Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant death to America

^part of the problem^
Well, if Democrats were patriotic nationalists, like Trump and the Republicans, and not were not INTERnationalist globalists, they might have America's interests in mind, rather than those of the world.

And if they didn't have politicians like Obama, who proclaimed himself a "citizen of the WORLD", and Democrats who support sanctuary cities, to support foreigners taking jobs away from Americans, then there just might not BE a "problem"
Not helping your case.
Death to America, Death to Israel are the most commonly spoken phrases in Iran. It's like "hello".

Trump ending this disaster, that should never have been made in the first place is one of his greatest achievements.
Not helping your case.
In YOUR opinion. In my case, I AM helping my case. As for the "case" itself, It's simple. Obama (Mr. "citizen of the world") is a globalist, who doesn't not put the interests of the American people above those of Mexicans, and nationals of other countries.

President Trump, in contrast, DOES put the American people above people of the world. And that isn't a "case". It is a FACT.
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.

Do you blame them.

US broke a deal

OK Einstein, explain why would we do that if Iranians honored their part of the deal?

Or did they?
All this just goes to show that the Iranians (govt) never had any good interests of ours in mind. They hate us. Always have, Still do. Trump was right about the "deal" being all good for them, nothing for us.

Now we're back to an honest footing with these creeps, and will deal with them as they truly are.
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.

Do you blame them.

US broke a deal

OK Einstein, explain why would we do that if Iranians honored their part of the deal?

Or did they?
Death to America, Death to Israel are the most commonly spoken phrases in Iran. It's like "hello".

Trump ending this disaster, that should never have been made in the first place is one of his greatest achievements.

No its not.
All this just goes to show that the Iranians (govt) never had any good interests of ours in mind. They hate us. Always have, Still do. Trump was right about the "deal" being all good for them, nothing for us.

Now we're back to an honest footing with these creeps, and will deal with them as they truly are.

So, we chose Israel of 6 million to support, as opposed to 1.6 billion Muslims.

Actually, being neutral (Staying out of the Mid-East) would've been the most beneficial for the U.S.A, point blank.

Educating Liberals‏ @Education4Libs
Sources say an Iranian military base in Syria was attacked by an Israeli airstrike about an hour after Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal. Iran is taking more losses today than Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Most of the White-Right in this World isn't pro-Israel, nor pro-Jewish.

In fact if anything most of the right wing is more anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish like in Hungary, Poland, Italy, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, France, Spain, Bulgaria, etc. etc.

Basically only the U.S.A, the Netherlands, and the UK have right wings who support Jews, and Israel.

You are also 3 ultra-Liberal countries, whom if anything are also more likely to go against Catholics than Jews, because you're clueless.

Educating Liberals‏ @Education4Libs
Sources say an Iranian military base in Syria was attacked by an Israeli airstrike about an hour after Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal. Iran is taking more losses today than Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Most of the White-Right in this World isn't pro-Israel, nor pro-Jewish.

In fact if anything most of the right wing is more anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish like in Hungary, Poland, Italy, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, France, Spain, Bulgaria, etc. etc.

Basically only the U.S.A, the Netherlands, and the UK have right wings who support Jews, and Israel.

Your hatred of Joos is getting tiresome, moron

Educating Liberals‏ @Education4Libs
Sources say an Iranian military base in Syria was attacked by an Israeli airstrike about an hour after Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal. Iran is taking more losses today than Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Most of the White-Right in this World isn't pro-Israel, nor pro-Jewish.

In fact if anything most of the right wing is more anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish like in Hungary, Poland, Italy, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, France, Spain, Bulgaria, etc. etc.

Basically only the U.S.A, the Netherlands, and the UK have right wings who support Jews, and Israel.

Your hatred of Joos is getting tiresome, moron

Your Neocon wars against Muslims are getting tiresome.

You only created Islamic refugees, have only been killing America's soldiers, and of course borderline genocide on Muslims in some cases.
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.

Do you blame them.

US broke a deal

OK Einstein, explain why would we do that if Iranians honored their part of the deal?

Or did they?
Death to America, Death to Israel are the most commonly spoken phrases in Iran. It's like "hello".

Trump ending this disaster, that should never have been made in the first place is one of his greatest achievements.

No its not.
Yes it is (and I'm sticking my tongue out).
So, we chose Israel of 6 million to support, as opposed to 1.6 billion Muslims.

Actually, being neutral (Staying out of the Mid-East) would've been the most beneficial for the U.S.A, point blank.
Not with ISIS in existence. They need to be stopped (100%)
Your Neocon wars against Muslims are getting tiresome.

You only created Islamic refugees, have only been killing America's soldiers, and of course borderline genocide on Muslims in some cases.
Ever hear of Jihad ?

Name a single terrorist incident on U.S.A soil, where that Islamic terrorist wasn't living in the U.S.a, or touring the U.S.A?
F*ck the unholy Vagabond Colonist predatory alliance of Anglo - Jews.

This is 1000's of times more my enemy than Iran.

Anglos, and Jews are indeed Vagabond, Colonist, Predators, yes.

Anglos were roaming from Germanic lands into Celtic lands, looting, shooting, as Predatory, Colonists against first Celts, then the World.

Jews were roaming around as Vagabond, Colonist, Predators looting, shooting as Predatory Colonists against first Slavs as Commies, then as Israel against Palestinians.
No combination of ethnicities has been worse to the world's people than Islam.
Of course if it's a false flag it has to be Clinton, Obama and Bush involved. They hold such political power, as opposed to that guy who is actually in the White House. :rolleyes:
And dontforgethillary and Pelosi.
Last I heard they were over there fighting for ISIS
Your Neocon wars against Muslims are getting tiresome.

You only created Islamic refugees, have only been killing America's soldiers, and of course borderline genocide on Muslims in some cases.
Ever hear of Jihad ?

Name a single terrorist incident on U.S.A soil, that wasn't living, or touring the U.S.A?
Do you have a language impairment ? Please repeat the question in intelligible form.

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