Iraq embassy under attack by Iran lead protests!

TRUMPY’S NO JIMMY: Iranian militias attack U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Trump sending 4,000 troops.

“More than 100 U.S. Marines arrived at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad earlier Tuesday to help bolster security after the mob of Iranian-backed Shite militiamen tried to storm the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.”​

The Iranians won’t like the way this plays out.

Meanwhile, Democrats are already attacking Trump. Adriana Cohen writes, so much for the water’s edge. Silly Adriana. That’s only for Democrat presidents.

Meanwhile, blue-check lefties have rushed out to call this Trump’s Benghazi. But unlike Hillary, Trump didn’t leave the staff to die, he sent help.

Or as Trump notes:


FLIR Video • Marines Arrive At The U.S. Embassy In Iraq.

Our Embassy is US Sovereign Territory. If Iran insists on an ass-kicking, and they have been insisting on one for a very long time, I'm sure the Marines would be happy to deliver it.
What seems to be getting lost is the fact that mostly Iraqis, not Iranians stormed our embassy as Iraqi police did nothing to stop it. The Iraqi parliament is now considering telling Americans to get the fuck out of their country. Most of the Middle East with the exception of Israel, do not want to host the American military.

The US embassy in Iraqi, unlike any other embassies in the country is a highly fortified military compound which houses 5500 troops. And that is in addition to 1,000 permanent employees and up to additional 3,000 people as needed. Fortifications include deep security perimeters, buildings reinforced beyond the usual standard, a power generation plant, water and sewage processing, food and munition storage, five highly guarded entrances, and multiple landing pads for helicopters.

Fort Baghdad, is a better description of the compound than the US Embassy. To the Iraqi people, the complex of more than 100 acres along the Tigris River, is a symbol of the American imperialism.
I spent 4 months in the Green Zone in Iraq a few years ago. I've been in the compound, and I can assure that everything in it is needed, and well placed.

That being said, where does this idea of "imperialism" come from ? Imperialism is a practice wherin people from one country go into another, and improperly extract wealth from the prey country .

Where/how do you see that happening in Iraq ? I don't see anything of that . I only see Iraq being helped tremendously, by US forces to expel ISIS (from Trump's efforts), and by taking out al-Zarqawi (Al QAeda in Iraq) in 2006, and the help the US military gave before Obama reversed it all by withdrawing US troops in 2011.

If you want to talk about imperialism (21st century style), you could do your ragging at the imperialists (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines, et al) who have been sending their people here to the US and extracting 10s of Billions$$ every year + stealing jobs from Americans, both in the US, and outsourced to the imperialist countries.
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Without the massive help of the US military, Iraq would not even exist right now. Everything of Iraqi culture would smashed to bits, and the land area that is now Iraq, would be 100% Shiite and part of Iran, or it would be ISIS.
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TRUMPY’S NO JIMMY: Iranian militias attack U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Trump sending 4,000 troops.

“More than 100 U.S. Marines arrived at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad earlier Tuesday to help bolster security after the mob of Iranian-backed Shite militiamen tried to storm the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.”​

The Iranians won’t like the way this plays out.

Meanwhile, Democrats are already attacking Trump. Adriana Cohen writes, so much for the water’s edge. Silly Adriana. That’s only for Democrat presidents.

Meanwhile, blue-check lefties have rushed out to call this Trump’s Benghazi. But unlike Hillary, Trump didn’t leave the staff to die, he sent help.

Or as Trump notes:


FLIR Video • Marines Arrive At The U.S. Embassy In Iraq.

Our Embassy is US Sovereign Territory. If Iran insists on an ass-kicking, and they have been insisting on one for a very long time, I'm sure the Marines would be happy to deliver it.
What seems to be getting lost is the fact that mostly Iraqis, not Iranians stormed our embassy as Iraqi police did nothing to stop it. The Iraqi parliament is now considering telling Americans to get the fuck out of their country. Most of the Middle East with the exception of Israel, do not want to host the American military.

The US embassy in Iraqi, unlike any other embassies in the country is a highly fortified military compound which houses 5500 troops. And that is in addition to 1,000 permanent employees and up to additional 3,000 people as needed. Fortifications include deep security perimeters, buildings reinforced beyond the usual standard, a power generation plant, water and sewage processing, food and munition storage, five highly guarded entrances, and multiple landing pads for helicopters.

Fort Baghdad, is a better description of the compound than the US Embassy. To the Iraqi people, the complex of more than 100 acres along the Tigris River, is a symbol of the American imperialism.
I spent 4 months in the Green Zone in Iraq a few years ago. I've been in the compound, and I can assure that everything in it is needed, and well placed.

That being said, where does this idea of "imperialism" come from ? Imperialism is a practice wherin people from one country go into another, and improperly extract wealth from the prey country .

Where/how do you see that happening in Iraq ? I don't see anything of that . I only see Iraq being helped tremendously, by US forces to expel ISIS (from Trump's efforts), and by taking out al-Zarqawi (Al QAeda in Iraq) in 2006, and the help the US military gave before Obama reversed it all by withdrawing US troops in 2011.

If you want to talk about imperialism (21st century style), you could do your ragging at the imperialists (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines, et al) who have been sending their people here to the US and extracting 10s of Billions$$ every year + stealing jobs from Americans, both in the US, and outsourced to the imperialist countries.
$30 Billion/year to Mexico alone. THERE'S your "imperialism".
TRUMPY’S NO JIMMY: Iranian militias attack U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Trump sending 4,000 troops.

“More than 100 U.S. Marines arrived at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad earlier Tuesday to help bolster security after the mob of Iranian-backed Shite militiamen tried to storm the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.”​

The Iranians won’t like the way this plays out.

Meanwhile, Democrats are already attacking Trump. Adriana Cohen writes, so much for the water’s edge. Silly Adriana. That’s only for Democrat presidents.

Meanwhile, blue-check lefties have rushed out to call this Trump’s Benghazi. But unlike Hillary, Trump didn’t leave the staff to die, he sent help.

Or as Trump notes:


FLIR Video • Marines Arrive At The U.S. Embassy In Iraq.

Our Embassy is US Sovereign Territory. If Iran insists on an ass-kicking, and they have been insisting on one for a very long time, I'm sure the Marines would be happy to deliver it.
What seems to be getting lost is the fact that mostly Iraqis, not Iranians stormed our embassy as Iraqi police did nothing to stop it. The Iraqi parliament is now considering telling Americans to get the fuck out of their country. Most of the Middle East with the exception of Israel, do not want to host the American military.

The US embassy in Iraqi, unlike any other embassies in the country is a highly fortified military compound which houses 5500 troops. And that is in addition to 1,000 permanent employees and up to additional 3,000 people as needed. Fortifications include deep security perimeters, buildings reinforced beyond the usual standard, a power generation plant, water and sewage processing, food and munition storage, five highly guarded entrances, and multiple landing pads for helicopters.

Fort Baghdad, is a better description of the compound than the US Embassy. To the Iraqi people, the complex of more than 100 acres along the Tigris River, is a symbol of the American imperialism.
I spent 4 months in the Green Zone in Iraq a few years ago. I've been in the compound, and I can assure that everything in it is needed, and well placed.

That being said, where does this idea of "imperialism" come from ? Imperialism is a practice wherin people from one country go into another, and improperly extract wealth from the prey country .

Where/how do you see that happening in Iraq ? I don't see anything of that . I only see Iraq being helped tremendously, by US forces to expel ISIS (from Trump's efforts), and by taking out al-Zarqawi (Al QAeda in Iraq) in 2006, and the help the US military gave before Obama reversed it all by withdrawing US troops in 2011.

If you want to talk about imperialism (21st century style), you could do your ragging at the imperialists (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines, et al) who have been sending their people here to the US and extracting 10s of Billions$$ every year + stealing jobs from Americans, both in the US, and outsourced to the imperialist countries.
These folks often use buzzwords that they don't really understand.

Thank you for your service.
Says who?
You know I have a tree frog living in my kitchen for about 8 months now
who I've had more intelligent conversations with than you.

We bombed out their infrastructure in 1989-1990, killed half a million under brutal sanctions in the 90's, bombed them again and invaded and occupied their country for 17 years killing hundreds of thousands, displacing millions, and we're still there dropping bombs .....and they're supposed welcome our billion- dollar embassy with tennis courts and swimming pools, while half of Baghdad is starving and wondering if the electricity will stay on or if they'll have any fresh water tomorrow ?

Seriously ? Go back to Starbuck's and watch the game homey.
Three paragraphs and you never sourced your claim that this was the work of: "Not terrorists. Pissed off Iraqis, rightfully so."

I suspect your tree frog is less than impressed with claim sourcing skills.
TRUMPY’S NO JIMMY: Iranian militias attack U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Trump sending 4,000 troops.

“More than 100 U.S. Marines arrived at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad earlier Tuesday to help bolster security after the mob of Iranian-backed Shite militiamen tried to storm the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.”​

The Iranians won’t like the way this plays out.

Meanwhile, Democrats are already attacking Trump. Adriana Cohen writes, so much for the water’s edge. Silly Adriana. That’s only for Democrat presidents.

Meanwhile, blue-check lefties have rushed out to call this Trump’s Benghazi. But unlike Hillary, Trump didn’t leave the staff to die, he sent help.

Or as Trump notes:


FLIR Video • Marines Arrive At The U.S. Embassy In Iraq.

Our Embassy is US Sovereign Territory. If Iran insists on an ass-kicking, and they have been insisting on one for a very long time, I'm sure the Marines would be happy to deliver it.
What seems to be getting lost is the fact that mostly Iraqis, not Iranians stormed our embassy as Iraqi police did nothing to stop it. The Iraqi parliament is considering telling Americans to get the fuck out of their country. Most of the Middle East with the exception Israel, do not want to host the American military.

The US embassy in Iraqi, unlike any other embassy in the country is a highly fortified military compound which houses 5500 troupes. And that is in addition to 1,000 permanent employees and up to additional 3,000 people as needed. Fortifications include deep security perimeters, buildings reinforced beyond the usual standard, a power generation plant, water and sewage processing, food and munition storage, five highly guarded entrances, and multiple landing pads for helicopters. Fort Baghdad, is a better description of the compound than the US Embassy.
5,500 troops? Why did Trump need to get in 100 Marines, then? What were the "troops" doing?
The US military does not usually release details as to exact numbers and capability of the military stationed in the compound. The embassy has housing for 5500 troops.

According to the press release, "This unit is specially trained to quickly respond to issues that arise within that region, which includes the Middle East and Afghanistan". Sounds like their purpose will be to provide the capability for more attacks within Iraq, probably not a good option with the parliament considering asking the US to remove all US forces from their country.
The US Embassy is soveriegn US territory. They clearly didn't take the necessary steps to defend it, so we did.

Iranian-backed Protesters Withdraw From US Embassy Compound in Baghdad.

“Brian Hook, the U.S. special representative for Iran, told CNN, ‘Our diplomats are safe and so is our embassy. Today the situation is much better. There is no imminent threat to American property or personnel.'”​

The anti-Benghazi, indeed.
U.S.-Iraqi relationship, shaped in large part by the 2003 U.S. invasion to topple President Saddam Hussein, has been shaky for years. However, relations between the US and Iraq is at a new low. Trump walking out on the US agreement with Iran was not greeted well in Iraq. They saw what Trump didn't see, a war that would envelope most of the Mid-East.

Iraq is deeply divided on the issue of the US present in Iraq. About half the country wants the US out. Most of the rest are willing to tolerate the US presence because they don't see a viable way of getting rid of them. To expect the Iraqi goverment to protect the US embassy against their own people is as foolish as expecting sanctions to bring Iran to the bargaining table. For the US to use the military to protect the embassy is a no win game and that game all started with Trump pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal.

Religion, not government is what ties people together in the Middle East. Iraq and Iran are 68% and 90% Shia respectively. If the US military engagement with Iraq expands, it will certainly spread throughout Iraq.
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TRUMPY’S NO JIMMY: Iranian militias attack U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Trump sending 4,000 troops.

“More than 100 U.S. Marines arrived at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad earlier Tuesday to help bolster security after the mob of Iranian-backed Shite militiamen tried to storm the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.”​

The Iranians won’t like the way this plays out.

Meanwhile, Democrats are already attacking Trump. Adriana Cohen writes, so much for the water’s edge. Silly Adriana. That’s only for Democrat presidents.

Meanwhile, blue-check lefties have rushed out to call this Trump’s Benghazi. But unlike Hillary, Trump didn’t leave the staff to die, he sent help.

Or as Trump notes:


FLIR Video • Marines Arrive At The U.S. Embassy In Iraq.

Our Embassy is US Sovereign Territory. If Iran insists on an ass-kicking, and they have been insisting on one for a very long time, I'm sure the Marines would be happy to deliver it.
What seems to be getting lost is the fact that mostly Iraqis, not Iranians stormed our embassy as Iraqi police did nothing to stop it. The Iraqi parliament is considering telling Americans to get the fuck out of their country. Most of the Middle East with the exception Israel, do not want to host the American military.

The US embassy in Iraqi, unlike any other embassy in the country is a highly fortified military compound which houses 5500 troupes. And that is in addition to 1,000 permanent employees and up to additional 3,000 people as needed. Fortifications include deep security perimeters, buildings reinforced beyond the usual standard, a power generation plant, water and sewage processing, food and munition storage, five highly guarded entrances, and multiple landing pads for helicopters. Fort Baghdad, is a better description of the compound than the US Embassy.
5,500 troops? Why did Trump need to get in 100 Marines, then? What were the "troops" doing?
The US military does not usually release details as to exact numbers and capability of the military stationed in the compound. The embassy has housing for 5500 troops.

According to the press release, "This unit is specially trained to quickly respond to issues that arise within that region, which includes the Middle East and Afghanistan". Sounds like their purpose will be to provide the capability for more attacks within Iraq, probably not a good option with the parliament considering asking the US to remove all US forces from their country.
The US Embassy is soveriegn US territory. They clearly didn't take the necessary steps to defend it, so we did.

Iranian-backed Protesters Withdraw From US Embassy Compound in Baghdad.

“Brian Hook, the U.S. special representative for Iran, told CNN, ‘Our diplomats are safe and so is our embassy. Today the situation is much better. There is no imminent threat to American property or personnel.'”​

The anti-Benghazi, indeed.
U.S.-Iraqi relationship, shaped in large part by the 2003 U.S. invasion to topple President Saddam Hussein, has been shaky for years. However, relations between the US and Iraq is at a new low. Trump walking out on the US agreement with Iran was not greeted well in Iraq. They saw what Trump didn't see, a war that would envelope most of Mid-East.

Iraq is deeply divided on the issue of the US present in Iraq. About half the country wants the US out. Most of the rest are willing to tolerate the US presence because they don't see a viable way of getting rid of them. To expect the Iraqi goverment to protect the US embassy against their own people is as foolish as expecting sanctions to bring Iran to the bargaining table. For the US to use the military to protect the embassy is a no win game and that game all started with Trump pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal.
It looks like we did a fine job securing it.
Fake News Continues

It’s not just the New York Times and the Washington Post that are lying about the attacks on our embassy in Baghdad, but they certainly are at it in a remarkable fashion. Below is one notable example in the Washington Post to kick off the new year. Literally the first word that WaPo prints in 2020 is a lie. Spectacular


It’s also the friends of the mullahs in the Obama administration. They continue their gaslighting, as in Wendy Sherman’s tweet below with the response by Mary Beth Long. Yes, Wendy, you fool, a real Secretary of State would load more pallets of cash on jets destined for Tehran to buy the mullahs’ good will.

Mary Beth Long@LongDefense

Shame on you Wendy and others! When we lost our ambassador in #LIBYA #Benghazi NO ONE showed up in #Tripoli for WEEKS afterward from State (or any other #Obama admin) resulting in ME and my group treated like govt officials b/c Libyans were so desperate for attention. @SecPompeo …

Wendy R. Sherman


If @SecPompeo was a real SecStste, he’d leave today for Iraq to meet with leaders and most importantly spend new year with embassy employees on duty protecting all of us.


9:44 AM - Dec 31, 2019
Three paragraphs and you never sourced your claim that this was the work of: "Not terrorists. Pissed off Iraqis, rightfully so."

I suspect your tree frog is less than impressed with claim sourcing skills.
Do you even know what you're attempting to make an argument about ?
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What seems to be getting lost is the fact that mostly Iraqis, not Iranians stormed our embassy as Iraqi police did nothing to stop it. The Iraqi parliament is considering telling Americans to get the fuck out of their country. Most of the Middle East with the exception Israel, do not want to host the American military.

The US embassy in Iraqi, unlike any other embassy in the country is a highly fortified military compound which houses 5500 troupes. And that is in addition to 1,000 permanent employees and up to additional 3,000 people as needed. Fortifications include deep security perimeters, buildings reinforced beyond the usual standard, a power generation plant, water and sewage processing, food and munition storage, five highly guarded entrances, and multiple landing pads for helicopters. Fort Baghdad, is a better description of the compound than the US Embassy.
5,500 troops? Why did Trump need to get in 100 Marines, then? What were the "troops" doing?
The US military does not usually release details as to exact numbers and capability of the military stationed in the compound. The embassy has housing for 5500 troops.

According to the press release, "This unit is specially trained to quickly respond to issues that arise within that region, which includes the Middle East and Afghanistan". Sounds like their purpose will be to provide the capability for more attacks within Iraq, probably not a good option with the parliament considering asking the US to remove all US forces from their country.
The US Embassy is soveriegn US territory. They clearly didn't take the necessary steps to defend it, so we did.

Iranian-backed Protesters Withdraw From US Embassy Compound in Baghdad.

“Brian Hook, the U.S. special representative for Iran, told CNN, ‘Our diplomats are safe and so is our embassy. Today the situation is much better. There is no imminent threat to American property or personnel.'”​

The anti-Benghazi, indeed.
U.S.-Iraqi relationship, shaped in large part by the 2003 U.S. invasion to topple President Saddam Hussein, has been shaky for years. However, relations between the US and Iraq is at a new low. Trump walking out on the US agreement with Iran was not greeted well in Iraq. They saw what Trump didn't see, a war that would envelope most of Mid-East.

Iraq is deeply divided on the issue of the US present in Iraq. About half the country wants the US out. Most of the rest are willing to tolerate the US presence because they don't see a viable way of getting rid of them. To expect the Iraqi goverment to protect the US embassy against their own people is as foolish as expecting sanctions to bring Iran to the bargaining table. For the US to use the military to protect the embassy is a no win game and that game all started with Trump pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal.
It looks like we did a fine job securing it.
I would expect they would. The embassy is a 100 acre military compound defended by nearly a thousand well armed troops. They are capable of handling a situation a lot more serious than an attack by few hundred protesters.

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