Iranian terrorist headquarters blown up in syria


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
Wonderful, wonderful news, hoping there were huge amounts of casualties and large amounts of severely injured - all suffering horrific wounds and pain.

Exclusive Iranian embassy blown up in Damascus Nusra Front suspected

Hopefully, these continued defeats in syria and yemen will bleed the iranian filth until the assad and khameini cancerous regimes collapse.
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finally ----some good news
Should one wonder that the filthiest filth of the political landscape is reaching ecstasy over al-Qaeda terror attacks in Syria?

The Russian embassy in Damascus was also targted (with no casualties) and even the US condemned the attack.

It should be clear that those who cheer the terrorists here should not influence you, guys. Their behavior rather should warn you as they are the mirror, the true face of our ugly, devilish regimes, that are the cancer of the earth. Those willing "ambassadors" of the most disgusting regimes the world ever suffered are the biggest scum on earth and every true American patriot`s heart is bleeding as they fulfull their dirty job with joy.
finally ----some good news
Should one wonder that the filthiest filth of the political landscape is reaching ecstasy over al-Qaeda terror attacks in Syria?

The Russian embassy in Damascus was also targted (with no casualties) and even the US condemned the attack.

It should be clear that those who cheer the terrorists here should not influence you, guys. Their behavior rather should warn you as they are the mirror, the true face of our ugly, devilish regimes, that are the cancer of the earth. Those willing "ambassadors" of the most disgusting regimes the world ever suffered are the biggest scum on earth and every true American patriot`s heart is bleeding as they fulfull their dirty job with joy.

Try again Captain Blei------al queida attack on the Iranian embassy is comparable to a kamikazee attack
on the Berlin Bunker 1945
finally ----some good news
Should one wonder that the filthiest filth of the political landscape is reaching ecstasy over al-Qaeda terror attacks in Syria?

The Russian embassy in Damascus was also targted (with no casualties) and even the US condemned the attack.

It should be clear that those who cheer the terrorists here should not influence you, guys. Their behavior rather should warn you as they are the mirror, the true face of our ugly, devilish regimes, that are the cancer of the earth. Those willing "ambassadors" of the most disgusting regimes the world ever suffered are the biggest scum on earth and every true American patriot`s heart is bleeding as they fulfull their dirty job with joy.

Try again Captain Blei------al queida attack on the Iranian embassy is comparable to a kamikazee attack
on the Berlin Bunker 1945
It is like 9/11. Were you celebrating the "rebels" 14 years ago?
finally ----some good news
Should one wonder that the filthiest filth of the political landscape is reaching ecstasy over al-Qaeda terror attacks in Syria?

The Russian embassy in Damascus was also targted (with no casualties) and even the US condemned the attack.

It should be clear that those who cheer the terrorists here should not influence you, guys. Their behavior rather should warn you as they are the mirror, the true face of our ugly, devilish regimes, that are the cancer of the earth. Those willing "ambassadors" of the most disgusting regimes the world ever suffered are the biggest scum on earth and every true American patriot`s heart is bleeding as they fulfull their dirty job with joy.

Try again Captain Blei------al queida attack on the Iranian embassy is comparable to a kamikazee attack
on the Berlin Bunker 1945
It is like 9/11. Were you celebrating the "rebels" 14 years ago?

Of course not-----your people were------the Damascus bakery could not keep up with the MAAAMOUL demand------(the owners of the Damascus bakery had good business----but THEY DID NOT CELEBRATE----
they are not Baathist pigs
finally ----some good news
Should one wonder that the filthiest filth of the political landscape is reaching ecstasy over al-Qaeda terror attacks in Syria?

The Russian embassy in Damascus was also targted (with no casualties) and even the US condemned the attack.

It should be clear that those who cheer the terrorists here should not influence you, guys. Their behavior rather should warn you as they are the mirror, the true face of our ugly, devilish regimes, that are the cancer of the earth. Those willing "ambassadors" of the most disgusting regimes the world ever suffered are the biggest scum on earth and every true American patriot`s heart is bleeding as they fulfull their dirty job with joy.

Try again Captain Blei------al queida attack on the Iranian embassy is comparable to a kamikazee attack
on the Berlin Bunker 1945
It is like 9/11. Were you celebrating the "rebels" 14 years ago?

Of course not-----your people were------the Damascus bakery could not keep up with the MAAAMOUL demand------(the owners of the Damascus bakery had good business----but THEY DID NOT CELEBRATE----
they are not Baathist pigs
Syria, my country is Germany btw, did not celebrate 9/11.
finally ----some good news
Should one wonder that the filthiest filth of the political landscape is reaching ecstasy over al-Qaeda terror attacks in Syria?

The Russian embassy in Damascus was also targted (with no casualties) and even the US condemned the attack.

It should be clear that those who cheer the terrorists here should not influence you, guys. Their behavior rather should warn you as they are the mirror, the true face of our ugly, devilish regimes, that are the cancer of the earth. Those willing "ambassadors" of the most disgusting regimes the world ever suffered are the biggest scum on earth and every true American patriot`s heart is bleeding as they fulfull their dirty job with joy.

Try again Captain Blei------al queida attack on the Iranian embassy is comparable to a kamikazee attack
on the Berlin Bunker 1945
It is like 9/11. Were you celebrating the "rebels" 14 years ago?

Of course not-----your people were------the Damascus bakery could not keep up with the MAAAMOUL demand------(the owners of the Damascus bakery had good business----but THEY DID NOT CELEBRATE----
they are not Baathist pigs
Syria, my country is Germany btw, did not celebrate 9/11.

Baathist is Baathist ---------it is the arab/muslim form of Nazism ---------in fact the Baathist pigs ----early on---had the support of your "god" Adolf Hitler to the extent that he donated the banned nitrogen mustard gas to the "cause" The only use of nitrogen mustard gas post world war I------an horrific vesicant that is far more a terror weapon than one of war and causes slow agonizing death----especially in children, was by Baathist pig----Gamal Abdel Nasser. Saddam stock piled the stuff. US homeland security has created intricate protocols in order to deal with terrorist attackes involving the stuff------because it is what Baathist pigs do
Should one wonder that the filthiest filth of the political landscape is reaching ecstasy over al-Qaeda terror attacks in Syria?

The Russian embassy in Damascus was also targted (with no casualties) and even the US condemned the attack.

It should be clear that those who cheer the terrorists here should not influence you, guys. Their behavior rather should warn you as they are the mirror, the true face of our ugly, devilish regimes, that are the cancer of the earth. Those willing "ambassadors" of the most disgusting regimes the world ever suffered are the biggest scum on earth and every true American patriot`s heart is bleeding as they fulfull their dirty job with joy.

Try again Captain Blei------al queida attack on the Iranian embassy is comparable to a kamikazee attack
on the Berlin Bunker 1945
It is like 9/11. Were you celebrating the "rebels" 14 years ago?

Of course not-----your people were------the Damascus bakery could not keep up with the MAAAMOUL demand------(the owners of the Damascus bakery had good business----but THEY DID NOT CELEBRATE----
they are not Baathist pigs
Syria, my country is Germany btw, did not celebrate 9/11.

Baathist is Baathist ---------it is the arab/muslim form of Nazism ---------in fact the Baathist pigs ----early on---had the support of your "god" Adolf Hitler to the extent that he donated the banned nitrogen mustard gas to the "cause" The only use of nitrogen mustard gas post world war I------an horrific vesicant that is far more a terror weapon than one of war and causes slow agonizing death----especially in children, was by Baathist pig----Gamal Abdel Nasser. Saddam stock piled the stuff. US homeland security has created intricate protocols in order to deal with terrorist attackes involving the stuff------because it is what Baathist pigs do
Hitler is not my god and he prohibited the use of chemical weapons - he self was a victim of an allied gas attack in WWI. Thus, the Wehrmacht did not use chemical weapons, its opponents however dropped large amounts of bombs, phosphorus and even nuclear bombs on civilians.
Try again Captain Blei------al queida attack on the Iranian embassy is comparable to a kamikazee attack
on the Berlin Bunker 1945
It is like 9/11. Were you celebrating the "rebels" 14 years ago?

Of course not-----your people were------the Damascus bakery could not keep up with the MAAAMOUL demand------(the owners of the Damascus bakery had good business----but THEY DID NOT CELEBRATE----
they are not Baathist pigs
Syria, my country is Germany btw, did not celebrate 9/11.

Baathist is Baathist ---------it is the arab/muslim form of Nazism ---------in fact the Baathist pigs ----early on---had the support of your "god" Adolf Hitler to the extent that he donated the banned nitrogen mustard gas to the "cause" The only use of nitrogen mustard gas post world war I------an horrific vesicant that is far more a terror weapon than one of war and causes slow agonizing death----especially in children, was by Baathist pig----Gamal Abdel Nasser. Saddam stock piled the stuff. US homeland security has created intricate protocols in order to deal with terrorist attackes involving the stuff------because it is what Baathist pigs do
Hitler is not my god and he prohibited the use of chemical weapons - he self was a victim of an allied gas attack in WWI. Thus, the Wehrmacht did not use chemical weapons, its opponents however dropped large amounts of bombs, phosphorus and even nuclear bombs on civilians.

wrong again------Nitrogen mustard gas is a german invention and it was passed on to the faves of Adolf---
including Baathist pig al husseini and his friends who
included Gama Abdel Nasser ------who as a lover or adolf used in the 1950s in Yemen-----on "loyalist factions" roflmao @ "large amounts of nuclear bombs" ------like thousands?
It is like 9/11. Were you celebrating the "rebels" 14 years ago?

Of course not-----your people were------the Damascus bakery could not keep up with the MAAAMOUL demand------(the owners of the Damascus bakery had good business----but THEY DID NOT CELEBRATE----
they are not Baathist pigs
Syria, my country is Germany btw, did not celebrate 9/11.

Baathist is Baathist ---------it is the arab/muslim form of Nazism ---------in fact the Baathist pigs ----early on---had the support of your "god" Adolf Hitler to the extent that he donated the banned nitrogen mustard gas to the "cause" The only use of nitrogen mustard gas post world war I------an horrific vesicant that is far more a terror weapon than one of war and causes slow agonizing death----especially in children, was by Baathist pig----Gamal Abdel Nasser. Saddam stock piled the stuff. US homeland security has created intricate protocols in order to deal with terrorist attackes involving the stuff------because it is what Baathist pigs do
Hitler is not my god and he prohibited the use of chemical weapons - he self was a victim of an allied gas attack in WWI. Thus, the Wehrmacht did not use chemical weapons, its opponents however dropped large amounts of bombs, phosphorus and even nuclear bombs on civilians.

wrong again------Nitrogen mustard gas is a german invention and it was passed on to the faves of Adolf---
including Baathist pig al husseini and his friends who
included Gama Abdel Nasser ------who as a lover or adolf used in the 1950s in Yemen-----on "loyalist factions" roflmao @ "large amounts of nuclear bombs" ------like thousands?
Your "knowledge" about history is limited to some pro-zionist propaganda. You claim that Zionism and Judaism is the same but you Zionist have no clue about Jewish history in Germany and all of Europe or anything regarding Jews.
Of course not-----your people were------the Damascus bakery could not keep up with the MAAAMOUL demand------(the owners of the Damascus bakery had good business----but THEY DID NOT CELEBRATE----
they are not Baathist pigs
Syria, my country is Germany btw, did not celebrate 9/11.

Baathist is Baathist ---------it is the arab/muslim form of Nazism ---------in fact the Baathist pigs ----early on---had the support of your "god" Adolf Hitler to the extent that he donated the banned nitrogen mustard gas to the "cause" The only use of nitrogen mustard gas post world war I------an horrific vesicant that is far more a terror weapon than one of war and causes slow agonizing death----especially in children, was by Baathist pig----Gamal Abdel Nasser. Saddam stock piled the stuff. US homeland security has created intricate protocols in order to deal with terrorist attackes involving the stuff------because it is what Baathist pigs do
Hitler is not my god and he prohibited the use of chemical weapons - he self was a victim of an allied gas attack in WWI. Thus, the Wehrmacht did not use chemical weapons, its opponents however dropped large amounts of bombs, phosphorus and even nuclear bombs on civilians.

wrong again------Nitrogen mustard gas is a german invention and it was passed on to the faves of Adolf---
including Baathist pig al husseini and his friends who
included Gama Abdel Nasser ------who as a lover or adolf used in the 1950s in Yemen-----on "loyalist factions" roflmao @ "large amounts of nuclear bombs" ------like thousands?
Your "knowledge" about history is limited to some pro-zionist propaganda. You claim that Zionism and Judaism is the same but you Zionist have no clue about Jewish history in Germany and all of Europe or anything regarding Jews.

actually I do know------In fact I have absolutely no education in
"JEWISH" I did not even attend "Hebrew school" ----never attended anything like a "jewish camp" or any jewish educational program at all. As to the history of nitrogen mustard gas----I got that in my HOMELAND SECURITY training courses. I did read the "BIBLE" "old and new" because they were books available to me-------they always show up here and there----around Christmas----good Christians hand out little pocket
------things. I was a myopic kid (only mildly) so I could easily
read that tiny print. As a mildly myopic kid,, I was an AVID
reader------and did read the FILTH that was shoved down your
throat since you were four years old---------lots of it was written
in Syria by escaped Nazi war criminals.

yes-----ZIONISM is as part and parcel of Judaism as Jesus is as part and parcel of Christianity and muhummad and mecca and the Koran are as part and parcel of islam
Syria, my country is Germany btw, did not celebrate 9/11.

Baathist is Baathist ---------it is the arab/muslim form of Nazism ---------in fact the Baathist pigs ----early on---had the support of your "god" Adolf Hitler to the extent that he donated the banned nitrogen mustard gas to the "cause" The only use of nitrogen mustard gas post world war I------an horrific vesicant that is far more a terror weapon than one of war and causes slow agonizing death----especially in children, was by Baathist pig----Gamal Abdel Nasser. Saddam stock piled the stuff. US homeland security has created intricate protocols in order to deal with terrorist attackes involving the stuff------because it is what Baathist pigs do
Hitler is not my god and he prohibited the use of chemical weapons - he self was a victim of an allied gas attack in WWI. Thus, the Wehrmacht did not use chemical weapons, its opponents however dropped large amounts of bombs, phosphorus and even nuclear bombs on civilians.

wrong again------Nitrogen mustard gas is a german invention and it was passed on to the faves of Adolf---
including Baathist pig al husseini and his friends who
included Gama Abdel Nasser ------who as a lover or adolf used in the 1950s in Yemen-----on "loyalist factions" roflmao @ "large amounts of nuclear bombs" ------like thousands?
Your "knowledge" about history is limited to some pro-zionist propaganda. You claim that Zionism and Judaism is the same but you Zionist have no clue about Jewish history in Germany and all of Europe or anything regarding Jews.

actually I do know------In fact I have absolutely no education in
"JEWISH" I did not even attend "Hebrew school" ----never attended anything like a "jewish camp" or any jewish educational program at all. As to the history of nitrogen mustard gas----I got that in my HOMELAND SECURITY training courses. I did read the "BIBLE" "old and new" because they were books available to me-------they always show up here and there----around Christmas----good Christians hand out little pocket
------things. I was a myopic kid (only mildly) so I could easily
read that tiny print. As a mildly myopic kid,, I was an AVID
reader------and did read the FILTH that was shoved down your
throat since you were four years old---------lots of it was written
in Syria by escaped Nazi war criminals.

yes-----ZIONISM is as part and parcel of Judaism as Jesus is as part and parcel of Christianity and muhummad and mecca and the Koran are as part and parcel of islam
I was raised in a "Christian" foster family that frenetically sang "Zion, Zion". In school they only taught us how good multi-culti and homosexuality are. I rejected all their shit. Not that I became hostile to Jews or Muslims in general but I never accepted that I as a German should have less rights in my own country than migrants and homosexuals. I learned much of the Jewish history by learning German history in my own interest.
You cannot deny that the Jewry is linked to Germany more than to any other country.
You can consult this list of Jewish surnames:
Category Jewish surnames - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Zionism however is a political issue, not a religious one.
yes-----ZIONISM is as part and parcel of Judaism as Jesus is as part and parcel of Christianity and muhummad and mecca and the Koran are as part and parcel of islam

That's like saying the Crusades are part and parcel of Christianity you nut.

really, Monte?-----can you explain the "like" part???
The Christians believed that the Holy Land was theirs and that the Infidels were to be evicted and a Christian Kingdom had to be established in the area.
Baathist is Baathist ---------it is the arab/muslim form of Nazism ---------in fact the Baathist pigs ----early on---had the support of your "god" Adolf Hitler to the extent that he donated the banned nitrogen mustard gas to the "cause" The only use of nitrogen mustard gas post world war I------an horrific vesicant that is far more a terror weapon than one of war and causes slow agonizing death----especially in children, was by Baathist pig----Gamal Abdel Nasser. Saddam stock piled the stuff. US homeland security has created intricate protocols in order to deal with terrorist attackes involving the stuff------because it is what Baathist pigs do
Hitler is not my god and he prohibited the use of chemical weapons - he self was a victim of an allied gas attack in WWI. Thus, the Wehrmacht did not use chemical weapons, its opponents however dropped large amounts of bombs, phosphorus and even nuclear bombs on civilians.

wrong again------Nitrogen mustard gas is a german invention and it was passed on to the faves of Adolf---
including Baathist pig al husseini and his friends who
included Gama Abdel Nasser ------who as a lover or adolf used in the 1950s in Yemen-----on "loyalist factions" roflmao @ "large amounts of nuclear bombs" ------like thousands?
Your "knowledge" about history is limited to some pro-zionist propaganda. You claim that Zionism and Judaism is the same but you Zionist have no clue about Jewish history in Germany and all of Europe or anything regarding Jews.

actually I do know------In fact I have absolutely no education in
"JEWISH" I did not even attend "Hebrew school" ----never attended anything like a "jewish camp" or any jewish educational program at all. As to the history of nitrogen mustard gas----I got that in my HOMELAND SECURITY training courses. I did read the "BIBLE" "old and new" because they were books available to me-------they always show up here and there----around Christmas----good Christians hand out little pocket
------things. I was a myopic kid (only mildly) so I could easily
read that tiny print. As a mildly myopic kid,, I was an AVID
reader------and did read the FILTH that was shoved down your
throat since you were four years old---------lots of it was written
in Syria by escaped Nazi war criminals.

yes-----ZIONISM is as part and parcel of Judaism as Jesus is as part and parcel of Christianity and muhummad and mecca and the Koran are as part and parcel of islam
I was raised in a "Christian" foster family that frenetically sang "Zion, Zion". In school they only taught us how good multi-culti and homosexuality are. I rejected all their shit. Not that I became hostile to Jews or Muslims in general but I never accepted that I as a German should have less rights in my own country than migrants and homosexuals. I learned much of the Jewish history by learning German history in my own interest.
You cannot deny that the Jewry is linked to Germany more than to any other country.
You can consult this list of Jewish surnames:
Category Jewish surnames - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Zionism however is a political issue, not a religious one.

wrong----sure I can deny that "jewry is linked to Germany more than any other country"-------your problem is that your concept of jewish history includes
only a small window of time and -----a small fragment
of area As to surnames----jews from all over Europe
ADOPTED or were ASCRIBED german words as
surnams because then it became law that they have a
surname------jews were largely Yiddish speaking. Your theory would render every LADINO speaker directly linked to SPAIN <<< also not so------whilst most left 500 years ago-------some left far earlier and STILL CONTINUED SPEAKING LADINO and, therefore ended up with SPANISH NAMES. Some never had a link to spain who ---even today speak LADINO I have a Turkish relative
whose last name is ARROYO (not a Turkish name---)
his family left spain more than 500 years ago. and were not there long. I am not
sure that SPINOZA was ever in Portugal) Lots of jews who left Israel 2000 years ago have a Hebrew last name-------me, for example. ROUMANIAN jews tend to have german surnames ------as do polish
jews --------despite never having been in Germany since
jews with no background in Germany still started speaking the Jewish LINGUA Franca-----Yiddish-----gee you are dim
The Christians believed that the Holy Land was theirs and that the Infidels were to be evicted and a Christian Kingdom had to be established in the area.

so??? in fact the muslims grabbed the "HOLY LAND" from Christian possession -----from the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" --------learn a bit of history-----the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" wanted back that which the
invaders from Arabia took from that EMPIRE-----sheeesh----you are dim-------that fight has nothing to do with ZIONISM which is part and parcel of Judaism as anyone who has ever bothered to read the bible would
know. Christianity as a RELIGION actually depends more on ROME than on "the holy land" ----remember rome? that's why muslims have an AMBITION to
invade rome
Hitler is not my god and he prohibited the use of chemical weapons - he self was a victim of an allied gas attack in WWI. Thus, the Wehrmacht did not use chemical weapons, its opponents however dropped large amounts of bombs, phosphorus and even nuclear bombs on civilians.

wrong again------Nitrogen mustard gas is a german invention and it was passed on to the faves of Adolf---
including Baathist pig al husseini and his friends who
included Gama Abdel Nasser ------who as a lover or adolf used in the 1950s in Yemen-----on "loyalist factions" roflmao @ "large amounts of nuclear bombs" ------like thousands?
Your "knowledge" about history is limited to some pro-zionist propaganda. You claim that Zionism and Judaism is the same but you Zionist have no clue about Jewish history in Germany and all of Europe or anything regarding Jews.

actually I do know------In fact I have absolutely no education in
"JEWISH" I did not even attend "Hebrew school" ----never attended anything like a "jewish camp" or any jewish educational program at all. As to the history of nitrogen mustard gas----I got that in my HOMELAND SECURITY training courses. I did read the "BIBLE" "old and new" because they were books available to me-------they always show up here and there----around Christmas----good Christians hand out little pocket
------things. I was a myopic kid (only mildly) so I could easily
read that tiny print. As a mildly myopic kid,, I was an AVID
reader------and did read the FILTH that was shoved down your
throat since you were four years old---------lots of it was written
in Syria by escaped Nazi war criminals.

yes-----ZIONISM is as part and parcel of Judaism as Jesus is as part and parcel of Christianity and muhummad and mecca and the Koran are as part and parcel of islam
I was raised in a "Christian" foster family that frenetically sang "Zion, Zion". In school they only taught us how good multi-culti and homosexuality are. I rejected all their shit. Not that I became hostile to Jews or Muslims in general but I never accepted that I as a German should have less rights in my own country than migrants and homosexuals. I learned much of the Jewish history by learning German history in my own interest.
You cannot deny that the Jewry is linked to Germany more than to any other country.
You can consult this list of Jewish surnames:
Category Jewish surnames - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Zionism however is a political issue, not a religious one.

wrong----sure I can deny that "jewry is linked to Germany more than any other country"-------your problem is that your concept of jewish history includes
only a small window of time and -----a small fragment
of area As to surnames----jews from all over Europe
ADOPTED or were ASCRIBED german words as
surnams because then it became law that they have a
surname------jews were largely Yiddish speaking. Your theory would render every LADINO speaker directly linked to SPAIN <<< also not so------whilst most left 500 years ago-------some left far earlier and STILL CONTINUED SPEAKING LADINO and, therefore ended up with SPANISH NAMES. Some never had a link to spain who ---even today speak LADINO I have a Turkish relative
whose last name is ARROYO (not a Turkish name---)
his family left spain more than 500 years ago. and were not there long. I am not
sure that SPINOZA was ever in Portugal) Lots of jews who left Israel 2000 years ago have a Hebrew last name-------me, for example. ROUMANIAN jews tend to have german surnames ------as do polish
jews --------despite never having been in Germany since
jews with no background in Germany still started speaking the Jewish LINGUA Franca-----Yiddish-----gee you are dim
Not reading that. The history of Jews in Germany is hundreds of years long. Altogether, it was a far better place for the Jews than the battlefield, Israel ever was. But the Jews betrayed Germany when they exchanged their support for the war in 1916 to drive the USA into war against Germany for the British promise to hand out the promised land to them, they excluded themselves from the German society. The re-creation of Israel, however, didn´t happen until 1948. The Jews instead went into hunger strike after the war because the Brits did not let them out of the concentration camps.
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