Iranians Shrug Off Obama - America Soon To Follow?

Nobody was asking you to research, dumbfuck.

And you ruin every damn thread you're in. Your beginning to really stink up the board with your SHIT in all these threads.

But not Divecon, eh? Yeah, we get it. You people would just love to turn this entire board into an all right-wing membership, no dissention allowed, no profanity allowed except by YOU. Pretty soon you'd get so goddamned board high-fiving everything, you'd search out other boards where opinions vary, and then try to ruin those too.
you just dont like it that this board isn't totally a liberal wet dream
Ah, the scrambling to remove JFK from the neocon movement is amusing to watch!

What a dance of denial we have today!

JFK was imbedded in the neocon philosophy. His allegiance to Robert McNamara is plenty proof of that, as are his own words and stance regarding opposition to communism, American intervention, etc.

Sorry kids, but JFK was a neocon. That should not discredit him - it is simple historical fact.

And if you wish to further explore the links with neoconservatism and liberal internationalism, you will find that the philisophical threads greatly intertwine. And while the modern version of neoconservatism is laid out on the unhealthy table of the Iraq War, one must recall that it also was laid out on the far more disastrous table of Vietnam - a table constructed in great part by the neoconservative hands of JFK and LBJ -and their shared Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara.

Don't deny your own history - work to understand it.
liberal morons, they know so much that just isnt true
no, you suck at this
just where did i say i know anything about YOU in specific?
i didnt
thats why i see you as a fucking moron
you jump to conclusions not supported by what i said

See the bolded parts, sonny.
which was not solely directed at YOU
learn to read asshole

Thats nice. It did include me, did it not? If it did, thats you making judgments about me.

As I said, consistency fail.
Ah, the scrambling to remove JFK from the neocon movement is amusing to watch!

What a dance of denial we have today!

JFK was imbedded in the neocon philosophy. His allegiance to Robert McNamara is plenty proof of that, as are his own words and stance regarding opposition to communism, American intervention, etc.

Sorry kids, but JFK was a neocon. That should not discredit him - it is simple historical fact.

And if you wish to further explore the links with neoconservatism and liberal internationalism, you will find that the philisophical threads greatly intertwine. And while the modern version of neoconservatism is laid out on the unhealthy table of the Iraq War, one must recall that it also was laid out on the far more disastrous table of Vietnam - a table constructed in great part by the neoconservative hands of JFK and LBJ -and their shared Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara.

Don't deny your own history - work to understand it.

which was not solely directed at YOU
learn to read asshole

Thats nice. It did include me, did it not? If it did, thats you making judgments about me.

As I said, consistency fail.

Reading your posts, you should know all about "fail", Nickie.

What a surprise. A rightwinger comes to another rightwingers defense, but still can't offer anything substantice.
Thats nice. It did include me, did it not? If it did, thats you making judgments about me.

As I said, consistency fail.

Reading your posts, you should know all about "fail", Nickie.

What a surprise. A rightwinger comes to another rightwingers defense, but still can't offer anything substantice.

Just stating the facts, Nickie, just stating the facts.
Reading your posts, you should know all about "fail", Nickie.

What a surprise. A rightwinger comes to another rightwingers defense, but still can't offer anything substantice.

Just stating the facts, Nickie, just stating the facts.

That would be your opinion, son. But its no surprise that you can't tell the difference between a fact and an opinion.
Ah, the scrambling to remove JFK from the neocon movement is amusing to watch!

What a dance of denial we have today!

JFK was imbedded in the neocon philosophy. His allegiance to Robert McNamara is plenty proof of that, as are his own words and stance regarding opposition to communism, American intervention, etc.

Sorry kids, but JFK was a neocon. That should not discredit him - it is simple historical fact.

And if you wish to further explore the links with neoconservatism and liberal internationalism, you will find that the philisophical threads greatly intertwine. And while the modern version of neoconservatism is laid out on the unhealthy table of the Iraq War, one must recall that it also was laid out on the far more disastrous table of Vietnam - a table constructed in great part by the neoconservative hands of JFK and LBJ -and their shared Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara.

Don't deny your own history - work to understand it.


What a surprise. A rightwinger comes to another rightwingers defense, but still can't offer anything substantice.

Just stating the facts, Nickie, just stating the facts.

That would be your opinion, son. But its no surprise that you can't tell the difference between a fact and an opinion.

What did I tell you, Dive.... :lol::lol::lol: He's so predictable :lol::lol:
That would be your opinion, son. But its no surprise that you can't tell the difference between a fact and an opinion.

What did I tell you, Dive.... :lol::lol::lol: He's so predictable :lol::lol:

That I would respond to you pointing out how your retarded is predictable? Thanks. i take that as a compliment.

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD! Now that's just precious... and sorta sad... But just absolutely PRECIOUS...
Just stating the facts, Nickie, just stating the facts.

That would be your opinion, son. But its no surprise that you can't tell the difference between a fact and an opinion.

What did I tell you, Dive.... :lol::lol::lol: He's so predictable :lol::lol:
the irony is too damn thick on his post
liberals in general(not JUST you nik) have problems telling the difference between fact and opinion
Sure, forty years ago, before the term and the agenda was hijacked by the NEW "neocons." There are no Democrats among them now, and they most certainly ARE "right-wing" to the point that they pulled the strings of the Bush Administration.

You don't have to take Wikipedia's analysis; the same basic history of neoconservatism can be found in hundreds of other places.

Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neoconservatism is a political philosophy that emerged in the United States of America, and which supports using American economic and military power to bring liberalism, democracy, and human rights to other countries. Unlike traditional conservatives, neoconservatives are generally comfortable with a minimally-bureaucratic welfare state; and, while generally supportive of free markets, they are willing to interfere for overriding social purposes.

The term neoconservative, first coined at least as early as 1921, was used at one time as a criticism against liberals who had "moved to the right". Michael Harrington, a democratic socialist, coined the current sense of the term neoconservative in a 1973 Dissent magazine article concerning welfare policy. According to E. J. Dionne, the nascent neoconservatives were driven by "the notion that liberalism" had failed and "no longer knew what it was talking about." The term "neoconservative" was the subject of increased media coverage during the presidency of George W. Bush with particular focus on a perceived neoconservative influence on American foreign policy, as part of the Bush Doctrine.

The first major neoconservative to embrace the term, Irving Kristol, is considered a founder of the neoconservative movement. Kristol wrote of his neoconservative views in the 1979 article "Confessions of a True, Self-Confessed 'Neoconservative.' His ideas had been influential since the 1950s, when he co-founded and edited Encounter magazine. Another source was Norman Podhoretz, editor of Commentary magazine from 1960 to 1995. By 1982 Podhoretz was calling himself a neoconservative, in a New York Times Magazine article titled "The Neoconservative Anguish over Reagan's Foreign Policy". Kristol's son, William Kristol, founded the neoconservative Project for the New American Century.

The neocons are not moderate, they are extreme war hawks...

JFK was not a neocon...he was not a war hawk... the neocons were originally aligned with Henry "Scoop" Jackson...

The Vietnam war tore the Democratic Party apart...they wanted nothing to do with the war drum beating the Democrats jettisoned the neocons... Ronald Reagan welcomed these extremists into the GOP, where they hooked up with right wing extremist christian hawks...

And what you see today is the culmination of Reagan's folly... a party dominated by extremists. Moderate Republicans, Goldwater conservatives and libertarians are being jettisoned to "purify" the party...the Nazis also wanted to "purify" their party...

Oh brother,:cuckoo: That's quite a yarn, BFGN


The hijacked GOP

Victor Gold, former speechwriter for George Herbert Walker Bush is a Goldwater conservative...his book explains how the GOP was hijacked away from conservatives by far right theocrats and far left neocons...starting in 1980...

Book Review:


Invasion of the Party Snatchers

By Victor Gold

After four decades as a Republican insider, Victor Gold reveals how the holy-rollers and the Neo-Cons have destroyed the GOP. Now he's fighting to get his party back.

As a man who served as press aide to Barry Goldwater and speechwriter and senior advisor to George H. W. Bush (in addition to co-authoring his autobiography), Victor Gold is absolutely furious that the Neo-Cons and their strange bedfellows, the Evangelical Right, have stolen his party from him. Now he is bringing the fight to them.

Invasion of the Party Snatchers is a blistering critique not only of the Bush-Cheney administration but also of the Republican Congress. Gold is ready to tell all about the war being waged for the soul of the GOP, including the elder Bush's opinion of his sons work domestically and abroad, the significance of the newly elected Congress, and how Goldwater would have reacted to it all. Gold reveals, among other explosive disclosures, how George W. has been manipulated by his vice president and secretary of defense to become, in Lenin's famous phrase, a "useful idiot" for Neo-Conservative warmongers and Theo-Conservative religious fanatics.

Although there have been other books by dissident Republicans attacking the Bush-Cheney administrations betrayal of conservative principles, none have been by an insider whose political credentials include inner-circle status with Barry Goldwater and George H. W. Bush.

"Make no mistake: author Gold, a former speechwriter for George H.W. Bush and aide to Barry Goldwater, is one disgusted Republican. The GOP of the 2006 midterm election, he writes, is 'a party of pork-barrel ear-markers like Dennis Hastert, of political hatchet men like Karl Rove, and of Bible-thumping hypocrites like Tom Delay.' Gold looks to Goldwater, 'a straight-talking, freethinking maverick,' as the yardstick by which to measure just how far the party of Lincoln has fallen.

He traces the beginning of the end to the 1980 Republican National Convention and the presence of 'a militant new element...personified by Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.' The other half of the equation, the neoconservatives, are embodied by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, 'two cuts from the same Machiavellian cloth.' In efficient prose, Gold scrutinizes a significant swath of recent GOP history, in particular Newt Gingrich's 104th Congress and the Bush II White House, without losing momentum.

He also has choice words for 'the Coulterization of Republican rhetoric,' the revolving door between Capitol Hill and K Street, and 'sideshow' legislation like the Flag Protection Amendment. Gold sees a promising future for the Republican Party, but not until they lose some major elections and are able to keep down a slice of humble pie; for those disillusioned with the state of the GOP, this quick, uncompromising polemic provides substantial support, along with a large dose of cold comfort." Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) (Copyright Reed Business Information, Inc.)

The last real Goldwater conservative in America attacks the current state of his movement and his party.
Powell's Books - Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and Neo-Cons Destroyed the GOP by Victor Gold


Victor Gold

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