Iraq Crisis: US 'Rejected Maliki's Requests for American Air Strikes'

Get back to sucking Putin's cock.

idiots like you caused this mess by pulling out of Iraq like you want to do all over the planet.

Blah, blah, blah.....get back to your irrelevant life.

So you want to help Iran and we should fight the Sunni terrorists?

He's confused again. Nothing new there though. He doesn't realize it's a dismal Catch 22 over there. Bit somehow i doubt he ever will understand.
Get back to sucking Putin's cock.

idiots like you caused this mess by pulling out of Iraq like you want to do all over the planet.

So you want to help Iran and we should fight the Sunni terrorists?

He's confused again. Nothing new there though. He doesn't realize it's a dismal Catch 22 over there. Bit somehow i doubt he ever will understand.

The idiot who attacked Iraq in the first place caused this mess. How long did you want to pay to protect Iraq? Last I checked we have a big debt, why should we pay to protect them? That's not how I want my tax money spent.
Looks like the fickle RWnuts are abandoning their recently acquired peacenik isolationist paleocon friends in the Rand Paul camp,

and marching off to war again!! Dick Cheney for president!!

He made enough of the invasion not to care any more.
Get back to sucking Putin's cock.

idiots like you caused this mess by pulling out of Iraq like you want to do all over the planet.

So you want to help Iran and we should fight the Sunni terrorists?

He's confused again. Nothing new there though. He doesn't realize it's a dismal Catch 22 over there. Bit somehow i doubt he ever will understand.

So now you're proposing spending more Taxpayer money and American lives, helping a Government who is now aligned with Iran? Haven't you learned anything you drooling little troglodyte? Iran's running the show in Iraq now. You're just too dumb to realize that. It's a dismal Catch 22. Time to wake up.
Bush SR, Clinton and Bush JR all used the US military against Saddam.....which one are you talking about.

Let me break this down slowly for you.....once the US military gets the job done, don't pull them 100% out too soon so that everything they got done is wasted within a few years.

As someone that did 20 years in the military and has knowledge of what is going on far above your dense head....shut the fuck up.

Get back to sucking Putin's cock.

idiots like you caused this mess by pulling out of Iraq like you want to do all over the planet.

He's confused again. Nothing new there though. He doesn't realize it's a dismal Catch 22 over there. Bit somehow i doubt he ever will understand.

The idiot who attacked Iraq in the first place caused this mess. How long did you want to pay to protect Iraq? Last I checked we have a big debt, why should we pay to protect them? That's not how I want my tax money spent.
Bush SR, Clinton and Bush JR all used the US military against Saddam.....which one are you talking about.

Let me break this down slowly for you.....once the US military gets the job done, don't pull them 100% out too soon so that everything they got done is wasted within a few years.

As someone that did 20 years in the military and has knowledge of what is going on far above your dense head....shut the fuck up.

Get back to sucking Putin's cock.

idiots like you caused this mess by pulling out of Iraq like you want to do all over the planet.

The idiot who attacked Iraq in the first place caused this mess. How long did you want to pay to protect Iraq? Last I checked we have a big debt, why should we pay to protect them? That's not how I want my tax money spent.

Jr obviously. We spend a whole lot of years, $$$, and lives there. How much longer you think we should have stayed? What is our return on investment?
Oh the wittle minds of republicans. Blame the guy who got us OUT of an illegal occupation and not the guy who got us INTO it. Such morons.

1) There was no occupation, legal or otherwise.
2) Bush isn't the one who decided not to assist Maliki

I don't have enough information to determine whether we should get involved or not. But let's not pretend that Obama's actions arent at all responsible for anything.

How much should we spend to defend Maliki who is getting close to Iran?

Doesn't Obama want to engage Iraq in diplomatic talks?
Obama will just ignore this mess like he ignored Libya, F&F, IRS, VA, etc scandals.....he just moves on to a new thing to fuck up.

Hopefully he does ignore it. We can't possibly fix this mess. Better to spend nothing and let it work itself out.

Poor baby.

'I don't rule out anything': Obama vows to help Iraqis after he's accused of 'taking a nap' while al-Qaeda army marches on Baghdad -- but what can he do? | Mail Online

Obama knows that there is no possible way that history will let him of on this one. This is the result of his foreign policy since the day he stepped into office, and the direct result of his decision to intervene in Syria. He owns this.
Iraq's prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has asked the US to launch an air strike against Isis (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) militants but, according to reports, they have rejected any involvement.

The White House has been reluctant to offer military assistance to Iraq after president Obama withdrew the last of its forces in 2011. But as Sunni militants gained ground in the country, senior Iraqi leaders repeatedly called for the Obama administration to carry out air strike or send armed drones to hit them, according to the New York Times.

Obama has been pro-active in launching drone strikes against militants in Yemen and Pakistan but rebuffed any intervention in Iraq.
Obama is the reason Iraq is like this.. Soon the whole middle east will be empowered by radicals.

really? Obama is the reason they are radical? It hasnt been that way for years and years?So all those times you guys claimed they are so radical over there was a lie?

You are a motherfucking moron. how the fuck do you even manage to function with that limited brain you have. Ive seen people missing half a brain that are smarter than you.

I wouldn't blame Obama for them being radical, but I can sure blame him for them being a well trained fighting force since he created the conditions that helped with that. Then we have the fact that they are picking up some pretty good weapons. Obama is the reason Iraq is like this.. Soon the whole middle east will be empowered by radicals.

really? Obama is the reason they are radical? It hasnt been that way for years and years?So all those times you guys claimed they are so radical over there was a lie?

You are a motherfucking moron. how the fuck do you even manage to function with that limited brain you have. Ive seen people missing half a brain that are smarter than you.

I wouldn't blame Obama for them being radical, but I can sure blame him for them being a well trained fighting force since he created the conditions that helped with that. Then we have the fact that they are picking up some pretty good weapons.

We should be glad he ignored McCain and some others on the right and kept our troops out of Syria.
I look at the situation like sending you children to college. I paid for my girl to attend college but it was up to her to make something of herself, that I could not do.

The American people gave the Iraqis a free country and outside invaders are trying to take that away. This is not a civil war it is a war on the Iraqi people. We have the moral responsibility to help them, much more so then we did bombing Serbia, Libya or Syria.

The people doing most of the fighting for ISIS are Iraqis.

Meanwhile, those Iraqis we paid to defend the country are throwing off their uniforms and running away in their underwear.
I look at the situation like sending you children to college. I paid for my girl to attend college but it was up to her to make something of herself, that I could not do.

The American people gave the Iraqis a free country and outside invaders are trying to take that away. This is not a civil war it is a war on the Iraqi people. We have the moral responsibility to help them, much more so then we did bombing Serbia, Libya or Syria.

Then you need to get off your fat ass, shut down the computer and get yourself over there to help them out. I'm sure they need some asshole from the good ole USA to tell them what they need to do.......morally that is.

But really, who the fuck are you to propose getting our kids killed for what?

We already did the Iraqi thing. Remember? Or do you just want some more "shock and awe"?

People like you with your "we need to do this for moral reasons" are fucked up people.
With nothing to lose by running your mouths about our young men and women going to war.

If you are not in Iraq or headed there shortly, stfu about going back to war in Iraq.
I look at the situation like sending you children to college. I paid for my girl to attend college but it was up to her to make something of herself, that I could not do.

The American people gave the Iraqis a free country and outside invaders are trying to take that away. This is not a civil war it is a war on the Iraqi people. We have the moral responsibility to help them, much more so then we did bombing Serbia, Libya or Syria.

Then you need to get off your fat ass, shut down the computer and get yourself over there to help them out. I'm sure they need some asshole from the good ole USA to tell them what they need to do.......morally that is.

But really, who the fuck are you to propose getting our kids killed for what?

We already did the Iraqi thing. Remember? Or do you just want some more "shock and awe"?

People like you with your "we need to do this for moral reasons" are fucked up people.
With nothing to lose by running your mouths about our young men and women going to war.

If you are not in Iraq or headed there shortly, stfu about going back to war in Iraq.
It would solve our unemployment problem.
I believe it's a temporary rejection. I think Obama will order some kind of strike at some point. But it won't matter much. The Sunni Rebels aren't going away. And unfortunately, it was Obama who made them stronger. His support of these known Al Qaeda-linked Rebel groups is coming back to haunt us. It's more tragic Blow Back. When will we ever learn?
really? Obama is the reason they are radical? It hasnt been that way for years and years?So all those times you guys claimed they are so radical over there was a lie?

You are a motherfucking moron. how the fuck do you even manage to function with that limited brain you have. Ive seen people missing half a brain that are smarter than you.

I wouldn't blame Obama for them being radical, but I can sure blame him for them being a well trained fighting force since he created the conditions that helped with that. Then we have the fact that they are picking up some pretty good weapons.

We should be glad he ignored McCain and some others on the right and kept our troops out of Syria.

Hillary was for sending troops into Syria, Paul opposed it, just remember that in 2016.
Blow Back is getting even uglier. The Kurds are now making their move. They've seized the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. They will likely declare their Independence soon. And that will lead to all-out War with Turkey.

See what all our meddling has caused. Maybe it's time for Americans to stop supporting this aggressive Foreign Interventionism. I hope so anyway.
I wouldn't blame Obama for them being radical, but I can sure blame him for them being a well trained fighting force since he created the conditions that helped with that. Then we have the fact that they are picking up some pretty good weapons.

We should be glad he ignored McCain and some others on the right and kept our troops out of Syria.

Hillary was for sending troops into Syria, Paul opposed it, just remember that in 2016.

For that reason I can't see Paul being the republican candidate. Course it's also the reason I like him.
There will likely be a limited bombing campaign. But it won't have much effect. The Sunni Rebels are well-armed & funded. They will survive and continue fighting. It's a real mess, and it will probably get much messier.

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