Iran's economy has crashed.


So, there we have it the Globalist scum can't take it that Iran isn't Secular against God like the Satanic Western Europeans & Kosher people.
he wants to be even more Satanic & cause mass murders over Iran.

Unbelievable, are you Human, or a spawn of Satan?
/—-/ You worship monsters who strap bombs to their own children to kill other children. How dare you lecture us?

You must be getting very desperate if you think I worship Suicide bombers.

Either through ignorance or deliberate manipulations.
You're not right.

Just because suicide bombers are wrong doesn't mean your murderous Neocons are right in mass murders of millions.
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There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.

oh goody------such a good polack-------YOU DUG UP A FEW jews that can be compared to polack filth-------for those unaware-----polish POLITICS consists of
the OPPONENT CANDIDATE ---struggle to FIND A JEW in the other guys remote family tree. Time for you to drink DA BLOOD and EAT DA BODY----take it with a wodka chaser-----and FEEL GOOD

What an obnoxious & idiotic member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Calling for more blood for ZOG in Iran.

So, there we have it the Globalist scum can't take it that Iran isn't Secular against God like the Satanic Western Europeans & Kosher people.
he wants to be even more Satanic & cause mass murders over Iran.

Unbelievable, are you Human, or a spawn of Satan?
/—-/ You worship monsters who strap bombs to their own children to kill other children. How dare you lecture us?
There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.

oh goody------such a good polack-------YOU DUG UP A FEW jews that can be compared to polack filth-------for those unaware-----polish POLITICS consists of
the OPPONENT CANDIDATE ---struggle to FIND A JEW in the other guys remote family tree. Time for you to drink DA BLOOD and EAT DA BODY----take it with a wodka chaser-----and FEEL GOOD

What an obnoxious & idiotic member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Calling for more blood for ZOG in Iran.
/——/ You’re like a monkey in the zoo hurling your feces at the crowd.
There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.

oh goody------such a good polack-------YOU DUG UP A FEW jews that can be compared to polack filth-------for those unaware-----polish POLITICS consists of
the OPPONENT CANDIDATE ---struggle to FIND A JEW in the other guys remote family tree. Time for you to drink DA BLOOD and EAT DA BODY----take it with a wodka chaser-----and FEEL GOOD

What an obnoxious & idiotic member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Calling for more blood for ZOG in Iran.

gee sobie "zog" too? your catechism whore was really effective

So, there we have it the Globalist scum can't take it that Iran isn't Secular against God like the Satanic Western Europeans & Kosher people.
he wants to be even more Satanic & cause mass murders over Iran.

Unbelievable, are you Human, or a spawn of Satan?
/—-/ You worship monsters who strap bombs to their own children to kill other children. How dare you lecture us?
There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.

oh goody------such a good polack-------YOU DUG UP A FEW jews that can be compared to polack filth-------for those unaware-----polish POLITICS consists of
the OPPONENT CANDIDATE ---struggle to FIND A JEW in the other guys remote family tree. Time for you to drink DA BLOOD and EAT DA BODY----take it with a wodka chaser-----and FEEL GOOD

What an obnoxious & idiotic member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Calling for more blood for ZOG in Iran.
/——/ You’re like a monkey in the zoo hurling your feces at the crowd.

I just said Suicide bombers are wrong.

Do you speak & comprehend English?

Suicide Bombers & other Terrorists are to Islam.
McVeigh, Dylan Roof, Breivik & Bowers are to Christianity.

Not a fair comparison to blame the minority of terrorists.

When it's you & your ilk calling for millions to die in the MidEast
Time over Iran.
There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.
The Pope is a drunk gay man.

Don't project your own ills onto others.
It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much. Many of them hate their leadership but are incapable of doing anything about it. The leaders fear a revolt of the people, but that would take a lot to get them to that level.

whats Ironic is everything you just mentioned describes Israel to a tee.LOL

Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.

There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.
The Pope is a drunk gay man.

Don't project your own ills onto others.
Nothing wrong with being gay. is there?
It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much.

No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made

Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.
Muslim problem.... they created it. They can live under it. Fuckem

Iran & Russia hasn't done anything more than your USA & Israel has done.

You're sending an appalling message, one where the USA & Israel do what they want,
then Iran & Russia have to walk on egg shells.


as always,he gets taken to school,.something that happens to him no matter WHAT section he posts at. i have done that with him thousands of times myself with him.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

You Neocons don't get much.
It's largely because of Kosher people Iran hates you, your Neocon Sanctions upon Iran, your support of Israel, your Kosher Hollywood, and other Liberal degeneracy.

Can't say I necessarily disagree.

I never wanted the USA to get involved in the Middle-East.
That's your call
and one you & your ilk botched in Iraq, not once, but twice.
move which HELPED Iran spread into Iraq.

Wow, not just brutal, but stupid, what a scum the Neocons are.

hat a stupid pile of trash.

Iranians & Iraq have nothing to do with 9/11.

Yet, W. Bush killed about twice as many Americans as 9/11 terrorists had.
Iraq still hates us.

What a bunch of crock, you should be embarrassed.[/QUOTE]

you nailed it.:2up:
Last edited:
Muslim problem.... they created it. They can live under it. Fuckem

Iran & Russia hasn't done anything more than your USA & Israel has done.

You're sending an appalling message, one where the USA & Israel do what they want,
then Iran & Russia have to walk on egg shells.
Russia influence in the region for a long time has been one of self interest............same as ours.........

They have supported any who would be a thorn in our ass...............not as bad now but during the cold war was much worse.......

To Russia this is about money there...........selling whomever........and a port in the Med...........

Iran is a theology from hell.............with the Shah even though he's been demonized...........the people of Iran had Freedoms much like modern western nations..........Women could drive.........could go to the beach.......wear bikini's..........etc..............Under the is RIGID RELIGIOUS CONTROL.

The people there........are quite Frankly FED UP...........

Iran & Russia might be bad,
they certainly didn't cause millions dead by Wars in the Middle-East like USA Neocons have, and apparently want to continue, because
they want more & more blood, never ending blood.
Almost 3000 Americans died in the Twin towers........................the radicals of this region did this............and we we fought the War was a mistake................We decided to occupy it................thinking they would abandon the theology of the region.........that hasn't happened in reality for a thousand years...............

But even had that not happened the other part of history would repeat........throughout history they have launched Caliphate after Caliphate...........never ends............and just repeats..........nothing new here...........

What a stupid pile of trash.

Iranians & Iraq have nothing to do with 9/11.

Yet, W. Bush killed about twice as many Americans as 9/11 terrorists had.
Iraq still hates us.

What a bunch of crock, you should be embarrassed.
Russia influence in the region for a long time has been one of self interest............same as ours.........

They have supported any who would be a thorn in our ass...............not as bad now but during the cold war was much worse.......

To Russia this is about money there...........selling whomever........and a port in the Med...........

Iran is a theology from hell.............with the Shah even though he's been demonized...........the people of Iran had Freedoms much like modern western nations..........Women could drive.........could go to the beach.......wear bikini's..........etc..............Under the is RIGID RELIGIOUS CONTROL.

The people there........are quite Frankly FED UP...........

Iran & Russia might be bad,
they certainly didn't cause millions dead by Wars in the Middle-East like USA Neocons have, and apparently want to continue, because
they want more & more blood, never ending blood.
Almost 3000 Americans died in the Twin towers........................the radicals of this region did this............and we we fought the War was a mistake................We decided to occupy it................thinking they would abandon the theology of the region.........that hasn't happened in reality for a thousand years...............

But even had that not happened the other part of history would repeat........throughout history they have launched Caliphate after Caliphate...........never ends............and just repeats..........nothing new here...........

What a stupid pile of trash.

Iranians & Iraq have nothing to do with 9/11.

Yet, W. Bush killed about twice as many Americans as 9/11 terrorists had.
Iraq still hates us.

What a bunch of crock, you should be embarrassed.
I can pull out the videos of their terrorism and support of it......................All over the world...............

The problem with dealing with Terror supporting Nations is that they DENY IT when terrorist kill around the world..........Even though they helped train and fund a lot of it.

Until that NATION PAYS A PRICE for it's involvement ...........they will never change.

I served over there during the Iran Iraq War..............Same shit then as now............History repeats and that is all...............I have bias against them .............because when I was over there they were trying to kill FUCK THEM...........Clear it up for you.

No one has killed more people in the Mid-East in recent years than the USA.

I'm truly embarrassed that you & your ilk are calling for more blood.

I'm an American born, but completely embarrassed by it, because of grunting bestial savages that destroy everything on purpose,
because of their demonic demeanor.

could not have said it better myself.
It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much. Many of them hate their leadership but are incapable of doing anything about it. The leaders fear a revolt of the people, but that would take a lot to get them to that level.

whats Ironic is everything you just mentioned describes Israel to a tee.LOL

Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.

When your mom cuts your allowance, is that an act of war also. :highfive:
Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.
when youve been at war for thousands of years. dies it really matter?

Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.

Your Neocon wars aren't a joke.
People are suffering & dying.
Will happen again with Iran.
It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much.

No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made
That is so goddamn stupid. Not one of those people was "alive for centuries". What the fuck is wrong with you? Nice morality you have, there.
Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.
when youve been at war for thousands of years. dies it really matter?

Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.

Your Neocon wars aren't a joke.
People are suffering & dying.
Will happen again with Iran.
who made them mine?
Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.
when youve been at war for thousands of years. dies it really matter?

Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.
The Pope is a drunk gay man.

Don't project your own ills onto others.
Nothing wrong with being gay. is there?

What is right about being Gay?
More on topic.
What is right with war with Iran?

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