IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

Ya gotta laugh. Today they're pushing their 'Leak' scam. Nice misdirection trick huh? It'll be interesting observing which Media Outlets take the bait and eat it up. Stay tuned.

what is going on with our government and particularly this administration today is totally unacceptable. Government no longer works for us, we the people. these people are elected by us to serve us but they have slow;y turned the tables to a situation where they lead us and do what they feel is best, allegedly on our behalf. but the only ones benefiting are them and their special interests.
For Fast & Furious alone, heads should have rolled. And i mean at the top. We had a President booted out of office for far less. So far, no one in this corrupt Administration has been held accountable for anything. That has to change.
Slimey librul pigs.. All of it is finally coming to the surface..

Just wondering where you folks were when the IRS was "targeting" progressive churches, the NAACP, and Charlie Rangel.


When did they target them? Do you have links, or are we just supposed to prove we are unbiased by taking your word for it?

Here's the "distinction" for the "justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior" crowd:

When the IRS "targeted" groups like the NAACP - it was at the behest of Congress who wanted to insure that the NAACP was ACTUALLY working on a not for profit basis. Their investigation showed that they had done nothing illegal and Congress ordered the IRS to drop the investigation. Was it borderline "illegal"? Probably. But it was done with the KNOWLEDGE and AUTHORITY of Congress

Not by a "janitor" at the IRS (For those willing to excuse this behavior).

I'm surprised that Bush hasn't been spotted with the IRS records in his hot little hand yet....Liberals, wake up. Your boy is a crook and a thug. The sooner you come to terms with Barry and his "Transparent" administration, the sooner you can receive the therapy needed to make you productive members of society again.....
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Just wondering where you folks were when the IRS was "targeting" progressive churches, the NAACP, and Charlie Rangel.


Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?

Since we haven't been told yet which groups were actually audited, we don't know, do we?

Let's be clear on the legal issue. A 501(c) tax exemption draws a distinction between policy groups (tax-exempt) and political action groups (taxable).

So looking at a group calling itself "Tea Party" claiming a tax exemption because it's advocating policy and not politics would strike me as actually being kind of a reasonable level of scrutiny.

Let's be clear, you do not know what the fuck you are talking about. 501(c) groups fall into different classifications, and the only group that is actually prohibited from political advocacy are 501(c)(3) groups, which are churches. 501(c)(4) groups, on the other hand, are permitted be politically active.

Come back when you understand the facts.

Yet people keep trying to defend them because they hate the groups they were targeting. That tells me a lot more about how stupid and authoritarian those people are than anything else ever could.
Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?

Since we haven't been told yet which groups were actually audited, we don't know, do we?

Let's be clear on the legal issue. A 501(c) tax exemption draws a distinction between policy groups (tax-exempt) and political action groups (taxable).

So looking at a group calling itself "Tea Party" claiming a tax exemption because it's advocating policy and not politics would strike me as actually being kind of a reasonable level of scrutiny.

I think the distinction is a bit more then that.

501(c)s must be "primarily" involved with promotion of social welfare.

That's kind of the problem. It's ill defined where that begins and ends.

Additionally, this might have been a resource opposed to a political one. Seems the IRS sets up flags to investigate these sorts of things. "Home Office" sets of the same sort of flag.

I partially agree. If the IRS had little idea what to do with 501(c) and Citizens United, I'd be fine with some audits ... so long as they didn't take away tax exempt status as did the Bushii admin. But I have to ask myself were any liberal 501(c) organizations audited? I dunno.
This stuff goes far beyond Republican vs. Democrat. It goes to the heart & soul of our Nation. What kind of Nation are we becoming? What kind of nation do we want to be? It's criminal & Un-American to use powerful Government apparatuses to attack fellow Citizens for merely holding different political views. And if a Republican was in there, i would be calling for justice and possibly Impeachment. It doesn't matter whether it's a 'D' or an 'R' doing it. It's just wrong. Period, end of story.
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This stuff goes far beyond Republican vs. Democrat. It goes to the heart & soul of our Nation. What kind of Nation are we becoming? What kind of nation do we want to be? It's criminal & Un-American to use powerful Government apparatuses to attack fellow Citizens for merely holding different political views. And if a Republican was in there, i would be calling for justice and possibly Impeachment. It doesn't whether it's a 'D' or an 'R' doing it. It's just wrong. Period, end of story.

Agreed. When Nixon was on the verge of being impeached I was all for Federal Prison for the man. Obama is no different than Nixon was. Nixon was a blight on this great country. Obama is a blight on this great country.

The difference here is that in the 70s democrats and republicans united as one calling for the ouster of Richard Nixon. Now, these "modern day" liberals (communists) will go down with their captain; refusing to entertain the idea that the man they put their "hope and faith" in - is no different than "Tricky Dick"

Birds of a feather. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This stuff goes far beyond Republican vs. Democrat. It goes to the heart & soul of our Nation. What kind of Nation are we becoming? What kind of nation do we want to be? It's criminal & Un-American to use powerful Government apparatuses to attack fellow Citizens for merely holding different political views. And if a Republican was in there, i would be calling for justice and possibly Impeachment. It doesn't whether it's a 'D' or an 'R' doing it. It's just wrong. Period, end of story.

Agreed. When Nixon was on the verge of being impeached I was all for Federal Prison for the man. Obama is no different than Nixon was. Nixon was a blight on this great country. Obama is a blight on this great country.

The difference here is that in the 70s democrats and republicans united as one calling for the ouster of Richard Nixon. Now, these "modern day" liberals (communists) will go down with their captain; refusing to entertain the idea that the man they put their "hope and faith" in - is no different than "Tricky Dick"

Birds of a feather. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Yeah, you nailed it. Times are definitely different. Most Republicans agreed that Nixon had to go. But that's not gonna happen now. Believe it or not, i actually feel a bit sorry for Obama. He's just a corrupt Chicago Political Machine Puppet. They invented him. He has no real power. It's actually very sad.
This stuff goes far beyond Republican vs. Democrat. It goes to the heart & soul of our Nation. What kind of Nation are we becoming? What kind of nation do we want to be? It's criminal & Un-American to use powerful Government apparatuses to attack fellow Citizens for merely holding different political views. And if a Republican was in there, i would be calling for justice and possibly Impeachment. It doesn't whether it's a 'D' or an 'R' doing it. It's just wrong. Period, end of story.

Agreed. When Nixon was on the verge of being impeached I was all for Federal Prison for the man. Obama is no different than Nixon was. Nixon was a blight on this great country. Obama is a blight on this great country.

The difference here is that in the 70s democrats and republicans united as one calling for the ouster of Richard Nixon. Now, these "modern day" liberals (communists) will go down with their captain; refusing to entertain the idea that the man they put their "hope and faith" in - is no different than "Tricky Dick"

Birds of a feather. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Yeah, you nailed it. Times are definitely different. Most Republicans agreed that Nixon had to go. But that's not gonna happen now. Believe it or not, i actually feel a bit sorry for Obama. He's just a corrupt Chicago Political Machine Puppet. They invented him. He has no real power. It's actually very sad.

Again, I couldn't agree more. I am NOT one of those conservatives (or liberals) who takes pleasure when a member of the opposition is "taking it on the chin".

I'm an old man, I have seen this country at it's greatest. I have also seen it at it's "darker" times and I have seen the way the world, reacts to our foibles.

From the time Obama was "introduced" to us, I have been wary. This guy was groomed (for God only knows how long) to be in this position of authority. He came from nowhere, has never held a "real" 9-5 job in his life, His education was paid for by "persons unknown", His mentors were communists, he counts domestic terrorists as "friends", he as held a State Senator position, then elected to the US Senate (where, IF he could be found, he walked in, voted "Present" then left). From the day he was elected to the US Senate, he was more interested in readying himself for his presidential run.

He was neither qualified, nor intellectually competent enough for this position - thereby indicating that the majority of his decisions (probably) are made by committee or by very trusted advisors. Obama seems to be an extremely vain individual. I get the idea that he doesn't take criticism well and, more importantly, doesn't react well to it.

However, all this having been stated, I do feel for the guy. I would imagine that right about now, he is saying to himself, "What the hell have I gotten myself into to?" Especially after the complete and utter adoration he receives from those who neither question, nor care about this man and his "bona fides". Blind adoration leads to blind disappointment. Always has and always will.
This stuff goes far beyond Republican vs. Democrat. It goes to the heart & soul of our Nation. What kind of Nation are we becoming? What kind of nation do we want to be? It's criminal & Un-American to use powerful Government apparatuses to attack fellow Citizens for merely holding different political views. And if a Republican was in there, i would be calling for justice and possibly Impeachment. It doesn't matter whether it's a 'D' or an 'R' doing it. It's just wrong. Period, end of story.

Which is why I actually started a thread giving Obama credit for understanding how wrong this is.
Some agents of the IRS at different field offices have targeted groups for politically motivated reasons. This is not news. It happened under Bush and it has happened now under Obama.

The real scandal is that ALL of the groups targeted over the last decade have STILL gotten tax-exempt status.

The real scandal is how GE and other corporations effectively pay a tax rate that is much lower than the average nurse.
Some agents of the IRS at different field offices have targeted groups for politically motivated reasons. This is not news. It happened under Bush and it has happened now under Obama.

The real scandal is that ALL of the groups targeted over the last decade have STILL gotten tax-exempt status.

The real scandal is how GE and other corporations effectively pay a tax rate that is much lower than the average nurse.

They just follow orders. But who gave the orders? The People will demand to know. This is very disturbing. It's not merely a Republican vs. Democrat thing. It's so much bigger. There will have to be accountability.
Some agents of the IRS at different field offices have targeted groups for politically motivated reasons. This is not news. It happened under Bush and it has happened now under Obama.

The real scandal is that ALL of the groups targeted over the last decade have STILL gotten tax-exempt status.

The real scandal is how GE and other corporations effectively pay a tax rate that is much lower than the average nurse.

if you contributed to obama's campaign what they did, you too could have tax free status
Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?

Since we haven't been told yet which groups were actually audited, we don't know, do we?

Let's be clear on the legal issue. A 501(c) tax exemption draws a distinction between policy groups (tax-exempt) and political action groups (taxable).

So looking at a group calling itself "Tea Party" claiming a tax exemption because it's advocating policy and not politics would strike me as actually being kind of a reasonable level of scrutiny.

Let's be clear, you do not know what the fuck you are talking about. 501(c) groups fall into different classifications, and the only group that is actually prohibited from political advocacy are 501(c)(3) groups, which are churches. 501(c)(4) groups, on the other hand, are permitted be politically active.

Come back when you understand the facts.

Okay, you sold me.

Not tax exemptions for ANYONE.

Fact is, it wasn't churches being investigated, it was groups calling themselves "Tea party" and "9/12" groups. Groups we SHOULD be looking at, since about half of them are scams.

Now while the people being scammed are Right Wingers, someone has to protect you loons from yourselves.
Since we haven't been told yet which groups were actually audited, we don't know, do we?

Let's be clear on the legal issue. A 501(c) tax exemption draws a distinction between policy groups (tax-exempt) and political action groups (taxable).

So looking at a group calling itself "Tea Party" claiming a tax exemption because it's advocating policy and not politics would strike me as actually being kind of a reasonable level of scrutiny.

Let's be clear, you do not know what the fuck you are talking about. 501(c) groups fall into different classifications, and the only group that is actually prohibited from political advocacy are 501(c)(3) groups, which are churches. 501(c)(4) groups, on the other hand, are permitted be politically active.

Come back when you understand the facts.

Okay, you sold me.

Not tax exemptions for ANYONE.

Fact is, it wasn't churches being investigated, it was groups calling themselves "Tea party" and "9/12" groups. Groups we SHOULD be looking at, since about half of them are scams.

Now while the people being scammed are Right Wingers, someone has to protect you loons from yourselves.

Yeah, you're probably right. Us poor, stupid, misinformed "right wingers" should probably be "held" in a central location for our own good, right? Maybe name it something like "Triblinka" or maybe even "Auswitch" or maybe even "Belsen"...

That would stop all this ridiculous "dissension", wouldn't it? And Barry could call it his "final solution" to those rabble-rousing, nasty, "non-progressive" right-wingers who keep questioning his holiness.....
Since we haven't been told yet which groups were actually audited, we don't know, do we?

Let's be clear on the legal issue. A 501(c) tax exemption draws a distinction between policy groups (tax-exempt) and political action groups (taxable).

So looking at a group calling itself "Tea Party" claiming a tax exemption because it's advocating policy and not politics would strike me as actually being kind of a reasonable level of scrutiny.

Let's be clear, you do not know what the fuck you are talking about. 501(c) groups fall into different classifications, and the only group that is actually prohibited from political advocacy are 501(c)(3) groups, which are churches. 501(c)(4) groups, on the other hand, are permitted be politically active.

Come back when you understand the facts.

Okay, you sold me.

Not tax exemptions for ANYONE.

Fact is, it wasn't churches being investigated, it was groups calling themselves "Tea party" and "9/12" groups. Groups we SHOULD be looking at, since about half of them are scams.

Now while the people being scammed are Right Wingers, someone has to protect you loons from yourselves.

What makes them any more a scam than the Occupy groups?

You support government tyranny, and you call me crazy because I don't. I can live with being your version of crazy, and I will protect myself from you, and your government.
How egregious does the tyrannical actions of the Obama Administration have to be for even MSNBC to denounce their actions with disgust? The list of scandals piling up under Obama is so significant, he will need to spend ALL of his time just trying to manage them...

?This Is Tyranny?: MSNBC Hosts Lambaste Obama Admin, IRS Over ?Unspeakable? Targeting of Conservatives |

Speaking of MSNBC, can you imagine what all of this is doing to Chris Matthews' tingley leg?

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