Iran's economy has crashed.

No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made

Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.
/——/ You big dope. Your generalizations are idiotic.

Generalizations form the basis of ration, perception & pattern recognition.

The problem is you Individualists are the trash of Humanity.
/——/ Individualism built America into the greatest country in history. In our spare time we saved Eurotrash from world wars they started - twice. Sucks to be Eurotrash,

The argument for attacking Iran, is a Collectivist one, that Iran is a negative Collective organism which must be abolished,.
In reality
The USA has killed far more than Iran.

That's what scum you are, you're crying about generalizations that kill nobody, but then you & your ilk support war killing & maiming millions.

Individualism serves no purpose, it's weak, idiotic, and selfish, and therefor belongs in the trash bin of history.

Individualists tend to be the scourge of Humanity, violent, dumb, and everything else we should avoid.

No, Not really, the Founding Fathers were pretty Collectivist compared to you & your ilk today.

Only 6% of the US could vote in the first election, being White male land owners, and they owned Black slaves, and a good number of them viewed many other groups unfavorably and collectively like Native Indians, Kosher people, Gays, and even Germans in the case of Benjamin Franklin.
/——-/ And we fixed all of that a century ago. Batter up, next rant.
Iran & Russia hasn't done anything more than your USA & Israel has done.

You're sending an appalling message, one where the USA & Israel do what they want,
then Iran & Russia have to walk on egg shells.

Yep, sure don't recall anyone in the US burning the flag of Iran and yelling death to Iran, or claiming that we will burn Iran.

You Neocons don't get much.
It's largely because of Kosher people Iran hates you, your Neocon Sanctions upon Iran, your support of Israel, your Kosher Hollywood, and other Liberal degeneracy.

Can't say I necessarily disagree.

I never wanted the USA to get involved in the Middle-East.
That's your call
and one you & your ilk botched in Iraq, not once, but twice.
move which HELPED Iran spread into Iraq.

Wow, not just brutal, but stupid, what a scum the Neocons are.
/——/ You prove once again, there is no hater like a Jew hater.

You're basically what happens when people turn Zombie, when they can't think, when they can't feel, when they turn evil,

In that you have absolutely no commonsense regarding how much you kill in Iran,
even though it's you & your ilk who've killed far more than Iran.

Protestants & Koshers are the scourge of Humanity right now, you are the Globalist scums, the Neocons mass murdering, you're the ones fighting for Diabolical Secular (Atheistic) values against Religious, and Patriotic ones.

Enough is enough, and you traitors of the Catholic faith will be treated like a disease of Humanity.
/——/ Piss your life away wallowing in misery. Enjoy your Socialist hellhole.

It's mostly Capitalists mass-murdering today, the Neocons of the USA + Zion, the Putinists of Russia, among others.

The non-Capitalists mass-murdering aren't even particularly Socialist, but rather the Authoritarian Right, like some of the Islamists like say Assad.

Yes, your Neocons have butchered millions, unlike Iran.

Enough is enough, no more bloodshed for the Protestant & Kosher scourges of Humanity.
Yeah sure.
A few oil tankers vs potentially millions of deaths.
Yeah, what rational morals.
(Rolls eyes)

Fuck off you ignorant piece of faggot ass shit. The fucking Iranians have been committing acts of terrorism for 40 years killing thousands, including Americans. They should have been wiped out years ago, you fucking pussy bitch

Iran killed maybe several thousands, and the USA maybe several millions in the past 40 years.

Yeah, it's even.

The only ignorance piece of trash, is YOU & Your Sub-Human ilk.
/——/ The ones we killed were begging for it, mainly the Nazis and Commies.
Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.
/——/ You big dope. Your generalizations are idiotic.

Generalizations form the basis of ration, perception & pattern recognition.

The problem is you Individualists are the trash of Humanity.
/——/ Individualism built America into the greatest country in history. In our spare time we saved Eurotrash from world wars they started - twice. Sucks to be Eurotrash,

The argument for attacking Iran, is a Collectivist one, that Iran is a negative Collective organism which must be abolished,.
In reality
The USA has killed far more than Iran.

That's what scum you are, you're crying about generalizations that kill nobody, but then you & your ilk support war killing & maiming millions.

Individualism serves no purpose, it's weak, idiotic, and selfish, and therefor belongs in the trash bin of history.

Individualists tend to be the scourge of Humanity, violent, dumb, and everything else we should avoid.

No, Not really, the Founding Fathers were pretty Collectivist compared to you & your ilk today.

Only 6% of the US could vote in the first election, being White male land owners, and they owned Black slaves, and a good number of them viewed many other groups unfavorably and collectively like Native Indians, Kosher people, Gays, and even Germans in the case of Benjamin Franklin.
/——-/ And we fixed all of that a century ago. Batter up, next rant.

Now it's time to fix your Globalists, who call for more & more mass murders in the MENA countries, including Iran.

You've probably harmed a lot more than the Isolationist Founding Fathers, actually.

Enough is enough, no more bloodshed,

You & your ilk are the bullies.
Yeah sure.
A few oil tankers vs potentially millions of deaths.
Yeah, what rational morals.
(Rolls eyes)

Fuck off you ignorant piece of faggot ass shit. The fucking Iranians have been committing acts of terrorism for 40 years killing thousands, including Americans. They should have been wiped out years ago, you fucking pussy bitch

Iran killed maybe several thousands, and the USA maybe several millions in the past 40 years.

Yeah, it's even.

The only ignorance piece of trash, is YOU & Your Sub-Human ilk.
/——/ The ones we killed were begging for it, mainly the Nazis and Commies.

British Capitalists killed the most, no doubt.
But, we don't hear much about that.
Here you go killing more, and more, this time Iran's the next on your maniac hit list.
.....Enough is enough, and you traitors of the Catholic faith will be treated like a disease of Humanity.

Good grief, you're such an ignorant punk.
You are no Catholic if you side with fascist terrorists, so shut your bitch ass piehole you ugly fuck

Muslims aren't the Globalists.
Muslim Nations are actually anti-Globalist.

Iran is fighting the Globalists.
That's why it's on their hit list.

You're fighting for the Globalists, and are far too dumb to even know it.

The Kosher Globalists have you ignorant savages wrapped around their fingers.

They destroy your country, divide it, dismantle it piece by piece, and while tricking dumb, very dumb Animals to think the Zion needs protection,
when it's they the ZOG who are the Globalists destroying you.

Oh, and unlike the Synagogue of Satan, who reject & disrespect Christ.

Muslims actually see Christ as a prophet.

If I were a bad Catholic, I'd be more anti-Muslim, rather than anti-Kosher.
Yep, sure don't recall anyone in the US burning the flag of Iran and yelling death to Iran, or claiming that we will burn Iran.

You Neocons don't get much.
It's largely because of Kosher people Iran hates you, your Neocon Sanctions upon Iran, your support of Israel, your Kosher Hollywood, and other Liberal degeneracy.

Can't say I necessarily disagree.

I never wanted the USA to get involved in the Middle-East.
That's your call
and one you & your ilk botched in Iraq, not once, but twice.
move which HELPED Iran spread into Iraq.

Wow, not just brutal, but stupid, what a scum the Neocons are.
/——/ You prove once again, there is no hater like a Jew hater.

You're basically what happens when people turn Zombie, when they can't think, when they can't feel, when they turn evil,

In that you have absolutely no commonsense regarding how much you kill in Iran,
even though it's you & your ilk who've killed far more than Iran.

Protestants & Koshers are the scourge of Humanity right now, you are the Globalist scums, the Neocons mass murdering, you're the ones fighting for Diabolical Secular (Atheistic) values against Religious, and Patriotic ones.

Enough is enough, and you traitors of the Catholic faith will be treated like a disease of Humanity.
/——/ Piss your life away wallowing in misery. Enjoy your Socialist hellhole.

It's mostly Capitalists mass-murdering today, the Neocons of the USA + Zion, the Putinists of Russia, among others.

The non-Capitalists mass-murdering aren't even particularly Socialist, but rather the Authoritarian Right, like some of the Islamists like say Assad.

Yes, your Neocons have butchered millions, unlike Iran.

Enough is enough, no more bloodshed for the Protestant & Kosher scourges of Humanity.
/——-/ You sound like you're quoting some underground radical newsletter. What a load of gibberish.
You Neocons don't get much.
It's largely because of Kosher people Iran hates you, your Neocon Sanctions upon Iran, your support of Israel, your Kosher Hollywood, and other Liberal degeneracy.

Can't say I necessarily disagree.

I never wanted the USA to get involved in the Middle-East.
That's your call
and one you & your ilk botched in Iraq, not once, but twice.
move which HELPED Iran spread into Iraq.

Wow, not just brutal, but stupid, what a scum the Neocons are.
/——/ You prove once again, there is no hater like a Jew hater.

You're basically what happens when people turn Zombie, when they can't think, when they can't feel, when they turn evil,

In that you have absolutely no commonsense regarding how much you kill in Iran,
even though it's you & your ilk who've killed far more than Iran.

Protestants & Koshers are the scourge of Humanity right now, you are the Globalist scums, the Neocons mass murdering, you're the ones fighting for Diabolical Secular (Atheistic) values against Religious, and Patriotic ones.

Enough is enough, and you traitors of the Catholic faith will be treated like a disease of Humanity.
/——/ Piss your life away wallowing in misery. Enjoy your Socialist hellhole.

It's mostly Capitalists mass-murdering today, the Neocons of the USA + Zion, the Putinists of Russia, among others.

The non-Capitalists mass-murdering aren't even particularly Socialist, but rather the Authoritarian Right, like some of the Islamists like say Assad.

Yes, your Neocons have butchered millions, unlike Iran.

Enough is enough, no more bloodshed for the Protestant & Kosher scourges of Humanity.
/——-/ You sound like you're quoting some underground radical newsletter. What a load of gibberish.

So, who's the Socialists killing so much today?

Not my fault, you & your zombie evil ignorant dope dupes, are calling for more, and more blood, and just happen to be the Capitalist butchers.
This time you're calling for more blood with Iran.

Yeah, it's Venezuela, it's Iran, it's Communist Cuba, it's North Korea butchering millions.

Nah, it's you & your Neocon scums.
You Neocons don't get much.
It's largely because of Kosher people Iran hates you, your Neocon Sanctions upon Iran, your support of Israel, your Kosher Hollywood, and other Liberal degeneracy.

Can't say I necessarily disagree.

I never wanted the USA to get involved in the Middle-East.
That's your call
and one you & your ilk botched in Iraq, not once, but twice.
move which HELPED Iran spread into Iraq.

Wow, not just brutal, but stupid, what a scum the Neocons are.
/——/ You prove once again, there is no hater like a Jew hater.

You're basically what happens when people turn Zombie, when they can't think, when they can't feel, when they turn evil,

In that you have absolutely no commonsense regarding how much you kill in Iran,
even though it's you & your ilk who've killed far more than Iran.

Protestants & Koshers are the scourge of Humanity right now, you are the Globalist scums, the Neocons mass murdering, you're the ones fighting for Diabolical Secular (Atheistic) values against Religious, and Patriotic ones.

Enough is enough, and you traitors of the Catholic faith will be treated like a disease of Humanity.
/——/ Piss your life away wallowing in misery. Enjoy your Socialist hellhole.

It's mostly Capitalists mass-murdering today, the Neocons of the USA + Zion, the Putinists of Russia, among others.

The non-Capitalists mass-murdering aren't even particularly Socialist, but rather the Authoritarian Right, like some of the Islamists like say Assad.

Yes, your Neocons have butchered millions, unlike Iran.

Enough is enough, no more bloodshed for the Protestant & Kosher scourges of Humanity.
/——-/ You sound like you're quoting some underground radical newsletter. What a load of gibberish.

you have never heard the verbal output of polacks in the throes of delirium tremens
/——/ You prove once again, there is no hater like a Jew hater.

You're basically what happens when people turn Zombie, when they can't think, when they can't feel, when they turn evil,

In that you have absolutely no commonsense regarding how much you kill in Iran,
even though it's you & your ilk who've killed far more than Iran.

Protestants & Koshers are the scourge of Humanity right now, you are the Globalist scums, the Neocons mass murdering, you're the ones fighting for Diabolical Secular (Atheistic) values against Religious, and Patriotic ones.

Enough is enough, and you traitors of the Catholic faith will be treated like a disease of Humanity.
/——/ Piss your life away wallowing in misery. Enjoy your Socialist hellhole.

It's mostly Capitalists mass-murdering today, the Neocons of the USA + Zion, the Putinists of Russia, among others.

The non-Capitalists mass-murdering aren't even particularly Socialist, but rather the Authoritarian Right, like some of the Islamists like say Assad.

Yes, your Neocons have butchered millions, unlike Iran.

Enough is enough, no more bloodshed for the Protestant & Kosher scourges of Humanity.
/——-/ You sound like you're quoting some underground radical newsletter. What a load of gibberish.

So, who's the Socialists killing so much today?

Not my fault, you & your zombie evil ignorant dope dupes, are calling for more, and more blood, and just happen to be the Capitalist butchers.
This time you're calling for more blood with Iran.

Yeah, it's Venezuela, it's Iran, it's Communist Cuba, it's North Korea butchering millions.

Nah, it's you & your Neocon scums.

have some wodka ----it will calm you
/——/ You prove once again, there is no hater like a Jew hater.

You're basically what happens when people turn Zombie, when they can't think, when they can't feel, when they turn evil,

In that you have absolutely no commonsense regarding how much you kill in Iran,
even though it's you & your ilk who've killed far more than Iran.

Protestants & Koshers are the scourge of Humanity right now, you are the Globalist scums, the Neocons mass murdering, you're the ones fighting for Diabolical Secular (Atheistic) values against Religious, and Patriotic ones.

Enough is enough, and you traitors of the Catholic faith will be treated like a disease of Humanity.
/——/ Piss your life away wallowing in misery. Enjoy your Socialist hellhole.

It's mostly Capitalists mass-murdering today, the Neocons of the USA + Zion, the Putinists of Russia, among others.

The non-Capitalists mass-murdering aren't even particularly Socialist, but rather the Authoritarian Right, like some of the Islamists like say Assad.

Yes, your Neocons have butchered millions, unlike Iran.

Enough is enough, no more bloodshed for the Protestant & Kosher scourges of Humanity.
/——-/ You sound like you're quoting some underground radical newsletter. What a load of gibberish.

you have never heard the verbal output of polacks in the throes of delirium tremens

Iran isn't much of an issue, even for Israel, considering that Israel is loaded with Nukes, unlike Iran.

Polish Catholics are the best, and your Synagogue of Satan is the worst.

There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
the ones killing many millions, the Abortionists, the destroyers of God's green Earth, the LGBTQ lovers, the Greedy maniacs against Christ.

You don't even attempt to balance out your Demonic wrongs,
call for more blood in Iran, more greed, more Global warming, more Abortions.

You are the scourge of Humanity, you are what's most wrong with the Planet.
You're basically what happens when people turn Zombie, when they can't think, when they can't feel, when they turn evil,

In that you have absolutely no commonsense regarding how much you kill in Iran,
even though it's you & your ilk who've killed far more than Iran.

Protestants & Koshers are the scourge of Humanity right now, you are the Globalist scums, the Neocons mass murdering, you're the ones fighting for Diabolical Secular (Atheistic) values against Religious, and Patriotic ones.

Enough is enough, and you traitors of the Catholic faith will be treated like a disease of Humanity.
/——/ Piss your life away wallowing in misery. Enjoy your Socialist hellhole.

It's mostly Capitalists mass-murdering today, the Neocons of the USA + Zion, the Putinists of Russia, among others.

The non-Capitalists mass-murdering aren't even particularly Socialist, but rather the Authoritarian Right, like some of the Islamists like say Assad.

Yes, your Neocons have butchered millions, unlike Iran.

Enough is enough, no more bloodshed for the Protestant & Kosher scourges of Humanity.
/——-/ You sound like you're quoting some underground radical newsletter. What a load of gibberish.

you have never heard the verbal output of polacks in the throes of delirium tremens

Iran isn't much of an issue, even for Israel, considering that Israel is loaded with Nukes, unlike Iran.

Polish Catholics are the best, and your Synagogue of Satan is the worst.

There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
the ones killing many millions, the Abortionists, the destroyers of God's green Earth, the LGBTQ lovers, the Greedy maniacs against Christ.

You don't even attempt to balance out your Demonic wrongs,
call for more blood in Iran, more greed, more Global warming, more Abortions.

You are the scourge of Humanity, you are what's most wrong with the Planet.

tell me more about your good times as an ALTAR BOY
There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.
There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.
The Pope is a drunk gay man.
There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.

oh goody------such a good polack-------YOU DUG UP A FEW jews that can be compared to polack filth-------for those unaware-----polish POLITICS consists of
the OPPONENT CANDIDATE ---struggle to FIND A JEW in the other guys remote family tree. Time for you to drink DA BLOOD and EAT DA BODY----take it with a wodka chaser-----and FEEL GOOD
There's a special place in Hell for you traitors of the Catholic faith, AKA especially the Synagogue of Satan & Protestants, the Axis of Demonic Evil,
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.
The Pope is a drunk gay man.

some where in the shakesperean writings-----someone says-----alcohol enhances the desire but-------gimps out the performance
taking things BACK ----to the late 70's ----and the era of the AYATOILET
victory-------the biggie complaint in Iran was-----poverty-------the AYATOILETS were touted as the CURE ALL FOR POVERTY

So, there we have it the Globalist scum can't take it that Iran isn't Secular against God like the Satanic Western Europeans & Kosher people.
he wants to be even more Satanic & cause mass murders over Iran.

Unbelievable, are you Human, or a spawn of Satan?
/—-/ You worship monsters who strap bombs to their own children to kill other children. How dare you lecture us?

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