IRS Approved Tax-Exempt Status for Twice as Many Conservative Groups as Liberal Group


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Report Says IRS Approved Tax-Exempt Status For Twice as Many Conservative Groups as Liberal Groups

Here's an interesting tidbit from the newsletter Tax Notes. As we all know by now, the IRS applies extra scrutiny to a group applying for tax-exempt status if it suspects the group is political in nature. In 2010, they decided that having "tea party" in a group's name was sufficient to raise a red flag.

The Inspector General's report about this included an audit of 298 groups that had been given special scrutiny. Of these, 96 had "tea party," "patriots," or "9-12 project" in their names. But that's all we know. We have no idea how many of the 298 groups were liberal and how many were conservative, because the IRS doesn't release the name of groups that have applied for tax-exempt status.

However, the IRS does publish the names of groups that have received special scrutiny and been approved for tax-exempt status. They recently released a list of 176 organizations that have been approved since 2010, so Martin Sullivan checked each one to figure out if it was liberal or conservative. Here's what he found:

  • 122 conservative
  • 48 liberal/nonconservative
  • 6 unknown
This doesn't tell us anything definitive about the entire set of groups that got special scrutiny. If the whole set is similar to the approved set, then about two-thirds were conservative and one-third liberal—most likely because of the boom in new tea party groups in 2010. But that's just a guess.

One thing isn't a guess, however: Two-thirds of the groups who were approved for tax-exempt status were conservative. If the IRS was on a partisan witch hunt against conservative groups, that's sure an odd way of showing it, isn't it?
ANOTHER lame they didn't do it, despite the fact they admitted they did it, thread?


poor desperate synthy
btw...the OP doesn't prove jack that they targeted con groups.

you're so dumb synthy.
Well, if MuthaJones sez it, that must be the last word. :rolleyes:

Sorry, embarrassed Republican - it's not from Mother Jones, it's from:

Tax Analysts -- News Analysis -- Substantial Minority of Scrutinized EOs Were Not Conservative

The link is in the full OP article.

Again, the IRS publicly admitted to targeting conservative groups specifically. Case closed, it's on record. There's really no debate.

Are you claiming that their admittance of guilt was a lie? Was that a hoax?

I hope the OP can survive this investigation going on under Obama..

not sure though..
Well, if MuthaJones sez it, that must be the last word. :rolleyes:

Sorry, embarrassed Republican - it's not from Mother Jones, it's from:

Tax Analysts -- News Analysis -- Substantial Minority of Scrutinized EOs Were Not Conservative

The link is in the full OP article.

Again, the IRS publicly admitted to targeting conservative groups specifically. Case closed, it's on record. There's really no debate.

Are you claiming that their admittance of guilt was a lie? Was that a hoax?


False. They admitted using unapproved criteria for determining who received extra scrutiny.
This just out: The Treasury Department’s Inspector General report argues that the IRS developed “inappropriate criteria” in focusing on conservative groups. Here are the key findings:

The IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention. Ineffective management: 1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months, 2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and 3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued.

READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups

why does synthy deny what has already been admitted and found?

because he is a dumb dumb political hack
"They used names like tea party or patriots. And they selected cases simply because the application had those names in the title. That was wrong. The IRS would like to apologize for that," said Lerner.

IRS apologizes for targeting tea party organizations - CBS News

poor dumb synthy...

Sorry, embarrassed Republican - it's not from Mother Jones, it's from:

Tax Analysts -- News Analysis -- Substantial Minority of Scrutinized EOs Were Not Conservative

The link is in the full OP article.

Again, the IRS publicly admitted to targeting conservative groups specifically. Case closed, it's on record. There's really no debate.

Are you claiming that their admittance of guilt was a lie? Was that a hoax?


False. They admitted using unapproved criteria for determining who received extra scrutiny.

Yurt nothing like rubbing a dirty lying liberal nose in the shit to make him take a big sniff of his own BULLSHIT!
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Some massive cognition failure from the OP. How many of these has Synth started now?


You would think he would be embarrassed by now...but guess not..
sheesh, a loyal servant for this administration that's for sure
not pretty
This just out: The Treasury Department’s Inspector General report argues that the IRS developed “inappropriate criteria” in focusing on conservative groups. Here are the key findings:

The IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention. Ineffective management: 1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months, 2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and 3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued.

READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups

why does synthy deny what has already been admitted and found?

because he is a dumb dumb political hack

The post right before yours, dumbass:

False. They admitted using unapproved criteria for determining who received extra scrutiny.

Glad you admit it was procedural errors, not politically motivated efforts by the Obama administration.

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