Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant death to America

Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.
In fact, they burned paper flags, probably because the Iranian economy is in such bad shape already they couldn't afford cloth flags.
F*ck the unholy Vagabond Colonist predatory alliance of Anglo - Jews.

This is 1000's of times more my enemy than Iran.

Anglos, and Jews are indeed Vagabond, Colonist, Predators, yes.

Anglos were roaming from Germanic lands into Celtic lands, looting, shooting, as Predatory, Colonists against first Celts, then the World.

Jews were roaming around as Vagabond, Colonist, Predators looting, shooting as Predatory Colonists against first Slavs as Commies, then as Israel against Palestinians.
No combination of ethnicities has been worse to the world's people than Islam.
Just out of interest how many Muslim killings here since 911 vs white boys?
I think we are in the lead

In the real world , not your world....

Islamic Attacks on America
For anyone wondering about the history of deadly Islamic terror on American soil since 1972, here’s what we came up with:

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2018.03.21 USA Travis AFB, CA 0 0 A suicide bomber rams the gate at an Air Force base, but kills only himself.
2018.03.12 USA Palm Beach Gardens, FL 1 2 A recent convert to Islam stabs three people over his religion, including two 13-year-olds.
2018.02.07 USA Tahlequah, OK 0 1 A Muslim yelling 'Allah' stabs a non-Muslim following an argument over religion.
2018.01.30 USA Greenville, SC 0 1 A bomb left on a road by a 'radicalized' convert injures a passerby.
2017.12.22 USA Harrisburg, PA 0 1 A former immigrant from Egypt opens fire on police officers in two attacks.
2017.12.17 USA New York, NY 0 3 A man from Bangladesh tries to blow himself up at a bus terminal.
2017.11.12 USA Bloomington, MN 0 2 An immigrant from Somalia goes on a stabbing spree at a mall, later calling it an answer to the call for Jihad.
2017.10.31 USA New York, NY 8 15 A 'radicalized' migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah.
2017.05.19 USA Tampa, FL 2 0 A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam.
2017.04.18 USA Fresno, CA 3 0 Three men are gunned down at random by a convert to Islam yelling praises to Allah.
2017.01.31 USA Denver, CO 1 0 A pastor working as a security guard is shot to death at a transit office "for the pleasure of Allah."

View attachment 192727

View attachment 192726

another Islam hate site. I think Trump was dancing with some not too long ago, his buds.
Name the number of Iranians who attacked the U.S.A?

Here's some Anglo / Brit shit attacks on America.

-W Bush = killed 6,000 Americans for Israel an Anglo.
-Lyndon B Johnson = killed nearly 60,000 Americans an Anglo.
- Abraham Lincoln + Jefferson Davis nearly 600,000 Americans killed an Anglo.

- Anglo Britain burned Washington in 1812.
- Anglo Britain killed 10,000's of Americans in the American Revoltuonary War.

-Stephen Paddock.
-James O. Huberty,
-Ted Bundy.
-Charles Manson.
-Cliven Bundy.
-Dylan Roof.
-James Fields.
-Albert Fish.
-Charles Whitman.
-Patrick Sherrill
-Ray Copeland.
-Mcveigh + Nichols.
-Devin Patrick Kelley.
-Jim Jones.
-Samnuel Mason.
-Lee Harvey Oswald.
Thats a change..up until now it was mostly Democrats burning the flag.

flag burnoing.jpg

flag burning.jpg

flag burning 2.jpg
F*ck the unholy Vagabond Colonist predatory alliance of Anglo - Jews.

This is 1000's of times more my enemy than Iran.

Anglos, and Jews are indeed Vagabond, Colonist, Predators, yes.

Anglos were roaming from Germanic lands into Celtic lands, looting, shooting, as Predatory, Colonists against first Celts, then the World.

Jews were roaming around as Vagabond, Colonist, Predators looting, shooting as Predatory Colonists against first Slavs as Commies, then as Israel against Palestinians.
No combination of ethnicities has been worse to the world's people than Islam.
Just out of interest how many Muslim killings here since 911 vs white boys?
I think we are in the lead

In the real world , not your world....

Islamic Attacks on America
For anyone wondering about the history of deadly Islamic terror on American soil since 1972, here’s what we came up with:

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2018.03.21 USA Travis AFB, CA 0 0 A suicide bomber rams the gate at an Air Force base, but kills only himself.
2018.03.12 USA Palm Beach Gardens, FL 1 2 A recent convert to Islam stabs three people over his religion, including two 13-year-olds.
2018.02.07 USA Tahlequah, OK 0 1 A Muslim yelling 'Allah' stabs a non-Muslim following an argument over religion.
2018.01.30 USA Greenville, SC 0 1 A bomb left on a road by a 'radicalized' convert injures a passerby.
2017.12.22 USA Harrisburg, PA 0 1 A former immigrant from Egypt opens fire on police officers in two attacks.
2017.12.17 USA New York, NY 0 3 A man from Bangladesh tries to blow himself up at a bus terminal.
2017.11.12 USA Bloomington, MN 0 2 An immigrant from Somalia goes on a stabbing spree at a mall, later calling it an answer to the call for Jihad.
2017.10.31 USA New York, NY 8 15 A 'radicalized' migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah.
2017.05.19 USA Tampa, FL 2 0 A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam.
2017.04.18 USA Fresno, CA 3 0 Three men are gunned down at random by a convert to Islam yelling praises to Allah.
2017.01.31 USA Denver, CO 1 0 A pastor working as a security guard is shot to death at a transit office "for the pleasure of Allah."

View attachment 192727

View attachment 192726

another Islam hate site. I think Trump was dancing with some not too long ago, his buds.
Its people like Mindwars who spread all this crap.

what is "MINDWARS" ""like""? to what "crap" do you refer? When patients in your care die of trauma do you spit and call them "CRAP"?
F*ck the unholy Vagabond Colonist predatory alliance of Anglo - Jews.

This is 1000's of times more my enemy than Iran.

Anglos, and Jews are indeed Vagabond, Colonist, Predators, yes.

Anglos were roaming from Germanic lands into Celtic lands, looting, shooting, as Predatory, Colonists against first Celts, then the World.

Jews were roaming around as Vagabond, Colonist, Predators looting, shooting as Predatory Colonists against first Slavs as Commies, then as Israel against Palestinians.
No combination of ethnicities has been worse to the world's people than Islam.
Just out of interest how many Muslim killings here since 911 vs white boys?
I think we are in the lead

In the real world , not your world....

Islamic Attacks on America
For anyone wondering about the history of deadly Islamic terror on American soil since 1972, here’s what we came up with:

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2018.03.21 USA Travis AFB, CA 0 0 A suicide bomber rams the gate at an Air Force base, but kills only himself.
2018.03.12 USA Palm Beach Gardens, FL 1 2 A recent convert to Islam stabs three people over his religion, including two 13-year-olds.
2018.02.07 USA Tahlequah, OK 0 1 A Muslim yelling 'Allah' stabs a non-Muslim following an argument over religion.
2018.01.30 USA Greenville, SC 0 1 A bomb left on a road by a 'radicalized' convert injures a passerby.
2017.12.22 USA Harrisburg, PA 0 1 A former immigrant from Egypt opens fire on police officers in two attacks.
2017.12.17 USA New York, NY 0 3 A man from Bangladesh tries to blow himself up at a bus terminal.
2017.11.12 USA Bloomington, MN 0 2 An immigrant from Somalia goes on a stabbing spree at a mall, later calling it an answer to the call for Jihad.
2017.10.31 USA New York, NY 8 15 A 'radicalized' migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah.
2017.05.19 USA Tampa, FL 2 0 A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam.
2017.04.18 USA Fresno, CA 3 0 Three men are gunned down at random by a convert to Islam yelling praises to Allah.
2017.01.31 USA Denver, CO 1 0 A pastor working as a security guard is shot to death at a transit office "for the pleasure of Allah."

View attachment 192727

View attachment 192726

another Islam hate site. I think Trump was dancing with some not too long ago, his buds.
Its people like Mindwars who spread all this crap.

what is "MINDWARS" ""like""? to what "crap" do you refer? When patients in your care die of trauma do you spit and call them "CRAP"?

Your just to clueless to know what is going on....... so fk off.
Name the number of Iranians who attacked the U.S.A?

Here's some Anglo / Brit shit attacks on America.

-W Bush = killed 6,000 Americans for Israel an Anglo.
-Lyndon B Johnson = killed nearly 60,000 Americans an Anglo.
- Abraham Lincoln + Jefferson Davis nearly 600,000 Americans killed an Anglo.

- Anglo Britain burned Washington in 1812.
- Anglo Britain killed 10,000's of Americans in the American Revoltuonary War.

-Stephen Paddock.
-James O. Huberty,
-Ted Bundy.
-Charles Manson.
-Cliven Bundy.
-Dylan Roof.
-James Fields.
-Albert Fish.
-Charles Whitman.
-Patrick Sherrill
-Ray Copeland.
-Mcveigh + Nichols.
-Devin Patrick Kelley.
-Jim Jones.
-Samnuel Mason.
-Lee Harvey Oswald.

idiot exercise-------shall I name my cousins that your fellow polacks murdered in AUCHWITZ?
There were two little girls------with Austrian fair skin----and bows in their hair-----their
picture haunted my childhood---------some polack grabbed them by the ankles and
smashed their heads against a brick wall ( always remember----there are survivors and
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.
Just another Mullah day in Iran.

Not quite accurate. The funding has been delayed along with funding for some other programs while budget issues are being hashed out by the administration. Hopefully, they will get their funding.

Their people lived like slaves, now the undoing of it freaks them out. Just like the moron liberals here who don't get why and what Trump is doing.

Doesn't mean he's perfect......but when sheep don't bother to listening to both sides and gather all the information they can agree or not they're clueless fks.
F*ck the unholy Vagabond Colonist predatory alliance of Anglo - Jews.

This is 1000's of times more my enemy than Iran.

Anglos, and Jews are indeed Vagabond, Colonist, Predators, yes.

Anglos were roaming from Germanic lands into Celtic lands, looting, shooting, as Predatory, Colonists against first Celts, then the World.

Jews were roaming around as Vagabond, Colonist, Predators looting, shooting as Predatory Colonists against first Slavs as Commies, then as Israel against Palestinians.
No combination of ethnicities has been worse to the world's people than Islam.
Just out of interest how many Muslim killings here since 911 vs white boys?
I think we are in the lead

In the real world , not your world....

Islamic Attacks on America
For anyone wondering about the history of deadly Islamic terror on American soil since 1972, here’s what we came up with:

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2018.03.21 USA Travis AFB, CA 0 0 A suicide bomber rams the gate at an Air Force base, but kills only himself.
2018.03.12 USA Palm Beach Gardens, FL 1 2 A recent convert to Islam stabs three people over his religion, including two 13-year-olds.
2018.02.07 USA Tahlequah, OK 0 1 A Muslim yelling 'Allah' stabs a non-Muslim following an argument over religion.
2018.01.30 USA Greenville, SC 0 1 A bomb left on a road by a 'radicalized' convert injures a passerby.
2017.12.22 USA Harrisburg, PA 0 1 A former immigrant from Egypt opens fire on police officers in two attacks.
2017.12.17 USA New York, NY 0 3 A man from Bangladesh tries to blow himself up at a bus terminal.
2017.11.12 USA Bloomington, MN 0 2 An immigrant from Somalia goes on a stabbing spree at a mall, later calling it an answer to the call for Jihad.
2017.10.31 USA New York, NY 8 15 A 'radicalized' migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah.
2017.05.19 USA Tampa, FL 2 0 A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam.
2017.04.18 USA Fresno, CA 3 0 Three men are gunned down at random by a convert to Islam yelling praises to Allah.
2017.01.31 USA Denver, CO 1 0 A pastor working as a security guard is shot to death at a transit office "for the pleasure of Allah."

View attachment 192727

View attachment 192726

another Islam hate site. I think Trump was dancing with some not too long ago, his buds.

You hateful guy is a jew, tell him to read his OT.

Meanwhile, Filthy Don and his Administration are doing the Saudi Muslim War Dance.


What do expect with this?

Not quite accurate. The funding has been delayed along with funding for some other programs while budget issues are being hashed out by the administration. Hopefully, they will get their funding.

Their people lived like slaves, now the undoing of it freaks them out. Just like the moron liberals here who don't get why and what Trump is doing.

Doesn't mean he's perfect......but when sheep don't bother to listening to both sides and gather all the information they can agree or not they're clueless fks.

How we got a pos Potus like tRump is due to you clueless fks.

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