
Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
He really should keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he doesn't care that others on this planet would consider him a crackpot. However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
October 15, 2015

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

Continue reading at:

Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'
Thank goodness we're only inviting 200,000 Islamists into our borders and not 2,000,000.

I just hope the Cubs win the World Series before our Nation is totally destroyed.
He really should keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he doesn't care that others on this planet would consider him a crackpot. However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
October 15, 2015

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

Continue reading at:

Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'

well------at least he is HONEST------so many islamo Nazis of the Shiite variety on THIS BOARD
have been INSISTING that SHIITE islam is the kind sweet variety of islam. Long long ago ---
when I recognized the fact that sunni muslims I knew --------HATED SHIITES-----I decided to be
an apologist for SHIITES -------young, tender hearted idiot that I was --------over the years ----I did
learn-------at the very least-----Shiites are ---JUST AS ------or EVEN MORE ----disgusting than are
He really should keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he doesn't care that others on this planet would consider him a crackpot. However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
October 15, 2015

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

Continue reading at:

Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'

Heck no, that is what Front Mag is all about, finding the most radical Muslims, Shia here due to be a right wing rag pushing for the destruction of Iran, and make sure it gets on every news channel and news paper they can. That is what they do, spread hate. How sweet a Christian wrote it. You fell for the trash and had to spread it here for all to see. I can find the same thing from right wing crazy Christians and zealots jews and Zionist. Remember ISIS and the Taliban and Al Qaida are Sunnis taught in SA.
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.
I understand that people like you want to finish what Hitler started...................I also understand that people like you believe that those not of your faith are considered less than dogs................................Your purpose and Religion is DEATH to the Unbelievers..................

One thing.................aren't you glad us Christians aren't like you?????????????????

Convert to Christianity or DIE Penelope.........................................If we were like you............The middle east would only be occupied by critters that live in the desert..........................Because we are capable of wiping your side off the face of the earth.............

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace"Mohammed is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
Quran 48:29

2015.10.16 (Saihat, Saudi Arabia) - A terrorist opens fire on a Shiite meeting hall, killing five.
2015.10.15 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) - Two suicide bombers massacre forty-two worshippers at a rival mosque.
2015.10.13 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) - Four other people are wiped out by three Fedayeen suicide bombers in an otherwise peaceful neighborhood.
2015.10.13 (Jerusalem, Israel) - Two Palestinians board a bus and begin hacking and shooting Jews, killing two.
2015.10.13 (Jerusalem, Israel) - A Palestinian rams into a group of Israeli pedestrians then hacks several with a meat cleaver, killing a 60-year-old rabbi.
2015.10.12 (Mukoko, DRC) - ADF Islamists hack eight people to death with machetes.
We all know, whenever an Iranian says something, it is western medias that decide what he said.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............
Hey lets take the refugees.........................

They are such good people..........

Sex Assaults by Refugees Drive Women Staff From German Asylum Center

A cleaner at a refugee center in Bavaria was subjected to sexual assault on a daily basis from two asylum-seekers living at the center, which has decided to employ only male cleaners as a result.

Two asylum seekers at an asylum reception center in Kitzingen sexually attacked a female member of the cleaning staff every day for more than a week, compelling the institution to employ only male cleaners.

On Wednesday Bayerischer Rundfunk [BR] reported that two male asylum seekers aged 38 and 52 had been detained after the woman finally summoned up the courage to report the attacks, which took place between October 1 and October 10, to her employer, and to the police.

We all know, whenever an Iranian says something, it is western medias that decide what he said.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............
It has been the decision of America to confront the world with its imperialist demands, not the one of the Iranian people.


Wondering about the reactions is just blatant hypocrisy.
We all know, whenever an Iranian says something, it is western medias that decide what he said.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............
It has been the decision of America to confront the world with its imperialist demands, not the one of the Iranian people.


Wondering about the reactions is just blatant hypocrisy.
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.
I understand that people like you want to finish what Hitler started...................I also understand that people like you believe that those not of your faith are considered less than dogs................................Your purpose and Religion is DEATH to the Unbelievers..................

One thing.................aren't you glad us Christians aren't like you?????????????????

Convert to Christianity or DIE Penelope.........................................If we were like you............The middle east would only be occupied by critters that live in the desert..........................Because we are capable of wiping your side off the face of the earth.............

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace"Mohammed is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
Quran 48:29

2015.10.16 (Saihat, Saudi Arabia) - A terrorist opens fire on a Shiite meeting hall, killing five.
2015.10.15 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) - Two suicide bombers massacre forty-two worshippers at a rival mosque.
2015.10.13 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) - Four other people are wiped out by three Fedayeen suicide bombers in an otherwise peaceful neighborhood.
2015.10.13 (Jerusalem, Israel) - Two Palestinians board a bus and begin hacking and shooting Jews, killing two.
2015.10.13 (Jerusalem, Israel) - A Palestinian rams into a group of Israeli pedestrians then hacks several with a meat cleaver, killing a 60-year-old rabbi.
2015.10.12 (Mukoko, DRC) - ADF Islamists hack eight people to death with machetes.

I'm a Roman Catholic, lapsed the last several years. I encourage you to read about Charles the Hammer who stopped the Muslims and then about the first King of the Holy Roman Empire Charlemagne who did force people to become Christians or die, which by the way , thanks to him Christianity is alive.

The Zionist hate their own, Hasidic Jews, they are not Jews, big difference between jews and Zionist . Some are but most not. I can't stand the history of the Zionist in Palestine, they were ruthless and knew that it was going to be a battle, but really unprepared for the perseverance of the Palestinians, who by the way have more of a God given right to fight for their land and homes.
We all know, whenever an Iranian says something, it is western medias that decide what he said.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............
It has been the decision of America to confront the world with its imperialist demands, not the one of the Iranian people.


Wondering about the reactions is just blatant hypocrisy.
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
We all know, whenever an Iranian says something, it is western medias that decide what he said.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............

Don't' blame this on Obama, blame it on the coup of long ago, and all the sanctions piled on Iran since the 90's. Iran is the bad guys, because we made a oil deal with the Sauds. Its all about natural resources.
We all know, whenever an Iranian says something, it is western medias that decide what he said.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............
It has been the decision of America to confront the world with its imperialist demands, not the one of the Iranian people.


Wondering about the reactions is just blatant hypocrisy.
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.
We all know, whenever an Iranian says something, it is western medias that decide what he said.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............
It has been the decision of America to confront the world with its imperialist demands, not the one of the Iranian people.


Wondering about the reactions is just blatant hypocrisy.
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
We all know, whenever an Iranian says something, it is western medias that decide what he said.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............

Don't' blame this on Obama, blame it on the coup of long ago, and all the sanctions piled on Iran since the 90's. Iran is the bad guys, because we made a oil deal with the Sauds. Its all about natural resources.
The region is about Oil. No doubt. It's a VITAL ASSET in GLOBAL ECONOMICS.................the strategies are centered around the oil pipelines there.........

Hell Iran, Pakistan, and Russia are cutting deals now..................Russia just signed a deal for 2 Billion dollars with Pakistan for a pipeline..............

Our prices are low now because Saudi Arabia is trying to drive the competition out, and strangle the Ruble...................

In 79 the religious ZEALOTS took over Iran..........over OH MY GOD ANOTHER BRUTAL DICTATOR...............look around the region and history.........They have always been ruled by BRUTAL DICTATORS because they are the only ones who can keep a lid on the POWDER KEG OF RELIGIOUS FANATICS there................

Bottom line................the dang region needs to return to modern times and get out of the 7th century mindset.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............
It has been the decision of America to confront the world with its imperialist demands, not the one of the Iranian people.


Wondering about the reactions is just blatant hypocrisy.
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia.
Hamas is a terrorist org. Their methods must be rejected by the Palestinians. However, the means they get from other nations can only be used in combat with tanks for example, because Palestine has the right to fend off aggressions.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............
It has been the decision of America to confront the world with its imperialist demands, not the one of the Iranian people.


Wondering about the reactions is just blatant hypocrisy.
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

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