Irma, the people and the experts.

Actually the real fun already started in the Leeward Islands, the VI, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and (currently) Cuba.

-- and yet all a bizzarro sect of USMB posters are worried about is "My Got, protect the guns!!"

I know. I have been watching it.

It's a category 3 right now but that is only because of Cuba.

Damn Commies. See, if United Fruit and the Mob still ran the place we could have a Cat 5 AND guns.

I know, right? You might get that Cat 5 before it's all said and done with.

I won't, but somebody will.

Key West. That's because they're all gay there.

Our Appalachian mountains will starve her to death. She'll be a whimper by the time they get through with her. Like a big set of teeth. Chomp chomp. :D

You're a nut. I think Key West will see a 3 or a 4 because.......Cuba. Once it crosses the Keys all bets are off. Trajectory-shmajectory. It wouldn't be the first time a hurricane hits open water and picks up speed. It could even turn around and sucker punch Florida again.

Yeah I know all that.

The "Key West" reference is a joke mocking the John Hagees and Pat Robertsons who actually profess to believe shit like that.

--- which occasionally bestows a sweet irony:

>> Pat Robertson tried to pre-emptively blame gay revelers at Disney World's Gay Days Weekend for being the cause of the pending storm [Hurricane Bonnie]. However, when the storm approached the U.S. mainland, it completely missed Florida but hit the rest of the east coast. One of the hardest-hit areas was Hampton Roads, Va., where Robertson's 700 Club is based. << --- Ten Disasters "the Gay" Supposedly Caused
It's odd that "thoughts are turned" to anything right now other than 26,000 people in Florida are currently without power and the real fun hasn't even started yet.

Actually the real fun already started in the Leeward Islands, the VI, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and (currently) Cuba.

-- and yet all a bizzarro sect of USMB posters are worried about is "My Got, protect the guns!!"

I know. I have been watching it.

It's a category 3 right now but that is only because of Cuba.
I really like your avatar using Emily Litella!

My other favorite was Roseanne Roseannadanna!
There are eight billion plus humans on the planet and eighty percent of them live near a large body of water. Water is a good thing until it gets out of control. The average human lifespan for the world is 67.2 years. If you have a disaster that kills millions every hundred years most don't remember it and those that do are ignored. We can't control the weather and neither can the experts. It doesn't make any difference at all if humans drive cars and use fossil fuels to heat their homes. There are just too many variables in climate patterns to effect them significantly by individual or public behavior. Smart people may want to live in safe places not prone to flooding. They may also choose to live away from urban settings with arable land that can provide food. Lightbulbs are not the problem.
There are eight billion plus humans on the planet and eighty percent of them live near a large body of water. Water is a good thing until it gets out of control. The average human lifespan for the world is 67.2 years. If you have a disaster that kills millions every hundred years most don't remember it and those that do are ignored. We can't control the weather and neither can the experts. It doesn't make any difference at all if humans drive cars and use fossil fuels to heat their homes. There are just too many variables in climate patterns to effect them significantly by individual or public behavior. Smart people may want to live in safe places not prone to flooding. They may also choose to live away from urban settings with arable land that can provide food. Lightbulbs are not the problem.

To flatly state the absolute that "we're doing X, Y and Z and that's changing the climate" is a perspective we don't have to so state in the absolute.

But to flatly state the absolute that "we're doing X, Y and Z and that's NOT changing the climate" is the same thing.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
It's odd that "thoughts are turned" to anything right now other than 26,000 people in Florida are currently without power and the real fun hasn't even started yet.

Actually the real fun already started in the Leeward Islands, the VI, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and (currently) Cuba.

-- and yet all a bizzarro sect of USMB posters are worried about is "My Got, protect the guns!!"

I know. I have been watching it.

It's a category 3 right now but that is only because of Cuba.
I really like your avatar using Emily Litella!

My other favorite was Roseanne Roseannadanna!

Thank you. Gilda Radner was awesome.
My brother retired about five years ago and moved to Florida from Buffalo, New York. He got bored in retirement and took a job on the faculty of Daytona State College. My sister lives across the street from him and a cousin lives about 20 miles west of them. They all decided that in Florida you don't need a house so they all got either prefab houses or deluxe mobile homes built on cement slabs. I had a conversation with my brother last summer and he told me that there are places where he lives that haven't been hit by hurricanes for over a hundred years.

Just outside Daytona they are directly in the path of hurricane force winds and the accompanying storm surge. I was unable to reach my brother Friday by phone so I emailed him at work and he called me back. He said that that they don't plan to evacuate. I am worried more about the storm surge than the wind because it could block escape routes if they decide to leave at the last minute.
Well, dumb fuck, the experts said that by pumping GHGs into the atmosphere we would create a warmer atmosphere and ocean that would create stronger storms and more extreme precipitation events. Harvey and Irma seem to be evidence that those predictions are pretty accurate.
Based on what perspective? 130 years? An eye blink.
Lefties' adamance on AGW betrays its lack of veracity.
Another dumb fuck rears his silly empty head. Based on the absorption spectra of the GHGs. Is that too hard for you to wrap your head around?
My brother retired about five years ago and moved to Florida from Buffalo, New York. He got bored in retirement and took a job on the faculty of Daytona State College. My sister lives across the street from him and a cousin lives about 20 miles west of them. They all decided that in Florida you don't need a house so they all got either prefab houses or deluxe mobile homes built on cement slabs. I had a conversation with my brother last summer and he told me that there are places where he lives that haven't been hit by hurricanes for over a hundred years.

Just outside Daytona they are directly in the path of hurricane force winds and the accompanying storm surge. I was unable to reach my brother Friday by phone so I emailed him at work and he called me back. He said that that they don't plan to evacuate. I am worried more about the storm surge than the wind because it could block escape routes if they decide to leave at the last minute.
Now you know that those dopey scientists don't know a damned thing, and cannot predict anything 24 hours out. Every 'Conservative' on this board will tell you that at length. I hope your relatives find a safe shelter, because this storm is a bad one.
There are eight billion plus humans on the planet and eighty percent of them live near a large body of water. Water is a good thing until it gets out of control. The average human lifespan for the world is 67.2 years. If you have a disaster that kills millions every hundred years most don't remember it and those that do are ignored. We can't control the weather and neither can the experts. It doesn't make any difference at all if humans drive cars and use fossil fuels to heat their homes. There are just too many variables in climate patterns to effect them significantly by individual or public behavior. Smart people may want to live in safe places not prone to flooding. They may also choose to live away from urban settings with arable land that can provide food. Lightbulbs are not the problem.
Really? And your degree is in what scientific discipline? Every Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statement that AGW is a clear and present danger. Now if you have evidence that can show they are wrong, a Nobel is waiting for you. But if you are just flapping your yap and have very little knowledge of science, then you are a contemptable individual.
My Nobel Prize is already assured because I am every bit as qualified as Barack Obama was for his. I have also done more to deserve it than Obama did in his entire life. The climate science Nazis represent Obama politics and are as credible as Obama. That should scare you.
Well, dumb fuck, the experts said that by pumping GHGs into the atmosphere we would create a warmer atmosphere and ocean that would create stronger storms and more extreme precipitation events. Harvey and Irma seem to be evidence that those predictions are pretty accurate.
Based on what perspective? 130 years? An eye blink.
Lefties' adamance on AGW betrays its lack of veracity.
Another dumb fuck rears his silly empty head. Based on the absorption spectra of the GHGs. Is that too hard for you to wrap your head around?
Another phony atmospherics expert. Use one theory as a basis for millions of years.
Go get some perspective. Ask a real atmospherics expert who isn't depending on subsidies. Look up Lindzen or Curry.
My Nobel Prize is already assured because I am every bit as qualified as Barack Obama was for his. I have also done more to deserve it than Obama did in his entire life. The climate science Nazis represent Obama politics and are as credible as Obama. That should scare you.

No doubt you're angling for the Nobel in Double Standards.

Good luck, you have a lotta competition here.
My Nobel Prize is already assured because I am every bit as qualified as Barack Obama was for his. I have also done more to deserve it than Obama did in his entire life. The climate science Nazis represent Obama politics and are as credible as Obama. That should scare you.
The problem herei s that you think you sound sane. You do not. You sound insane.

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