IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

The Commissioner of the IRS during this time was a Bush appointee, so why wouldn't this be an establishment Republican operation? The establishment GOP hates the Tea Party Brotherhood and they get a twofer. They harass the baggers and they know the knee-jerks will blame Obama.

The fact that you think that one man dictates the politics of an entire agency just shows how stupid you are.

By the way, I am blaming the government, not Obama.

By being the head of state and the man issuing the overall orders, Obama receives some of the blame. This is particularly true when the targets are those that oppose him in recent elections. It does not even matter if the orders were not his (though such can never be proven anyway); you get some heat just for being the ‘man.’ It is a major part of what being a leader is about.

I agree with that, I just doubt that he actually issued the orders. To be honest, I doubt he even made a suggestion.
The head of the IRS at the time this happening was a Bush appointee.

It wouldn't be surprising that an establishment Republican appointee might want to undermine the Tea Party factions somehow,

since they are a menace to the establishment GOP.

Does the fact that he was a Bush appointee somehow make it easier for you to justify the government targeting political opposition?
The head of the IRS at the time this happening was a Bush appointee.

It wouldn't be surprising that an establishment Republican appointee might want to undermine the Tea Party factions somehow,

since they are a menace to the establishment GOP.

Does the fact that he was a Bush appointee somehow make it easier for you to justify the government targeting political opposition?

The far left kooks here at USMB have shown that it doesn't matter if Americans are left to die, if the Government uses and bullies political opposition -IRS.. All that matters is covering for their messiah. They are a worthless spew of rot..Nothing more, nothing less.
This kind of ugly abuse of power cannot be tolerated. It's not about Republican/Democrat. It's about our Nation. Our Government should not be targeting fellow Citizens for merely holding different political views. That's only acceptable in awful oppressive Totalitarian Societies. What are we becoming? The American People need to start contemplating that question.
Barack Obama took an oath of office to represent and serve all of the American People. He didn't take an oath of office to only serve Democrats. If this travesty was ordered from the top, there will have to be serious consequences. It is an Impeachable offense.
An apology isn't gonna cut it on this one. This is very serious. I don't think the People will let this one go. They put up with no one being held accountable on Fast & Furious and Benghazi. But this one is different. Who ordered the IRS to attack fellow Citizens? The People will demand to know the truth. I'm confident of that.
Just in case everyone didn't get the memo, Obama thinks this is outrageous. That makes all of the idiots who said this was acceptable officially idiots.

Who said it was acceptable?
Pretty much all the liberals on this site.

Really? I'm a liberal on this site and I have not said it was acceptable.
Barack Obama took an oath of office to represent and serve all of the American People. He didn't take an oath of office to only serve Democrats. If this travesty was ordered from the top, there will have to be serious consequences. It is an Impeachable offense.

You are correct. Barry Obama took an oath to serve "ALL" the people. Yet, interestingly enough, the ACA passed without one Republican vote. Barry has been overheard, on more than one occasion stating that "We don't need the Republicans" and, quite frankly, the ONLY people that I have seen this "High Potentate" serve are his top echelon Democrat friends.

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