Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant death to America


Educating Liberals‏ @Education4Libs
Sources say an Iranian military base in Syria was attacked by an Israeli airstrike about an hour after Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal. Iran is taking more losses today than Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Most of the White-Right in this World isn't pro-Israel, nor pro-Jewish.

In fact if anything most of the right wing is more anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish like in Hungary, Poland, Italy, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, France, Spain, Bulgaria, etc. etc.

Basically only the U.S.A, the Netherlands, and the UK have right wings who support Jews, and Israel.

Your hatred of Joos is getting tiresome, moron

Your Neocon wars against Muslims are getting tiresome.

You only created Islamic refugees, have only been killing America's soldiers, and of course borderline genocide on Muslims in some cases.'re about one comment from being sent to iggy
F*ck the unholy Vagabond Colonist predatory alliance of Anglo - Jews.

This is 1000's of times more my enemy than Iran.

Anglos, and Jews are indeed Vagabond, Colonist, Predators, yes.

Anglos were roaming from Germanic lands into Celtic lands, looting, shooting, as Predatory, Colonists against first Celts, then the World.

Jews were roaming around as Vagabond, Colonist, Predators looting, shooting as Predatory Colonists against first Slavs as Commies, then as Israel against Palestinians.
No combination of ethnicities has been worse to the world's people than Islam.

Not at all.

The Anglo - Jew alliance has bought us Multiculturalism, perpetual War, and many other problems much worse than Iran.
F*ck the unholy Vagabond Colonist predatory alliance of Anglo - Jews.

This is 1000's of times more my enemy than Iran.

Anglos, and Jews are indeed Vagabond, Colonist, Predators, yes.

Anglos were roaming from Germanic lands into Celtic lands, looting, shooting, as Predatory, Colonists against first Celts, then the World.

Jews were roaming around as Vagabond, Colonist, Predators looting, shooting as Predatory Colonists against first Slavs as Commies, then as Israel against Palestinians.
No combination of ethnicities has been worse to the world's people than Islam.
Really? You mean Jews?
First PM The original Brit terrorist?
Hope your wife cheating jeep is still running
Still sucking of your benefits and dreaming of the 50s?
Pretty pathetic.
Try going to college to occupy your time
Your Neocon wars against Muslims are getting tiresome.

You only created Islamic refugees, have only been killing America's soldiers, and of course borderline genocide on Muslims in some cases.
Ever hear of Jihad ?

Name a single terrorist incident on U.S.A soil, that wasn't living, or touring the U.S.A?
Do you have a language impairment ? Please repeat the question in intelligible form.

9/11, Boston Bombers, San Bernardino,The Pulse Nightclub shooting all Islamist's living here ,no?
Not at all.

The Anglo - Jew alliance has bought us Multiculturalism, perpetual War, and many other problems much worse than Iran.
I was asking about your Post # 37, regarding "a single terrorist incident on USA soil"

As for Muslims, they have killed over 270 million people around the world, and subjugated many more. Most people living today who call themselves a "Muslim", are that only because their non-Muslim ancestors were killed by Muslims, or forced to become Muslims.
F*ck the unholy Vagabond Colonist predatory alliance of Anglo - Jews.

This is 1000's of times more my enemy than Iran.

Anglos, and Jews are indeed Vagabond, Colonist, Predators, yes.

Anglos were roaming from Germanic lands into Celtic lands, looting, shooting, as Predatory, Colonists against first Celts, then the World.

Jews were roaming around as Vagabond, Colonist, Predators looting, shooting as Predatory Colonists against first Slavs as Commies, then as Israel against Palestinians.
No combination of ethnicities has been worse to the world's people than Islam.
Just out of interest how many Muslim killings here since 911 vs white boys?
I think we are in the lead
9/11, Boston Bombers, San Bernardino,The Pulse Nightclub shooting all Islamist's living here ,no?
I still have no idea what the hell you're talking about. I was raised in the same area as you (Lake Carmel, NY) I don't have any problem with the English language. why do you ?
Of course if it's a false flag it has to be Clinton, Obama and Bush involved. They hold such political power, as opposed to that guy who is actually in the White House. :rolleyes:

thanks for proving as always how dense you really are on the power the clintons and Bushs really have.uh their only mass murderers of women and children around the world and only get off scott free and the clintons have only had many arkansas state trooopers come forward and talk about his illegal drug activities as governor there yet he has still go unpunished all these years. you idiot moron,they are very much protected by the elite in power.they have been long time pals going way back to the 70's:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:
Not at all.

The Anglo - Jew alliance has bought us Multiculturalism, perpetual War, and many other problems much worse than Iran.
I was asking about your Post # 37, regarding "a single terrorist incident on USA soil"

As for Muslims, they have killed over 270 million people around the world, and subjugated many more. Most people living today who call themselves a "Muslim", are that only because their non-Muslim ancestors were killed by Muslims, or forced to become Muslims.

Anglos + Jews = similar, but way, way more Liberal.

Explain, why not?

Britain helped create Israel, and Israel killed nearly 100,000 Arabs since it's foundation.

Britain (Anglos) + Jewish financier supported of Cromwell killed 1/3rd of Ireland's population under Cromwell, and then again under the Irish Potato Famine, where British Jew Disraeli mocked Irish as inhumane monsters.

British Empire (Anglos) killed approx 60 million by terror famine in India, alone. (The worst happened under Benjamin Disraeli's regime over the British Empire)

Soviet NKVD which was more Jewish than Russian, and ruled, and founded by Jew Genrikh Yagoda, killed about 10 million by Gulag, and 6 million in Ukraine's terror famine where Jew Lazar Kaganovich was the architect of the Holodomor.

British Empire (Anglos) killed off Tasmanian Aborigines to basic extinction.

Jewish Julius Popper orchestrated killing off Selk'nam Natives to basic extinction.

USA (Brits enslaved millions of Blacks, and Jewish bankers like Lehmann brothers financed it)

USA since WW2 the British - Jewish alliance has killed 20 - 30 million.
Just out of interest how many Muslim killings here since 911 vs white boys?
I think we are in the lead
I can think of many Muslim killings. Not many "white boys" as you call it.
No numbers I see.
I thought it was 75 to 40 ish.
Never heard of school and church shootings?
And onhillary, your sex symbol
"In the days after 9-11, she voted for the Patriot Act, and we still live with its far-reaching consequences today. She supported trying suspected terrorists in military tribunals, and the war in Iraq – a decision she would come to regret.

But on the domestic policy front, Clinton won widespread praise, particularly for her work on legislation addressing the health needs of first responders who’d spent days or weeks breathing in a toxic cloud of PCB’s and other chemicals on the “pile” in Lower Manhattan.
I'm still waiting for what mr jeep did except whine
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.

Do you blame them.

US broke a deal
The great deal maker has only broken deals, very big deals, so far. He threatens to break more deals. I think the only deal has actually closed is arms is going on here?
F*ck the unholy Vagabond Colonist predatory alliance of Anglo - Jews.

This is 1000's of times more my enemy than Iran.

Anglos, and Jews are indeed Vagabond, Colonist, Predators, yes.

Anglos were roaming from Germanic lands into Celtic lands, looting, shooting, as Predatory, Colonists against first Celts, then the World.

Jews were roaming around as Vagabond, Colonist, Predators looting, shooting as Predatory Colonists against first Slavs as Commies, then as Israel against Palestinians.
No combination of ethnicities has been worse to the world's people than Islam.
Just out of interest how many Muslim killings here since 911 vs white boys?
I think we are in the lead

In the real world , not your world....

Islamic Attacks on America
For anyone wondering about the history of deadly Islamic terror on American soil since 1972, here’s what we came up with:

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2018.03.21 USA Travis AFB, CA 0 0 A suicide bomber rams the gate at an Air Force base, but kills only himself.
2018.03.12 USA Palm Beach Gardens, FL 1 2 A recent convert to Islam stabs three people over his religion, including two 13-year-olds.
2018.02.07 USA Tahlequah, OK 0 1 A Muslim yelling 'Allah' stabs a non-Muslim following an argument over religion.
2018.01.30 USA Greenville, SC 0 1 A bomb left on a road by a 'radicalized' convert injures a passerby.
2017.12.22 USA Harrisburg, PA 0 1 A former immigrant from Egypt opens fire on police officers in two attacks.
2017.12.17 USA New York, NY 0 3 A man from Bangladesh tries to blow himself up at a bus terminal.
2017.11.12 USA Bloomington, MN 0 2 An immigrant from Somalia goes on a stabbing spree at a mall, later calling it an answer to the call for Jihad.
2017.10.31 USA New York, NY 8 15 A 'radicalized' migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah.
2017.05.19 USA Tampa, FL 2 0 A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam.
2017.04.18 USA Fresno, CA 3 0 Three men are gunned down at random by a convert to Islam yelling praises to Allah.
2017.01.31 USA Denver, CO 1 0 A pastor working as a security guard is shot to death at a transit office "for the pleasure of Allah."



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