IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes

Yes. So we can collect their taxes. It’s how they pay into the system.
There you have it folks. The Left love illegals.

Our economy loves them. That’s why they are here and it’s why your party hasn’t done shit about it in spite of having control of both houses of Congress for 8 of the last 10 years.
Who wants open borders and will shutdown the government for it?

Nobody wants open borders. Trump shut it down. Just ask him.
Yes. So we can collect their taxes. It’s how they pay into the system.
WOOOOSH!!!!! If the title concept was an Air Foce jet, you would've just received a free hair cut...

Point 1...They're ILLEGALS...they shouldn't be here to collect from in the first place...

Point 2...So, you think stealing SSNs is a GOOD THING????

I think it is a good thing when people who earn a paycheck pay their FICA taxes. Don’t you?
So the IRS is an accessory to a crime. Thank you.
Arrest all those involved.

Yes! Arrest them all!!
Brings us to the GANG OF 8 SCAM...........Fool me once, shame on you.......Fool me twice shame on me.

I Recall the 1986 Immigration Act Rather Differently

The 1986 act didn't turn illegal immigrants into citizens on the spot. It granted temporary resident status only to those who could prove they had resided continuously in America for five years. After 18 months, their status could be upgraded to permanent residency, and only after another five years could they become U.S. citizens.

But advancement to citizenship was not automatic. Immigrants had to satisfy various requirements along the way. They had to pay application fees, learn to speak English, understand American civics, pass a medical exam and register for military selective service. Those with convictions for a felony or three misdemeanors were ineligible.

Sound familiar? It's pretty much the same "penalties and hurdles" set forth by the Gang of Eight. Today they call it a "roadmap to citizenship." Ronald Reagan called it "amnesty."
Yes. So we can collect their taxes. It’s how they pay into the system.
WOOOOSH!!!!! If the title concept was an Air Foce jet, you would've just received a free hair cut...

Point 1...They're ILLEGALS...they shouldn't be here to collect from in the first place...

Point 2...So, you think stealing SSNs is a GOOD THING????

I think it is a good thing when people who earn a paycheck pay their FICA taxes. Don’t you?
So the IRS is an accessory to a crime. Thank you.
Arrest all those involved.

Yes! Arrest them all!!
And now the Mocking Jay speaks knowing full well what is going on now and for decades.....................Everything to say breaking the law is good and getting taxes from them is good. Displaying articles trying to water down ILLEGAL............

Nothing new here...........they have been doing this for decades.........They don't care about the laws..........they don't want the borders secure.

They have been doing this since the 1986 Immigration Act under Reagan, which required the I-9 form to work here. Under that act employers have to have documents proving they have the right to work here. So they just set up a forgery network to get fake ID's.........and Fake SSN's.......

When caught they just get deported and they come back and do it all over again under a different name and SSN. There is no real prison time for the forgeries to illegals, and the businesses can say .........they didn't know.

3 decades of BS........Then on voting they do the same dang thing and the left says illegals don't vote. Big ass scam.

Undocumented immigrants don’t vote. But they do pay taxes. You are half right! You are making progress.
Sell that snake oil elsewhere.
IDENTITY THEFT is a huge problem Illegal Aliens bring to the U.S. They commit Illegal FRAUD daily by using stolen Social Security numbers, and stolen identities to get Driver's Licenses, and Welfare, Healthcare, Food Stamps, Education benefits, etc. Why are people OK potentially having their identities stolen? It can ruin your credit, and your financial well being, and hence your life.
Yes. So we can collect their taxes. It’s how they pay into the system.
There you have it folks. The Left love illegals.

Our economy loves them. That’s why they are here and it’s why your party hasn’t done shit about it in spite of having control of both houses of Congress for 8 of the last 10 years.
Who wants open borders and will shutdown the government for it?

Nobody wants open borders. Trump shut it down. Just ask him.
I already posted over two dozen quotes from Democrats calling for open borders.

You moonbats are out of the closet.
We are supposed to believe the left, when they don't care that the illegals are caught with forged documents all the time. Then they say they can forge Federal Documents for taxes but can't do the same for voting. LOL.. .....What a bunch of LYING WANKERS.

Illegal, but Not Undocumented

The findings include:

  • Illegal immigrants are not “undocumented.” They have fraudulent documents such as counterfeit Social Security cards, forged drivers licenses, fake “green cards,” and phony birth certificates. Experts suggest that approximately 75 percent of working-age illegal aliens use fraudulent Social Security cards to obtain employment.
  • Most (98 percent) Social Security number (SSN) thieves use their own names with stolen numbers. The federal E-Verify program, now mandated in only 14 states, can detect this fraud. Universal, mandatory use of E-Verify would curb this and stop virtually 100 percent of child identity theft.
  • Illegal immigration and high levels of identity theft go hand-in-hand. States with the most illegal immigration also have high levels of job-related identity theft. In Arizona, 33 percent or all identity theft is job-related (as opposed to identity theft motivated simply by profit). In Texas it is 27 percent; in New Mexico, 23 percent; in Colorado, 22 percent; California, 20 percent; and in Nevada, 16 percent. Eight of the 10 states with the highest percentage of illegal aliens in their total population are among the top 10 states in identity theft (Arizona, California, Florida, Texas, Nevada, New York, Georgia, and Colorado).
  • Children are prime targets. In Arizona, it is estimated that over one million children are victims of identity theft. In Utah, 1,626 companies were found to be paying wages to the SSNs of children on public assistance under the age of 13. These individuals suffer very real and very serious consequences in their lives.
  • Illegal aliens commit felonies in order to get jobs. Illegal aliens who use fraudulent documents, perjure themselves on I-9 forms, and commit identity theft in order to get jobs are committing serious offenses and are not “law abiding.”
  • Illegally employed aliens send billions of dollars annually to their home countries, rather than spending it in the United States and helping stimulate the American economy. In October 2008 alone, $2.4 billion was transferred to Mexico.
  • Tolerance of corruption erodes the rule of law. Corruption is a serious problem in most illegal aliens’ home countries. Allowing it to flourish here paves the way for additional criminal activity and increased corruption throughout society.
  • Leaders support perpetrators and ignore victims. Political, civic, religious, business, education, and media leaders blame Americans for “forcing” illegal aliens to commit document fraud and identity theft. No similar concern is expressed for the American men, women, and children whose lives are destroyed in the process.
  • The Social Security Administration and Internal Revenue Service facilitate illegal immigrant-driven identity theft. Both turn a blind eye to massive SSN fraud and take no action to stop it. The Social Security Administration assigns SSNs to new-born infants that are being used illegally. The IRS demands that victims pay taxes on wages earned by illegal aliens using their stolen SSNs, while taking no action to stop the identity theft.
  • State and local governments need to adopt tougher laws to supplement federal efforts. The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is targeting large document fraud rings and the most egregious employers, but their resources are limited and stretched across multiple priorities. In 2007, identity theft cases represented only 7 percent of the total ICE case load.
  • Employers must do their part. They can ensure that they have a legal workforce by using a combination of the federal government’s E-Verify and Social Security Number Verification Service systems and by signing up for the federal government’s IMAGE program or privately conducted audits.
Yes. So we can collect their taxes. It’s how they pay into the system.
There you have it folks. The Left love illegals.

Our economy loves them. That’s why they are here and it’s why your party hasn’t done shit about it in spite of having control of both houses of Congress for 8 of the last 10 years.
Who wants open borders and will shutdown the government for it?

Nobody wants open borders. Trump shut it down. Just ask him.
I already posted over two dozen quotes from Democrats calling for open borders.

You moonbats are out of the closet.

Where? In this thread?
There you have it folks. The Left love illegals.

Our economy loves them. That’s why they are here and it’s why your party hasn’t done shit about it in spite of having control of both houses of Congress for 8 of the last 10 years.
Who wants open borders and will shutdown the government for it?

Nobody wants open borders. Trump shut it down. Just ask him.
I already posted over two dozen quotes from Democrats calling for open borders.

You moonbats are out of the closet.

Where? In this thread?
He’s delusional again

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