allien
The real Iran
Many people have posted pictures of Iran to "dispel the myth" that Iran is a backwards country with people who need to be "liberated". They then proceed to perpetuate that myth with pictures of goats and barns and other B.S.

I won't do that here. The fact of the matter is that a majority of Iranians live at least as well as Americans. Iran is a first world country which aside from mandating women wear a head scarf (and men not walk around half naked), actually allows people to live their lives as they wish with far less interference than in America. That's the real truth about Iran, and the following pictures PROVE IT.

This is Tehran

This is the city that Iran built the nuclear reactor for

Notice, more so than Americans, the people are INDIVIDUALS - it's OBVIOUS!

This is another major Iranian city

Another Iranian city

Here are some BADLY BEATEN Iranian women (according to CNN)

Here is Tehran at night

Another shot of Tehran

Here are some Iranian goat herders

Here are the "tents" they live in.

I bet you did not know Iran has the world's best snow (this is absolutely true, Iran is rated number 1, and they make use of it:

My wife is Greek...and she agrees with your pictures that depict Iran as a happy place with happy people. Which begs the question...why do you tolerate a government that says death to Israel and death to America?
because extremist and revolution gaurd is very powerful.even superme leader havnt full-controll ....
remember iran green revoulation


we must chooce bad.because other choice is very bad.
safety and money is important than more than freedom or have bar or gay marriage.
and we have freedom in iran too.because extremist cant controll all people and they just want that we dont do it in front of them.
for example pet dog is forbidden in islam or alcohol drink is ban in iran
but i drinked viskey in public beach 1000+ time . many iranian have pet.
he is my old female dog and my viskey


i have safety.i am not hungary .i can do everything that i want ..
i dont care some extremist call death to america or israel
why i supported goverment?
because we are patriot and we rather bad iranian more than allien
I can understand your dilemma. My best friend at one of my military schools was an Iraqi bomber pilot. We enjoyed many a scotch together. He was eventually executed by Saddam Hussein.

A bad Iran would be a better Iran without your Ayatollah...with free elections...with reformed religion...without fomenting terror...without the revolutionary guard. How we help you do that will be a challenge for our next president. Maybe you do not want our help....but the way things are headed, our help is a difficult and dangerous option...but better than the alternative.
What is it
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
fate of everybody is different.

i have question .are you christian? and are you believed this quote from bilbe?
christianity need reform?
I am Roman Catholic. I don't read the bible. The Ten Commandments is all I ever needed. Worked for me.
and most moslem are like you.
they dont believed everything wroted in koran
So then...the difference between Sunni and Shiia is that they "don't believe" in different things the Koran preaches? That gets complicated.
1:sunni are very consertative more than shia.
for example sunni pray 5 time per day.but shia 3 time per day.

2: for example koran said dog is dirty and you cant touch them
but many shia believed this rule was for 1400 years was sick in suidi vaccine.they did eat rats .god forbid them for that sitution.not for everytime .and some sunni belived too.
maybe some consertative shia and sunni dont believe it and still believe dog is dirty .

koran say alcohol drink is forbideen.but most young iranian believed this rule was for war
mohammad was at war and this order for war time not all time.
some other shia dont .and they still believed alcohol drink is forbideen
koran say you can married to 4 woman.
but many iranian believed that because arab married with 20 woman.
and koran wants help woman for it.mohamad cant say that you can have only one woman.
because child was important in 1400 years ago.and they believed man must married with one woman now.
my point: all shia fate and believed isnt same.all sunni fate isnt same
I may have missed it...but describe yourself. service?
1988-girlfriend-no kids-beach tourism bussinees- electronic enginner (thank you for usa sanction .my work isnt related my education) -no just 2 years duty soldier(every iranian boy must serve for 2 years like some others country -and i was just typist)
What is it
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
fate of everybody is different.

i have question .are you christian? and are you believed this quote from bilbe?
christianity need reform?
I am Roman Catholic. I don't read the bible. The Ten Commandments is all I ever needed. Worked for me.
and most moslem are like you.
they dont believed everything wroted in koran
So then...the difference between Sunni and Shiia is that they "don't believe" in different things the Koran preaches? That gets complicated.
1:sunni are very consertative more than shia.
for example sunni pray 5 time per day.but shia 3 time per day.

2: for example koran said dog is dirty and you cant touch them
but many shia believed this rule was for 1400 years was sick in suidi vaccine.they did eat rats .god forbid them for that sitution.not for everytime .and some sunni belived too.
maybe some consertative shia and sunni dont believe it and still believe dog is dirty .

koran say alcohol drink is forbideen.but most young iranian believed this rule was for war
mohammad was at war and this order for war time not all time.
some other shia dont .and they still believed alcohol drink is forbideen
koran say you can married to 4 woman.
but many iranian believed that because arab married with 20 woman.
and koran wants help woman for it.mohamad cant say that you can have only one woman.
because child was important in 1400 years ago.and they believed man must married with one woman now.
my point: all shia fate and believed isnt same.all sunni fate isnt same
I think what you have said illustrates the need to modernize away with the things that might have been valid 1400 years ago...but are not now. Do away with language that can justify or encourage radical terrorism. Emphasize reason and cooperation for the good of mankind.
I may have missed it...but describe yourself. service?
1988-girlfriend-no kids-beach tourism bussinees- electronic enginner (thank you for usa sanction .my work isnt related my education) -no just 2 years duty soldier(every iranian boy must serve for 2 years like some others country -and i was just typist)
Thank you for that. You could be my grandson. I'm 77...married...five kids...9 grandkids. Served 28 years in USAF...was a ICBM nuclear missile crew commander...among other things. One of my sons flew F 15 combat missions over Iraq. Maybe if we visit Iran you can fix us up with beach accommodations......
I may have missed it...but describe yourself. service?
1988-girlfriend-no kids-beach tourism bussinees- electronic enginner (thank you for usa sanction .my work isnt related my education) -no just 2 years duty soldier(every iranian boy must serve for 2 years like some others country -and i was just typist)
Thank you for that. You could be my grandson. I'm 77...married...five kids...9 grandkids. Served 28 years in USAF...was a ICBM nuclear missile crew commander...among other things. One of my sons flew F 15 combat missions over Iraq. Maybe if we visit Iran you can fix us up with beach accommodations......
tell my thanks to your son for f ..sadams army


are you trying to get a job with Iran tourism or public relations?
is this part of Iran's efforts to improve the image of islam or get the west to end the sanctions?
a few pictures will make the world ignore human rights violations or abuses?
make people forget the sponsorship of terrorism?
or wipe away all the incendiary speeches and sermons against the west, US, jews or Israel and other muslim nations like saudi that iranian leaders have made?
I may have missed it...but describe yourself. service?
1988-girlfriend-no kids-beach tourism bussinees- electronic enginner (thank you for usa sanction .my work isnt related my education) -no just 2 years duty soldier(every iranian boy must serve for 2 years like some others country -and i was just typist)
Maybe now that our president is sucking up to your Ayatollah, you will get a chance to use your engineering degree...or you could come to the US to long as you can pass our stringent visa screening....(that's a joke)
I may have missed it...but describe yourself. service?
1988-girlfriend-no kids-beach tourism bussinees- electronic enginner (thank you for usa sanction .my work isnt related my education) -no just 2 years duty soldier(every iranian boy must serve for 2 years like some others country -and i was just typist)
Thank you for that. You could be my grandson. I'm 77...married...five kids...9 grandkids. Served 28 years in USAF...was a ICBM nuclear missile crew commander...among other things. One of my sons flew F 15 combat missions over Iraq. Maybe if we visit Iran you can fix us up with beach accommodations......
tell my thanks to your son for f ..sadams army
Enjoyed talking with you...need to take a break...will catch up later...
What is it
Do you support al Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
fate of everybody is different.

i have question .are you christian? and are you believed this quote from bilbe?
christianity need reform?

First the billboards don't exist but are computer generated
Second the quotes are incomplete, out of context or poor translations of the hebrew.

Unbelievable that you sucked them up like they were mothers milk

You asked someone if they have read the bible, seems you have not.
The real Iran
Many people have posted pictures of Iran to "dispel the myth" that Iran is a backwards country with people who need to be "liberated". They then proceed to perpetuate that myth with pictures of goats and barns and other B.S.

I won't do that here. The fact of the matter is that a majority of Iranians live at least as well as Americans. Iran is a first world country which aside from mandating women wear a head scarf (and men not walk around half naked), actually allows people to live their lives as they wish with far less interference than in America. That's the real truth about Iran, and the following pictures PROVE IT.

This is Tehran

This is the city that Iran built the nuclear reactor for

Notice, more so than Americans, the people are INDIVIDUALS - it's OBVIOUS!

This is another major Iranian city

Another Iranian city

Here are some BADLY BEATEN Iranian women (according to CNN)

Here is Tehran at night

Another shot of Tehran

Here are some Iranian goat herders

Here are the "tents" they live in.

I bet you did not know Iran has the world's best snow (this is absolutely true, Iran is rated number 1, and they make use of it:


Why assume posters think of Iranians living in tents?

Most bedouin don't live in tents
What is it
i dont understand. Sisi's call for Islamic reform?
This may not be the best link...but you can google many more...

Egypt's President El-Sisi Calls for Islamic Reformation | Clarion Project
i dont know.but i rathar sisi more than moslem brotherhood
what is it you do not know? Does Islam need reform/modernization? Could not some of the more radical parts of the Koran be placed in an "Old Testament" annex...and only be referred to by historians?
fate of everybody is different.

i have question .are you christian? and are you believed this quote from bilbe?
christianity need reform?

First the billboards don't exist but are computer generated i know it

Second the quotes are incomplete, out of context or poor translations of the hebrew.

deja vu .deja vu .moslem say like you for koran extremic quotes
why people like you always saying islam is bad for koran quotes?

the grass always growner on the other of the fence ?

Unbelievable that you sucked them up like they were mothers milk

You asked someone if they have read the bible, seems you have not.

First the billboards don't exist but are computer generated i know it

Second the quotes are incomplete, out of context or poor translations of the hebrew.

deja vu .deja vu .moslem say like you for koran extremic quotes
why people like you always saying islam is bad for koran quotes?

the grass always growner on the other of the fence ?
i did read bible too.
The real Iran
Many people have posted pictures of Iran to "dispel the myth" that Iran is a backwards country with people who need to be "liberated". They then proceed to perpetuate that myth with pictures of goats and barns and other B.S.

I won't do that here. The fact of the matter is that a majority of Iranians live at least as well as Americans. Iran is a first world country which aside from mandating women wear a head scarf (and men not walk around half naked), actually allows people to live their lives as they wish with far less interference than in America. That's the real truth about Iran, and the following pictures PROVE IT.

This is Tehran

This is the city that Iran built the nuclear reactor for

Notice, more so than Americans, the people are INDIVIDUALS - it's OBVIOUS!

This is another major Iranian city

Another Iranian city

Here are some BADLY BEATEN Iranian women (according to CNN)

Here is Tehran at night

Another shot of Tehran

Here are some Iranian goat herders

Here are the "tents" they live in.

I bet you did not know Iran has the world's best snow (this is absolutely true, Iran is rated number 1, and they make use of it:


Why assume posters think of Iranians living in tents?

Most bedouin don't live in tents

it is sarcasm
your propganda make it that people think iran is uncivilized country

and iranian isnt bedouin
The real Iran
Many people have posted pictures of Iran to "dispel the myth" that Iran is a backwards country with people who need to be "liberated". They then proceed to perpetuate that myth with pictures of goats and barns and other B.S.

I won't do that here. The fact of the matter is that a majority of Iranians live at least as well as Americans. Iran is a first world country which aside from mandating women wear a head scarf (and men not walk around half naked), actually allows people to live their lives as they wish with far less interference than in America. That's the real truth about Iran, and the following pictures PROVE IT.

This is Tehran

This is the city that Iran built the nuclear reactor for

Notice, more so than Americans, the people are INDIVIDUALS - it's OBVIOUS!

This is another major Iranian city

Another Iranian city

Here are some BADLY BEATEN Iranian women (according to CNN)

Here is Tehran at night

Another shot of Tehran

Here are some Iranian goat herders

Here are the "tents" they live in.

I bet you did not know Iran has the world's best snow (this is absolutely true, Iran is rated number 1, and they make use of it:


Why assume posters think of Iranians living in tents?

Most bedouin don't live in tents

it is sarcasm
your propganda make it that people think iran is uncivilized country

and iranian isnt bedouin

there are some bedouin in Iran, but of course Iranians are not bedouin as a group nor is there reason to believe Iranians live in tent.

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