Iran's economy has crashed.

Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.
when youve been at war for thousands of years. dies it really matter?

Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
It's not. Now you know. :biggrin:
A place right next to all the pedophile catholic priests.

Iran should be destroyed,

Obviously, you & your ilk are calling for more blood & despair.

Sometimes I wonder if MAGOG & GOG are the Zion & the USA, because it's turning out that everybody's turning their backs on those 2.
That the Vatican is the true Holy land.

Maybe there's a huge misinterpretation there, in that MAGOG & GOG are harming the Holy land.

It's obvious that the USA, and ZOG are in general far more murderous, and far more anti-Christ in values than say Iran.


Catholic pedos are no longer real Catholics, and shall go to Hell.
Although Catholics aren't alone here.

What about Mondrowitz the pedo Rabbi who fled to the Zion for safe refuge
What about Weberman the pedo Rabbi who had his Kosher community setup a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted pedophile.

what about Metzitzah B'peh the ritual pedophilia in the Kosher faith.
The Pope is a drunk gay man.

Don't project your own ills onto others.
Nothing wrong with being gay. is there?

What is right about being Gay?
More on topic.
What is right with war with Iran?
Israel wants us to.
when youve been at war for thousands of years. dies it really matter?

Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
It's not. Now you know. :biggrin:

Poles are a wonderful & strong & independent thinking people.

You & your Gay Protestant Neocons are a complete vermin.

Look at how much bloodshed you've caused & how much
More blood you want to spill with Iran.
Last edited:
Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
It's not. Now you know. :biggrin:

Poles are a wonderful & strong & independent thinking people.

You & your Gay Protestant Neocons are a complete vermin.

Look at how much bloodshed you've caused & how much
More blood you want to spill with Iran.
Iran are only mooselimbs, like you.
Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
It's not. Now you know. :biggrin:

Poles are a wonderful & strong & independent thinking people.

You & your Gay Protestant Neocons are a complete vermin.

Look at how much bloodshed you've caused & how much
More blood you want to spill with Iran.

Yep, that must be how Poles got such a great reputation.
Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.
when youve been at war for thousands of years. dies it really matter?

Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.

Your Neocon wars aren't a joke.
People are suffering & dying.
Will happen again with Iran.
/----/ You throw the words Neocon and Kosher as insults. I bet you can't define those words without Googling them.
It is amazing how quickly leftists forget history, jets take a stroll down memory lane to see what a mess Iran has been:




The Iranian revolution and its legacy of terrorism

Daniel L. Byman Thursday, January 24, 2019


Editor's Note:
The 1979 Iranian revolution led to a surge in Iranian-backed terrorism that continues, albeit in quite different forms, to this day, writes Daniel Byman. This piece originally appeared in Lawfare.

The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran has proved one of the most consequential events in the history of modern terrorism. The revolution led to a surge in Iranian-backed terrorism that continues, albeit in quite different forms, to this day. Less noticed, but equally significant, the revolution provoked a response by Saudi Arabia and various Sunni militant groups that set the stage for the rise in Sunni jihadism. Finally, the revolution sparked fundamental changes in American counterterrorism institutions and attitudes.

The new clerical regime in Iran initially viewed the world in revolutionary terms. Tehran’s leaders saw foreign policy through the lens of ideology, downplaying the strategic and economic interests of the country in pursuit of an Islamic revolution. In addition, like many revolutionary states, the new regime overestimated the fragility of neighboring regimes, believing that their people, too, would rise up and that they were ripe for revolution. The charisma of Iran’s new leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the compelling model of religious activism he offered, and the numerous ties among Shiite community and religious leaders in Iran to Shiite leaders in other countries led to a surge in militant groups in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and other states that looked to Iran as a model for a Shiite revolution.

In addition, Iran declared its revolution an Islamic revolution, not just a Shiite one; it hoped to inspire Sunni Muslims as well. Although many Sunni militants saw Iran’s Shiite theology as anathema, the idea of a religious revolution was compelling and gave new energy and hope to existing organizations. The Iranian revolution helped inspire the assassins of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981 and the Hama uprising in Syria in 1982.

The new regime’s ideology and misperceptions had several consequences. First, the new leaders often instinctively aided like-minded revolutionary groups, even when those groups had relatively little chance of success. So they supported the Islamic Liberation Front of Bahrain, backed the assassination of the Kuwait emir, and otherwise sowed mayhem even when the chances of reaping revolution were low. Second, the new regime tried to delegitimize its rivals. For example, they accused the Saudi regime of practicing “American Islam” and otherwise criticized its religious credentials. Third, it managed to alienate both great powers at a time of intense superpower rivalry. The 1979-80 hostage crisis and Iranian-backed attacks by Hezbollah on the U.S. Embassy and Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983 killed over 300 Americans and were, until 9/11, the deadliest terrorist attacks on Americans in U.S. history. Tehran, however, was also avowedly anti-Communist and believed the Soviet Union was supporting Marxist rebels in Iran itself.



Iran’s history of terrorism in Europe


Stop being an apologist for Iran, a nation with a long history of violence and murder, has been caught pushing terrorism and brutally enforcing their unpopular religion onto the people who are largely secular.
when youve been at war for thousands of years. dies it really matter?

Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
It's not. Now you know. :biggrin:

Sounds like you are a bigot.
Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
It's not. Now you know. :biggrin:

Sounds like you are a bigot.
Shut up, Gino! You all hate black people. :biggrin:
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
It's not. Now you know. :biggrin:

Poles are a wonderful & strong & independent thinking people.

You & your Gay Protestant Neocons are a complete vermin.

Look at how much bloodshed you've caused & how much
More blood you want to spill with Iran.
Iran are only mooselimbs, like you.

Genocidal maniac alert.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
It's not. Now you know. :biggrin:

Poles are a wonderful & strong & independent thinking people.

You & your Gay Protestant Neocons are a complete vermin.

Look at how much bloodshed you've caused & how much
More blood you want to spill with Iran.

Yep, that must be how Poles got such a great reputation.

I can't think of anybody more Demonic & Evil than Kosher people & Anglos.

This step towards war with Iran is just more evidence.

Yet, they have good reps at least in the USA, you & your terrible vile beasts, can kill over, and over again, and nobody seems to notice.

Well, I've noticed that you're not good people at all.

I don't care for you anymore, especially if you go to war with Iran.
It is amazing how quickly leftists forget history, jets take a stroll down memory lane to see what a mess Iran has been:




The Iranian revolution and its legacy of terrorism

Daniel L. Byman Thursday, January 24, 2019


Editor's Note:
The 1979 Iranian revolution led to a surge in Iranian-backed terrorism that continues, albeit in quite different forms, to this day, writes Daniel Byman. This piece originally appeared in Lawfare.

The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran has proved one of the most consequential events in the history of modern terrorism. The revolution led to a surge in Iranian-backed terrorism that continues, albeit in quite different forms, to this day. Less noticed, but equally significant, the revolution provoked a response by Saudi Arabia and various Sunni militant groups that set the stage for the rise in Sunni jihadism. Finally, the revolution sparked fundamental changes in American counterterrorism institutions and attitudes.

The new clerical regime in Iran initially viewed the world in revolutionary terms. Tehran’s leaders saw foreign policy through the lens of ideology, downplaying the strategic and economic interests of the country in pursuit of an Islamic revolution. In addition, like many revolutionary states, the new regime overestimated the fragility of neighboring regimes, believing that their people, too, would rise up and that they were ripe for revolution. The charisma of Iran’s new leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the compelling model of religious activism he offered, and the numerous ties among Shiite community and religious leaders in Iran to Shiite leaders in other countries led to a surge in militant groups in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and other states that looked to Iran as a model for a Shiite revolution.

In addition, Iran declared its revolution an Islamic revolution, not just a Shiite one; it hoped to inspire Sunni Muslims as well. Although many Sunni militants saw Iran’s Shiite theology as anathema, the idea of a religious revolution was compelling and gave new energy and hope to existing organizations. The Iranian revolution helped inspire the assassins of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981 and the Hama uprising in Syria in 1982.

The new regime’s ideology and misperceptions had several consequences. First, the new leaders often instinctively aided like-minded revolutionary groups, even when those groups had relatively little chance of success. So they supported the Islamic Liberation Front of Bahrain, backed the assassination of the Kuwait emir, and otherwise sowed mayhem even when the chances of reaping revolution were low. Second, the new regime tried to delegitimize its rivals. For example, they accused the Saudi regime of practicing “American Islam” and otherwise criticized its religious credentials. Third, it managed to alienate both great powers at a time of intense superpower rivalry. The 1979-80 hostage crisis and Iranian-backed attacks by Hezbollah on the U.S. Embassy and Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983 killed over 300 Americans and were, until 9/11, the deadliest terrorist attacks on Americans in U.S. history. Tehran, however, was also avowedly anti-Communist and believed the Soviet Union was supporting Marxist rebels in Iran itself.



Iran’s history of terrorism in Europe


Stop being an apologist for Iran, a nation with a long history of violence and murder, has been caught pushing terrorism and brutally enforcing their unpopular religion onto the people who are largely secular.

Hmm, because you & your ilk have no reputation for brutality.

Sure, everybody who has commonsense, realizes the USA has been far more war mongering, mass murdering, and brutal than Iran for the past 300 years or so.

List of wars involving the United States - Wikipedia
Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.
when youve been at war for thousands of years. dies it really matter?

Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.

Your Neocon wars aren't a joke.
People are suffering & dying.
Will happen again with Iran.
/----/ You throw the words Neocon and Kosher as insults. I bet you can't define those words without Googling them.

Neocons are following their founding father a former Commie Kosher person one Irving Kristol, who tricked a bunch of run of the mill scumbag Hick Protestants into risking it all over the Kosher Capital of the World.
what war in Iran is really about, come on now.
My sister dated Iranians when I was young...........hell i drank beers with them........nice folks......but they were of the Shah time frame and came her to escape the MULLAHS of TOTAL THEOLOGY..............

That rule is Tyrannical.................and the youth there have had it..............and the Sanctions are doing more than's CRUSHING THEM.

Crushing them?
Yet, I can't figure out what Iran did years back... When sanctions began.

I CAN figure out what the USA has been doing, killing millions of people in the Mid-East.

Maybe you should sort out your OWN MORALS.
You aren't any better than Iran,
in fact YOU'RE a lot worse.
That is your opinion....................Your opinion is BS............I don't feel like pulling out the videos of the terror attacks against the west over the decades right now...........I don't need to post the videos where they held Americans for over a year under Carter.........I remember that well..............Or the mines they put in the water to sink international shipping back then..............

They support terror and have for decades..............Back in the day after the Shah...........when they took our people hostage.........most of America wanted to stomp their asses...............I've never forgotten that...........and never will.......nor will I forget their support of TERROR...........and Advanced IED's that killed Americans.........

You don't like that........I really don't care.

Terrorism as opposed to mass murdering millions?
Yeah, it's even.
(Rolls eyes)

The truth is they (Neocons) are fighting for the Globalist World Order, to stomp out the Opposition, and Right-Wing values.
use you for cannon-fodder.
I understand the New World Order.......and want the globalist out..............The region is about oil and about Currency that is valued based on that oil.

Why it's vital............Not just to us but Russia.......Opec............and Iran.............

Iran can end this by verifiable getting rid of nuclear ambitions..............VERIFIABLE...........the other deal was a joke..........

But Iran is ruled by religion......they will never do option B will be the ending...........and as before they will back off............because they can't win.

Ruled by religion is so wrong?
Sounds like something a Globalist would say.

This idea that Israel with nukes, which is backed by the USA with even more nukes, is so threatened by Iran with no Nukes, is really
a laugh riot.

The Globalists truly prey upon those of lesser intelligence.
------------------------------- just the way it is , 'iran' might be trusted if they weren't muslim and didn't have their history of terrorism . Plus , iran needs payback for the Hostage Taking in the early 80s Sob .
He's permanently stuck on Polack.

Sounds like a great compliment to me.
It's not. Now you know. :biggrin:

Poles are a wonderful & strong & independent thinking people.

You & your Gay Protestant Neocons are a complete vermin.

Look at how much bloodshed you've caused & how much
More blood you want to spill with Iran.

Yep, that must be how Poles got such a great reputation.

I can't think of anybody more Demonic & Evil than Kosher people & Anglos.

This step towards war with Iran is just more evidence.

Yet, they have good reps at least in the USA, you & your terrible vile beasts, can kill over, and over again, and nobody seems to notice.

Well, I've noticed that you're not good people at all.

I don't care for you anymore, especially if you go to war with Iran.
----------------------------------------- say it ain't so Sob . [chuckle]
Did you hear about the Polish Terrorist............They sent him out to blow up a car and he burned his mouth on the tailpipe.
when youve been at war for thousands of years. dies it really matter?

Hmm. So might makes right even when people suffer & die.

Sounds like the mark of the devil.
sounds like you go from 0 to jusgement quickly.

Your Neocon wars aren't a joke.
People are suffering & dying.
Will happen again with Iran.
/----/ You throw the words Neocon and Kosher as insults. I bet you can't define those words without Googling them.

Neocons are following their founding father a former Commie Kosher person one Irving Kristol, who tricked a bunch of run of the mill scumbag Hick Protestants into risking it all over the Kosher Capital of the World.
what war in Iran is really about, come on now.
/—-/ You’re just a wind bag throwing insults. Our new village idiot.
Crushing them?
Yet, I can't figure out what Iran did years back... When sanctions began.

I CAN figure out what the USA has been doing, killing millions of people in the Mid-East.

Maybe you should sort out your OWN MORALS.
You aren't any better than Iran,
in fact YOU'RE a lot worse.
That is your opinion....................Your opinion is BS............I don't feel like pulling out the videos of the terror attacks against the west over the decades right now...........I don't need to post the videos where they held Americans for over a year under Carter.........I remember that well..............Or the mines they put in the water to sink international shipping back then..............

They support terror and have for decades..............Back in the day after the Shah...........when they took our people hostage.........most of America wanted to stomp their asses...............I've never forgotten that...........and never will.......nor will I forget their support of TERROR...........and Advanced IED's that killed Americans.........

You don't like that........I really don't care.

Terrorism as opposed to mass murdering millions?
Yeah, it's even.
(Rolls eyes)

The truth is they (Neocons) are fighting for the Globalist World Order, to stomp out the Opposition, and Right-Wing values.
use you for cannon-fodder.
I understand the New World Order.......and want the globalist out..............The region is about oil and about Currency that is valued based on that oil.

Why it's vital............Not just to us but Russia.......Opec............and Iran.............

Iran can end this by verifiable getting rid of nuclear ambitions..............VERIFIABLE...........the other deal was a joke..........

But Iran is ruled by religion......they will never do option B will be the ending...........and as before they will back off............because they can't win.

Ruled by religion is so wrong?
Sounds like something a Globalist would say.

This idea that Israel with nukes, which is backed by the USA with even more nukes, is so threatened by Iran with no Nukes, is really
a laugh riot.

The Globalists truly prey upon those of lesser intelligence.
------------------------------- just the way it is , 'iran' might be trusted if they weren't muslim and didn't have their history of terrorism . Plus , iran needs payback for the Hostage Taking in the early 80s Sob .

Name all the Iranian terrorists that have personally impacted your life.

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