Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant death to America

Meanwhile, Filthy Don and his Administration are doing the Saudi Muslim War Dance.


What do expect with this?
Clearly, you should change your name to TheLessYouKnow.

Not quite accurate. The funding has been delayed along with funding for some other programs while budget issues are being hashed out by the administration. Hopefully, they will get their funding.

Their people lived like slaves, now the undoing of it freaks them out. Just like the moron liberals here who don't get why and what Trump is doing.

Doesn't mean he's perfect......but when sheep don't bother to listening to both sides and gather all the information they can agree or not they're clueless fks.

How we got a pos Potus like tRump is due to you clueless fks.

Actually, Trump was elected by people who listened to what he wanted to do for America and was opposed by people who didn't listen. In the end, America got lucky.
Yep, these Republican Evangelist are the true extremists fighting America....what idiots. We need to round them up, lock them down until we find out what is going on here.
[QUOTE="Penelope, post: 19889657,

View attachment 192727

View attachment 192726[/QUOTE]

another Islam hate site. I think Trump was dancing with some not too long ago, his buds.[/QUOTE]

You hateful guy is a jew, tell him to read his OT.


to what "hateful guy { who is a jew)} do you refer Penny dear?
Jesus? that bum who persistently quoted the "OT" and the
Talmud. No doubt he read both --------did you?
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.
Iranians are burning American flags and chanting death to America!?

They call that Tuesday over there.
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.
Iranians are burning American flags and chanting death to America!?

They call that Tuesday over there.

Keep in mind-------the activity takes place in the HOLY HALLOWED HALLS OF THE
Just what did you expect other than EMULATION OF AL NABI?
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.
Iranians are burning American flags and chanting death to America!?

They call that Tuesday over there.

Keep in mind-------the activity takes place in the HOLY HALLOWED HALLS OF THE
Just what did you expect other than EMULATION OF AL NABI?

Do you like my new signature. Doing a war dance.
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.
Iranians are burning American flags and chanting death to America!?

They call that Tuesday over there.

Keep in mind-------the activity takes place in the HOLY HALLOWED HALLS OF THE
Just what did you expect other than EMULATION OF AL NABI?

Do you like my new signature. Doing a war dance.

sword dancing is an Islamic thing. -------it is VERY different from the dancing
of non-muslims from Arabia. However, it is consistent with Islamic ethos.
and its "ART" The sword is virtually a HOLY OBJECT for muslims from
that area of the world. It shows up as ART------in fact, a huge bulk of
"ISLAMIC ART" consists of either pictoral art-----"a man on a horse swinging
a scimitar" or -----simply very ornate scimitars with handles of intricately
decorated silver handles. Hubby was born in a land often considered part of
ancient ARABIA. His community did the silverwork-------the fancy filigree work
on those SWORDS --------He was able to ID just which group did which sword.
in an exposition done in Manhattan NY by the SAUDI EMBASSY. We both
laughed our way thru the silly "ART" expo-----------we made it out alive. The we
went to the MOMA------where art is a lot more interesting---------
Trump debased himself by engaging in barbaric war dance. He was trying to be

Not quite accurate. The funding has been delayed along with funding for some other programs while budget issues are being hashed out by the administration. Hopefully, they will get their funding.

Their people lived like slaves, now the undoing of it freaks them out. Just like the moron liberals here who don't get why and what Trump is doing.

Doesn't mean he's perfect......but when sheep don't bother to listening to both sides and gather all the information they can agree or not they're clueless fks.

How we got a pos Potus like tRump is due to you clueless fks.

Actually, Trump was elected by people who listened to what he wanted to do for America and was opposed by people who didn't listen. In the end, America got lucky.

He won by less than 80 votes in 3 states, do not forget that.
Its always Jews who create Islam hate sites.

citation? some people consider ROBERT SPENCER's "JIHAD WATCH" a
"hate site" --------he carries a family legacy of the Islamic genocides upon
greek and Turkish "catholics" ----specifically eastern orthodox people----upon whose
mangled bodies you spit. Another famous descendant of the filth you lick------is
the famous movie director ELIA KAZAN. Both have been called "joooos" by islamo
Nazis like you. For more information on Islamic genocide-----talk to a PUNJABI SIKH.
Interestingly-----the islamo Nazi Linda Sarsour--------recently had the audacity to claim
"MUSLIMS ARE ALLIES OF SIKHS" I almost vomited when I read that one

Not quite accurate. The funding has been delayed along with funding for some other programs while budget issues are being hashed out by the administration. Hopefully, they will get their funding.

Their people lived like slaves, now the undoing of it freaks them out. Just like the moron liberals here who don't get why and what Trump is doing.

Doesn't mean he's perfect......but when sheep don't bother to listening to both sides and gather all the information they can agree or not they're clueless fks.

How we got a pos Potus like tRump is due to you clueless fks.

Actually, Trump was elected by people who listened to what he wanted to do for America and was opposed by people who didn't listen. In the end, America got lucky.

He won by less than 80 votes in 3 states, do not forget that.

Your point is well taken. Most Americans had no idea what they were voting for, but Trump supporters did despite the fact that virtually every MSM pretended Trump had no discernible policies. It was a remarkable victory. Of course, we should give credit where credit is due, Trump's victory was aided by the fact that Clinton was such a crooked, incompetent, lazy opponent.
I did not vote.

I was aware Trump could start WW3 with Iran, and I was aware Hillary could bring in millions of Refugee Islamists.

Why do we continue to vote for people who are deplorable?
Name the number of Iranians who attacked the U.S.A?

Here's some Anglo / Brit shit attacks on America.

-W Bush = killed 6,000 Americans for Israel an Anglo.
-Lyndon B Johnson = killed nearly 60,000 Americans an Anglo.
- Abraham Lincoln + Jefferson Davis nearly 600,000 Americans killed an Anglo.

- Anglo Britain burned Washington in 1812.
- Anglo Britain killed 10,000's of Americans in the American Revoltuonary War.

-Stephen Paddock.
-James O. Huberty,
-Ted Bundy.
-Charles Manson.
-Cliven Bundy.
-Dylan Roof.
-James Fields.
-Albert Fish.
-Charles Whitman.
-Patrick Sherrill
-Ray Copeland.
-Mcveigh + Nichols.
-Devin Patrick Kelley.
-Jim Jones.
-Samnuel Mason.
-Lee Harvey Oswald.

idiot exercise-------shall I name my cousins that your fellow polacks murdered in AUCHWITZ?
There were two little girls------with Austrian fair skin----and bows in their hair-----their
picture haunted my childhood---------some polack grabbed them by the ankles and
smashed their heads against a brick wall ( always remember----there are survivors and

Are you trying to make me support Iranians (Iran) all the more over Israel (Jews) like you?

I've not met such ignorant anti-Polish Iranians, as ignorant anti-Polish Jews, and Israelis like you.

Since you're so dumb, here's some facts about Auschwitz.

1.) Auschwitz foundation was built by Jews.

2.) Auschwitz first held Polish Catholic POW's by Nazis.

3.) Auschwitz was taught to the allies as legit by Polish Catholic Witold Pilecki whom volunteered to be captured at Auschwitz to gather information about the Holocaust to the Allies to prove it was a true Holocaust.

4.) Auschwitz was staffed mostly by Germans.

5.) Auschwitz had Jewish Sonderkommados help aid the disposal of Jews.

6.) Auschwitz had Jewish doctor Miklos Nyiszil who was the assistant of Nazi German Mengele doing expreriments on Jews.

7.) Auschwitz had Jewish Kapos help the Nazis.

8.) Auschwitz prisoners were treated by the Polish version of the Red Cross (Polski Czerwony Krzyż - PCK)

9.) Auschwitz is where Polish Catholic Friar Max Kolbe died, as he decided to change places with Polish Catholic with a family who was in return saved.
Name the number of Iranians who attacked the U.S.A?

Here's some Anglo / Brit shit attacks on America.

-W Bush = killed 6,000 Americans for Israel an Anglo.
-Lyndon B Johnson = killed nearly 60,000 Americans an Anglo.
- Abraham Lincoln + Jefferson Davis nearly 600,000 Americans killed an Anglo.

- Anglo Britain burned Washington in 1812.
- Anglo Britain killed 10,000's of Americans in the American Revoltuonary War.

-Stephen Paddock.
-James O. Huberty,
-Ted Bundy.
-Charles Manson.
-Cliven Bundy.
-Dylan Roof.
-James Fields.
-Albert Fish.
-Charles Whitman.
-Patrick Sherrill
-Ray Copeland.
-Mcveigh + Nichols.
-Devin Patrick Kelley.
-Jim Jones.
-Samnuel Mason.
-Lee Harvey Oswald.

idiot exercise-------shall I name my cousins that your fellow polacks murdered in AUCHWITZ?
There were two little girls------with Austrian fair skin----and bows in their hair-----their
picture haunted my childhood---------some polack grabbed them by the ankles and
smashed their heads against a brick wall ( always remember----there are survivors and

Are you trying to make me support Iranians (Iran) all the more over Israel (Jews) like you?

I've not met such ignorant anti-Polish Iranians, as ignorant anti-Polish Jews, and Israelis like you.

Since you're so dumb, here's some facts about Auschwitz.

1.) Auschwitz foundation was built by Jews.

2.) Auschwitz first held Polish Catholic POW's by Nazis.

3.) Auschwitz was taught to the allies as legit by Polish Catholic Witold Pilecki whom volunteered to be captured at Auschwitz to gather information about the Holocaust to the Allies to prove it was a true Holocaust.

4.) Auschwitz was staffed mostly by Germans.

5.) Auschwitz had Jewish Sonderkommados help aid the disposal of Jews.

6.) Auschwitz had Jewish doctor Miklos Nyiszil who was the assistant of Nazi German Mengele doing expreriments on Jews.

7.) Auschwitz had Jewish Kapos help the Nazis.

8.) Auschwitz prisoners were treated by the Polish version of the Red Cross (Polski Czerwony Krzyż - PCK)

9.) Auschwitz is where Polish Catholic Friar Max Kolbe died, as he decided to change places with Polish Catholic with a family who was in return saved.

try again-----Auschwitz was built by forced labor-----(ie enslaved people) It's earliest
prisoners included POLITICAL DISSIDENTS and-----jews for no reason other than
being jews. Kapos were enslaved jews. who were willing to work with the filth in order
to survive. Auschwitz could have been entirely sabotaged if the POPE had ordered
the CATHOLIC CHURCH OFFICIALS TO sabotage THE RAIL ROAD tracks leading to the polish killing camp-----but the divine pope "did not know what was going on" Mengele was
a FREE CATHOLIC-----and remained so all his pleasant life------he died while enjoying
a swim at the beach in old age--------a catholic in GOOD STANDING
Name the number of Iranians who attacked the U.S.A?

Here's some Anglo / Brit shit attacks on America.

-W Bush = killed 6,000 Americans for Israel an Anglo.
-Lyndon B Johnson = killed nearly 60,000 Americans an Anglo.
- Abraham Lincoln + Jefferson Davis nearly 600,000 Americans killed an Anglo.

- Anglo Britain burned Washington in 1812.
- Anglo Britain killed 10,000's of Americans in the American Revoltuonary War.

-Stephen Paddock.
-James O. Huberty,
-Ted Bundy.
-Charles Manson.
-Cliven Bundy.
-Dylan Roof.
-James Fields.
-Albert Fish.
-Charles Whitman.
-Patrick Sherrill
-Ray Copeland.
-Mcveigh + Nichols.
-Devin Patrick Kelley.
-Jim Jones.
-Samnuel Mason.
-Lee Harvey Oswald.

idiot exercise-------shall I name my cousins that your fellow polacks murdered in AUCHWITZ?
There were two little girls------with Austrian fair skin----and bows in their hair-----their
picture haunted my childhood---------some polack grabbed them by the ankles and
smashed their heads against a brick wall ( always remember----there are survivors and

Are you trying to make me support Iranians (Iran) all the more over Israel (Jews) like you?

I've not met such ignorant anti-Polish Iranians, as ignorant anti-Polish Jews, and Israelis like you.

Since you're so dumb, here's some facts about Auschwitz.

1.) Auschwitz foundation was built by Jews.

2.) Auschwitz first held Polish Catholic POW's by Nazis.

3.) Auschwitz was taught to the allies as legit by Polish Catholic Witold Pilecki whom volunteered to be captured at Auschwitz to gather information about the Holocaust to the Allies to prove it was a true Holocaust.

4.) Auschwitz was staffed mostly by Germans.

5.) Auschwitz had Jewish Sonderkommados help aid the disposal of Jews.

6.) Auschwitz had Jewish doctor Miklos Nyiszil who was the assistant of Nazi German Mengele doing expreriments on Jews.

7.) Auschwitz had Jewish Kapos help the Nazis.

8.) Auschwitz prisoners were treated by the Polish version of the Red Cross (Polski Czerwony Krzyż - PCK)

9.) Auschwitz is where Polish Catholic Friar Max Kolbe died, as he decided to change places with Polish Catholic with a family who was in return saved.

try again-----Auschwitz was built by forced labor-----(ie enslaved people) It's earliest
prisoners included POLITICAL DISSIDENTS and-----jews for no reason other than
being jews. Kapos were enslaved jews. who were willing to work with the filth in order
to survive. Auschwitz could have been entirely sabotaged if the POPE had ordered
the CATHOLIC CHURCH OFFICIALS TO sabotage THE RAIL ROAD tracks leading to the polish killing camp-----but the divine pope "did not know what was going on" Mengele was
a FREE CATHOLIC-----and remained so all his pleasant life------he died while enjoying
a swim at the beach in old age--------a catholic in GOOD STANDING

Mengele wasn't Polish, you stupid f*cking Jew, nor was Auschwitz a Polish killing camp, it was mostly staffed by German Nazis, idiot.

You're definitely the #1 sub-Human on this forum.

Even the f*cking Blacks on this forum like Tiggered, and IM2 write slightly better, and compute logic slightly better.

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