IRAQ: Was it worth it? did exactly what I predicted. :eusa_whistle:

Scum like you used to be locked away in mental wards, but now you have the internet and mall to bother normal people.

Get back to trolling for your pic library, I'm going to drink beer and go to a baseball game now.....loser.

The troll, Samson, is now trolling the internet for another gif....

Surely people have made fun of your handicap before.

You should be used to the pain of being mentally inferior.

If not, the sooner you get used to it the better.
:lmao::lmao::lmao: did exactly what I predicted. :eusa_whistle:

Scum like you used to be locked away in mental wards, but now you have the internet and mall to bother normal people.

Looks like Iraq is sinking into the abyss. And would have no matter what we did other than staying forever like we did in Korea. In a time that we're all wanting to shrink budgets and spending, WE CANT JUST STAY FOREVER in every shithole on Earth.

So, we went to war. Thousands died. Tens of thousands more crippled and scarred for life, which we now see we cant even pay for their lifelong care.

And FOR WHAT????

What kind of stupid question was that?!?!?!!?

U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) , Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and their warmongers followers ONLY get sexually aroused at the sight of spilt blood.

It is amazing people here and in the general public that have no military experience and no clue are always the ones shouting about what we shouldn't do with the military as if they are the experts and know how to pull off an operation to kill terrorists.

You are now the official USMB Frank Burns


With his goofy claims to move around in the farcical land of military intelligence, I pictured him as a Colonel Flagg clone.
It takes completely brazen chutzpah for Neo-Con Republicans like John McCain to criticize President Obama's policies in Iraq -- especially as Iraq once again falls into sectarian civil war.

These are precisely the people who kicked open the sectarian hornets' nest in 2003 when they invaded Iraq and unleashed years of civil war that led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of refugees.

Of course the current Iraqi government bears a great deal of the responsibility for the current breakdown in security. As Fareed Zakaria wrote in Friday's Washington Post:

The prime minister and his ruling party have behaved like thugs, excluding the Sunnis from power, using the army, police forces and militias to terrorize their opponents.​

MORE: Only Two Words for Neo-Con Critics of Obama Iraq Policy: Brazen Chutzpah*|*Robert Creamer

Amen! Maybe Prime Minister Maliki will join Saddam in the happy Muslim hunting grounds.
Iraq is an artificial country formed by the British.

It should be broken up into separate Sunni, Shia, and Kurd countries, just like we did with Yugoslavia.
Iraq is an artificial country formed by the British.

It should be broken up into separate Sunni, Shia, and Kurd countries, just like we did with Yugoslavia.

The REASON Iraq is a "problem" is because of Israel which is an articial country illegally formed by the British and Menachem Begin's marauders.

It should be broken up , the land returned to its lawful owners the Palestinian Arabs and presto, the middle east problems will cease.

Iraq is an artificial country formed by the British.

It should be broken up into separate Sunni, Shia, and Kurd countries, just like we did with Yugoslavia.

The REASON Iraq is a "problem" is because of Israel which is an articial country illegally formed by the British and Menachem Begin's marauders.

It should be broken up , the land returned to its lawful owners the Palestinian Arabs and presto, the middle east problems will cease.

Tough that.
For a little historic perspective: Every major conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodie Wilson told Americans that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he or his wife sent the Doughboys off to save France from the Hun. Was 100,000 American lives worth it? Hitler and FDR rose in power at around the same time. FDR's foreign policy was so incoherent that Hitler was killing Jews while FDR was asking Germany to repay it's WW1 war debt. FDR's negligence in the Pacific cost 3,000 lives in Pearl Harbor and about 10,000 wasted in the Battan Death March four months later. Harry Truman was busy downsizing the Military when NK invaded SK and his mismanagement cost the lives of about 50,000 Americans in three years. LBJ set the rules so that the US could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the war. Just when it seemed that the VC was exhausted and defeated democrats pulled the plug and abandoned the effort. Iraq was a brilliant example of the greatest Military on the planet even though democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.
Lincoln: Civil War
Wilson: WWI
Truman: Korea
Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon: Vietnam, everybody is responsible
Bush the Elder: Iraq I
Bush the Younger: Iraq II
Well, we can all rest easy now. U.S. aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush moving toward Persian Gulf.

George H. W. Bush? Holy shit...

Gee, will that remind anyone when he suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait; then, Bush invaded Iraq. A few years later, Bush's idiot son invaded Iraq a 2nd time.
For a little historic perspective: Every major conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodie Wilson told Americans that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he or his wife sent the Doughboys off to save France from the Hun. Was 100,000 American lives worth it? Hitler and FDR rose in power at around the same time. FDR's foreign policy was so incoherent that Hitler was killing Jews while FDR was asking Germany to repay it's WW1 war debt. FDR's negligence in the Pacific cost 3,000 lives in Pearl Harbor and about 10,000 wasted in the Battan Death March four months later. Harry Truman was busy downsizing the Military when NK invaded SK and his mismanagement cost the lives of about 50,000 Americans in three years. LBJ set the rules so that the US could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the war. Just when it seemed that the VC was exhausted and defeated democrats pulled the plug and abandoned the effort. Iraq was a brilliant example of the greatest Military on the planet even though democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.


The only reason Western Europe remained free after WWII was because of the lesson learned from WWI: Europeans cannot be left to their own affairs. Our military remains there TODAY.

Why would we believe we would be able to exit Iraq?

Why would we now believe we could exit A'Stan?
Iraq is an artificial country formed by the British.

It should be broken up into separate Sunni, Shia, and Kurd countries, just like we did with Yugoslavia.

The REASON Iraq is a "problem" is because of Israel which is an articial country illegally formed by the British and Menachem Begin's marauders.

It should be broken up , the land returned to its lawful owners the Palestinian Arabs and presto, the middle east problems will cease.

Tough that.

I get your drift.

It is the US responsibility to create, finance and defend the Zionist State.

Well, we can all rest easy now. U.S. aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush moving toward Persian Gulf.

George H. W. Bush? Holy shit...

Gee, will that remind anyone when he suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait; then, Bush invaded Iraq. A few years later, Bush's idiot son invaded Iraq a 2nd time.

Moron's make message boards amusing.


<<<sigh>>> go ahead and post the link to whatever blog you read to support such an idiotic statement.
For a little historic perspective: Every major conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodie Wilson told Americans that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he or his wife sent the Doughboys off to save France from the Hun. Was 100,000 American lives worth it? Hitler and FDR rose in power at around the same time. FDR's foreign policy was so incoherent that Hitler was killing Jews while FDR was asking Germany to repay it's WW1 war debt. FDR's negligence in the Pacific cost 3,000 lives in Pearl Harbor and about 10,000 wasted in the Battan Death March four months later. Harry Truman was busy downsizing the Military when NK invaded SK and his mismanagement cost the lives of about 50,000 Americans in three years. LBJ set the rules so that the US could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the war. Just when it seemed that the VC was exhausted and defeated democrats pulled the plug and abandoned the effort. Iraq was a brilliant example of the greatest Military on the planet even though democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.


The only reason Western Europe remained free after WWII was because of the lesson learned from WWI: Europeans cannot be left to their own affairs. Our military remains there TODAY.

Why would we believe we would be able to exit Iraq?

Why would we now believe we could exit A'Stan?

We still have Troops on the 38th parallel in Korea. Nobody seems to remember that Americans beat back the NK and even took the NK capital city of Pyongyang. The NK were thoroughly defeated but an ego trip by a possibly mentally impaired old WW1 general led the US into the biggest ambush in history. We have Troops in Bosnia after Clinton's DNA on Monica's dress caused the bombing of Yugoslavia. Democrats forced our exit from Iraq because they always thought they could "blame it on Bush".
Whitehall ignores the fact that it was under McArthur that the UN troops took the NK capitol as well as walked into the Red Chinese ambush.

Whitehall's 'DNA Theory' is laughable.

As are all far right and far left (Lahkota) conspiracy theory nuts.

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