IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

can the Benghazi dead now rest in peace?
Because the IRS has apologized for singling out conservative organizations?!

Anyway, I always thought spirits rested when their murders were avenged. There are those who killed them and those whose neglect led to their deaths. We'll see on both counts.

There are no spirits or souls.

The only people responsible for their deaths are the terrorists who killed them.

Make sure you punch the holes in the boxes before you ship them over.
How egregious does the tyrannical actions of the Obama Administration have to be for even MSNBC to denounce their actions with disgust? The list of scandals piling up under Obama is so significant, he will need to spend ALL of his time just trying to manage them...

?This Is Tyranny?: MSNBC Hosts Lambaste Obama Admin, IRS Over ?Unspeakable? Targeting of Conservatives |

I can only imagine what the minions of this man are thinking today. They were absolutely CERTAIN that this would be the crowning achievement of the left; a slick, good looking bi-racial, highly educated (supposedly) communist to lead "progressives" into the 21st century.

Now, to find out, and to come to the conclusion, that he is nothing more than a "politician" (and an incompetent one at that) along the lines of a Richard Nixon (oops, nobody died at the Watergate break in) or as gutless and as worthless as a Jimmy Carter, or as mean spirited as a Bill Clinton, MUST be heart-breaking to them.

Se' La Vie......
How egregious does the tyrannical actions of the Obama Administration have to be for even MSNBC to denounce their actions with disgust? The list of scandals piling up under Obama is so significant, he will need to spend ALL of his time just trying to manage them...

?This Is Tyranny?: MSNBC Hosts Lambaste Obama Admin, IRS Over ?Unspeakable? Targeting of Conservatives |

I can only imagine what the minions of this man are thinking today. They were absolutely CERTAIN that this would be the crowning achievement of the left; a slick, good looking bi-racial, highly educated (supposedly) communist to lead "progressives" into the 21st century.

Now, to find out, and to come to the conclusion, that he is nothing more than a "politician" (and an incompetent one at that) along the lines of a Richard Nixon (oops, nobody died at the Watergate break in) or as gutless and as worthless as a Jimmy Carter, or as mean spirited as a Bill Clinton, MUST be heart-breaking to them.

Se' La Vie......
You can't really blame him for pushing the envelope. I mean, when every network except Fox bows down and kisses your ass every chance they get, it's bound to make you think you can do anything you want and get away with it.
How egregious does the tyrannical actions of the Obama Administration have to be for even MSNBC to denounce their actions with disgust? The list of scandals piling up under Obama is so significant, he will need to spend ALL of his time just trying to manage them...

?This Is Tyranny?: MSNBC Hosts Lambaste Obama Admin, IRS Over ?Unspeakable? Targeting of Conservatives |

I can only imagine what the minions of this man are thinking today. They were absolutely CERTAIN that this would be the crowning achievement of the left; a slick, good looking bi-racial, highly educated (supposedly) communist to lead "progressives" into the 21st century.

Now, to find out, and to come to the conclusion, that he is nothing more than a "politician" (and an incompetent one at that) along the lines of a Richard Nixon (oops, nobody died at the Watergate break in) or as gutless and as worthless as a Jimmy Carter, or as mean spirited as a Bill Clinton, MUST be heart-breaking to them.

Se' La Vie......
You can't really blame him for pushing the envelope. I mean, when every network except Fox bows down and kisses your ass every chance they get, it's bound to make you think you can do anything you want and get away with it.

I understand completely - it's something like a "Napoleon Complex". He is (basically) as sheltered as any president is. He is surrounded by "Yes" men who won't dare tell him he is wrong - just like any other sitting president. That, coupled by the adoration of the MSM and a following that refuses to take him to task and it's easy to understand the old saying that "Absolute power corrupts absolutely"
The fact that you think that one man dictates the politics of an entire agency just shows how stupid you are.

By the way, I am blaming the government, not Obama.

By being the head of state and the man issuing the overall orders, Obama receives some of the blame. This is particularly true when the targets are those that oppose him in recent elections. It does not even matter if the orders were not his (though such can never be proven anyway); you get some heat just for being the ‘man.’ It is a major part of what being a leader is about.

I agree with that, I just doubt that he actually issued the orders. To be honest, I doubt he even made a suggestion.

I don’t know tbh. I would not put it past him or any president for that matter. It is not a nice process, running an election. In the end though, it all rather moot as if he went right up and demanded that the tea party be targeted it will never be proven. That is not something you send in an email or write a memo about. It is something that you tell the person in question to their face. There is a possibility there will be fingerprints of those in the IRS though. Some of those ‘extra’ steps would have had to been ordered but such never reaches back to the president. Is this because presidents really are not involved or because they are not dumb enough to record their involvement? No one can say for sure.
Barack Obama took an oath of office to represent and serve all of the American People. He didn't take an oath of office to only serve Democrats. If this travesty was ordered from the top, there will have to be serious consequences. It is an Impeachable offense.

Except that such will never be proven. It is almost impossible to trace something like this that far even if he directly ordered it.
Slimey librul pigs.. All of it is finally coming to the surface..

Just wondering where you folks were when the IRS was "targeting" progressive churches, the NAACP, and Charlie Rangel.


Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?
Slimey librul pigs.. All of it is finally coming to the surface..

Just wondering where you folks were when the IRS was "targeting" progressive churches, the NAACP, and Charlie Rangel.


Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?

You remember any congressional republicans getting that sort of audit?
Just wondering where you folks were when the IRS was "targeting" progressive churches, the NAACP, and Charlie Rangel.


Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?

You remember any congressional republicans getting that sort of audit?

Show how Wrangel's audit was any different than any audit of a republican tax cheat.
Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?

You remember any congressional republicans getting that sort of audit?

Show how Wrangel's audit was any different than any audit of a republican tax cheat.

My google foo is weak.

Please find me a Republican tax cheat from 2001 - 2008.
Slimey librul pigs.. All of it is finally coming to the surface..

Just wondering where you folks were when the IRS was "targeting" progressive churches, the NAACP, and Charlie Rangel.


Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?

Since we haven't been told yet which groups were actually audited, we don't know, do we?

Let's be clear on the legal issue. A 501(c) tax exemption draws a distinction between policy groups (tax-exempt) and political action groups (taxable).

So looking at a group calling itself "Tea Party" claiming a tax exemption because it's advocating policy and not politics would strike me as actually being kind of a reasonable level of scrutiny.
Just wondering where you folks were when the IRS was "targeting" progressive churches, the NAACP, and Charlie Rangel.


Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?

Since we haven't been told yet which groups were actually audited, we don't know, do we?

Let's be clear on the legal issue. A 501(c) tax exemption draws a distinction between policy groups (tax-exempt) and political action groups (taxable).

So looking at a group calling itself "Tea Party" claiming a tax exemption because it's advocating policy and not politics would strike me as actually being kind of a reasonable level of scrutiny.

I think the distinction is a bit more then that.

501(c)s must be "primarily" involved with promotion of social welfare.

That's kind of the problem. It's ill defined where that begins and ends.

Additionally, this might have been a resource opposed to a political one. Seems the IRS sets up flags to investigate these sorts of things. "Home Office" sets of the same sort of flag.
Ya gotta laugh. Today they're pushing their 'Leak' scam. Nice misdirection trick huh? It'll be interesting observing which Media Outlets take the bait and eat it up. Stay tuned.
Just wondering where you folks were when the IRS was "targeting" progressive churches, the NAACP, and Charlie Rangel.


Charlie Wrangel was a blatant tax cheat. And if those other groups were targeted as you say then show the pattern or is it your contention that when those groups were targeted that the people in the IRS were smarter than they are today and covered their tracks better?

You remember any congressional republicans getting that sort of audit?

Do you remember any congressional Republicans committing outright tax fraud? Because I do, and he ended up getting prosecuted by Bush.

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