Irene: the unserious crisis that Obama didn’t let go to waste

Tell it to the people who have 8 feet of unserious water in their house

Two bridges out for me to get from my regular Point A to Point B route in central Vermont. But hey, it was just media hype, ya know.

I'm out of power for at least 7 days (according to CL&P), and since I have well water, that means I'm also out of water for at least 7 days. But apparently, it's so un-serious that I shouldn't even mention it.
Tell it to the people who have 8 feet of unserious water in their house

Two bridges out for me to get from my regular Point A to Point B route in central Vermont. But hey, it was just media hype, ya know.

I'm out of power for at least 7 days (according to CL&P), and since I have well water, that means I'm also out of water for at least 7 days. But apparently, it's so un-serious that I shouldn't even mention it.

Hey...Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the conservative movement is laughing at you
Two bridges out for me to get from my regular Point A to Point B route in central Vermont. But hey, it was just media hype, ya know.

I'm out of power for at least 7 days (according to CL&P), and since I have well water, that means I'm also out of water for at least 7 days. But apparently, it's so un-serious that I shouldn't even mention it.

Hey...Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the conservative movement is laughing at you

Any centered person, conservative or not, in past red state natural afflications, believe me, is NOT laughing.
Tell it to the people who have 8 feet of unserious water in their house

It was a bad storm for the most part not the devastating storm of the century ...But the left needs to build up the devastation so they can pat Obama on the back for another superhuman effort of leadership.... :(
Tell it to the people who have 8 feet of unserious water in their house

It was a bad storm for the most part not the devastating storm of the century ...But the left needs to build up the devastation so they can pat Obama on the back for another superhuman effort of leadership.... :(

Partially agree.....but Vermont is not exactly known to be a swing state.
Tell it to the people who have 8 feet of unserious water in their house

It was a bad storm for the most part not the devastating storm of the century ...But the left needs to build up the devastation so they can pat Obama on the back for another superhuman effort of leadership.... :(

I saw covered bridges in Vermont that had been standing for 150 years taken out by raging rivers......seems like the storm of the century for them

And now let's give a pat on the back to Obama and all the governors and mayors for their leadership isms preparedness. The fact that they took this storm serious means the people took it serious
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Two bridges out for me to get from my regular Point A to Point B route in central Vermont. But hey, it was just media hype, ya know.

I'm out of power for at least 7 days (according to CL&P), and since I have well water, that means I'm also out of water for at least 7 days. But apparently, it's so un-serious that I shouldn't even mention it.

Hey...Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the conservative movement is laughing at you

So I've heard. What a nice young man that Limbaugh fella is.
American politicians have a gift for over learning the lessons of the immediate past, and the response to Hurricane Irene is a prime example.
Compared to the other major natural disasters of the year – the rash of cyclones that killed hundreds across the Southeast in April or the mile-wide tornado that killed 160 people in Joplin, Mo. on May 22 –Irene was a dud.
But the storm had all the makings of a catastrophe: large, slow-moving and pointed at the heart of the nation’s largest city. It was not hard to imagine that the low-lying central part of Manhattan would be swamped like New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward after Hurricane Katrina. Not only would there have been scores of lives lost, but the beating heart of America’s financial industry would have been stifled.
In the end, though, the storm was nothing like Katrina and the small number of dead and isolated property damage will be lamented now, but soon swept from the front pages. It takes a lot to hold the nation’s disaster fascination: ask the still-struggling folks in Alabama and Joplin.
But before Irene fizzled, the Obama White House wanted to make sure that Irene was no Katrina and that, in fact, the president and his aides would be seen in compassionate command of the situation.....

“Federal Family” Learns A Lesson About Disaster Politics |

Now before you beat up on Fox...
@14 seconds

Social Media's Role in Disaster Awareness - Fox News Video -
Leave it to FoxNews. And you idiots wonder why they have such a bad reputation.


2011 Joplin tornado - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps the message isn't clear enough? The point being made here is that Irene was not as bad per prediction. As a country we should be breathing a sigh of relief! Irene did not compare to Katrina. People in Joplin are still living in tents! An F-5 tornado, the deadliest kind there is! And THIS is priceless!

Missouri Senators angry that FEMA cutbacks affect Joplin tornado repairs - Politics Wires -
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is suspending payments for some projects in tornado-ravaged Joplin because of immediate disaster needs along the East Coast after Hurricane Irene. Some spending for other storm-related and flood-related damage in other parts of the country also has been delayed.
A FEMA spokesman said Monday that the agency’s disaster fund has dipped well below $1 billion.
As a result, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate said Monday the agency will not consider any new applications for what it calls permanent repair work in pre-Irene disasters.
“Any projects that have not come in for approval, we’re not going to be able to fund those as this point. We’re going to postpone those,” Fugate said. “Our goal is to keep this disruption as short as possible, but it was prudent.”

Now ain't THAT special!

NOBODY is minimizing the damage that has happened and will continue to happen. Get a grip people! I personally gave Kudos to all the Gov's that declared a SOE three days before landfall. So, stfu about Reps this or Reps that!
This is not a political situation, it's a PEOPLE situation.

Now, lets get back to Joplin, shall we?
So your posting the "story" (which is precisely *Your proof that this scenario does not exist, please?* what is was--made up) was just a joke, right? Got it.
Sorry! You 'got it' wrong. The article was a comparison of the three disasters.

And per your signature question, I don't like you.
ouch... not! It's a song title FYI.

And if for some reason, Irene had picked up to a Category 3 and hit New York or any other major metropolitan areas with a much bigger impact killing two or three thousand people, then you would be the first on here asking what Obama was doing and why he didn't have us better prepared. The shit some of you come up with trying to score points is just fucking unbelievable.

It is a state's responsibility to prepare their state for emergencies. That's where that whole sovereignty thing comes into play.
Federal Govt cannot declare a SOE for a state without a state's permission.
The Gov of NC was the first to declare a SOE AND SHE called on Obama to declare a Fed emergency.
We are all, as a Nation, damn lucky that Irene didn't retain Cat3 status!!!

Now, let's go take care of Joplin please!!

You're really quite amusing, you know. Are you trying to say that a state like Missouri shouldn't have anticipated that they might get hit with a tornado but Vermont should have anticipated they'd get hit with a major hurricane?
Thanks, I do try to be as upbeat as possible. Where did I post this claim of yours? If you need help understanding the intent of the post, ask for clarification, instead of assuming. It's that simple.

I won't name names, you decide; there's alot of 'hurricane virgins' around here.

Not insinuating that this is directed toward me at all.
I am not a hurricane, tornado, heatwave, earthquake, flood, snowstorm, drought, ice storm, frigid temperature virgin! :redface: I know I left out something. Oh, and avalanches, where you get cut off from the rest of the 'world' for weeks.
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Why did the right wingers get so mad when I suggested most on this board live in trailers? Notice how many said, "You could get homeowners insurance"? Even when it's pointed out that most home owners insurance doesn't cover "flooding"? More "proof" they live in trailers? Cuz they certainly aren't home owners.
Hurricane Irene: Supplies Airlifted to 13 Isolated Vermont Towns - The Daily Beast

National Guard soldiers began airlifting supplies Tuesday to Vermont’s flooded towns—more than 200 roads are blocked by water and 13 towns are isolated. The death toll from Hurricane Irene hit 42 people in 12 states Tuesday afternoon, with at least three of those deaths in Vermont. Vermont National Guard troops are bringing food, water and other emergency supplies via air and road where possible. “We’ve got a really long road ahead,” said Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin. “Irene whacked us hard.” The state had one of its rainiest springs and summers on record, and has had its worst floods since 1927—and officials warned some rivers had yet to crest. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has said they are not sure if they have enough funds to cover the national damage costs from the deadly hurricane, which is estimated to have $7 billion in insurance costs.
Tell it to the people who have 8 feet of unserious water in their house

It was a bad storm for the most part not the devastating storm of the century ...But the left needs to build up the devastation so they can pat Obama on the back for another superhuman effort of leadership.... :(
It was the storm of the century in my state, where 10 towns are completely cutoff from the outside world, three people died and an untold number of homes and businesses are just plain gone.

We don't need to pat Obama on the back to know how bad it is.
Why did the right wingers get so mad when I suggested most on this board live in trailers? Notice how many said, "You could get homeowners insurance"? Even when it's pointed out that most home owners insurance doesn't cover "flooding"? More "proof" they live in trailers? Cuz they certainly aren't home owners.

That's why anybody with an once of sense, unless you live atop Mt. McKinley, purchases flood insurance.
I can give you one reason Obama tried to appear as though he was on top of this: Katrina

Look at how the media falsely attacked Bush on it. Obama is a fool, but he isn't a total idiot. The man would have had no political chance in 2012 if he hadnt looked like he was doing more for one of the largest hurricanes around.

And there are many people who are still out of power who would take issue with your claims that this wasn't a crisis. Personally, I think crisis might be too strong a word, but it certainly wasn't nothing.
Republicans are ticked because the Obama administration gave appropriate preparation for a major impending hurricane. By coordinating Federal, State and local resources and ensuring that people in potentially hazardous locations were evacuated they prevented much larger loss of life

So...what is a Republican supposed top do?

1. Claim that the Obama administration overreacted to a minor storm
2. Ridicule the amount of damage
3. Mock Obama for being on top of a major threat

The Bush administration got caught with their pants down with Katrina. They left it to local authorities and did nothing after the storm had passed and damage appeared minimal. FEMA has changed a lot since the days of Bush where FEMA and Homeland Security engaged in an open turf war. This time, they were ready and the coordianted Federal, State and local response has worked
I can give you one reason Obama tried to appear as though he was on top of this: Katrina

Look at how the media falsely attacked Bush on it. Obama is a fool, but he isn't a total idiot. The man would have had no political chance in 2012 if he hadnt looked like he was doing more for one of the largest hurricanes around.

And there are many people who are still out of power who would take issue with your claims that this wasn't a crisis. Personally, I think crisis might be too strong a word, but it certainly wasn't nothing.

It's a crisis. here's one easy metric: The number of roads, bridges and highways washed out: Vermont Road Traveler Information Service. Nevermind the hundreds of businesses, including some of the state's most iconic, that have been destroyed, nor the 1000s of people in towns without access to clean water, food or outside assistance, nor the 1000's of people who are now homeless b/c their homes were simply washed away or destroyed.

Each morning, the scope of the destruction here becomes more and more apparent.
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Hurricane Ike did far more damage and more lives were lost. I had 125mpg sustained winds at my house and Galveston has a 18' storm surge. When the president starts watching the weather to see if he needs to make a speech we are lost. Oh, wait we are already lost.

Is that like saying "My hurricane's better'n yer hurricane"??

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