What did you say your native language is , is that Hebrew?

Unlike you----penny dear-----my native tongue is English. -------I know only some Hebrew. And
some Spanish. And some German. I also know islamo Nazi propaganda-----because I grew
up in a town full of white trash like you and I worked with and socialized to some extent with scum
islamo Nazi muslims ------educated in the muslim manner

My native tongue is Enlish but some of the words you use I don't. Like a true Zionist, hates and thinks everyone is scum.
Let me get this straight..............Iran chants DEATH TO AMERICA...........DEATH TO ISRAEL............Wants to Wipe Israel off the map..........see video.................and we are supposed to go............

What a bunch of lovely people there..............let's send them kisses................and flowers.............

Not a chance......................They are a sponsor of terror and we don't owe them one ounce of respect.

Cant give me a decent link hey. Man just having Bibi address our congress was I'm sure an eye opener for Iran, and also they can't read right, they down know what our congressman say about them , esp. those running for the Presidency. They are not ignorant.

We want to be the great empire, empires do not last, lets just be a great country.

what did Netanyahu say that could possibly be an "EYE -OPENER" for Iran? I am waiting for a citation

Pretty much want he said in 2002 about Iraq, look at it now.
do not blame Penelope-----she is parroting islamo Nazi propaganda--------the islamo Nazi dogs did
try to do a back pedal on some of the filth their idiot president farted forth-------so they claimed
MISTRANSLATION-------but somehow every real farsi speaking person knows the truth about Penelope and the shit she licks

What did you say your native language is , is that Hebrew?

Unlike you----penny dear-----my native tongue is English. -------I know only some Hebrew. And
some Spanish. And some German. I also know islamo Nazi propaganda-----because I grew
up in a town full of white trash like you and I worked with and socialized to some extent with scum
islamo Nazi muslims ------educated in the muslim manner

My native tongue is Enlish but some of the words you use I don't. Like a true Zionist, hates and thinks everyone is scum.
Let me get this straight..............Iran chants DEATH TO AMERICA...........DEATH TO ISRAEL............Wants to Wipe Israel off the map..........see video.................and we are supposed to go............

What a bunch of lovely people there..............let's send them kisses................and flowers.............

Not a chance......................They are a sponsor of terror and we don't owe them one ounce of respect.

Cant give me a decent link hey. Man just having Bibi address our congress was I'm sure an eye opener for Iran, and also they can't read right, they down know what our congressman say about them , esp. those running for the Presidency. They are not ignorant.

We want to be the great empire, empires do not last, lets just be a great country.
The Ottomans figured that out during WWI..............They it ended their legacy of the Caliphate to control and dominate the world.
What did you say your native language is , is that Hebrew?

Unlike you----penny dear-----my native tongue is English. -------I know only some Hebrew. And
some Spanish. And some German. I also know islamo Nazi propaganda-----because I grew
up in a town full of white trash like you and I worked with and socialized to some extent with scum
islamo Nazi muslims ------educated in the muslim manner

My native tongue is Enlish but some of the words you use I don't. Like a true Zionist, hates and thinks everyone is scum.
Let me get this straight..............Iran chants DEATH TO AMERICA...........DEATH TO ISRAEL............Wants to Wipe Israel off the map..........see video.................and we are supposed to go............

What a bunch of lovely people there..............let's send them kisses................and flowers.............

Not a chance......................They are a sponsor of terror and we don't owe them one ounce of respect.

lots of Iranian people are very nice-------they usually flee Iran

Iran is none of your business and we have no right interfering in their country, like AIPAC has no right interfering in our country, anyone with a dual citizenship needs to give one up.

Oh-----you hate Irish people and Pakistani people and Indian people too? Is there any people upon
which you do not SHIT?
What did you say your native language is , is that Hebrew?

Unlike you----penny dear-----my native tongue is English. -------I know only some Hebrew. And
some Spanish. And some German. I also know islamo Nazi propaganda-----because I grew
up in a town full of white trash like you and I worked with and socialized to some extent with scum
islamo Nazi muslims ------educated in the muslim manner

My native tongue is Enlish but some of the words you use I don't. Like a true Zionist, hates and thinks everyone is scum.
Let me get this straight..............Iran chants DEATH TO AMERICA...........DEATH TO ISRAEL............Wants to Wipe Israel off the map..........see video.................and we are supposed to go............

What a bunch of lovely people there..............let's send them kisses................and flowers.............

Not a chance......................They are a sponsor of terror and we don't owe them one ounce of respect.

lots of Iranian people are very nice-------they usually flee Iran

Iran is none of your business and we have no right interfering in their country, like AIPAC has no right interfering in our country, anyone with a dual citizenship needs to give one up.

That which I consider my business,, is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS-----Nazi Bitch. AIPAC consists
of USA citizens-------FILTHY BITCH Lobbying is legal in the USA -------even illiterate Nazi white trash
like you do it. Unfortunately MY COUNTRY----the USA continues to tolerate shitty white trash like you
What did you say your native language is , is that Hebrew?

Unlike you----penny dear-----my native tongue is English. -------I know only some Hebrew. And
some Spanish. And some German. I also know islamo Nazi propaganda-----because I grew
up in a town full of white trash like you and I worked with and socialized to some extent with scum
islamo Nazi muslims ------educated in the muslim manner

My native tongue is Enlish but some of the words you use I don't. Like a true Zionist, hates and thinks everyone is scum.
Let me get this straight..............Iran chants DEATH TO AMERICA...........DEATH TO ISRAEL............Wants to Wipe Israel off the map..........see video.................and we are supposed to go............

What a bunch of lovely people there..............let's send them kisses................and flowers.............

Not a chance......................They are a sponsor of terror and we don't owe them one ounce of respect.

Cant give me a decent link hey. Man just having Bibi address our congress was I'm sure an eye opener for Iran, and also they can't read right, they down know what our congressman say about them , esp. those running for the Presidency. They are not ignorant.

We want to be the great empire, empires do not last, lets just be a great country.
The Ottomans figured that out during WWI..............They it ended their legacy of the Caliphate to control and dominate the world.

Meet ERDOGAN-----he is trying to REJUVENATE that pile of filth------the OTTOMAN EMPIRE (caliphate)
Unlike you----penny dear-----my native tongue is English. -------I know only some Hebrew. And
some Spanish. And some German. I also know islamo Nazi propaganda-----because I grew
up in a town full of white trash like you and I worked with and socialized to some extent with scum
islamo Nazi muslims ------educated in the muslim manner

My native tongue is Enlish but some of the words you use I don't. Like a true Zionist, hates and thinks everyone is scum.
Let me get this straight..............Iran chants DEATH TO AMERICA...........DEATH TO ISRAEL............Wants to Wipe Israel off the map..........see video.................and we are supposed to go............

What a bunch of lovely people there..............let's send them kisses................and flowers.............

Not a chance......................They are a sponsor of terror and we don't owe them one ounce of respect.

Cant give me a decent link hey. Man just having Bibi address our congress was I'm sure an eye opener for Iran, and also they can't read right, they down know what our congressman say about them , esp. those running for the Presidency. They are not ignorant.

We want to be the great empire, empires do not last, lets just be a great country.
The Ottomans figured that out during WWI..............They it ended their legacy of the Caliphate to control and dominate the world.

Meet ERDOGAN-----he is trying to REJUVENATE that pile of filth------the OTTOMAN EMPIRE (caliphate)
He has stated as much......................he wants to unite the Muslims and kill Israel as well......................He's said it openly................

and restore the GLORY OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE......................

That region should be caged and called a zoo.
For those who have not noticed------CALIPH ERDOGAN does not support dog ASSAD-----ie bashar al kalb-----
because bashar al kalb is in on the SHIITE SHIT CALIPHATE program of Iran. ERDOGAN's
CALIPHATE is of the sunni shit variety
For those who have not noticed------CALIPH ERDOGAN does not support dog ASSAD-----ie bashar al kalb-----
because bashar al kalb is in on the SHIITE SHIT CALIPHATE program of Iran. ERDOGAN's
CALIPHATE is of the sunni shit variety

Of course not, Iran's NG pipeline would go from Iran to Lebanon by passing Turkey, where as Qatar's would go to Turkey and by pass Lebanon.
Unlike you----penny dear-----my native tongue is English. -------I know only some Hebrew. And
some Spanish. And some German. I also know islamo Nazi propaganda-----because I grew
up in a town full of white trash like you and I worked with and socialized to some extent with scum
islamo Nazi muslims ------educated in the muslim manner

My native tongue is Enlish but some of the words you use I don't. Like a true Zionist, hates and thinks everyone is scum.
Let me get this straight..............Iran chants DEATH TO AMERICA...........DEATH TO ISRAEL............Wants to Wipe Israel off the map..........see video.................and we are supposed to go............

What a bunch of lovely people there..............let's send them kisses................and flowers.............

Not a chance......................They are a sponsor of terror and we don't owe them one ounce of respect.

Cant give me a decent link hey. Man just having Bibi address our congress was I'm sure an eye opener for Iran, and also they can't read right, they down know what our congressman say about them , esp. those running for the Presidency. They are not ignorant.

We want to be the great empire, empires do not last, lets just be a great country.

what did Netanyahu say that could possibly be an "EYE -OPENER" for Iran? I am waiting for a citation

Pretty much want he said in 2002 about Iraq, look at it now.

oh----about the extensive armaments and dabbling in Nuclear reactors? How does the fact that Netanyahu
spoke about that fact become an "EYEOPENER" for Iranians-------they already knew about it
For those who have not noticed------CALIPH ERDOGAN does not support dog ASSAD-----ie bashar al kalb-----
because bashar al kalb is in on the SHIITE SHIT CALIPHATE program of Iran. ERDOGAN's
CALIPHATE is of the sunni shit variety

Of course not, Iran's NG pipeline would go from Iran to Lebanon by passing Turkey, where as Qatar's would go to Turkey and by pass Lebanon.

Islamo Nazi sophistry has gotten you ALL CONFUSED
For those who have not noticed------CALIPH ERDOGAN does not support dog ASSAD-----ie bashar al kalb-----
because bashar al kalb is in on the SHIITE SHIT CALIPHATE program of Iran. ERDOGAN's
CALIPHATE is of the sunni shit variety

Of course not, Iran's NG pipeline would go from Iran to Lebanon by passing Turkey, where as Qatar's would go to Turkey and by pass Lebanon.

right ------the muzzie pigs are playing with their natural gas projects in order to impose their respective filth-----
what else is new?
For those who have not noticed------CALIPH ERDOGAN does not support dog ASSAD-----ie bashar al kalb-----
because bashar al kalb is in on the SHIITE SHIT CALIPHATE program of Iran. ERDOGAN's
CALIPHATE is of the sunni shit variety

Of course not, Iran's NG pipeline would go from Iran to Lebanon by passing Turkey, where as Qatar's would go to Turkey and by pass Lebanon.

oh-------is that why Erdogan does not support ASSAD? because of the PIPELINE POLITICS?.
The PIPELINE POLITICS ----reminds me of Nargila (hookah) politics-------just with whom
one shares is nagila (hookah) pipes is a matter of great import in the UMMAH

There are a number of extremists here, but one less after a Muslim cop shot him dead.
The Christian and Muslim leaders in Indonesia have jointly condemned this attack, as has the mainly Muslim government.
Bull shit-------Indonesian Christians are fleeing-----lots to the USA ------your filth is no secred

As you have no ability to argue in a reasonable manner, there's little point in bothering with you at all.
Bull shit-------Indonesian Christians are fleeing-----lots to the USA ------your filth is no secred

As you have no ability to argue in a reasonable manner, there's little point in bothering with you at all.

I was not arguing with you-------I am, simply, citing facts about the stench of shariah in racist Nazi Indonesia.
Not news

See - The usual shit.

yes----Indonesia is the usual islamo shit. -----HOWEVER ----Indonesia does represent a very GOOD idea which was created----probably by dog muhummad------the concept of "legal religion" For the posters out there who do not know-----the stink and filth of shariah includes the concept that EVERYONE MUST----that is MUST be a member of a "LEGAL" religious community-------A person cannot be -----a "no religion"-------everyone must be a SOME RELIGION which the shitty mullahs decide is an "OK" religion----- In order to commit genocide upon any group------the dogs and pigs of the KORANIC school simply decide "THAT IS NOT A LEGAL RELIGION ACCORDING TO THE LUMP OF SHIT IN THE SKY---allah" What is LEGAL depends on that which is convenient for the mullah dogs. Once india was invaded by moghul scum-----that shit decided "we need 'their tribute and their skills -----so lets make HINDUISM 'legal'/ The filthy cock sucking dogs of Indonesia decided that even though that country already had a jewish population------JUDAISM IS ILLEGAL. I like the idea--------I agree that Israel should declare the filth and stink of the religion of the rapist pig---muhummad---to wit ISLAM -----ILLEGAL and burn down all the mosques just as Indonesia burned its last remaining synagogues for the glory of the lump of shit in Jannah. Since the filthy pimps and whores of
mecca decided to bomb BALI -----it became clear to me that both Christianity and Hinduism are next in that
SHITTY TOILET BOWL OF Allah. ALL GOOD-------Israel now as the option of getting rid of the farting
He really should keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he doesn't care that others on this planet would consider him a crackpot. However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
October 15, 2015

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

Continue reading at:

Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'
And just think, we almost won.

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