Bull shit-------Indonesian Christians are fleeing-----lots to the USA ------your filth is no secred

As you have no ability to argue in a reasonable manner, there's little point in bothering with you at all.

I was not arguing with you-------I am, simply, citing facts about the stench of shariah in racist Nazi Indonesia.
Not news

See - The usual shit.

yes----Indonesia is the usual islamo shit. -----HOWEVER ----Indonesia does represent a very GOOD idea which was created----probably by dog muhummad------the concept of "legal religion" For the posters out there who do not know-----the stink and filth of shariah includes the concept that EVERYONE MUST----that is MUST be a member of a "LEGAL" religious community-------A person cannot be -----a "no religion"-------everyone must be a SOME RELIGION which the shitty mullahs decide is an "OK" religion----- In order to commit genocide upon any group------the dogs and pigs of the KORANIC school simply decide "THAT IS NOT A LEGAL RELIGION ACCORDING TO THE LUMP OF SHIT IN THE SKY---allah" What is LEGAL depends on that which is convenient for the mullah dogs. Once india was invaded by moghul scum-----that shit decided "we need 'their tribute and their skills -----so lets make HINDUISM 'legal'/ The filthy cock sucking dogs of Indonesia decided that even though that country already had a jewish population------JUDAISM IS ILLEGAL. I like the idea--------I agree that Israel should declare the filth and stink of the religion of the rapist pig---muhummad---to wit ISLAM -----ILLEGAL and burn down all the mosques just as Indonesia burned its last remaining synagogues for the glory of the lump of shit in Jannah. Since the filthy pimps and whores of
mecca decided to bomb BALI -----it became clear to me that both Christianity and Hinduism are next in that
SHITTY TOILET BOWL OF Allah. ALL GOOD-------Israel now as the option of getting rid of the farting

Do you like my suggestion Indofreddie-------as a tribute to INDONESIA ---and the wisdom of its legal
system------Israel could ---with great admiration, EMULATE that legal system and declare islam and
usual islamo shit.

Yep - more of the usual rosie.

What do you have against the Indonesian legal system and the concept of "religions allowable
under the laws of muslims". They are very interesting laws-----my own husband was born in
a shariah utopia -------it was the same there except that Judaism was a permissible religion
in the shariah shit hole of his birth. -----No doubt Hinduism was not. I support LEGAL
HINDUISM for Israel and -----islam----out of the legal system. Why are you unable to comment?
He really should keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he doesn't care that others on this planet would consider him a crackpot. However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
October 15, 2015

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

Continue reading at:

Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'

'Killing Arab civilians is Jewish way of war', says Rabbi

A leading Orthodox American Rabbi caused a huge row when he said the Jewish way of fighting a moral war was to kill civilians and destroys places of worship.

Rabbi Manis Friedman of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies, Minnesota, was responding to questions by a Jewish American magazine as part of its ‘Ask the Rabbis’ feature, when he said, “The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).” He also dismissed “western” concepts of morality saying, “I don’t believe in western morality, i.e., don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, and don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral."

He really should keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he doesn't care that others on this planet would consider him a crackpot. However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
October 15, 2015

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

Continue reading at:

Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'

'Killing Arab civilians is Jewish way of war', says Rabbi

A leading Orthodox American Rabbi caused a huge row when he said the Jewish way of fighting a moral war was to kill civilians and destroys places of worship.

Rabbi Manis Friedman of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies, Minnesota, was responding to questions by a Jewish American magazine as part of its ‘Ask the Rabbis’ feature, when he said, “The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).” He also dismissed “western” concepts of morality saying, “I don’t believe in western morality, i.e., don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, and don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral."

Little Haniyah (or is this Mr. Saleem posting?) forgets that this happens to be one Rabbi with a crazy opinion, but there are loads of these crazy Muslim clergymen inciting people. I guess this duo has no problem with these crazy Ayatollahs being responsible for a great number of youth joining up with ISIS and ultimately losing their lives. I have a great idea. Haniyah or Mr. Saleem can write the next sermon for Friday' services at this crazy Ayatollah's mosque. This way the dynamic duo can give this nut a rest. it is not surprising that the dynamic duo of Haniyah and Mr. Saleem find out about some Rabbi that only a small majority of Jews have probably heard about. Then, of course, there are so many hate sites that pick up these things, such as which happens to make mention of this Rabbi. Meanwhile we will be kept entertained by this duo since they have been very busy trying to catch up since their little hiatus, as can be seen using the Search feature. They are getting up to steam, the way they were previously.

From Wikipedia.......
On the Israeli-Arab conflict

Friedman has claimed that the moral way to fight a war is to "Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)," and that if Israel followed this wisdom from the bible, there would be "no civilian casualties, no children in the line of fire, no false sense of righteousness, in fact, no war." After receiving criticism Friedman clarified that "any neighbor of the Jewish people should be treated, as the Torah commands us, with respect and compassion." Friedman later clarified that when he was quoting from the Torah he was not advocating to actually kill anyone, rather if Israel would threaten to do this things - it would scare its enemies and prevent war.[8]
He really should keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he doesn't care that others on this planet would consider him a crackpot. However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
October 15, 2015

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

Continue reading at:

Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'

Mosque in Tennessee was torched (later constructed nonetheless.) But we burn and destroy their's, they do our's. I don't see the problem.

Nobody likes to see any House of Worship desecrated here, but you have been awfully quiet about those Houses of Worship desecrated in the Muslim World. Let's see now. Delta is going to amble around the Bible Belt here in the U.S. and see if he is assaulted or worse yet murdered for being a Jew. Then if he makes it out in one piece, he will amble around the area of this dangerous Ayatollayh and tell those he sees that he is a Jew. Can everyone imagine what will happen to him if they believe in what this Ayatollah says..
He really should keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he doesn't care that others on this planet would consider him a crackpot. However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
October 15, 2015

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

Continue reading at:

Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'

Heck no, that is what Front Mag is all about, finding the most radical Muslims, Shia here due to be a right wing rag pushing for the destruction of Iran, and make sure it gets on every news channel and news paper they can. That is what they do, spread hate. How sweet a Christian wrote it. You fell for the trash and had to spread it here for all to see. I can find the same thing from right wing crazy Christians and zealots jews and Zionist. Remember ISIS and the Taliban and Al Qaida are Sunnis taught in SA.

Ah, here comes Ms. Skinhead ready to put in her silly two cents. Maybe Ms. Skinhyead should volunteer to be one of the Ayatollah's wives so she wouldn't be kidnapped and abused when traveling in that area. Meanwhile Ms. Skinhead is going to go on an important mission. Perhaps Ms. Skinhead can leave her Muslim boyfriend for a while and travel around to all the Muslim clergymen who are recruiting for ISIS. She can tell them not to do this because too many of the young recruits eventually are killed. See how many lives she will save if she is successful.

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