IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

How egregious does the tyrannical actions of the Obama Administration have to be for even MSNBC to denounce their actions with disgust? The list of scandals piling up under Obama is so significant, he will need to spend ALL of his time just trying to manage them...

?This Is Tyranny?: MSNBC Hosts Lambaste Obama Admin, IRS Over ?Unspeakable? Targeting of Conservatives |

Speaking of MSNBC, can you imagine what all of this is doing to Chris Matthews' tingley leg?


I have no doubt that his "leg" has gone numb......
As this wall comes tumbling down we are learning that it wasn't only tea party groups but religious groups and individuals who were critical of the regime. That's why this scandal is going to grow.
Now that he's been reselected for a second term, we're starting to see the real Obama as he slowly emerges from the shadows and reveals himself for the tyrant that many of us always knew he was.
Since we haven't been told yet which groups were actually audited, we don't know, do we?

Let's be clear on the legal issue. A 501(c) tax exemption draws a distinction between policy groups (tax-exempt) and political action groups (taxable).

So looking at a group calling itself "Tea Party" claiming a tax exemption because it's advocating policy and not politics would strike me as actually being kind of a reasonable level of scrutiny.

I think the distinction is a bit more then that.

501(c)s must be "primarily" involved with promotion of social welfare.

That's kind of the problem. It's ill defined where that begins and ends.

Additionally, this might have been a resource opposed to a political one. Seems the IRS sets up flags to investigate these sorts of things. "Home Office" sets of the same sort of flag.

I partially agree. If the IRS had little idea what to do with 501(c) and Citizens United, I'd be fine with some audits ... so long as they didn't take away tax exempt status as did the Bushii admin. But I have to ask myself were any liberal 501(c) organizations audited? I dunno.
Bush's IRS Commissioner Shulman in 2011 denied the tax exemption to Emerge America, an organization devoted to cultivating female political leaders for local, state and federal government.

What makes them any more a scam than the Occupy groups?

Well, for one thing, the Occupy groups weren't asking for tax exempt status...

You support government tyranny, and you call me crazy because I don't. I can live with being your version of crazy, and I will protect myself from you, and your government.

I call you crazy because you do nutty things like try to find out the real names of people on the internet you disagree with.... and say crazy shit like the government is out to get you.

This isn't a tyranny issue. These groups ASKED the government to be exempted from Taxes.

The government asked them WHY they should give them tax exempt status.

Frankly, if they handed them tax exempt status too easily, you'd accuse them of not doing their jobs.

Yeah, you're probably right. Us poor, stupid, misinformed "right wingers" should probably be "held" in a central location for our own good, right? Maybe name it something like "Triblinka" or maybe even "Auswitch" or maybe even "Belsen"...

That would stop all this ridiculous "dissension", wouldn't it? And Barry could call it his "final solution" to those rabble-rousing, nasty, "non-progressive" right-wingers who keep questioning his holiness.....

I was thinking more like a place where we put retards for their own protection... because honestly, you guys have ruined the Republican Party and are pretty much fucking up the country.

The problem of course, isn't the rubes, it's the people funnelling money into Hate Radio and the TEA party to keep you stupid.
The goal was clearly to reduce the amount of anti-government speech by making it more difficult for these groups to achieve tax-exempt status. And it worked. Just look at these examples from four different states:

  • ABC News reports that Jennifer Stefano of Pennsylvania wanted to start a tea party group, but dealing with the IRS “was frightening and that’s why I shut it down. I shut my group down.”

  • The IRS ordered an Ohio group to answer 35 detailed questions, including to “provide a listing of all your past activities. Indicate the percentage of your time spent conducting the activity (total of all activities should equal 100%) and the percentage of your funds spent conducting the activity (total of all activities should equal 100%).”

  • In Tennessee, Kevin Kookogey was trying to start an educational group called Linchpins of Liberty to teach the economic principles of Milton Friedman and Adam Smith. When he inquired with the IRS in 2011 about the delay in his tax-exempt status, he was told: "We have been waiting on guidance from our superiors as to your and similar organizations." He is still waiting.

  • In Virginia, it took Richmond Tea Party President Larry Nordvig two and a half years to get tax-exempt status. He tells The Washington Post the wait had “a very chilling effect” on how much money his group could raise, and thus on how much speech it could generate.

IRS Scandal | The IRS Wants to Know If You're a "Patriot"
The Dumbocrats have set a dangerous precedence here. If they are going to abuse power and use it to attack the other side, we can only hope that the next conservative president responds in kind.

Unfortunately for us, conservatives show more class traditionally and take the high ride instead of exacting revenge. But there's always that glimmer of hope that we will get an Allen West-type who will shove libtard bull-shit back in their own ugly faces so they can experience their own ugliness first hand.

If it were me, I would round up every libtard group in America, imprison them, take away their right to vote, and then ask them how much they like their own tactics.

I had started a thread that stated why I believed another civil war was inevitable. If this isn't glaring evidence that I was right, I don't know what is. The left is a bunch of sub-human garbage that pisses on the U.S. Constitution and egregiously abuses power to attack decent, law abiding citizens who don't agree with them. They are nothing but little Adolf Hitler Nazi's...
Okay, you sold me.

Not tax exemptions for ANYONE.

Fact is, it wasn't churches being investigated, it was groups calling themselves "Tea party" and "9/12" groups. Groups we SHOULD be looking at, since about half of them are scams.

Now while the people being scammed are Right Wingers, someone has to protect you loons from yourselves.
And I suppose you can source that, providing some proof of your claims?

I thought not, just your hate and bigotry showing through.

What makes them any more a scam than the Occupy groups?

Well, for one thing, the Occupy groups weren't asking for tax exempt status...
Oh wait – they are tax exempt!! As a nonprofit there is nothing to tax and donations are made through AFGJ giving them tax privileges.
Just more hate, ignorance and bigotry from you.

Get your shit straight before making asinine claims.
I think the distinction is a bit more then that.

501(c)s must be "primarily" involved with promotion of social welfare.

That's kind of the problem. It's ill defined where that begins and ends.

Additionally, this might have been a resource opposed to a political one. Seems the IRS sets up flags to investigate these sorts of things. "Home Office" sets of the same sort of flag.

I partially agree. If the IRS had little idea what to do with 501(c) and Citizens United, I'd be fine with some audits ... so long as they didn't take away tax exempt status as did the Bushii admin. But I have to ask myself were any liberal 501(c) organizations audited? I dunno.
Bush's IRS Commissioner Shulman in 2011 denied the tax exemption to Emerge America, an organization devoted to cultivating female political leaders for local, state and federal government.

He denied it personally?

By the way, after a quick search, it turns out that the groups advertised that they would only accept Democrats on their websites, which turned them from a social justice to a political group.

I will also point out that if Shulman was personally making these decisions he was remarkably inconsistent given the fact that he approved the applications of other state level groups from the same organization.
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This is gonna get much worse. More & more are coming out to tell their IRS horror stories. It goes so much deeper. The corrupt Chicago political thugs simply relocated to Washington. It's a very sad mess.
Well, for one thing, the Occupy groups weren't asking for tax exempt status...

That is absolute bullshit.

Donations To Occupy Wall Street Are Now ?Tax Deductible? |

I call you crazy because you do nutty things like try to find out the real names of people on the internet you disagree with.... and say crazy shit like the government is out to get you.

The government is not out to get me, and I have never said it is. That makes three lies in one post.

This isn't a tyranny issue. These groups ASKED the government to be exempted from Taxes.

It is a tyranny issue because the government decided to treat these groups differently for no reason other than their perceived political affiliation. I know you think arbitrarily targeting people is justified, but you also think people are tracking you down. That makes you paranoid, not me.

The government asked them WHY they should give them tax exempt status.

If that is all they did then we would not be having this conversation, and the FBI would not be conducting a criminal investigation.

Don't worry though, you can still call me crazy because it makes you feel better.

Frankly, if they handed them tax exempt status too easily, you'd accuse them of not doing their jobs.

Frankly, you cannot find a single example of me complaining about the tax free status of any group, including OWS. All I do is use the fact that you only complain about the tax free status of some groups, and not others, to prove you are the authoritarian asshole in these conversations.
The Dumbocrats have set a dangerous precedence here. If they are going to abuse power and use it to attack the other side, we can only hope that the next conservative president responds in kind.

Unfortunately for us, conservatives show more class traditionally and take the high ride instead of exacting revenge. But there's always that glimmer of hope that we will get an Allen West-type who will shove libtard bull-shit back in their own ugly faces so they can experience their own ugliness first hand.

If it were me, I would round up every libtard group in America, imprison them, take away their right to vote, and then ask them how much they like their own tactics.

I had started a thread that stated why I believed another civil war was inevitable. If this isn't glaring evidence that I was right, I don't know what is. The left is a bunch of sub-human garbage that pisses on the U.S. Constitution and egregiously abuses power to attack decent, law abiding citizens who don't agree with them. They are nothing but little Adolf Hitler Nazi's...
with all that is going on the democrats are going to need a bigger bus to throw people under

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