IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

Okay, is there even a single conservative on this thread who won't cheerlead any tax fraud that comes from the right? Just one, anywhere? Seriously righties, try to tone down your open love of the fraud that comes from your side. You'll look less like slavish partisan hacks that way.

Being consistent, I support profiling muslims when you look for terrorists, and profiling those claiming "Tea Party" affiliation when you look for tax cheats. The PC crowd may hate such profiling, but I care little for the tender victimized feelings of the PC crowd.

You are a dunce.

This isn't about tax cheats. It is about using the power of the IRS to silence opposition groups. Like all dictators do. Let's see you condemn that and then we can talk.
FWIW if it were shown the IRS was targeting liberal groups I would be equally appalled.
In other words, the IRS was wrong, but they should have been right because that's what's politically correct. So, just ignore that they were wrong and acted illegally.
Who ordered the IRS to do this? That question has to be answered. Hopefully those responsible will be held accountable. This is an egregious abuse of power. Targeting your own fellow Americans this way, is unforgivable. The People deserve to know who ordered this.
Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.
You don't get away with apologies. This is a criminal abuse of political power. Nixon was forced to resign over stuff like this but the inbred mainstream media doesn't seem interested.
Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.

Please stop letting everyone know just how ignorant you are of American History by making posts like this one in the future.

Before you do make a post dealing with American History, especially political history, try doing some research first.
Richard Nixon was impeached for making the IRS go after his political opponents.

(cue the liberals whiners who will point out Nixon wasn't impeached... since he got out of town just ahead of the posse)

But today, when Obama does the same thing, all the IRS has to do is say "Oops, I'm sorry", and that makes it all better.

The People need to know who ordered this. I'm sure it came from the top. It's vital we find out.
This is a much bigger issue/scandal than Benghazi is. This is an awful example of abuse of power. It's criminal. Those who carried it out should be arrested and prosecuted. All Americans should be concerned and outraged. Are we still a just nation? We'll see how this progresses. We'll see what the answer to that question is.
This is one of the worst evils the government has wrought I mean really. This is the abuse of the power of the government in one of it's many lowest forms.

The IRS should be dismantled flat tax and this wouldn't be able to happen.
You don't get away with apologies. This is a criminal abuse of political power. Nixon was forced to resign over stuff like this but the inbred mainstream media doesn't seem interested.

There is something that MUST be understood here. Obama is their boy. He is the first. He is a "history maker". The first Bi-racial man to ever hold the office of president of the United States.

He is held, not to a lesser standard that a white man, but he s held to NO standard. The LAST thing on earth the left can have is for the world to "pull back the curtain" and find the real "wizard of oz" - that he is nothing more than a clown.

Obama receives blame for nothing and he can't. He MUST go down in history as the FIRST. His record must be a shining example to those who come after him that even the "lowest of the low" can be elected to the mst powerful position in the world.

Obama will never be called to task for his incompetent job performance. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. The history books are already being written to reflect his greatness.
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Okay, is there even a single conservative on this thread who won't cheerlead any tax fraud that comes from the right? Just one, anywhere? Seriously righties, try to tone down your open love of the fraud that comes from your side. You'll look less like slavish partisan hacks that way.

Being consistent, I support profiling muslims when you look for terrorists, and profiling those claiming "Tea Party" affiliation when you look for tax cheats. The PC crowd may hate such profiling, but I care little for the tender victimized feelings of the PC crowd.

So, you would also support profiling obama Cabinet Secretaries? [MENTION=39072]mamooth[/MENTION]
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You don't get away with apologies. This is a criminal abuse of political power. Nixon was forced to resign over stuff like this but the inbred mainstream media doesn't seem interested.

There is something that MUST be understood here. Obama is their boy. He is the first. He is a "history maker". The first Bi-racial man to ever hold the office of president of the United States.

He is held, not to a lesser standard that a white man, but he s held to NO standard. The LAST thing on earth the left can have is for the world to "pull back the curtain" and find the real "wizard of oz" - that he is nothing more than a clown.

Obama receives blame for nothing and he can't. He MUST go down in history as the FIRST. His record must be a shining example to those who come after him that even the "lowest of the low" can be elected to the mst powerful position in the world.

Obama will never be called to task for his incompetent job performance. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. The history books are already being written to reflect his greatness.
But it WILL be a generation before another black man will be elected President.
Interestingly, [MENTION=39072]mamooth[/MENTION] has just one person on his friends list. Any guesses who that might be?
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You don't get away with apologies. This is a criminal abuse of political power. Nixon was forced to resign over stuff like this but the inbred mainstream media doesn't seem interested.

yep, I can't wait for the investigations..things are BLOWING up in this crooked and corupt administration and we are finding out all kinds of criminal stuff they have done from cover ups to unleashing the irs against the citizens of this country..

THIS was done to the AMERCIAN PEOPLE and some on the left just YAWN

THAT is sad
You don't get away with apologies. This is a criminal abuse of political power. Nixon was forced to resign over stuff like this but the inbred mainstream media doesn't seem interested.

yep, I can't wait for the investigations..things are BLOWING up in this crooked and corupt administration and we are finding out all kinds of criminal stuff they have done from cover ups to unleashing the irs against the citizens of this country..

THIS was done to the AMERCIAN PEOPLE and some on the left just YAWN

THAT is sad

It IS sad. It's an indictment of our country today. Were this a WASP republican president, the MSM would be tearing their hair out, screaming at the top of their lungs about the "abuse of power", demonstrations would be held in fron of the White House, Democrat politicians would be screaming about the "injustice" of the "neo-con politicians" that were seeking to terrorize the American people by their "fascists actions".

What do we have? Crickets. The very same thing that happened when BJ Clinton was targeting his opponents with his policy of "scorched earth" if they DARED to speak out against the weasel. Crickets.

Like I said in the earlier post: Barry Obama will NEVER be taken to the woodshed. He s the Left's boy. He is golden.

And, until the right begins to "go batcrap crazy" like the democrats and begin to fight fire with fire, nothing will ever change. "To win the war, you must become as ruthless as your enemy"
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An apology simply wont do... These people involved need to go to jail.
In 2009 obama said he would use the IRS to audit those who opposed what he wanted. Everyone thought it was a joke - then.

The Time President Obama Made An Auditing Joke

It wasn't like this "error" was an isolated incident. obama has a history of using the IRS to harass opponents.

6 times IRS has been accused of punishing Obama's opponents | Washington Free Beacon

Bill (BJ) Clinton was famous for having the IRS audit his enemies. Hillary, as well. But honestly, whose to say that every president has used this tactic as a way to keep adversaries "under control"?

But, for the IRS to get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, speaks volumes about how this administration perceives itself as "ultimate dictator"....
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As usual, no one will be held accountable. No one will go to jail. We have an out of control criminal Government at this point. An empty apology is likely all you'll get. What a country we've become.

Richard Nixon was impeached for doing the same thing. Article 2 of the Impeachment Articles against him, details his sending the IRS after his political opponents.

He was never formally impeached, of course... because he got out of town just ahead of the posse.

But when Obama does it, it's not important. Probably Bush's fault.
The Commissioner of the IRS during this time was a Bush appointee, so why wouldn't this be an establishment Republican operation? The establishment GOP hates the Tea Party Brotherhood and they get a twofer. They harass the baggers and they know the knee-jerks will blame Obama.

The fact that you think that one man dictates the politics of an entire agency just shows how stupid you are.

By the way, I am blaming the government, not Obama.
Ah the new talking point from Carney is being used I see by the liberal minions on the board.

Blaming Booooooooooooosh, because Bush appointed this Commissioner. How pathetic you liberals have become.

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