It has been the decision of America to confront the world with its imperialist demands, not the one of the Iranian people.


Wondering about the reactions is just blatant hypocrisy.
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.

why? why do you care what goes on in Israel or who jews "respect". Is it because no one
respects gutter shit like you? Lobbying is so prevalent in the USA that there are actually
certified "lobbyists"---------they have to have some sort of 'credentials"--------not so required
for persons of your "profession".
However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

However, most Muslims assume he's an idiot.
However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

However, most Muslims assume he's an idiot.

Lots of Indonesian muslims-------no doubt-----LOVE HIM----- check the current news and
the latest filth going on there. For those who do not know-----heavily armed dogs and pigs
have Christians under siege in Indonesia------at least one Christian lies dead----and a large
church burned to the ground. It is an area of Indonesia in which the most pious muslims
live--------in fact RULED BY THE "BEAUTY OF SHARIAH" <<<< the legal code which muslims
claim "protects" Christians ------remember the shariah shit hole "ACEH". The bands
of pigs and dogs are numbered in hundreds
PS------Friday is the best day for muslims to slit throats and burn churches------the pigs and dogs
are rampaging in Israel too---------their greatest hero is a 14 year old kid who BRAVELY shoved
a knife into a 70 year old jewess for the GLORY OF ALLAH AND MUHUMMAD
We all know, whenever an Iranian says something, it is western medias that decide what he said.

Like Chanting Death to America as the chump in office cuts a deal with him...............................

Or back in the day I served when they threw mines in the water until we finally had enough and blew some of their asses away....................

Keep asking for a fight and eventually get one......................One day with the gloves off.............and hopefully without another inept leader............

Obama's policy stinks...............He has actually helped the asshat ISIS crowd..............Now with Russia in the mix the Muslims may feel empowered to attack Israel after ISIS is defeated......which will spark WWIII..............
It has been the decision of America to confront the world with its imperialist demands, not the one of the Iranian people.


Wondering about the reactions is just blatant hypocrisy.
Saying the Caliphates haven't been going on since the 6th Century to promote Islam by the sword is hypocrisy. They were doing this shit before we were even a nation.................

Our policy in Syria is stupid.................Our withdrawal too quick from Iraq was stupid...............Libya was stupid.............We have a dumb ass running the show now.

Islamist have been persecuting Christians and other sects of Islam since the 6th Century...............Right now the Christians over there are being wiped off the face of the region..............Genocide...............and not just by ISIS..........................

There HATE of those not of their Religion will eventually lead to a War with the West...........and one without the gloves.................You know it, and we know it.................which is why they are pandering to Russia and China for their alliance..........................

We may very well be on the brink of WWIII before this is over with.
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.

you "see" what your islamo Nazi eyes WANT to see-------the current blood letting in the LEVANT -----
is a machination of IRAN---------for interesting insight into the current Tsunammi of Shiite shit-----
talk to a YEMENI SUNNI
I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

as long as millions of infants learn how to speak by chanting "death to Israel" ---Penelope will
be in JANNAH replete with its eternal orgiastic bliss
He really should keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he doesn't care that others on this planet would consider him a crackpot. However, people like this Ayatollah is very dangerous because there are Muslims would will take every word of his as the Gospel truth.

Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
October 15, 2015

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

Continue reading at:

Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'

Mosque in Tennessee was torched (later constructed nonetheless.) But we burn and destroy their's, they do our's. I don't see the problem.
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

I don´t think so. We both don´t agree with the Islamic values in Iran. Stoning people to death for something that is not even considered a crime in the western world etc. But if we compare the wars started by Iran (0) with the wars started by the west (numerous), we see it is not Iran that poses a threat to other countries.
They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.

speaking of YAPPING--------ya muslimah Nazi kalbah--------take your shit to the curb. BTW----kalbah---
you got a citation to support your claim that "Israel is always yapping" about getting rid of assad and the ayatoilets???? I never heard it ------but I heard you and your pimps and bitches farting "DEATH TO
ISRAEL" and "MAWT AL YAHUD" --------in fact, PIOUSLY ----in approaching the holy turd in the
sand in the meccan cesspit
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

They are a state sponsor of Terror, and have been training, arming and funding terrorist for 3 decades..................

They believe the 12th Imam is here................which is why they are trying to take Yemen..............The ARMY OF THE FAITHFUL in their prophecy...........Doesn't matter whether we agree with it.............They believe it..............just like the current Caliphate of ISIS thinks they are serving Islam when they cut the heads off of Christians............Rape the women.........cut off the heads and play soccer with them...................

Sooner or later the world will say enough is enough and send them to see Allah early.............

Our leader is a chump.......and his policy and purpose is STUPID...............ISIS needs to die...........and if the Russians want to be the one to do it..........Go ahead............go play in that desert..........

I don't care about the middle east..........Don't give a rats ass about Syria, Iraq, Iran and the rest..........Just want them to stop living like animals...........killing their own and everyone else who refuses to believe like them.................Stop terrorism.............decide to live in peace, aka grow the fuck up.................or from time to time some from the west will go in there and cull the damned herd of Islamist.

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.

do not blame Penelope-----she is parroting islamo Nazi propaganda--------the islamo Nazi dogs did
try to do a back pedal on some of the filth their idiot president farted forth-------so they claimed
MISTRANSLATION-------but somehow every real farsi speaking person knows the truth about Penelope and the shit she licks
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.

do not blame Penelope-----she is parroting islamo Nazi propaganda--------the islamo Nazi dogs did
try to do a back pedal on some of the filth their idiot president farted forth-------so they claimed
MISTRANSLATION-------but somehow every real farsi speaking person knows the truth about Penelope and the shit she licks
There purpose is clear to anyone not living under a rock.
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of terrorism. I do not consider Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist, anymore than Israel regime is. All terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia. I agree leave them to their own, but we do need allies with NG and oil but best to get it from N and S America. Why transport across the oceans. We need to take care of America, not fight every ones fight. Israel needs to fend for itself.
aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.

Give me the quote from an Iranian source of an upper gov. official stating they want to wipe Israel off the map. I'll be waiting,
which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.

do not blame Penelope-----she is parroting islamo Nazi propaganda--------the islamo Nazi dogs did
try to do a back pedal on some of the filth their idiot president farted forth-------so they claimed
MISTRANSLATION-------but somehow every real farsi speaking person knows the truth about Penelope and the shit she licks
There purpose is clear to anyone not living under a rock.

unfortunately----------the dogs who "do not know" are not living under rocks
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.

do not blame Penelope-----she is parroting islamo Nazi propaganda--------the islamo Nazi dogs did
try to do a back pedal on some of the filth their idiot president farted forth-------so they claimed
MISTRANSLATION-------but somehow every real farsi speaking person knows the truth about Penelope and the shit she licks

What did you say your native language is , is that Hebrew?
Throughout the history of Islam, they have gathered to kill and conquer the non believers.....................This is nothing new. That man that started it back in the 6th know the one...........the one that made sheep nervous............Started all this shit.................

Shiites want dominance of the region. They want the destruction of Israel, and the whole world if they were capable...................Just history repeating itself.

which is why 85% of Muslims are Sunnis. They want destruction of the Israel régime and well who doesn't.

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

aka You want us to get out of the way so Israel can be destroyed...............................

I want Israel to respect the people they share their country with. I personally don't care about them. I also want AIPAC and the rest of the Jewish lobbies to mind their own business, unless they put America first.
As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.

Give me the quote from an Iranian source of an upper gov. official stating they want to wipe Israel off the map. I'll be waiting,
I've posted it in the past..............and if I post it again you'll just ditch it.

Here's the deal............They will go too far one day and they will pay for it with their lives....................Either against Israel or us...................

It's not a question of's a question of when......................They keep asking for a fight, and saying they'll kill us all..........Eventually we will show up and say DO IT BITCH.................What will they do then..................what they've always done................DIE WELL.............

your pimp, adolf, also wanted to get rid of DA JOOOOOOOs, ----now you have 100s of millions
of pimps to suck ------both sunnis and Shiites and "alawites" and Baathists of any hue. Muslim
children grow up hearing this filth. My first visit to a mosque took place LONG ago in the company
of TWO SHIITES------both doctors in the USA hospital in which I held a minor little unskilled
job as a college student. ---------aged 20. The Imam was a visting genius----he spoke English
well and spoke in English-------his "Lesson" for the Friday. KHUTBAH JUMAAT -----since it was "GOOD FRIDAY"----was the Islamic fact that Christians are "PERVERSE LIARS, ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM"
-----Good Friday,, being a school holiday-----the place was packed with little boys with their fathers.
It was long ago-------but as I listened to the screed, I thought ,, "some of these kids will grow up
to be murderers" --------the "mosque" was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center would later be built. -----------I remember it well due to the extreme nausea
that the words of the IMAM pig incited in me. (for any Iranian out there----be not distressed----
the two docs who were my hosts were not Iranian------Shiite shit from another country-----of course
----lets face it----Shiites are Shiites. One very distressing aspect of the disgusting episode for
me was the GENERAL AGREEMENT and SMILING ACCEPTANCE of the filth being shoved
into the ears of the little boys. ----------you would have loved it, penny dear.......

As long as the neighbors chant Death to Israel, and vow to wipe Israel off the map there will be no they launch their daily terror attacks and rocket attacks and FEIGN SHOCK when Israel hits them.

Until they stop that...........there will be no peace..............With the Islamic cultist Fanatics............Peace is not possible............

Why not go to ISIS and ask them for Peace.............and sure they will let you keep your head..........LOL

They never said they want to wipe Israel off the map, they want rid of the Israel regime, no different than Israel gov. is always yapping about getting rid of Iran's regime and Assad. Tis no different.

do not blame Penelope-----she is parroting islamo Nazi propaganda--------the islamo Nazi dogs did
try to do a back pedal on some of the filth their idiot president farted forth-------so they claimed
MISTRANSLATION-------but somehow every real farsi speaking person knows the truth about Penelope and the shit she licks
There purpose is clear to anyone not living under a rock.

unfortunately----------the dogs who "do not know" are not living under rocks
Must have crawled out then.

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