Iraq demands all US troops leave - Obama takes credit for ending the war in Iraq


Jul 3, 2011
President Obama’s speech formally declaring that the last 43,000 U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year was designed to mask an unpleasant truth: The troops aren’t being withdrawn because the U.S. wants them out. They’re leaving because the Iraqi government refused to let them stay.

Obama campaigned on ending the war in Iraq but had instead spent the past few months trying to extend it. A 2008 security deal between Washington and Baghdad called for all American forces to leave Iraq by the end of the year, but the White House -- anxious about growing Iranian influence and Iraq’s continuing political and security challenges -- publicly and privately tried to sell the Iraqis on a troop extension. As recently as last week, the White House was trying to persuade the Iraqis to allow 2,000-3,000 troops to stay beyond the end of the year.

More : Iraq demands all US troops leave - Obama takes credit for ending the war in Iraq
President Obama’s speech formally declaring that the last 43,000 U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year was designed to mask an unpleasant truth: The troops aren’t being withdrawn because the U.S. wants them out. They’re leaving because the Iraqi government refused to let them stay.

Obama campaigned on ending the war in Iraq but had instead spent the past few months trying to extend it. A 2008 security deal between Washington and Baghdad called for all American forces to leave Iraq by the end of the year, but the White House -- anxious about growing Iranian influence and Iraq’s continuing political and security challenges -- publicly and privately tried to sell the Iraqis on a troop extension. As recently as last week, the White House was trying to persuade the Iraqis to allow 2,000-3,000 troops to stay beyond the end of the year.

More : Iraq demands all US troops leave - Obama takes credit for ending the war in Iraq

The true irony is we are still there because they begged us to stay.
They told us to leave? Oh good! Now we can get the fuck out.

FWIW, they didn't tell us to leave - they simply said our troops would not be immune from Iraqi law.
President Obama’s speech formally declaring that the last 43,000 U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year was designed to mask an unpleasant truth: The troops aren’t being withdrawn because the U.S. wants them out. They’re leaving because the Iraqi government refused to let them stay.

Obama campaigned on ending the war in Iraq but had instead spent the past few months trying to extend it. A 2008 security deal between Washington and Baghdad called for all American forces to leave Iraq by the end of the year, but the White House -- anxious about growing Iranian influence and Iraq’s continuing political and security challenges -- publicly and privately tried to sell the Iraqis on a troop extension. As recently as last week, the White House was trying to persuade the Iraqis to allow 2,000-3,000 troops to stay beyond the end of the year.

More : Iraq demands all US troops leave - Obama takes credit for ending the war in Iraq

The true irony is we are still there because they begged us to stay.

You make that up just now, did you?

Iraq was a debacle before it started. Now after NINE FRIKKIN YEARS, I'm sure the ConservaRepubs will critcize him for not spending even MORE money there.
And then complain about spending, of course....
They told us to leave? Oh good! Now we can get the fuck out.

FWIW, they didn't tell us to leave - they simply said our troops would not be immune from Iraqi law.

They'd better leave then, since it's a gov't based on Islam.

That's why christians are fleeing, you don't want to be a believer of a minority religion and living in Iraq post 2003. Not that it was good for them before, but it's far worse now.
They told us to leave? Oh good! Now we can get the fuck out.

FWIW, they didn't tell us to leave - they simply said our troops would not be immune from Iraqi law.

They'd better leave then, since it's a gov't based on Islam.

That's why christians are fleeing, you don't want to be a believer of a minority religion and living in Iraq post 2003. Not that it was good for them before, but it's far worse now.

The current Iraqi government has been deemed one of the five most corrupt in the world. They refused to spend the money we gave them on their own country or people - instead they kept milking us. They made it clear in 2008 (remember the slap in Bush / McCain's face during the campaign?) they wanted us out and would not extend the timetable beyond 2010. Then after all our taxpayer money was spent rebuilding a country they refused to, they gave their oil contracts to our economic rival: China. Another slap in the face which they told us would be coming.
Screw them.
So no, Obama doesn't deserve credit for this particular component of the draw down.
They told us to leave? Oh good! Now we can get the fuck out.

FWIW, they didn't tell us to leave - they simply said our troops would not be immune from Iraqi law.

They'd better leave then, since it's a gov't based on Islam.

That's why christians are fleeing, you don't want to be a believer of a minority religion and living in Iraq post 2003. Not that it was good for them before, but it's far worse now.

The current Iraqi government has been deemed one of the five most corrupt in the world. They refused to spend the money we gave them on their own country or people - instead they kept milking us. They made it clear in 2008 (remember the slap in Bush / McCain's face during the campaign?) they wanted us out and would not extend the timetable beyond 2010. Then after all our taxpayer money was spent rebuilding a country they refused to, they gave their oil contracts to our economic rival: China. Another slap in the face which they told us would be coming.
Screw them.
So no, Obama doesn't deserve credit for this particular component of the draw down.

All true except one thing, China is our pals, not our rivals. I mean we citizens don't like that trash gov't in China, but our gov't does just look at all the financial dealings.

And as a side point the leader of Iraq is a dear friend of Iran and Hezbollah, so we can rest assured the country isn't going to worry much about minority freedoms and rights.
Now the true test of Bush's legacy. Once we're gone, will the country remain stable.

If it does, then I think Bush can truly high five history and ride out on a positive note. If it doesn't? Then he should prepare for a scathing review in the history books.

For the record, I don't think Obama has any right to take the blame or credit on Iraq at all. Bush set in motion the end game back in 2008. All that's happened since then has been pretty much according to plan. More or less.
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We are leaving because this administration made the decision to basically walk away from negotiations over continued troop levels. It was a passive-agrressive pussy way of making sure obama could claim they 'told us to leave' when the whole thing turns to shit and we have to deal with the consequences.

Just an irresponsible campaign stunt that we will have to pay for long after obama is doing cigarrette ads in China.
Now the true test of Bush's legacy. Once we're gone, will the country remain stable.

If it does, then I think Bush can truly high five history and ride out on a positive note. If it doesn't? Then he should prepare for a scathing review in the history books.

Not if it all goes to shit because this president fucked up all we worked for over a campaign stunt.
Now the true test of Bush's legacy. Once we're gone, will the country remain stable.

If it does, then I think Bush can truly high five history and ride out on a positive note. If it doesn't? Then he should prepare for a scathing review in the history books.

Bush is a war criminal either way!
Now the true test of Bush's legacy. Once we're gone, will the country remain stable.

If it does, then I think Bush can truly high five history and ride out on a positive note. If it doesn't? Then he should prepare for a scathing review in the history books.

Bush is a war criminal either way!

No he's not. Stop repeating worn-out lefty talking points. You should have new things to emote over by now.
We are leaving because this administration made the decision to basically walk away from negotiations over continued troop levels. It was a passive-agrressive pussy way of making sure obama could claim they 'told us to leave' when the whole thing turns to shit and we have to deal with the consequences.

Just an irresponsible campaign stunt that we will have to pay for long after obama is doing cigarrette ads in China.

The gov't already has turned to shit.

Why do you think christians are fleeing to hardcore islamic dictatorships/theocracies like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Syria rather than stay in Iraq?
It seems Obama has caused more havoc in the middle east than Bush could ever dream of..
We are leaving because this administration made the decision to basically walk away from negotiations over continued troop levels. It was a passive-agrressive pussy way of making sure obama could claim they 'told us to leave' when the whole thing turns to shit and we have to deal with the consequences.

Just an irresponsible campaign stunt that we will have to pay for long after obama is doing cigarrette ads in China.

No we're leaving because while Bush was still in office, they told us they were giving us the boot. Because while you betch about the deficit out of one side of your mouth, you'll support spending money on this worthless endeavor forever - until it's a Conserv who pulls us out. Then you'd say it was wise and in the interest of the budget.
Unless you want to spend money on this BS forever, that is.

But as predicted years ago, we can't stay there forever and once we leave, we'll find out we accomplished nothing. They will be run by religion, never appreciate what we did and turn on us asap (which they have already been doing for some time).
Big success.
Oh wow, I'm reading that we're even vacating and handing over the military bases.

I did NOT see that coming. If that's "leaving Iraq," I didn't think we'd ever leave Iraq.
They didn't demand that we leave. From what I read, negotiations for U.S troops to stay further in Iraq broke down because Iraq would not give immunity to U.S troops. However, don't expect our business to be finished with Iraq. We're not about to leave billions of dollars in equipment to a military ill-equipped to use such equipment.

What is more likely to happen is that said training will now be conducted in Kuwait instead of Iraq.

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