Irrefutable Argument for the Wall

WHAT lies? That a wall would simply force people wishing to enter the country to be documented and vetted? Do tell us HOW SO? If they HAVE to go through a legal process rather than just sneak in during the night, they would have to be DOCUMENTED. Prove me wrong, asshole. Up yours.
Totally unnecessary? Show us how the Left has managed to control illegal undocumented immigration WITHOUT a wall? Tell us why several times in the past Democratic leaders and presidents AGREED that the wall was necessary and FUNDED IT.

TELL US how spending 25 billion on the wall is the most ridiculous waste of money when the most conservative estimate I've ever seen forecasts it would save us 54 billion A YEAR.

TELL US how we can't afford a wall that SAVES US 50 billion a year or more once built, improves border security, reduces crime, yet we can afford:
  • To train 3,000 Syrian opposition fighters at 2 million apiece.
  • To lay out 6.5 billion for farmers not to grow corn.
  • A 400 billion cost overrun to build the failed F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
And I won't even delve into Social Security or public education. We can't afford NOT to build the wall and built it we shall.
This is how you control it; Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

So if I stabbed you 11 times in the chest last year, you consider the matter settled, improved and resolved if I only stab you in the chest 5 times this year?

Ever occur to you that the reason why arrests are going down is because most of the illegals wanting to come have already MADE IT INTO THE COUNTRY?
I'm a statistics/facts guy. I don't project "if's." It makes me look too much like an idiot.

As for those already here, Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Why? Because they would do the work we wouldn't. Take it up with Reagan.

And please, don't insult my intelligence. This false outrage narrative has gotten old. If you really cared about it, you would be shouting to the roof tops to lock up the enablers. Has that happened? No! No one buys the outrage, or his stupid wall.

So where is the Border Security promised by Congress as a result of him doing that? That was the deal.

How does this situation involve Trump when it really goes back to Reagan?

Bush did jack shit, so did every single Congress since.
WHAT lies? That a wall would simply force people wishing to enter the country to be documented and vetted? Do tell us HOW SO? If they HAVE to go through a legal process rather than just sneak in during the night, they would have to be DOCUMENTED. Prove me wrong, asshole. Up yours.
Totally unnecessary? Show us how the Left has managed to control illegal undocumented immigration WITHOUT a wall? Tell us why several times in the past Democratic leaders and presidents AGREED that the wall was necessary and FUNDED IT.

TELL US how spending 25 billion on the wall is the most ridiculous waste of money when the most conservative estimate I've ever seen forecasts it would save us 54 billion A YEAR.

TELL US how we can't afford a wall that SAVES US 50 billion a year or more once built, improves border security, reduces crime, yet we can afford:
  • To train 3,000 Syrian opposition fighters at 2 million apiece.
  • To lay out 6.5 billion for farmers not to grow corn.
  • A 400 billion cost overrun to build the failed F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
And I won't even delve into Social Security or public education. We can't afford NOT to build the wall and built it we shall.
This is how you control it; Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

So if I stabbed you 11 times in the chest last year, you consider the matter settled, improved and resolved if I only stab you in the chest 5 times this year?

Ever occur to you that the reason why arrests are going down is because most of the illegals wanting to come have already MADE IT INTO THE COUNTRY?
I'm a statistics/facts guy. I don't project "if's." It makes me look too much like an idiot.

As for those already here, Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Why? Because they would do the work we wouldn't. Take it up with Reagan.

And please, don't insult my intelligence. This false outrage narrative has gotten old. If you really cared about it, you would be shouting to the roof tops to lock up the enablers. Has that happened? No! No one buys the outrage, or his stupid wall.

So where is the Border Security promised by Congress as a result of him doing that? That was the deal.

No pell mell rush at the last moment?
I'm a statistics/facts guy. No one buys the outrage, or his stupid wall.

Statistics are not facts. First poll I just looked at: 42% FOR the wall. 40% against it. Those against it? All the usual liberal reasons repeated ad nauseum here. America WANTS THE WALL.
If the government statistics are not facts then, where and what are your facts? What graph can you present that tells us its wrong? A poll is not a fact. It's an opinion. Raw numbers and facts are your friend. Everything else is for idiots.
Your post is utter bullshit and lies.
WHAT lies? That a wall would simply force people wishing to enter the country to be documented and vetted? Do tell us HOW SO? If they HAVE to go through a legal process rather than just sneak in during the night, they would have to be DOCUMENTED. Prove me wrong, asshole. Up yours.
A wall would be the most expensive, ridiculous waste of money ever. It is totally unnecessary and will cost billions more to build and maintain that any other infrastructure project in the US, and it will NOT do a thing for illegal immigration or drug control.
Totally unnecessary? Show us how the Left has managed to control illegal undocumented immigration WITHOUT a wall? Tell us why several times in the past Democratic leaders and presidents AGREED that the wall was necessary and FUNDED IT.

TELL US how spending 25 billion on the wall is the most ridiculous waste of money when the most conservative estimate I've ever seen forecasts it would save us 54 billion A YEAR.

TELL US how we can't afford a wall that SAVES US 50 billion a year or more once built, improves border security, reduces crime, yet we can afford:
  • To train 3,000 Syrian opposition fighters at 2 million apiece.
  • To lay out 6.5 billion for farmers not to grow corn.
  • A 400 billion cost overrun to build the failed F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
And I won't even delve into Social Security or public education. We can't afford NOT to build the wall and built it we shall.
This is how you control it; Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

So if I stabbed you 11 times in the chest last year, you consider the matter settled, improved and resolved if I only stab you in the chest 5 times this year?

Ever occur to you that the reason why arrests are going down is because most of the illegals wanting to come have already MADE IT INTO THE COUNTRY?
I'm a statistics/facts guy. I don't project "if's." It makes me look too much like an idiot.

As for those already here, Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Why? Because they would do the work we wouldn't. Take it up with Reagan.

And please, don't insult my intelligence. This false outrage narrative has gotten old. If you really cared about it, you would be shouting to the roof tops to lock up the enablers. Has that happened? No! No one buys the outrage, or his stupid wall.

So where is the Border Security promised by Congress as a result of him doing that? That was the deal.
It was already delivered. We are at an almost fifty year low in immigration crossings thanks to Obama and Trump.
Trump needs this guy as his spokesman. Build the Wall. Deport all leftists!

The crime rate for illegals is lower than people with citizenship in the US. I don't know where that clown lives but it's not in a border town. What he didn't cover is something people like him won't cover because they are the worst offenders. Hiring Illegals are supposed to be illegal. If they don't have jobs or any way to make a living or get licenses or rent housing, guess what, it's right back over the border without us having to expend time and money to export them. Go after those that provide for Illegals and start locking them up. Don't fine them, lock their butts up or make the fines high enough to shut their businesses down for good.

You rwnutjobs say that we should have laws? We have them. But you don't follow them. Step one is to start locking up rwnutjobs that keep hiring these illegals.

The problem is illegal aliens have no right to be here the motherfuckers should be shot.... bastards

Ah, maybe we should go back to the old way of doing things. What was that saying again that applies to you? The only good injun is a dead injun? The guncrazynutcase Rednecks will be right over with the noose and the White Power sign.

Another Dim excusing the invasion and colonization of the USA by people who have no relationship with American culture. Move to Mexico!
Mexico's culture was here centuries before Europeans even discovered the Americas. So which invasion are you talking about?

The Spaniards took over mehico,so no it's not a mexican culture.
WHAT lies? That a wall would simply force people wishing to enter the country to be documented and vetted? Do tell us HOW SO? If they HAVE to go through a legal process rather than just sneak in during the night, they would have to be DOCUMENTED. Prove me wrong, asshole. Up yours.
Totally unnecessary? Show us how the Left has managed to control illegal undocumented immigration WITHOUT a wall? Tell us why several times in the past Democratic leaders and presidents AGREED that the wall was necessary and FUNDED IT.

TELL US how spending 25 billion on the wall is the most ridiculous waste of money when the most conservative estimate I've ever seen forecasts it would save us 54 billion A YEAR.

TELL US how we can't afford a wall that SAVES US 50 billion a year or more once built, improves border security, reduces crime, yet we can afford:
  • To train 3,000 Syrian opposition fighters at 2 million apiece.
  • To lay out 6.5 billion for farmers not to grow corn.
  • A 400 billion cost overrun to build the failed F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
And I won't even delve into Social Security or public education. We can't afford NOT to build the wall and built it we shall.
This is how you control it; Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

So if I stabbed you 11 times in the chest last year, you consider the matter settled, improved and resolved if I only stab you in the chest 5 times this year?

Ever occur to you that the reason why arrests are going down is because most of the illegals wanting to come have already MADE IT INTO THE COUNTRY?
I'm a statistics/facts guy. I don't project "if's." It makes me look too much like an idiot.

As for those already here, Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Why? Because they would do the work we wouldn't. Take it up with Reagan.

And please, don't insult my intelligence. This false outrage narrative has gotten old. If you really cared about it, you would be shouting to the roof tops to lock up the enablers. Has that happened? No! No one buys the outrage, or his stupid wall.

So where is the Border Security promised by Congress as a result of him doing that? That was the deal.
It was already delivered. We are at an almost fifty year low in immigration crossings thanks to Obama and Trump.
With no border security?
You are very gullible… Obviously illegal aliens are getting better at crossing undetected...
Trump needs this guy as his spokesman. Build the Wall. Deport all leftists!

The crime rate for illegals is lower than people with citizenship in the US. I don't know where that clown lives but it's not in a border town. What he didn't cover is something people like him won't cover because they are the worst offenders. Hiring Illegals are supposed to be illegal. If they don't have jobs or any way to make a living or get licenses or rent housing, guess what, it's right back over the border without us having to expend time and money to export them. Go after those that provide for Illegals and start locking them up. Don't fine them, lock their butts up or make the fines high enough to shut their businesses down for good.

You rwnutjobs say that we should have laws? We have them. But you don't follow them. Step one is to start locking up rwnutjobs that keep hiring these illegals.

The problem is illegal aliens have no right to be here the motherfuckers should be shot.... bastards

What about the enablers who hire them and want them here for cheap labor? Shouldn't they be shot too?

So you want to kill the legal mexicans that hire them?

So if I stabbed you 11 times in the chest last year, you consider the matter settled, improved and resolved if I only stab you in the chest 5 times this year?

Ever occur to you that the reason why arrests are going down is because most of the illegals wanting to come have already MADE IT INTO THE COUNTRY?
I'm a statistics/facts guy. I don't project "if's." It makes me look too much like an idiot.

As for those already here, Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Why? Because they would do the work we wouldn't. Take it up with Reagan.

And please, don't insult my intelligence. This false outrage narrative has gotten old. If you really cared about it, you would be shouting to the roof tops to lock up the enablers. Has that happened? No! No one buys the outrage, or his stupid wall.

So where is the Border Security promised by Congress as a result of him doing that? That was the deal.

How does this situation involve Trump when it really goes back to Reagan?

Bush did jack shit, so did every single Congress since.

Per the article...."The Trump administration paid $13.6 million this year to a private company that increased Border Patrol staffing by just two agents, according to a new federal watchdog report."

The trump administration, not the Reagan administration.

So if I stabbed you 11 times in the chest last year, you consider the matter settled, improved and resolved if I only stab you in the chest 5 times this year?

Ever occur to you that the reason why arrests are going down is because most of the illegals wanting to come have already MADE IT INTO THE COUNTRY?
I'm a statistics/facts guy. I don't project "if's." It makes me look too much like an idiot.

As for those already here, Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Why? Because they would do the work we wouldn't. Take it up with Reagan.

And please, don't insult my intelligence. This false outrage narrative has gotten old. If you really cared about it, you would be shouting to the roof tops to lock up the enablers. Has that happened? No! No one buys the outrage, or his stupid wall.

So where is the Border Security promised by Congress as a result of him doing that? That was the deal.
"Situation?" What "situation

How does this situation involve Trump when it really goes back to Reagan?

Bush did jack shit, so did every single Congress since.
I believe it would help the country if our politicians on both left and right quit selling the problem and begin selling the solution intelligently instead of relying as if we should swallow their proposals as an act of faith.
If it were really a problem, the country would be locking up the enablers for hiring them. But they aren't. Hence, it isn't that big of a problem. Which is why a wall is stupid. When I hear the country shouting to the roof tops to lock up the enablers, then we know they are serious. But here's the thing; they never will, because they need and want the cheap labor. Just ask Trump.
Trump needs this guy as his spokesman. Build the Wall. Deport all leftists!

The crime rate for illegals is lower than people with citizenship in the US. I don't know where that clown lives but it's not in a border town. What he didn't cover is something people like him won't cover because they are the worst offenders. Hiring Illegals are supposed to be illegal. If they don't have jobs or any way to make a living or get licenses or rent housing, guess what, it's right back over the border without us having to expend time and money to export them. Go after those that provide for Illegals and start locking them up. Don't fine them, lock their butts up or make the fines high enough to shut their businesses down for good.

You rwnutjobs say that we should have laws? We have them. But you don't follow them. Step one is to start locking up rwnutjobs that keep hiring these illegals.

The problem is illegal aliens have no right to be here the motherfuckers should be shot.... bastards

What about the enablers who hire them and want them here for cheap labor? Shouldn't they be shot too?

So you want to kill the legal mexicans that hire them?

Dude, try and keep up with the conversation if you're going to hijack it. Does my answer to the other poster tell you I want them shot? Stop being stupid.
WHAT lies? That a wall would simply force people wishing to enter the country to be documented and vetted? Do tell us HOW SO? If they HAVE to go through a legal process rather than just sneak in during the night, they would have to be DOCUMENTED. Prove me wrong, asshole. Up yours.
Totally unnecessary? Show us how the Left has managed to control illegal undocumented immigration WITHOUT a wall? Tell us why several times in the past Democratic leaders and presidents AGREED that the wall was necessary and FUNDED IT.

TELL US how spending 25 billion on the wall is the most ridiculous waste of money when the most conservative estimate I've ever seen forecasts it would save us 54 billion A YEAR.

TELL US how we can't afford a wall that SAVES US 50 billion a year or more once built, improves border security, reduces crime, yet we can afford:
  • To train 3,000 Syrian opposition fighters at 2 million apiece.
  • To lay out 6.5 billion for farmers not to grow corn.
  • A 400 billion cost overrun to build the failed F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
And I won't even delve into Social Security or public education. We can't afford NOT to build the wall and built it we shall.
This is how you control it; Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

So if I stabbed you 11 times in the chest last year, you consider the matter settled, improved and resolved if I only stab you in the chest 5 times this year?

Ever occur to you that the reason why arrests are going down is because most of the illegals wanting to come have already MADE IT INTO THE COUNTRY?
I'm a statistics/facts guy. I don't project "if's." It makes me look too much like an idiot.

As for those already here, Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Why? Because they would do the work we wouldn't. Take it up with Reagan.

And please, don't insult my intelligence. This false outrage narrative has gotten old. If you really cared about it, you would be shouting to the roof tops to lock up the enablers. Has that happened? No! No one buys the outrage, or his stupid wall.

So where is the Border Security promised by Congress as a result of him doing that? That was the deal.
It was already delivered. We are at an almost fifty year low in immigration crossings thanks to Obama and Trump.

That's not border security you fuck!

Oh, so 5 people trespass through your bedroom every night, stealing all your valuables, vs the 12 every night that did so 5 years ago.

You're seriously a fucking retard.

So if I stabbed you 11 times in the chest last year, you consider the matter settled, improved and resolved if I only stab you in the chest 5 times this year?

Ever occur to you that the reason why arrests are going down is because most of the illegals wanting to come have already MADE IT INTO THE COUNTRY?
I'm a statistics/facts guy. I don't project "if's." It makes me look too much like an idiot.

As for those already here, Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Why? Because they would do the work we wouldn't. Take it up with Reagan.

And please, don't insult my intelligence. This false outrage narrative has gotten old. If you really cared about it, you would be shouting to the roof tops to lock up the enablers. Has that happened? No! No one buys the outrage, or his stupid wall.

So where is the Border Security promised by Congress as a result of him doing that? That was the deal.
It was already delivered. We are at an almost fifty year low in immigration crossings thanks to Obama and Trump.

That's not border security you fuck!

Oh, so 5 people trespass through your bedroom every night, stealing all your valuables, vs the 12 every night that did so 5 years ago.

You're seriously a fucking retard.
A fifty year low for border crossings, and it's not "border security" for you. Folks, if you've ever had the misfortune of debating a real retard, I feel for you. I'm going through that trauma myself. Logic and critical thinking just ain't their bag.
The reality that the America hating tards fight every day.

This has what to do with anything again? You aren't trying to pedal racism are you, because, please don't make me google how many U.S. drunks have killed other citizens in vehicles? If you really had a problem with illegals, you would call the law to lock up the enablers who hired the illegal who was drunk driving a car. Don't show up here with that false outrage because it doesn't work.

All you Trump nuts on this forum listen up. No one is buying your false outrage. If you were that concerned about illegal immigration, you'd be reporting their enablers who hire them. Guess what, you don't. So stop with the emotional blackmail. Only a coward with no argument would post that.
Your time is up liar. You've had adequate time and space to prove your points and you did not. Get the hell out of here.

STFU, you triggered leftist retard. There's no documentation of illegal immigrants, because they're undocumented, you stupid fuck! By definition, they are undocumented, dumbass!

Try and think logically and outside of your comfort zone for once.
Thank you retard! If there is no documentation, then how can someone claim there are floods of illegals coming across?

Because they're here and get caught all the time, dumbass. Not nearly enough though.
You can't be that friggin retarded. Reagan signed the Immigration and Control Act of 1986, and Bush followed up on that. Those folks have been here for years. That's how they are here. There is no flooding coming in.

How much border security wall did globalist Bush build, hmm?

I already know, I lived through those times, boy.

The Border Security Law was not signed into being until 2006 that required some building of a Security Barrier in high traffic areas. You really need to get your diatribe to coincide with real history. And Bush Jr and Obama built a total of 733 miles during their time in office. Trump has added a total of ZERO in the last 2 years even though it's been budgeted for. Tell me again just how important Border Security is to Trump again? And tell me why we should trust him to build the rest of the 200 miles that needs to be built when He didn't build the 146 miles in the last 2 years he was supposed to build in the first place. Had he done what the LAW required, he would have been done this year without all this BS and misery. Now, here is an excerpt that I am publishing about his 3.5 billion he is taking from the Military Construction Funds. Answer this.

I read from a Military source yesterday that one of the bases, base military housing has a very bad Tick and Flea problem. Some of that 3.5 billion is to go to keeping that in check. In the southern states, Ticks and Fleas can infest if you don't keep them in check. It's got to the point where that housing must be burnt to stop the infestation and the housing be replaced. There are people living under those conditions with no way to get out of it. Yes, you say, just move off base. The Off Base Housing is either out of the lower ranks economics or not available at all. Now I find out that Base Commanders are threatening the people if they complain about it. Wonder where those orders come from? This housing isn't for the troops that serve, it's for their families. If you have ever been to a USAF retirement ceremony for a married Enlisted Person you would see something remarkable. They spend very little time with the soon to be retired troop. Most of the ceremony is spent on honoring the Wife as she has made many sacrifices during those many many years. Taking one single dime that goes to relieving some of that sacrifice is criminal.
. . . "Drugs coming from southern border?" Not a fact. They are mostly coming from the points of entry. . .

Nobody could possibly know this. What you mean is most of the drugs that are seized are caught at the points of entry. The only way something can become a part of that statistic is if it is identified by law enforcement when it's coming into the US ("seized").

There's no possible way to quantify how much contraband is coming across the border in areas that are not secured if the contraband isn't seized and identified by LE, just like there's no possible way to quantify the total amount of contraband in the US illegal drug market at any given time. Both are merely estimates based on anecdotal intel and busts/seizures. That's why there are many different estimates among the various entities attempting to do so.
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Barnard Construction Company Inc., Bozeman, Montana, was awarded a $324,422,299 firm-fixed-price contract for design and build of a pedestrian fence replacement project. Three bids were solicited via the internet with three bids received. Work will be performed in Yuma, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of April 1, 2020. Fiscal 2018 omnibus funds in the amount of $172,157,017 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth, Texas, is the contracting activity (W9126G-19-C-0007).

SLSCO, Galveston, Texas, was awarded a $167,460,000 firm-fixed-price contract for border infrastructure design and build. Three bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work will be performed in Mission, Texas, with an estimated completion date of May 4, 2020. Fiscal 2018 omnibus funds in the amount of $167,460,000 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth, Texas, is the contracting activity (W9126G-19-C-0006).

. . . "Drugs coming from southern border?" Not a fact. They are mostly coming from the points of entry. . .

Nobody could possibly know this. What you mean is most of the drugs that are seized are caught at the points of entry. The only way something can become a part of that statistic is if it is identified by law enforcement when it's coming into the US ("seized").

There's no possible way to quantify how much contraband is coming across the border in areas that are not secured if the contraband isn't seized and identified by LE, just like there's no possible way to quantify the total amount of contraband in the US illegal drug market at any given time. Both are merely estimates based on anecdotal intel and busts/seizures. That's why there are many different estimates among the various entities attempting to do so.
And a wall stops an airplane too right? All kinds of ways to get contraband across according to you. "Exactly"! You destroyed your own argument.

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