Irene: the unserious crisis that Obama didn’t let go to waste

I found it quite interesting that we were getting weather updates from the president. Why would the Commander-in-Chief man the 24-hour weather channel to tell the American people that hurricane Irene could be an historic hurricane? Could it have anything to do with his abysmal approval rating and the fact that his administration’s philosophy is, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.” (see

The fact is Politicians and the Media hyped hurricane Irene for political expediency. Toby Harnden outlines the strange relationship between press and politicians in his article, “Perfect Storm of Hype: Politicians, the media and the Hurricane Irene apocalypse that never was.” (see article) Read more... Creating Orwellian Worldview

The east coast gets more than that with their yearly Global Warming SNOW--than the rain produced from Irene.

Oh puleeze. That's got to be the dumbest comment yet. Snow runoff and the potential for flooding is always anticipated as an annual cost in state budgets, you stupid shit. Sometimes it's minor, in which case the funding gets rolled over. Sometimes it causes more flooding, and federal disaster relief is needed. But a major hurricane that can cause flooding of the magnitude of Irene is certainly not "anticipated."
American politicians have a gift for over learning the lessons of the immediate past, and the response to Hurricane Irene is a prime example.

Compared to the other major natural disasters of the year – the rash of cyclones that killed hundreds across the Southeast in April or the mile-wide tornado that killed 160 people in Joplin, Mo. on May 22 –Irene was a dud.

But the storm had all the makings of a catastrophe: large, slow-moving and pointed at the heart of the nation’s largest city. It was not hard to imagine that the low-lying central part of Manhattan would be swamped like New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward after Hurricane Katrina. Not only would there have been scores of lives lost, but the beating heart of America’s financial industry would have been stifled.

In the end, though, the storm was nothing like Katrina and the small number of dead and isolated property damage will be lamented now, but soon swept from the front pages. It takes a lot to hold the nation’s disaster fascination: ask the still-struggling folks in Alabama and Joplin.

But before Irene fizzled, the Obama White House wanted to make sure that Irene was no Katrina and that, in fact, the president and his aides would be seen in compassionate command of the situation.....

“Federal Family” Learns A Lesson About Disaster Politics |

Now before you beat up on Fox...
@14 seconds

Social Media's Role in Disaster Awareness - Fox News Video -

Leave it to FoxNews. And you idiots wonder why they have such a bad reputation.
Vermont also faces loss of tourist dollars this fall when the trees turn with roads and bridges out.

What do you need Gubmint for? You got homeowners insurance

If you need a bridge or water system replaced you can always call the Red Cross

NOBODY is minimizing the damage that has happened and will continue to happen. Get a grip people! I personally gave Kudos to all the Gov's that declated a SOE three days before landfall. So, stfu about Reps this or Reps that!
This is not a political situation, it's a PEOPLE situation.

Now, lets get back to Joplin, shall we?

So your posting the "story" (which is precisely what is was--made up) was just a joke, right? Got it.

And per your signature question, I don't like you.
And if for some reason, Irene had picked up to a Category 3 and hit New York or any other major metropolitan areas with a much bigger impact killing two or three thousand people, then you would be the first on here asking what Obama was doing and why he didn't have us better prepared. The shit some of you come up with trying to score points is just fucking unbelievable.

It is a state's responsibility to prepare their state for emergencies. That's where that whole sovereignty thing comes into play.
Federal Govt cannot declare a SOE for a state without a state's permission.
The Gov of NC was the first to declare a SOE AND SHE called on Obama to declare a Fed emergency.
We are all, as a Nation, damn lucky that Irene didn't retain Cat3 status!!!

Now, let's go take care of Joplin please!!

You're really quite amusing, you know. Are you trying to say that a state like Missouri shouldn't have anticipated that they might get hit with a tornado but Vermont should have anticipated they'd get hit with a major hurricane?

I thought he looked DAMN SILLY. Like we people couldn't get through a damn hurricane, WITHOUT HIM being there for US.

good grief..

I really don't think he gives a sweet shit how someone like YOU feels about him.
Personally, I think Obama did fine with this one. He did pretty much what I would expect a President to do. I have absolutely no issue with him on this... and, I think those on the right who are making an issue of it, are being pretty damned silly.

That's why I like you, in spite of some of your other comments.
Personally, I think Obama did fine with this one. He did pretty much what I would expect a President to do. I have absolutely no issue with him on this... and, I think those on the right who are making an issue of it, are being pretty damned silly.

Out of rep, CG. Iou.
I happened to be talking to a coworker living in central vermont on Sunday morning.

We were both lamenting that the hurricane was a dud.

THEN the hurricane's rains followed by the 80mph winds actually hit Vermont.

Now my coworker is trapped in her house, the road's washed out, the bridge is washed out, no electricty etc.

Now the E coast is lucky that Irene took the path it took.

Had it taken a different path, one that dumped the water on more populated areas, there's be millions of us dealing with flooding power outages etc.

We lucked out this time, folks.

Vermont and upstate NY didn't.

I was fully prepared for a long power outage, which didn't happen even though wind gusts reached about 60 mph early afternoon on Sunday. It wasn't until about 4PM that I heard the emergency bell ring from the elevator, and I poked my head out to see what was up. The fire department was already parked outside because the first floor of the building had begun to flood and it had already seeped in through the elevator door which sets off the alarm. Only then did I realize the extent of the flooding happening RIGHT NOW, when the firemen said the only bridge leading to the main route out of town had been destroyed.

Today I had to try to get to a doctor's appointment and took the "suggested" alternative route which was backroads (some dirt), but it was a nightmare. The roads of course were clogged with other cars, heavy earth moving equipment, potholes the size of Texas, and one "lane" (if you can call them lanes) just wide enough for a small car to squeeze through. Anything bigger had to back up. All that said, I'm still LUCKY!! Many communities are cut off completely. People need their medications and convenience stores within walking distance have run out of supplies.

Yeah, Irene was a real dud. I'll slap anyone who dares say that to me, to my face.
Thankfully, 0bama used his powers and reduced Irene to a Cat 1 prior to landfall...

Without his actions, it would have been a Cat 5 or higher...

Yes, he had to make sure that some of the blue states were going to share in the government's emergency funds without being obvious about it. After all, tens of billions can't just be allocated to all those southern states that got hit by tornadoes, droughts and other stuff.

Praise 0bama...:eusa_pray:

Why do you continue to make yourself look ridiculous?
I thought he looked DAMN SILLY. Like we people couldn't get through a damn hurricane, WITHOUT HIM being there for US.

good grief..
Were you one of those, on the Right who complained that the President was on vacation during a crisis? Some will never be satisfied.
Hurricane Ike did far more damage and more lives were lost. I had 125mpg sustained winds at my house and Galveston has a 18' storm surge. When the president starts watching the weather to see if he needs to make a speech we are lost. Oh, wait we are already lost.
Hurricane Ike did far more damage and more lives were lost. I had 125mpg sustained winds at my house and Galveston has a 18' storm surge. When the president starts watching the weather to see if he needs to make a speech we are lost. Oh, wait we are already lost.

I won't name names, you decide; there's alot of 'hurricane virgins' around here.
Worst flooding in over 100 years for some areas as the result of the hurricane, that is historic.
Worst flooding in over 100 years for some areas as the result of the hurricane, that is historic.

Next, they'll be blaming the flooding on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Oopps! New Jersey has already beat other states to it.
Personally, I think Obama did fine with this one. He did pretty much what I would expect a President to do. I have absolutely no issue with him on this... and, I think those on the right who are making an issue of it, are being pretty damned silly.

That's why I like you, in spite of some of your other comments.

I do it deliberately... to mess with the heads of the liberals. :lol:

Actually, as you know, I am very happy to slam Obama whenever the opportunity presents itself... but I prefer to kick him when he presents his own ass rather than to create an issue out of nothing.

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